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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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hi  is not a bug and nothing really bad  (and probably mention before)


but if Sim A  ask Sim B sex and Sim B refuses it play the wrong inverted animation


Sim B will ask Sim A and get rejected  while Sim A did ask sex  not  Sim B


sorry the confusing in my text


is a bit weird and looks not so nice if get rejected by trying


just wanted to mention if it maybe get corrected in future  else its not really important

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Have an issue? This is not the place to post about it! Read how to get help in the topic main post!

Check the 'WickedWhims Help Center' topic to learn more!




I have a suggestion. You have an 'always accept' option for sex, but not for nudism/exhibition. Am I wrong? It'd be nice to not have to 'groom' strangers for a long time to convince them to undress. 

I don't see that making much sense since Sims need high enough nudity skill to be undressed. Otherwise, they would undress and dress up right away.



i love this update I was wondering if it would be possible to add to the sale of contraceptive pills? I think its just great thanks again for this update 




 sorry for my englich


That's why this is still unfinished, birth control pills and a lot more is needed.


hi  is not a bug and nothing really bad  (and probably mention before)


but if Sim A  ask Sim B sex and Sim B refuses it play the wrong inverted animation


Sim B will ask Sim A and get rejected  while Sim A did ask sex  not  Sim B


sorry the confusing in my text


is a bit weird and looks not so nice if get rejected by trying


just wanted to mention if it maybe get corrected in future  else its not really important

Hey! Yes, this is a known bug, I forgot to write it down in the topic. I will be fixing that at some point.

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So this sounds super weird, but I've noticed since the last update when my sims are having sex, my male sim now has a very visible butt-hole but my female sim still does not. I just think it looks kinda strange for one of them to have one and the other doesn't. Is there an updated female skin I don't have or something?




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Check the 'WickedWhims Help Center' topic to learn more!



Quick and small Patreon update.



  • Made the 'Overrides_Skin_Tones' package only contain default skin tones
  • Added optional 'Extra_Skin_Tones' package with 80 extra skin tones
  • Improved new penis models compatibility
  • Changed 'Asexual' trait to 'Sexually Abstinent' trait
  • Made desire increase slower from romantic conversations
  • Made adult naturist Sims not gain desire from seeing nudity
  • Made nudity affect desire increase from friendly and romantic conversations
  • Made Sims with low need motives not count towards sex autonomy
  • Fixed installer not installing all required files


So this sounds super weird, but I've noticed since the last update when my sims are having sex, my male sim now has a very visible butt-hole but my female sim still does not. I just think it looks kinda strange for one of them to have one and the other doesn't. Is there an updated female skin I don't have or something?




I don't think there is anything that makes males and females equally defined and consistent. I am trying to work on some standard right now that will fit existing animations and overrides as much as possible. This is stuff is kind of all over the place at the moment.



There is something I just can't seem to figure out. Is there a way to make a male sim have an erection without a sex animation? I thought the penis settings were supposed to do just that, but I guess it only chooses a penis model for sex animations. Or am I doing something wrong?

The only manual way to do it is by using the 'ww.give_erection' command. Otherwise, Sims get erect during sex or when they have high desire.

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i have downloaded the mod and all the animations but when i launch my game and click on the bed or the floor or anywhere else i don't get the option for whickedwhims i only get the game options like go here please help    


Have you put the downloaded files in your mod directory?  Likely Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods.


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i have downloaded the mod and all the animations but when i launch my game and click on the bed or the floor or anywhere else i don't get the option for whickedwhims i only get the game options like go here please help

Have you put the downloaded files in your mod directory? Likely Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods.

Also be sure to extract the files BEFORE you place them too!


Good luck :)

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sorry if this has been addressed already, but I didn't see it in the known bugs so I'm curious if it's just a problem I'm having on my end.


when I use the two cheats to globally convert everyone to exhibitionism and max the skill, asking people to undress always gets a negative response (it shouldn't, since everyones maxed out), but then they proceed to undress anyway. I wouldn't care about this issue but it makes the conversation turn awkward and makes the relationship take a hit so..any ideas?


