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Not all animations registered through SLAL are there

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If anyone needs any logs, load order, etcd, let me know, I will be happy to provide!


So, I discovered SLAL and animation packs - love 'em.  I grabbed 12 of them.


I installed them, ran FNIS, and went into the MCM.  There I enabled and registered all the animations.  When I go into the Sexlab Framework MCM pages, the animations are all there (5 pages for normal animations) and all check marked.


However, in game, only a small portion of them are even there.  Using Sexlab tools, I see about 30% or so of the animations I added to the game.  If I manually cycle through the animations with the "O" key, I get access to the same animations.  Anyone know why so many of the addition animations are just not in game?








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Regardless of the amount of animations the sexlab can enable, there is still a limitation of 125 animations available for an animation request.  The technical reason is that the engine can only handle arrays of a size of 128.  Ashal uses 125 (I believe he uses the other 3 for internal usage).  If you notice, MCM pages also normally have a limit of 128 items on a single MCM page.  So basically what happens is that a mod like MatchMaker, Defeat, Submit, SLEN, etc sends a request to SexLAb for a sex animation.  SexLab will then find the first 125 animations that fit the animation request.  If the request mod limits the request (by tags, number of actors, etc) sexlab will still find the first 125 that fit.  If there are less than 125, then sexlab will use that amount.  (For example, if SLEN send a request for a 4-way animation and SexLab has only 3 registered, then the list of available animations will be 3, not 125).


SexLabTools will only show what SexLab has found for the request.  So back to the SLEN example:  If SLEN asks for 4-actor animations, SexLab will return the animations found that match (3 registered, so 3 in the list).  SexLabTools will show this list of 3 animations.

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OK, so I am just going past the 125 limit, gotcha.


So, if I disable an animation and then re run the registry, that animation no longer counts towards the limit right?



One note: the limit is only what can be seen at ONE page in sexlab (you can switch pages) and what you can chose with sexlab tools for example. But which animations are shown in sl tools is chosen randomly (not the "first" in SL), you can have 300 animations and sl tools will show you 125/128 different animations each time, at least in theory. The only real limit is the 500 (at least i think it's 500, might be 450 or something) limit for human animations + 500 for creature animations. As long as you don't reach that one, you don't need to uninstall/unregister animations, you just can't chose your favorite 5 every time.

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