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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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Can someone told me how 2 properly turn on cock selection 4 girls at once for all (w\o CAS)?


1 hour ago, Latuda said:

I'm sorry to ask that but since the last update my female sims always wear strap-on when they have sex with other female sims. My settings was fine before.

Now I don't see the setting to avoid that. Can someone help ?


Dno r u tried Wicked -> Outfit -> Strapon -> Disallow or Settings -> Sex -> Outfit -> Auto remove unnecessery strapon?

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3 hours ago, aSteR said:

Can someone told me how 2 properly turn on cock selection 4 girls at once for all (w\o CAS)?



Dno r u tried Wicked -> Outfit -> Strapon -> Disallow or Settings -> Sex -> Outfit -> Auto remove unnecessery strapon?

This setting is checked. Now I wonder if this is not about Gender Recognition types. I don't want animation (penetration)  between 2 female sims. Just teasing,oraljob and handjob.

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4 minutes ago, Latuda said:

This setting is checked. Now I wonder if this is not about Gender Recognition types. I don't want animation (penetration)  between 2 female sims. Just teasing,oraljob and handjob.

The mod isn't broken down enough to accomplish what you are asking for unless you disable a ton of animations (F/F - vaginal and anal).  There isn't a way currently to disable certain fetishes, let alone do it by gender.


I've suggested a feature improvement to disable certain fetishes but haven't heard anything.  The fetish categories in the animations are as follows:







Turbodriver would not only have to add this feature, but do it by gender also.  Currently female Sims either like other female Sims or they don't (all or nothing - unless you disable animations by hand).

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10 minutes ago, SkyBarbie said:

The mod isn't broken down enough to accomplish what you are asking for unless you disable a ton of animations (F/F - vaginal and anal).  There isn't a way currently to disable certain fetishes, let alone do it by gender. unless you disable animations by hand).

Thank you SkyBarbie !

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2 hours ago, SkyBarbie said:

The mod isn't broken down enough to accomplish what you are asking for unless you disable a ton of animations (F/F - vaginal and anal).  There isn't a way currently to disable certain fetishes, let alone do it by gender.


I've suggested a feature improvement to disable certain fetishes but haven't heard anything.  The fetish categories in the animations are as follows:







Turbodriver would not only have to add this feature, but do it by gender also.  Currently female Sims either like other female Sims or they don't (all or nothing - unless you disable animations by hand).


2 hours ago, Latuda said:

Thank you SkyBarbie !

I've got plans in the works on a mod that'll add tags to animations that'll enable you to filter them, which may be what you are looking for. (unrelated to WWKinky and WWPets). It won't be done for awhile though.

17 hours ago, BillyPilgrim said:

Update WickedWhims and remove all files related to CNWW. Then start your game. If it works, you can try to download the new version of CNWW. But CNWW repeatedly comes back with bugs for multiple users, so beware.

Did you say the new version of CNWW? CNWW no longer exists lol

On 9/15/2019 at 1:12 PM, SkyBarbie said:

If you have WW Kinky or WW Pets installed, uninstall them completely.

On 9/14/2019 at 4:57 PM, SkyBarbie said:

This forum is filled with WW Kinky and WW Pets bugs that are blamed on Wicked Whims.  Turbodriver recommends that players uninstall those mods.  They continually break WW functionality.  History doesn't lie.


It is extremely obvious that CN doesn't thoroughly test his mods.  Too many developers release code and assume it works.  Many of the bugs caused by WW Kinky and WW Pets are "in your face" obvious.  Most players only see that WW isn't working correctly and assume the problem is with WW and falsely report bugs here.  Only players who uninstall the CN mods and retest will know where the bugs lie.  Very few take the time to do this or even have the idea to do this.  Most players aren't good at troubleshooting, just read this forum for evidence/proof.

I'd appreciate if you could redirect people to my support threads rather than telling them to uninstall the mods outright. Problems won't get fixed otherwise and its pretty rude when you think about it, borderline harrassment. Which is against LL rules.

