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Beautiful women and how to make them


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I really like seeing everyone else's characters. Aside from most of them being eyecandy, it gives me ideas on how to improve my own. Although sometimes they make me redesign a character completely, wishing mine looked even half as good. Keep the pics coming guys! :)

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Just edited my post and changed the last 2 pics with Skyrim.jpn.org links because one of them was taken down. Btw, any advice on how to further improve shadows? I know I could push the shadow res to 8k, but that would lower my framerate so I would have to change that to take the screenies and then go back to 4k to have smooth gameplay.


I'm still trying to figure out a solution for the eye shadow thing, my guess is that it might have to do with the longer eyelashes mod, but already uninstalled that one and the shadow's still there.

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I find with any game you can stick to these rules:


unpronounced jaw

high cheek bones

thin but tall chin



these will get you a basic attractive shape you can work with.











That's pretty much my formula. Although I do mess with the haw/chin.

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Looks like nobody posted any save file for some time lol :D

Anyways, so I was trying to copy this character







But I ended up making my own version of her instead lol :P









Version 1 Savegame Link

Version 2 Savegame Link



Enhanced Character Edit

Oblivion Hairs ( for Version 1 )

SG Texture pack

SG Hair pack ( for Version 2 )


All credits goes to their respective mod authors.



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Looks like nobody posted any save file for some time lol :D

Anyways, so I was trying to copy this character




But I ended up making my own version of her instead lol :P

[spoiler=Verision 1]5053474-1362758085.jpg



[spoiler=Version 2]5053474-1362758166.jpg



Version 1 Savegame Link

Version 2 Savegame Link



Enhanced Character Edit

Oblivion Hairs ( for Version 1 )

SG Texture pack

SG Hair pack ( for Version 2 )


All credits goes to their respective mod authors.


Looks pritty  :heart:

Thanks for sharing.. :D


Vergil097 Can u please link SG Texture pack

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tip for people:


There is a mod called skyrim face transfer. Basically you transfer the player's face from ONE SAVE to another using the program.

But, both players have to be the same race, else ctd.


I used this program for a long time and it saved my quite a chore to recreate my characters, and ALSO i can get the EXACT face of other people's characters if i have their face mod.




So, for those who wanted that sexy girl in the previous (2) posts, simply get the save file, get the required mods, transfer! But once you transfered, and entered the game, your character will have no eyecolour and hair. Simply use showracemenu and it will default to the default eyecolour and hairstyle. The facial proportions are 100% correct.

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HI guys,  even though I haven't been playing Skyrim for a while, I've been reading and checking modding forums like this one and noticed that some great improvements have been made to character creation, so I decided to give it a try and edit my character. 


I grabbed ECE and installed right away, without checking the compatibility list or how to install it, because I'm a fucking genius. Well, as you might have guessed by now, I royally screwed up. In the end I managed to make it work, but I would like to ask a few questions, I know this isn't the technical support forum but it's nothing gamebreaking and one is actually a aesthetic bug that affects characters. Don't worry, I will post a shot of my character and divide my post with spoilers, so you can just ignore the troubleshooting part.


[spoiler=Troubleshooting ]OK, here's the deal. First, after I installed the new ECE and reloaded my game my characters face was horrendous. This isn't very strange per se, after all I changed the chargen so just used showracemenu hoping to check the new stuff. But instead, I had the same sliders, nothing new. I thought it was my fault (and it probably is) because I installed it over the new Race Menu mod and other incompatible stuff. But after trying some quick fixes I thought It might have to do with my character being a vampire, and that was it. So my question is, has anyone encountered this error too? not being able to use the new sliders on a vampire character? I fixed it setting my race to Nord with the console, but my stats might have gone FUBAR.


Now the second one, and this is something I've noticed on other's screenshots too. Does anyone know how to get rid of the shadow that the eyelashes (not sure about them being the cause) cast on the eye? It's only visible from some angles and it really creates a weird effect, can be very creepy because the character's eye looks completely black. When playing, I don't care, but If I want to take a screenshot there're some angles where this shadows appear and ruins the eyes, when taking a screenshot the lighting and the angle and position of the camera are very important, so it kinda sucks to be limited by this. Here are some screenshots to further illustrate the problem.





Same pose, just moved the camera



Another pose



This one is creepy







[spoiler=The good stuff]So as promised here're some screens of my character. Since the face was completely destroyed after loading my game I had to make a new one from scratch, but to be honest I din't bother with the eye colour, hair or skin tone/make up and those thing, I just left them as they were, I will probably check those but first I have to finish cleaning the mess I created. 


