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Need help with animation creation!


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Sorry to hear that did you manage to get the baking working like Tweens mentioned ??


Yes, baking worked eventually, I posted a screenshot with the timeline as evidence: http://fs5.directupload.net/images/170404/6p92w8t2.png


First I wanted to do it on my own and therefore I took my baked files and made an Animation pack out of them but since the result was the same I tried it with the files you uploaded earlier. But it was nothing different.


It's very frustrating.




Yes, I am using blender 2.78c (as suggested by Anton).

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It appears to me that you are having problems working with Anton's animation rig.  There are specific bones that you need to work with.


I have uploaded my original working file with the necessary control bones placed on layers and color coded for easy usage.  LL wouldn't let me upload it; so I put it on Mega.  This is only for the male; I leave it up to you to set up the female (should you decide to use it at all).  If you have problems sorting the bones for the female, let me know and I will explain how I do it.


I also made a short video that shows how to use the different control bones.  The three layers that I added are selected when you open the file.  The bones in the first added layer are rotated.  The bones in the second added layer are translated (moved).  The bone in the third added layer is to move the actor.  One exception to this is the Controller_Spine2 on added layer 2.  It can also be rotated.


One other point:  Rotation is done on the Local axis.  Translation (move) is done on the Global axis.  I change between the two quite often in the video.  It is a bit of a pain; but I have found it to be helpful, although not necessary.


And finally:  Once you have a working animation, you will notice that the hands are misplaced in game even though they are correct in Blender.  I have no idea why this happens.  I have tweaked Anton's script numerous times to try and correct the misalignment to no avail.  What I do is record the animation in game and use that as a guide for offset in Blender.  Usually it is about a foot (relative) out and up.  You will see what I mean when you get to that point.


Hope this helps.  Best of luck. 





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Hats off to you and your effort you put into this ( I appreciate it a lot). This is easily the best tutorial/Showcase of how to use blender (and especially the rig) correctly if you want to create animations for Skyrim since it Shows how certain bones are meant to be used etc. . Very well done!


But I don't think this will help me (I could be wrong, though). I'm Gonna attach my .blend file to this post where it becomes obvious that I activated every bone (via pressing 2x "a" + "i" --> locrot ) from the start (Frame 0). I tried many different ways to create animations afterwards (using all bones vs only using certain bones etc.) but the result was always the same:


Skyrim can't translate/adapt my animations accurately (to its origin --> .blend file). The Loop is off and it can't determine the Position of both actors (both are set in a defeault Position).  


Btw. You Need to "zip" the file before you upload it. That's why you could not upload your .blend file before.


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Ok, I see what you did.  You have both skeletons on the same scene layer (the layers at the bottom of the work-space next to the mode drop-down).  I moved the male down. 


When you export you select the female skeleton only and be sure to choose all the local layers (under skeleton in the properties panel) and select all bones.  Bake and export that.  Then choose the male skeleton and repeat. 


I add a 1 or 2 to the script on line 7, ex: zBoneKeys1.txt.  That way you have a 1 and 2 txt file to convert.  Then the female (zBoneKeys1) is converted to: <animation name>_A1_S1 and the male (zBoneKeys2) is <animation name>_A2_S1.  You probably should change the female entry on line 8 to false for the male. 


Personally, I would make a copy of the script and name one female and one male with the changes made to each.  That way you just switch scripts when you export. 



LOL.... Now I know why I couldn't upload my file.   I forgot to zip it.... what an idiot.  :blush:

Thanks for pointing that out.


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just want to share about what I know when using Anton N3 tool

anyway, Im using the one edited by tktk http://skyrimshot.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-75.html#more yeah it single character


after export (Run Script), anim loop won't working correctly on empty_new.HKX but empty_new.KF

so I just import them into Max and fix the scale on Hands to 100, it was 87,xxx after import and do the rest from there

I prefer blender keybinding because its somewhat faster to me

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Ok, I see what you did.  You have both skeletons on the same scene layer (the layers at the bottom of the work-space next to the mode drop-down).  I moved the male down. 


When you export you select the female skeleton only and be sure to choose all the local layers (under skeleton in the properties panel) and select all bones.  Bake and export that.  Then choose the male skeleton and repeat. 



Really not sure what you mean with "choose all the local layers [...] and select all bones" but I downloaded your file, I did bake it ( each actor) and replaced it with Anubs' Animations. The result was the same. :( --> actors Keep Standing inside of each other and the Loop is broken.


I really appreciate all of your help ( you guys are awesome!) but at this Point I just don't want to Keep trying anymore. It won't work and I have to accept it, I guess. I mean, I wasted so many hours already on this and there was no Progress made, it's been a very frustrating Experiment until now. Also:


Mike told me that everything works fine for him and he did nothing different. So yeah. It's just bad luck.

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Believe me, I understand modding frustration.  It is certainly your choice of when to throw in the towel; but the fact that your animation is playing correctly for someone else means that you are probably missing one step along the way.  There is so much to the work flow that it is very easy to miss something...... like, not zipping a file for upload.....doh.


A few questions, just in case you decide to pick this up again:

Are you sure you have named the animation correctly and have put them in the correct folder?

Did you run FNIS for modders to write the mod behavior file?

Did you run FNIS for users to write the game behavior file?

Does the animation you are replacing have an offset?  That can be checked in the json file or in the Sexlab MCM.

Did you re-register the animations with Sexlab in the MCM?


But when modding is no longer fun, then it is indeed time to step away. 


ETA:  The local layers are the ones under skeleton on the right side in the properties panel.  The place that I added layer in my example.  The scene layers are the ones at the bottom that you use to select the different armatures. 

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Believe me, I understand modding frustration.  It is certainly your choice of when to throw in the towel; but the fact that your animation is playing correctly for someone else means that you are probably missing one step along the way. 




But does it really work for anybody else? Has anybody even tried to implement my Animation into their game?If so: Can you (or somebody else) send me the files because I'd really want to see how my Animation(s) would look like in the game if played correctly (yeah, I know, it's just a poorly made Animation for testing purposes but still... ). :(


Regarding your questions:


Are you sure you have named the animation correctly and have put them in the correct Folder?​


​Yes, I am 100% sure. Not only did I create my own Animation package but I did also replace them with animations created by different People (and you can't possibly do something wrong here when it Comes to naming or putting files in the wrong Folder.


Did you run FNIS for modders to write the mod behavior file?


​Yes I did. It always worked as intended.


Did you run FNIS for users to write the game behavior file?​


​Yes, same answer as above.


Does the animation you are replacing have an offset?  That can be checked in the json file or in the Sexlab MCM.


​I am not sure on this one. I have not checked the json files nor the sexlab mcm for Offset Options.


Did you re-register the animations with Sexlab in the MCM?


​Yes I did. It didn't have an Impact, though. So it was not necessary.





ETA:  The local layers are the ones under skeleton on the right side in the properties panel.  The place that I added layer in my example.  The scene layers are the ones at the bottom that you use to select the different armatures. 


Ah okay. So you mean this:




Yeah, they are selected as far as I can tell.

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Mike told me that everything works fine for him and he did nothing different. So yeah. It's just bad luck.



My response was based on this.


I exported your animation and tried it.  Yes, it is messed up.  It appears that you moved the female in either object or edit mode; because when I tried resetting the skeleton, it didn't return to original base pose. 


There, unfortunately, isn't any way to fix it, so you would have to start over.


I made a blender file that has both male and female bodies, based on my other file; including scripts for both, in case you want to give it another shot.  Just remember to only use pose mode. 




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