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Ugh... wonderful... Ok so it partial works... "X" says his first line... and that's all. Meanwhile "X2" says all parts that correspond to PC Sex, but that's all "X2" says (Haven't setup "X2" yet...) Sex animations didn't play either but I think this is because I fucked up the nameRef was missing the "Sexout" portion of the name... IOW I had (Janet0003 and not SexoutJanet0003, all my stuff starts with Sexout that way it's easier to find but I forgot this portion of the nameref).


Ok so what your looking at is what is supposed to come up after a Female PC approaches "X". Greeting is setup with Topics/Choices that correspond to both topics for Male/Female PC... how ever... nothing is working, the initial Greeting isn't playing nor is anything beyond that. I set it up to where only "X" uses this conversation but I have no idea why it's not doing shit.

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Ok Solved my above problem to an extent. Doesn't work the way I want it currently but I'll deal. I actually will have to sadly redo everything I've done thus far, had Legion.ESM open and saved without thinking about it... so current WIP requires Legion.ESM >.< oops!


But before I get to that I need to find out how to create another script (or where to lookfor an example) what I want is "X" number of sex acts to happen before an NPC comes and talks to you, (if possible type should matter Consensual or Rape). And how to make a sex act happen on a timer... EX. Every 30mins (GT) "X" and "Y" go at it.


I also need to know how to Remove player items then give then back later(commands is what I'm looking for, player.removeallitems -> give them back? stash them somewhere for retrieval later?). Also I'm assuming that if I want to remove an item from a NPC's inventory it should be "X".removeitem XXXXXXX A, correct?

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You don't have to start over. Just open up your plugin in FNVEdit, right click on the it in the list on the left, and select Clean Master. As long as you're not referencing anything from SexoutLegion it will remove it as a master.


This tutorial is for Oblivion, but it should work in FNV: Creating a Simple Timer. Just instead of 5 seconds, you use 1800 seconds. And instead of displaying a message, you run a Sexout call.


You have it exactly right: RemoveAllItems. You can specify a container to put the items in. That can either be a container the player can get to and get their own stuff out, or you can later switch the commands around and have all the items removed from the container and returned to the ref.

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Yeah removeallitems I already knew about, how do I return them??


Oh god!! ok if I try and set that up I know I'm going to fuck something up with a script... So here's what I want to do, IS IT POSSIBLE, ActorA and ActorB have sex every "30min" UNTIL they become companions. One question though on this I was going to set it up to where they have sex on Conversation... EX. A Fuck B. would this interrupt the timer? (don't care if it does just curious)


This is what I came up with...


Scn timerTestScript

Float Timer

Float fQuestDelaytime

Begin GameMode

Set fQuestDelay Time to 1800

If ( timer < 1800 )

Set timer to timer + getSexoundsPassed


“X”.NX_SetEVF1 “Sexout:Start:: CallVer” 1

“X”.NX_SetEVFo “Sexout:Start::ActorA” “X”

“X”.NX_SetEVFo “Sexout:Start::ActorB” “Y”

“X”.CIOS SexoutBegin

End If




Obviously I need the Call back commands and this will run for ever... (STILL LEARNING)

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You return them by reversing the commands. For inventory purposes, the player is a container. So to take them

PlayerREF.RemoveAllItems ContainerREF

and to return them

ContainerREF.RemoveAllItems PlayerREF

Yes, that's possible. Just add a check for whether or not they're companions before running the sex commands.


Timers stop whenever the game is in a menu, and the dialogue menu is... well, a menu. So it'll pause the timer and then keep going once the conversation ends.

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er ok so what's the Companion check commands???? And should I apply this to the NPCs them selves or...???


I assume I need to put the checks between the Timer and Sexout commands?


BTW that's not working still need Legion.ESM... my only guess is to get the sex anims to play I copied the script and added it to the Conversation... wasn't working otherwise. only thing I can think of.

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GetPlayerTeammate. Make sure you remember to use SetPlayerTeammate when making them a companion.


I would suggest instead just stopping the timer when they become a companion so the game isn't running unnecessary stuff. Two options here. Which is the best for you depends on how you're setting up quest scripts:

1. Bracket your timer code with

If CompanionREF.GetPlayerTeammate

so it doesn't run anymore.

2. Put the timer script in its own quest by itself, then just stop the quest when they become a companion.


Use FNVEdit to check through your plugin for references to SexoutLegion.esm. If cleaning the masters didn't remove it you must be directly using it somewhere.

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If you so much as touch a reference from another plugin the GECK likes to save it. Sometimes the GECK will just randomly save things too. It's always a good idea to go through your plugin with FNVEdit and remove any unintended edits. Just delete that record and try to clean the masters again.