I didn't have any good clothes so I just grabed a unp compilation, will have to do some research on that too, here it goes:



And one more





Thanks and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

i made same thing ahahaha, got fixed again doing that: removed ece 9 or 0.9 lol idk now, and reinstalled previous one again.

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Looks like nobody posted any save file for some time lol :D

Anyways, so I was trying to copy this character




But I ended up making my own version of her instead lol :P

[spoiler=Verision 1]5053474-1362758085.jpg



[spoiler=Version 2]5053474-1362758166.jpg



Version 1 Savegame Link

Version 2 Savegame Link



Enhanced Character Edit

Oblivion Hairs ( for Version 1 )

SG Texture pack

SG Hair pack ( for Version 2 )


All credits goes to their respective mod authors.


Wow. This face is really nice.

Links to save files are already dead? Please re-upload The DarkSlayer.



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I thought I could upload a savegame with the face, but to be honest, I have installed so many mods, and have installed so many different textures that I don't know which ones are required. It's probably SG's texture pack for the most part, but I don't know if I'm using the face normals from there. The hair is in SG Hair pack, but the version there is sightly higher and I don't like it, I'm using another version which is lower and covers the forehead a bit more.


If anyone is interested I don't mind sharing it anyway, but I think it's a pretty generic face and easy to achieve.


I wrote this in the ECE CME thread but I thought I could drop it here too, It's the translation on how to transfer faces created with CME to NPCs that can be found in the FAQ on Skyrimshot


[spoiler=CME to NPC quick tutorial]

Q I want to transfer face data to a NPC

*Be advised that body category sliders such as height and neck length can't be transfered


1 First create the face you want to export with Showracemenu and finish the character maker. The data of the last character created in the maker will be stored in "NoseType32"

2 In the CK load "Skyrim.esm", put a name to the file and save it (ex.Lydia.esp)

3 Load CharacterMakingExtender.esp and any other Hair mod you would like to use plus the previously created esp, mark this last one as Active. (NOTE: Just wanted to add that if you want to use a hair mod for your NPC you should convert the mod to esm so it can be easily set to master, WryeBash works for this)

4 Select the actor you want to modify, go to the "Character Gen" tab and after cliking "ResetAll" select "NoseType32"

5 Edit the makeup, hairstyle.... in Chargen Parts. 

6 Select the actor, press Ctr+F4 and export. (NOTE Remember to do this in the "Actor" section of the object window, the command doesn't work on the "All" section)

7 Save now

8 In case CharacterMakingExtender is listed as master in the File>Data screen, select it and use Ctrl+del to eliminate it, load it again and save once more. Otherwise it's finished.





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i found that mos tof vergils download links dont work for me, that go by the 3dm forum.  Does anyone have those links on mediafire or somewhere else?



nope that was me not seeing the mediafire link. it works well.


wich mod do you people use for the sweaty effect?


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Looks like nobody posted any save file for some time lol :D

Anyways, so I was trying to copy this character




But I ended up making my own version of her instead lol :P

[spoiler=Verision 1]5053474-1362758085.jpg



[spoiler=Version 2]5053474-1362758166.jpg



Version 1 Savegame Link

Version 2 Savegame Link



Enhanced Character Edit

Oblivion Hairs ( for Version 1 )

SG Texture pack

SG Hair pack ( for Version 2 )


All credits goes to their respective mod authors.


to get that face you need to use one of RAN's head meshes.

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i dont think i will ever release both zggb but yeah may be in the future i will make entirely new body mod and release it when i'll be better at it.


If there's requests to release it, why would you not release it?


I mean if people look at just your screenshots, and say "that looks like something I'd like to try out, regardless" then what's gained by keeping it under wraps?

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as i told many times, i made this mod only for personal use. I am not being cocky or anything sir its just i made that body mod only for myself. i am new user to 3ds max and moding and its my first ever mod and i wanna keep it only for me. may be i'll make a new one may be better than this one to release. Until then i can only apologize for not sharing it.

I don't mean any disrespect or anything else and i know that every moder here is better than me and can make a similar mod or even better for that matter, just wishing they don't lolzz, i hope you guys understand.

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Looks like nobody posted any save file for some time lol :D

Anyways, so I was trying to copy this character




But I ended up making my own version of her instead lol :P

[spoiler=Verision 1]5053474-1362758085.jpg



[spoiler=Version 2]5053474-1362758166.jpg



Version 1 Savegame Link

Version 2 Savegame Link



Enhanced Character Edit

Oblivion Hairs ( for Version 1 )

SG Texture pack

SG Hair pack ( for Version 2 )


All credits goes to their respective mod authors.


Links are dead >.<


Speaking of sharing, request for a savefile for this girl




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