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(this is my first post here so if I'm being obvious about it, well, there's your reason lol)

Lately I've been searching high and low for good adult oriented breeding simulators to play and everything I come across is either too much of another genre or not the type of gameplay I can really get into (ie too slow for the minimal payout it gives).  Breeding Season was the closest I've gotten to something I really enjoyed and after I tried it out, I was sorely disappointed to find out it was discontinued (i know this is very old news by now lol).  I've been trying to find something similar but I'm just not finding something that draws me in as much as Breeding Season did.  Free Cities got close but just didn't hit the mark because it wasn't focused on the breeding mechanic.

So, maybe some of you could suggest some I haven't found yet?  I've tried Cloud Meadows (didn't like the gameplay although I know it's still very early on), Strive2Win (one of the slower ones and I don't even recall if it has much of a breeding mechanic), and some others I can't recall the name of I've searched through so many articles and pages lately.  Otherwise I've thought a bit on how my preferred game would be but I definitely do not have the knowledge, skill, nor money to make a game on my own. lol  So I thought maybe some of you would know?  I've delved into the Skyrim mods too but I'd like to keep it separate from skyrim.  Something to just pass an evening on a night before a day off kind of thing.

Anyway, please and thanks!

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I am currently working on a game that will be a mix of breeding season and NoHaven but its still far from being ready for any public eyes.


There are no real good 'pure' breeding games out there due to the high requirements for art and graphics (which means high expenses). You might want to test Free Cities with the Preg mod which is at least giving you some options to feel like a breeding game.

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I wasn't aware that Free Cities had mods! I'll certainly check that out. Thank you! And I'm plenty sure I'll be looking into your game once its complete (enough for a public build).


If anyone else has any other ideas or anything, options are always great!

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Breeders of the Nephelym: LL post http://www.loverslab.com/topic/76758-breeders-of-the-nephelym/  Patron site https://www.patreon....rsOfTheNephelym

Cloud Meadow: Patron site https://www.patreon.com/CloudMeadow


I know theirs at least one more on this site I think the name was something like Adventure breeder or something like that but I can't find it right now.


Found it.

Adventurous Monster Breeder: LL post http://www.loverslab.com/topic/53329-adventurous-monster-breeder-breeder-simulation-game/

Patron site https://www.patreon.com/LustOverReality

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Isn't Spurple responsible for the collapse of breeding season? Maybe I'm forgetting which community the unspoken "Don't talk about that guy or his work" rule was in, but I thought it was this one.


Well, one blamed the other, so its hard to know who is in the wrong.

From what I remember the main guy (the director, forgot the name)  made a really bad open contract that let the artist keep all the assets if he left.

Also the main guy had no hold of the people involved, without timelines or anything (as said by a programmer),

Soon after  the  same main guy accused the artist of disappearing from the project.

Then the artist accused the main guy of dragging the project to keep the Patreon funds going.


I've been checking that game for a long time, and from what i saw I can agree the game was being dragged on (a lot of  "engine remakes" and trivial stuff)

But again, I wasn't aware of what was happening behind the scenes so...

And looks like people don't care, because the artist is getting over 10k alone  on the new patreon. Maybe if they get scammed again, they'll see whos the one to blame.


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