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devious devices - assests and integration


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hey guys, im a bit new at the modding thing, ive only come back to skyrim recently. im having trouble getting the devious devices setup to work. ive followed some help topics, ive got everything installed (redux animation etc), ive run LOOT for boot order. when i run the game, i immediately get 2 errors "dd assests needs at least 2.9 detected 0.0" and a similar one for integration. SKYUI sees them, you can modify the options etc, but deviously helpless and deviously equip both say they can't detect them and wont work. any ideas?


hey guys, im a bit new at the modding thing, ive only come back to skyrim recently. im having trouble getting the devious devices setup to work. ive followed some help topics, ive got everything installed (redux animation etc), ive run LOOT for boot order. when i run the game, i immediately get 2 errors "dd assests needs at least 2.9 detected 0.0" and a similar one for integration. SKYUI sees them, you can modify the options etc, but deviously helpless and deviously equip both say they can't detect them and wont work. any ideas?

Newest version of DD Equip works fine for me, but if "deviously helpless" wasn't updated for new version (I don't know as I don't use it) - in may conflict because of large updates for DDa, DDi & DDx.


hey guys, im a bit new at the modding thing, ive only come back to skyrim recently. im having trouble getting the devious devices setup to work. ive followed some help topics, ive got everything installed (redux animation etc), ive run LOOT for boot order. when i run the game, i immediately get 2 errors "dd assests needs at least 2.9 detected 0.0" and a similar one for integration. SKYUI sees them, you can modify the options etc, but deviously helpless and deviously equip both say they can't detect them and wont work. any ideas?


This has already been answered in this thread you started http://www.loverslab.com/topic/70516-help-with-deviously-helpless-and-device-device-integration/ in regard to Deviously Helpless.


Devious Devices Equip also works with the latest DDI/DDA/DDX though it will cause some papyrus log spam due to some of the recent changes.


hey, ya i have them all installed, ive run LOOT for a boot order. When i start playing the game i get an error that says expansion and integration are too old of versions to use...even though they're the most up to date. im getting quite frustrated with this issue


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