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Bodyslide Zap Slider: How do I create zap sliders on an existing outfit?

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As in the subject.
I followed this tutorial https://github.com/ousnius/BodySlide-and-Outfit-Studio/wiki on a couple of outfits I didn't create.
But the result is all sliders disappearing from bodyslide, I have to restart the program to go back to normal. My only guess is that there are assumed steps not shown on the tutorial.
Take this outfit for instance.
If I want to remove the leg armor, and follow that tutorial, bodyslide now looks like this.
What's missing?

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Do you mean the sliders like breast sliders when you make a zap slider? If so the only way that I have seen those sliders is when you do it like this. Start new project select the body you want adjust the body to where you want it body size. Then zap a spot and make the slider once you are done use the save project as to save it and load it into bodyslide and hit preview. Sliders will work but only for the body not sure if there is something else that is needed or not.


If you are referring to the zap slider itself it's only present in outfit studios when you go to bodyslide after saving the project it'll switch to just a box to tick for the zap slider.


First line in the adding zaps to projects - What are zaps? Zaps appear as sliders in outfit studio and as check boxes in bodyslide.

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Do you mean the sliders like breast sliders when you make a zap slider? If so the only way that I have seen those sliders is when you do it like this. Start new project select the body you want adjust the body to where you want it body size. Then zap a spot and make the slider once you are done use the save project as to save it and load it into bodyslide and hit preview. Sliders will work but only for the body not sure if there is something else that is needed or not.


If you are referring to the zap slider itself it's only present in outfit studios when you go to bodyslide after saving the project it'll switch to just a box to tick for the zap slider.


First line in the adding zaps to projects - What are zaps? Zaps appear as sliders in outfit studio and as check boxes in bodyslide.


Yeah I know what the zap chkboxes are, I'm talking about creating them for an already made outfit. Take this outfit for instance.


If I want to remove the leg armor, and follow that tutorial, bodyslide now looks like this.

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Fuck the tut,



load up outfit,


Now select the object you want to ZAP or ZAP parts of.


Select the MASK tool....

This tool looks like a dotted box.

When you "paint" over the object it will color it black.

Best tips are to turn off textures, turn on wire frame, and turn the lighting on and off....This way you can see if stuff gets masked.


Now stuff that is "black" is stuff you keep.


So just mask off stuff you want to keep on the specific object your working on.


Then you go "Sliders tab"

"Make New Zap Slider"


Then "Save Project"


Exit out of program, whole program.

Then load er up, run your new outfit and check to see if it took in "Preview Window"


Easiest ZAP's are when you want to zap a whole object from it....As there is no need to mask off stuff.

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  • 2 months later...

Fuck the tut,



load up outfit,


Now select the object you want to ZAP or ZAP parts of.


Select the MASK tool....

This tool looks like a dotted box.

When you "paint" over the object it will color it black.

Best tips are to turn off textures, turn on wire frame, and turn the lighting on and off....This way you can see if stuff gets masked.


Now stuff that is "black" is stuff you keep.


So just mask off stuff you want to keep on the specific object your working on.


Then you go "Sliders tab"

"Make New Zap Slider"


Then "Save Project"


Exit out of program, whole program.

Then load er up, run your new outfit and check to see if it took in "Preview Window"


Easiest ZAP's are when you want to zap a whole object from it....As there is no need to mask off stuff.

Responding to an old ass thread... but if it didn't take?

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Fuck the tut,



load up outfit,


Now select the object you want to ZAP or ZAP parts of.


Select the MASK tool....

This tool looks like a dotted box.

When you "paint" over the object it will color it black.

Best tips are to turn off textures, turn on wire frame, and turn the lighting on and off....This way you can see if stuff gets masked.


Now stuff that is "black" is stuff you keep.


So just mask off stuff you want to keep on the specific object your working on.


Then you go "Sliders tab"

"Make New Zap Slider"


Then "Save Project"


Exit out of program, whole program.

Then load er up, run your new outfit and check to see if it took in "Preview Window"


Easiest ZAP's are when you want to zap a whole object from it....As there is no need to mask off stuff.

Responding to an old ass thread... but if it didn't take?



Well, you gotta name your ZAP,


Then exit bodyslide completely.

turn bodyslide back on, find the armor that you wanted to "zap" a part off of.

Then check mark the zap for that armor specifically, then build that armor and only that armor, No Batch Building when zapping.


Find the armor in your Data folder open that up with Nifskope too save some time to see if you did it right.

The first time your doing this takes some trail and error runs, but after a bit you'll get the hang of it just like I did and it'll be a lot easier.

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I have noticed that sometimes when running Outfit Studio through MO,  zaps just don't save. I tend to open up a second bodyslide session so I can test it before I close the project in OS. Nothing more annoying than doing really fiddly masks only to find your zaps disappeared into the ether. 

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You shouldn't have to open a 2nd bodyslide session as I have always just used the one that you opened outfit studios with and it appears and you are able to check and see how the zap sliders look.


Sometimes some meshes can be buggy and zap will not work with those ones. I ported a oblivion outfit to skyrim I tried and tried to zap the belly part out of the outfit but was never able to get it to work. But later I exported the outfit in .OBJ format and tested the outfit again in outfit studios just to see if it was the mesh and it worked correct so it seems sometime outfit studios itself causes problems with a mesh.

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You shouldn't have to open a 2nd bodyslide session as I have always just used the one that you opened outfit studios with and it appears and you are able to check and see how the zap sliders look.


Sometimes some meshes can be buggy and zap will not work with those ones. I ported a oblivion outfit to skyrim I tried and tried to zap the belly part out of the outfit but was never able to get it to work. But later I exported the outfit in .OBJ format and tested the outfit again in outfit studios just to see if it was the mesh and it worked correct so it seems sometime outfit studios itself causes problems with a mesh.

I didn't say we should have to do it. 


If I'm doing a number of tasks in OS I quite often find that at least one of them simply won't work until I've either completely refreshed Bodyslide, or I've opened a second session while OS is still active. In the case of the mysterious disappearing zap slider, that could mean 20 minutes of fiddly mask painting down the crapper. So I've learned not to close OS down until I'm completely satisfied everything works, and testing that in a new session takes up maybe 6 seconds of my time so....*shrug*


For me that's been a thing for quite a while, on different machines, different versions of BS too. Surely I'm not the only one who has experienced this behaviour?

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I don't use the newest version of outfit studios so I'm not sure on the newer versions. I tried the newest version once but soon threw it away and went back to my older version. Only time I had to open multiple bodyslide sessions was when a mesh was causing outfit studios to crash so I just opened a lot of them then deleted one piece out of the nif till it loaded without a crash and then grabbed a full nif again deleted out the bad part and then tried to load it again to make sure there were no other bad parts.


If you start a new project and then try to increase/decrease mesh weight paint or try to alter something after you moved any of the sliders it'll pop up a message and if you click yes will reset the sliders so that you can then modify the mesh .

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Related question on zaps, but if you want to come back later and edit your zap slider, is it possible?


I can get to the point where the zap slider is visible, but how do I edit what's already been zapped? According to the official tutorial, editing with any brush will zap that part, but I want to unzap stuff...

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