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WSEX (Sexual Innuendo) Override (v0.0.6)

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I know lol!!

The problem is I don't have the skills to do either of those things. :(

So the best I can do is get it to work by adding in those separate sexout calls.

It's actually only a few edits now that I know what to do. Just edit the few lines of dialogue in SI/Katie that are used in masturbation/blow jobs.


Maybe some day someone will either work out why the blow jobs and masturbation don't work in that script, or as you say, remake SI as a sexout mod.

I couldn't do it though. It's fine though if you want me to stop posting here, I just thought it might be nice if I could show people how I got it to work. :(

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That won't actually "work" though. You're gonna end up with problems... problems worse than the "little" ones you're having now. :) Don't mean to discourage you, but that's just how it works. I will look at it if I ever get the chance.. still fighting with HDD nonsense right now.

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Well damn. :(


Edit: I think I may have cracked the blowjob thing properly...

Out of frustration I cracked open your script again and just deleted the entire section where you swap actorA for actoB if it's oral.

Opened up the game and low and behold the girl starting sucking on my pecker. Told her to get with one of the others (sunny) and she proceeded to muff dive on her... Doesn't fix the masturbation issue but it's a start, right? Of course I have no idea if this would affect the PC if they were female...

(could always have two wsex.esp files. One for females and one for males (modded with the reverse section removed)


EPIC facepalm on a crap ton of time wasted trying to get blowjobs to work. :(

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That oral switch thing has been a back and forth nightmare in this mod, but that's the right place to fix it!


I think though if you have a male go down on a female now, it might result in a blowjob instead? Try it out..


The masturbation thing will be trickier to fix, but again, should be done in this mod -- not the NPC mod. ;)

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*Sigh* Yep, it turns me eating someone out into them blowing me instead. Much better this way though. :P


Is it even possible to fix or is it going to have to be a choice?

I guess I'll just leave it like this for now, hope you take pity on us somewhere down the line and give it a bit more attention. lol

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It's definitely possible and should be easy.


You need to put the swap back in, but only do it if actorB is.. whichever one isn't working. Without having it in front of me right now, I can't tell you exactly what it needs to do, but basically that's it.


It should be easy to fix if you have the patience for it, it's not complicated, I just never had the time to look into it.

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PC is actor A right?


Oral works if the NPC blows me, haven't checked if she licks me if I'm female though. Should check that.

If she licks me with my female PC, then the swap only needs to apply to actor B?


How would I make sure the swap only applies to actor B though?

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PC is generally actor B. Theres a complicated backwards compatability reason for that, and the pc *can* be any actor, so I would not worry about that.


You just need to look at the type of sex (oral or not), and the gender of the actors.


In wsex there is not a/b/c, just male and female. In an M+F oral scene in wsex, it determines the position based on the tokens it hands out; it gives out a 'giver' and a 'receiver' token.


In sexout, actor B is always the one being 'fucked'. If B is female, B is eaten out. If B is male, B gets a blowjob.


On the first page of this thread, there is some explanation and back and forth when this issue initially came up and was, supposedly, fixed.

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Haha come on. I get angry at it all the time too. The GECK is terrible. When I'm having a particularly bad day, my avatar changes into the hulk. You'll see. ;)


Just stick with it. It does get.. somewhat easier.. over time.


I started exactly like you. No clue wtf I was doing. Downloaded tryouts and they were "broken" so I "fixed" them by opening them up, deleting a bunch of crap, and uploading. In fact, I just had not followed install instructions.. ;)

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Yeah but man I REALLY have no idea what I'm doing.

I tried adding in if [ActorB.GetIsMale] And it just wouldn't let me do anything.

I don't know what the if's mean, what the elseif's mean...

(Also I don't even know if that was the right change to make)


It's like trying to build a spaceshuttle when you're just out of nursery. :(


I can't do this man I'm sorry. I thought I was doing good when I found my way of doing it via the dialogue scrits, turns out I was just causing problems.

I'm just going to leave it. It's not THAT bad.

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I don't think this is possible... :s


So you said I'd have problems and it wouldn't work if I went the dialogue script route.

I can make it work by substituting the dialogue scripts, I can make blowjobs and masturbation happen.

What kind of problems are you saying this would cause though, apart from the obvious extra plugins.

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Oh no... the dialog scripts are fine.


What won't work is taking a plugin that uses wsex as a master (e.g. the wsex NPC plugin), and adding sexout calls to it. You can try to get this to work but first thing, before anything else, you must figure out why you're having problems adding sexout as a master.


The "right way" to fix the mod though is to fix this plugin (the wsex override) so that the npc plugin "just works" with it.


If you just add sexout calls to the thing, even if you do set it as a master, then you're going to end up in situations where scripts in that plugin look for functionality that isn't there; basically the same problems you have when running sexout and wsex (without the override) together. Conflicting sex calls, tracking that isn't unified, etc.

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I haven't altered the innuendo plugin OR the override.

I'd been building myself a little plugin adding wsex dialogues for a while now.

So simply adding sexout as a master of THAT file, then adding the modified sexout dialogues...


It's only ever blowjob and masturbation dialogues too, the rest work perfectly with just your override. The only thing that isn't right is getting a blowjob doesn't update your oral count in wsex stats, but that's not a problem, you can still going around and go down on women to update that.

Masturbation doesn't do anything at all update wise in original wsex, it's just a purely visual thing. So overriding that doesn't hurt either.

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Ok, it seems to me then what you should be doing is simply setting wsex (not sexout) as the master for your mod, and using wsex (not sexout) for the actual sex scenes. This should get everything just working fine -- in fact, I'd test it without sexout even active in your load order. Once it's working with wsex correctly (or if it already is), try it with the override.


If anything starts working differently, that's what I need to know about, to get the fixes into the override.

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It's only the past couple of days that I've actually added a sexout call to my plugin.

I know the sex plays fine without the override. (wsex.esp) but the sexout animations and sounds are far superior, that's why I installed the override.

Even on standard sexual innuendo+wsex.esp, without my extra dialogues the oral animations for blowjobs are wrong.


It's not my extra dialogues that are doing it mate. They are just carbon copies of existing wsex dialogue scripts. Your esp is placed after it all so it 'should' just work, but it doesn't.


Something in the wsex.esp script is making the oral sex animations go screwy.

You noted this just yesterday when you told me that muff diving would become a blow job remember, after I removed that part of your script?

The oral reversal doesn't have any kind of condition in it so it only affects certain anims though. When a male is involved it'll always be either muff diving or a blow job. (depending if you leave in or take out the reversal)


Ok, it seems to me then what you should be doing is simply setting wsex (not sexout) as the master for your mod, and using wsex (not sexout) for the actual sex scenes. This should get everything just working fine -- in fact, I'd test it without sexout even active in your load order. Once it's working with wsex correctly (or if it already is), try it with the override.

If anything starts working differently, that's what I need to know about, to get the fixes into the override.


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Right, I know it's not your dialogs doing it, I'm saying the fix belongs in the override -- that's where the problem is.


I can't fix it in sexout itself because nothing there is "broken", you can't fix it in your mod because that just uses wsex (or the override). Adding sexout as a master to your mod, if it already is using wsex, will only make things get sideways.

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Oh on a separate but related topic. I remember seeing in your big horrible daunting script :P That the wsex bed height was set at -1?

Now most animations I can't get to work on a bed anyway, so if I changed this would it maybe correct the kings groupies when they fuck the king/pacer.

(They literally get plowed *into* the bed currently and it looks pretty weird. lol)

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