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On 6/13/2019 at 1:41 AM, crabb said:

This is Angus O'Rodman.  I know he can't stand up to some of the beefy superhunks in here, or anything like that.  But he's a good guy and I hope you will give him a chance.  He's got a good fish story too.



Pics 16: Thunder Gill






I prefer him to those unnaturally bulky behemoths 

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Alright I'm a bit hyped. Though Mermen aren't my first choice supernaturals (just gimme those fairies pls xD), I couldn't resist to prepare these merman twin brothers for the upcoming EP. Cyreus and Nereus (Sons of Triton) may look alike but their characters coudn't be more different.


Cyreus has a profound aversion to all humans. Once a sailor broke his heart by feigning true love but then trying to capture him brutaly. The scar on his face is a sorrowful reminder of that day.

Since then he hates all humans with passion. He loves to seduce innocent sailors with his sirene call and his attractive looks, just to drown his victims after having some naughty fun with them.


Nereus on the other hand, is a loveable, friendly and very sweet-tempered merman. He is fascinated by the humans since that stormy night, when he saved the life of a handsome sailor who's ship has sunk and who was drifting totally exhausted in the rough see.

Even though his beloved brother tries to hold Nereus back with his warnings, he is just too curious and carefree and keeps exploring the world of the humans more and more frequently.




unconsciouand if it wasn't his beloved brother who holds him back, he would
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