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25 minutes ago, ColonolNutty said:


Did you say the new version of CNWW? CNWW no longer exists lol


This isn't really the read to get into this at length, but this comment is part of the problem with your mod. It's changed names, changed installation requirements, and more. As we've seen throughout the development and use of WickedWhims, a lot of people don't have experience in using mods. Sims 4 is basically their introduction to anything remotely complex besides custom clothes and hair. 


So when something doesn't work, it's really important to be able to point people in a direction for them to figure it out. And when a mod changes frequently, it's hard to do so. That's why many people who are trying to help new users have resorted to telling them to remove your mod and check for errors again. 


You have a lot of really good ideas in your mods. Personally, I used the base CNWW mod when it was around for a bit because it helped make easy changes to NPC sims. I really appreciated it. But it ultimately wasn't something I needed to keep around in my game.  And now, it's unclear as to whether those tools are even part of your two mods or your Community Library tool. The first page of Kinky makes no mention of being able to change genitalia, body type, or anything else.


So I think that's why you're getting negative feedback. 

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34 minutes ago, ColonolNutty said:

I'd appreciate if you could redirect people to my support threads rather than telling them to uninstall the mods outright. Problems won't get fixed otherwise and its pretty rude when you think about it, borderline harrassment. Which is against LL rules.

Borderline harassment, lol.


If you would thoroughly test your mods and put them through a solid written test plan, we wouldn't be having this problem.  You use your player base as your software testers.  You say, "I'll fix any reported bugs" but fail to thoroughly test your own code.  The Wicked Whims mod thread has been filled with your bugs for months.  Most players don't know that your mods are causing the bugs, they just know that WW isn't working correctly and report here.


Your mods keep breaking the same things over and over again.  One example is group sex (more than 2 Sims).  If you were following any type of test plan, you wouldn't be breaking the same things over and over again with each Sims 4 update and WW update.  I've written my share of test plans over the years and there is no way in hell that you are following one.


You've released like 12 updates since version 1.55 came out.  You really expect players to keep up with bi-daily updates?  All this would be eliminated if you put your mods through a detailed written test plan.  I have lots of experience in both software testing and software development.  I've worked for several fortune 500 software development companies.  I know how the entire process works.  The way you are doing it is not it!


Turbodriver even recommended that players uninstall your mods.  Enough is enough.  Either get your shit together or deal with the pain.  You made your own bed, now you have to lie in it.  You are the only one who created this mess.  It's all on you.  No offense intended.


Thank you for your contributions to the Sims 4 modding community.

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1 hour ago, BillyPilgrim said:

This isn't really the read to get into this at length, but this comment is part of the problem with your mod. It's changed names, changed installation requirements, and more. As we've seen throughout the development and use of WickedWhims, a lot of people don't have experience in using mods. Sims 4 is basically their introduction to anything remotely complex besides custom clothes and hair. 


So when something doesn't work, it's really important to be able to point people in a direction for them to figure it out. And when a mod changes frequently, it's hard to do so. That's why many people who are trying to help new users have resorted to telling them to remove your mod and check for errors again. 


You have a lot of really good ideas in your mods. Personally, I used the base CNWW mod when it was around for a bit because it helped make easy changes to NPC sims. I really appreciated it. But it ultimately wasn't something I needed to keep around in my game.  And now, it's unclear as to whether those tools are even part of your two mods or your Community Library tool. The first page of Kinky makes no mention of being able to change genitalia, body type, or anything else.


So I think that's why you're getting negative feedback. 

The community library is unrelated to all of my other mods. It isn't even an adult mod. Heck, iit isn't even a mod. Currently there isn't a mod available that does what CNWW used to do.

1 hour ago, SkyBarbie said:

Borderline harassment, lol.


If you would thoroughly test your mods and put them through a solid written test plan, we wouldn't be having this problem.  You use your player base as your software testers.  You say, "I'll fix any reported bugs" but fail to thoroughly test your own code.  The Wicked Whims mod thread has been filled with your bugs for months.  Most players don't know that your mods are causing the bugs, they just know that WW isn't working correctly and report here.