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Scn timerTestScript

Float Timer

Float fQuestDelaytime

Begin GameMode

Set fQuestDelay Time to 1800

If "X".GetplayerTeammate


If ( timer < 1800 )

Set timer to timer + getSexoundsPassed


“X”.NX_SetEVF1 “Sexout:Start:: CallVer” 1

“X”.NX_SetEVFo “Sexout:Start::ActorA” “X”

“X”.NX_SetEVFo “Sexout:Start::ActorB” “Y”

“X”.CIOS SexoutBegin

End If

End If




Like this??? If I wanted multiple characters how would I set this up? X1/Y1, X2/Y2, X3/Y3????


BTW still having issues making Tattoos... as of right now its a Race... I'd rather them be setup to equipable items, but having a hard time figuring out this one.

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You should probably get rid of the fquestdelaytime part. It serves no purpose as it is here. It might if you made it really small, like 0.001, to make sure your GetSecondsPassed registers. But rather than having this in a quest script, you're probably better off having it in an effect script's scripteffectupdate block. You can CIOS the effect on your player when you engage the follower, dispel it when she's not following.


Also, "getSexoundsPassed" will probably not be recognized.



If "X".GetplayerTeammate



means it'll only work if X is NOT a player teammate.


this is probably what you want:

If "X".GetplayerTeammate
If ( timer < 1800 )
Set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed
set timer to 0 ; reset timer
“X”.NX_SetEVF1 “Sexout:Start:: CallVer” 1
“X”.NX_SetEVFo “Sexout:Start::ActorA” “X”
“X”.NX_SetEVFo “Sexout:Start::ActorB” “Y”
“X”.CIOS SexoutBegin
Endif  ; 1 word

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actually having it going when X and Y are not Companions is the idea... thanks for correcting GetSexoundsPassed portion. So wheredo I need to drop this' date=' I'm not familiar with scripting so all this is new to me.



Ah, ok.

Then that else can stay or can do

 If "X".GetplayerTeammate == 0 

and save yourself some lines of code


if in a quest script, you put all of that in a gamemode block. But in quest data, you should put script processing delay to a low value like 0.01 or even 0.001. This makes it run almost every frame. It can be a bit heavy for older machines though, if you're not careful.


if in an effect script:

- make a new script, copy all of that in a ScriptEffectUpdate block (see wiki), don't forget to select "effect" from the dropdown. save

- make a new base effect (under 'game effects'), select "script" under archetype, add your script, set flags like 'painless'. save

- make a new actor effect, add the base effect to it, pick a long time for it to be active. save

- cast your actor effect on the player whenever it should be running, dispel when not.

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Ugh... right now my "tattoos" are instead a Race... hopefully I can figure this out and get back on track, cause I have a lot to get down, and not alot of time. WIP should still be out by next weekend, and a Test version by the end of Sept.


Progress is a little slow due to lack of knowledge and the fact I messed up my right hand (I'm right handed).

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Are the kennels navmeshed? If there's a navmesh in a cell and you place NPCs or creatures off of that navmesh they'll automatically be moved from their editor location to somewhere on the navmesh when the cell is loaded.


Ok so the red circles are where they dogs are supposed to be... yellow is where they end up.


I really haven't messed with NavMesh yet.

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Hmm... Well then, I have no clue what's going on. The only situations I've ever found where NPCs don't stay on the editor location are:

  • They have an AI package that tells them to go somewhere else
  • There's a navmesh in the cell but their editor location isn't on it
  • There's two navmeshes in the cell. Sometimes NPCs decide they want to be on the other one for some bizarre reason.

I've never worked with creatures all that much and I don't know if they work differently.

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AI Package??? that might be my problem... unlike the Humans where I made new, I simply duplicated the creatures renamed them and setup what they look like... I was thinking it had something to do with AI Packages which is why I deleted out the default Patrol... but I didn't delete the Sexout Default AI for dogs... I bet that's what's going on.


Although I have to go back know and remake ALL my places... I simply duplicated new areas to link up and that is causing an error (not game crashing) where the doors say: "Door to ****Template or Door to Cell Block A" instead of Door to Shop or Kennel... lovely... this is going to set me back atleast a day.:@


and I still can't find an answer to this problem http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=11293&pid=230858#pid230858

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Yeah I went to look for a Tutorialon this and read how to do that... so it's fixed, and dogs are now in their kennels!! woot! Closer to victory!


Shop is setup... now all I need to is add "X" places, "X" NPCs (Human and Creature) and the WIP version will be ready. After that comes the hard part... setting up AI's, Scripts, Conversations, ETC... for a testable version.


I just need to find some useable resources for Posters/Pictures... I had one but it didn't download correctly.

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