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WSEX (Sexual Innuendo) Override (v0.0.6)

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That's what I figured. I guess it's just not working for me then. Thanks anyway.


You could have a conflict somewhere if you can't get the new sexual encounters. I'd recommend that you put the wsex.esp down to the bottom and see if that works.

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  • 1 month later...


That's what I figured. I guess it's just not working for me then. Thanks anyway.


It should work for you. Just try new dialogues. I remember first one with the bouncer in NCRCF. But keep in mind that innuendo might conflict with Sexout Tryout.(in NCRCF)



Was hoping this wouldn't be the case. Well got to give you guys some more time.

Nice mod idea BTW.

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  • 4 months later...

Thank you for this mod!  This is the first time I typed in a search and found EXACTLY what I wanted WOOT.  Anyway, I saw in the instructions not to use the WSEX animations update, but I have one question, in the last part it says or any other, just to be sure, does this include the NPC file that was another file with the animations?  That may not of been clear.  There are in the  innuendo download area, there are the WSEX file, THE animations file, and the NPC file.


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  • 1 month later...

where is the .esm of wsex?



Where is the .esm of wsex

You don't need to post twice.. :)


Likely what you are looking for is the master the main file that this mod is suppose to overwride. That would be at Nexus if it is still up. Do a Google Search for wsex and you should see a nexus entry at or close to the first post. Not sure if this is currently working though. If you are new I would focus on the mods you can find in the "downloads' section more.

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  • 1 month later...

Please, I would like to know if it is important or not the load order of the esp files from sexout?


The first post example refers to the esm files from sexout and wsex, the wsex mods and the wsex.esp file. Other Sexout esp files are not mentioned, and I'm not sure if they could generate a conflict.


I have this load order:












wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp   (from Humping the Mojave)



Is it correct or do I have to put the sexout esp files below wsex.esp?


Thanks in advanced for your answer!

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  • 2 months later...

Excellent mod, but I wish I could use some of the Dynamic Sexual Innuendo functionality, mainly to switch position mid-act. Really miss that.


And there's a weird issue - when the act finishes, both the player and the partner suddenly stand up, then ragdoll. Then they get up, normally, are dressed and some dialog ensues. I get that the intention is for the actors to go limp as they cum, but it looks weird, since they suddenly stand up right befre.. =/

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having one issue with this, forgive me if it was solved earlier, there are a lot of pages in this thread

My PC (male) can give oral sex but not receive. Even when I choose the receive diaglogue He only gives it. Everything else seems to work just fine. Suggestions?


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi to all,


I am new here, aaaaand , I think I've found the cause why ppl reported that their male character sometimes mistaken for a female.


Don't know for sure is that the reason but , really it is worth trying.


In line 134 and below when calculating modifier for perks Lady Killer and Black Widow ...

(lemme check name of the script, Ive corrected directly with npp+)

they are switched.. in 'wsexGiverTokenScript'. 


They should be Lady Killer for a male and Black Widow for a female char.., not other way around.


Just sayin', it is worth checking.


But still I cant shake that 'Horny' modifier without console ... not that good in geck :)






Edited by dokonja
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My male character's body disappears during sex animations? Why?

Missing body textures/ meshes.


Okay, so, I originally thought it was Tryout that was giving me trouble, so I did a clean install, installed everything as per the instructions in the OP using only HTM and the override, but when I went to engage in sex, the characters merge and no animations play. The sounds still play and at the end, the characters ragdoll. Does anyone else have this issue? If so, what did you do to fix it?

Missing or mis installed NVSE and/or NXextender. Could have the wrong version for current mods listed.

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Has any thought ever been given to a version which gives the option to disable the aftersex modifiers? They're redundant with Spunk's/Lust's similar effects.


Also, thanks for the mod! Humping the Mojave is great and pretty comprehensive, it's nice that someone tied it into SexOut.

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I understand that you have been replying to a bunch of people that are about to say the same thing I am, but-


Whenever I try the mod, the two characters stand inside eachother facing opposite directions while the sound plays, afterwards it would normally say "Oral leveled up" or whatever have you, but yeah, how in the hell do I fix this, should I post my plugin order?

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So im sure as days that everyone has these same problems, but I really dont know how to fix it or see how to fix it in some of the past posts,
During the sex i only ever get two or so scenes, is there really only that few scenes? I installed new mods and now the sex happens with a gap and they just do the moving action where they were when i started the conversation and there is no sound anymore, plus the scene changing with LMB doesnt work anymore.
Im sure its my fault with mods and loading order or something but id really love if someone with more experience could help cause i have only been trying to mod fallout Nv for like 3 days ^^.

Thanks alot everyone.


load order:


Project Nevada - Core.esm
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
T6M Equipment Replacer NV.esm
Daughters of Ares.esp
FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting - Full.esp
T6M CH Raider Armor.esp
Ghost Variants Adjutant.esp
Ghost Variants Safe.esp
Ghost Variants.esp
Animated Chems.esp
FCO - GlowingOne.esp
UnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.esp
A Better Veronica.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
Daughters of Ares - CouriersStash.esp
Total active plugins: 49
Total plugins: 49
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The mod in this thread is to enable one to run sexual innuendo using sexout animations. I do not see Sexout NG in your load order. Anyway, you may wish to get rid of wsex-DSI since its author has declared the mod dead due to reported problems.

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Guest zikko

When I start a sex scene, be it prostitution or getting a door opened for me, I get the money, the door opens, but no sex scene starts at all.

(Tryout scenes with the powder gangers at least do work)

Anyone have any idea why this happens?

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The animations from the nexus mods are probably screwing it up. I had the same problem and had to uninstall the nexus mods to get them working again. I think from a post I read, you are just supposed to copy over the module and nothing else when you install the nexus mods.

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