Your mods keep breaking the same things over and over again.  One example is group sex (more than 2 Sims).  If you were following any type of test plan, you wouldn't be breaking the same things over and over again with each Sims 4 update and WW update.  I've written my share of test plans over the years and there is no way in hell that you are following one.


You've released like 12 updates since version 1.55 came out.  You really expect players to keep up with bi-daily updates?  All this would be eliminated if you put your mods through a detailed written test plan.  I have lots of experience in both software testing and software development.  I've worked for several fortune 500 software development companies.  I know how the entire process works.  The way you are doing it is not it!


Turbodriver even recommended that players uninstall your mods.  Enough is enough.  Either get your shit together or deal with the pain.  You made your own bed, now you have to lie in it.  You are the only one who created this mess.  It's all on you.  No offense intended.


Thank you for your contributions to the Sims 4 modding community.

You make good points about my testing practices and how I need to improve on them, I thank you for the feedback. Perhaps you could give me some more pointers via a Private Message, it'd definitely be appreciated! (That isn't sarcasm)

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2 hours ago, ColonolNutty said:

You make good points about my testing practices and how I need to improve on them, I thank you for the feedback. Perhaps you could give me some more pointers via a Private Message, it'd definitely be appreciated! (That isn't sarcasm)

  • Create a written test plan (there are lots of examples online).  Doing it from memory never works as you ALWAYS forget something.  I know this from experience.  Software testers and software developers HATE to write a detailed test plan but it is VERY necessary to avoid bugs.
  • Create test steps and methods to test every feature of your mod
  • Create test steps and methods to test every feature of WW with your mod installed.  Uninstall your mod to verify that it isn't an actual WW bug.  Report to Turbodriver if needed.
  • For example:  Have a test where you test WW sex in every location possible:  floor, wall, mirror, bath, shower, couch, loveseat, chair, table, counter, mailbox, coffee table, custom BDSM items, etc.
  • Print out the comprehensive test plan and follow it from start to finish
  • Have checkboxes on each testing step and check them off individually as you perform each test
  • Only release the mod to players once this is all done and all tests have passed.  Making them wait an extra day or two is worth it.  Release once or twice (after player feedback) instead of 12 or more times (players can't keep up and you have tons of versions out there for the same WW and Sims 4 version).
  • Add new tests to your test plan as players report issues.  These are things you missed in your current test plan.  Keep building and adding to your test plan after a verified bug is reported.  After a few releases, your test plan will be solid and it will cover nearly everything (this is the end goal anyway, wishful thinking sometimes). 


Developers hate to test, I know.  They also have blinders on (tunnel vision) when testing their own code.  This is why software development companies have software testers (fresh eyes) and more than one.  The more testers that are put on one project the cleaner the release will be (this is a fact and industry knowledge).  The only way a software developer can release clean code is to have a comprehensive test plan and go through it manually, checking off functionality tests.  It sucks, but is necessary!


Mods like WW Kinky and WW Pets are even more prone to bugs since you build off of Turbodriver's code and even modify/overwrite parts of his code.  It is very easy to break Wicked Whims with this type of mod.  It's like trying to shoot a tire rolling down the hill with a gun.  Try it, it isn't easy.  With each new version of WW, the target (code) keeps moving.


Make it extremely clear that WW Kinky and WW Pets are version dependant on Wicked Whims.  Tell players not to update WW until you update your mods.  Even post that on this forum where most players check for updates.  Check this forum regularly for bug reports and test your mods just to make sure it isn't your monkey!  Over time, your test plan will become near perfect.


Best of luck to you!

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Folks, @ColonolNutty is adding something with some demand to better our hobby.  Regardless if you use them or not, let's be respectful.

That said, it is true that this WW support thread is full of issues caused by mods that interface with WW.  With a whole subforum for Wicked Whims, it is not surprising that users post their problems with Wicked Whims-named mods here, not realizing that they are maintained by different people.  Perhaps returning to a set of names that indicate it's a different mod maintainer might help.  On the other hand, there are still posts from Nisa's and others, but it couldn't hurt.