(Sorry if I wasn't supposed to post this here, it didn't seem significant enough to create a topic over)

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small suggestions: 

computer related --» any possibility or tought to add an interaction where the sims do cyber sex? It could re-use the ''chat with'' interaction (so no animations needed I guess), but fill the distraction and social need. Plus it could bring up the desir of the sims and also improve the romantic relationship with the sim our caracter chat with.  It could be the base for someone else to make cyber cam and watch porn animation if they don't exist already. 

Naturism related --» It would be cool to have a naturism location for lot trait that encourage sims to get naked even if their level is not high. there could be progression that those with low level start by being in underware and slowy get more comfortable. This trait would be nice for those who have the outdoor retreat: we could make naturist camp :)

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Turbo, I'm working on a set of buffs and traits and I would like to detect the type of sex the sim is having. Is it possible for you to add a hidden buff that tells if a sim is having Anal Sex, Oral Sex, etc? Currently, I can only detect the major Interaction that tells if the sim is having sex, but that's it.


Thanks a lot!

I haven't added any real ways to hook into this because I am planning on changing a lot about sex. I am not satisfied with how everything in the sex component is working, and just like exhibitionism, I will rework it. I am in this process right now.


So yes, I could add external ways to detect the sex type, but I will first have to be happy with the new sex system. If you ever try to use scripting, I can tell you how to detect it that way.



Ok, if I decide to make my mod with scripting, I will be sure to pester you! :P




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Have an issue? This is not the place to post about it! Read how to get help in the topic main post!

Check the 'WickedWhims Help Center' topic to learn more!



The Sims 4 update is safe to use with the current WickedWhims release.


sorry if this has been addressed already, but I didn't see it in the known bugs so I'm curious if it's just a problem I'm having on my end.


when I use the two cheats to globally convert everyone to exhibitionism and max the skill, asking people to undress always gets a negative response (it shouldn't, since everyones maxed out), but then they proceed to undress anyway. I wouldn't care about this issue but it makes the conversation turn awkward and makes the relationship take a hit so..any ideas?


(Sorry if I wasn't supposed to post this here, it didn't seem significant enough to create a topic over)

You know, I think there might be something wrong with it, I will look at it. Thanks.


small suggestions: 

computer related --» any possibility or tought to add an interaction where the sims do cyber sex? It could re-use the ''chat with'' interaction (so no animations needed I guess), but fill the distraction and social need. Plus it could bring up the desir of the sims and also improve the romantic relationship with the sim our caracter chat with.  It could be the base for someone else to make cyber cam and watch porn animation if they don't exist already. 

Naturism related --» It would be cool to have a naturism location for lot trait that encourage sims to get naked even if their level is not high. there could be progression that those with low level start by being in underware and slowy get more comfortable. This trait would be nice for those who have the outdoor retreat: we could make naturist camp :)

Cybersex could be a thing, I will think about it.

A Nudist lot trait will be a thing for sure.



TURBODRIVER I have a suggestions.

Intensity of the sex interaction.

From soft and gentle to hard and angry.

Buffs like broken and humiliated would be a nice touch.

I don't really know what do you mean. You need to talk about your idea.


Seems the latest update to the game broke WW.


I'm getting LastException errors and the only mod I am running to test to see if it is WW, is, well, WW (and animations, of course)

No, it didn't.

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The save system is totally borking my game. If I happen to switch households, all the setting change to default. It would be so much simpler if there was a global settings file similar to MC Command Center. This save for every game is a novel idea, but at times it just seems to screw more up than it fixes. Just saying...

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None of my exhibitionist actions have been working. I've completely reinstalled the game, clean files both times, clean saves both times, and none of it has worked. Even with the new update, none of the exhibitionist options work. All of the flashing options cause my sim to just approach whoever the target is, and stand in front of them for a moment before the action disappears from the queue. If I try to have my sim undress with the exhibitionist options, the same thing happens and she stands in place for a minute before the action disappears from her queue, nothing happens. The naturist strip options work just as intended, animation plays and all, but the exhibitionist options still don't work. 

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so i've tried everything and it still won't work, can you please help me? The content just wont show up and it's getting very annoying. Ive re-installed everything and it still won't show up. Plz help me!


You have to be more specific than just saying "tried everything doesn't work" if you read the mod description (all of it) all you need to know is there. smile.png

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