Another suggestion - it seems a sizable number of support requests come up when WW is updated and Wicked Whims Pets or Kinky need to be updated as well.  Is there a way to put in your mods a check against the version of WW that is known-good, and if it doesn't match then put up a dialog that if they experience issues to update?  Just something to give the users immediate feedback to fixing their problems and enjoying all of the mods - and reduce the posts here when that happens.


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20 minutes ago, frenwind said:

I've downloaded these files like I have always in the past but for some reason when I play in game the censor is still up on my sims? I thought wikedwims auto get rid of it or do I need to download another one for the censor?

If you downloaded the streaming addon and don't intend to stream, get rid of it.

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1 hour ago, frenwind said:

I've downloaded these files like I have always in the past but for some reason when I play in game the censor is still up on my sims? I thought wikedwims auto get rid of it or do I need to download another one for the censor?

Sometimes, all it takes is the SLIGHTEST bit of effort on your part to read the forum.  This is such a common issue it's in my footer, which was literally the message before you posted.  Is that really too much work to do, just scan the last page to see if someone else had your same problem?  This just happens again and again that people ask the same problems.  This post isn't really aimed at you, it's aim at whomever is just about to post a question, that hopefully they'll read the last few days first to see if it's already been answered.  Which also allows them to get back to playing immediately.


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1 hour ago, Cobaltum said:


Hello! I have a question for connoisseurs! - How do I make futanari?

 I will be very grateful for the answer.

You can do it without some mods actually

For a specific bottom, you need to find a mod Futanari Penis by Noir and Dark Sims

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10 hours ago, SkyBarbie said:


  • Create a written test plan (there are lots of examples online).  Doing it from memory never works as you ALWAYS forget something.  I know this from experience.  Software testers and software developers HATE to write a detailed test plan but it is VERY necessary to avoid bugs.
  • Create test steps and methods to test every feature of your mod
  • Create test steps and methods to test every feature of WW with your mod installed.  Uninstall your mod to verify that it isn't an actual WW bug.  Report to Turbodriver if needed.
  • For example:  Have a test where you test WW sex in every location possible:  floor, wall, mirror, bath, shower, couch, loveseat, chair, table, counter, mailbox, coffee table, custom BDSM items, etc.
  • Print out the comprehensive test plan and follow it from start to finish
  • Have checkboxes on each testing step and check them off individually as you perform each test
  • Only release the mod to players once this is all done and all tests have passed.  Making them wait an extra day or two is worth it.  Release once or twice (after player feedback) instead of 12 or more times (players can't keep up and you have tons of versions out there for the same WW and Sims 4 version).
  • Add new tests to your test plan as players report issues.  These are things you missed in your current test plan.  Keep building and adding to your test plan after a verified bug is reported.  After a few releases, your test plan will be solid and it will cover nearly everything (this is the end goal anyway, wishful thinking sometimes). 


Developers hate to test, I know.  They also have blinders on (tunnel vision) when testing their own code.  This is why software development companies have software testers (fresh eyes) and more than one.  The more testers that are put on one project the cleaner the release will be (this is a fact and industry knowledge).  The only way a software developer can release clean code is to have a comprehensive test plan and go through it manually, checking off functionality tests.  It sucks, but is necessary!





Thanks for posting that @SkyBarbie I'm in no way a software developer, but I've been playing World of Warships lately and the way Wargaming develop/publish their content is horrific and I think maybe I now understand why. Anyway, your exchange with @ColonolNutty was interesting and I very much support the efforts of everyone working to make this game better. It can't be easy and I wish I had some skills, or at least the time and confidence to try and learn, but I am an old dog. Thankfully, I can at least toss a few dollars into a hat here and there to show my appreciation and hope others can as well.


I will add that this patch seems to be generating more problems than usual, but I suppose that's normal as the mods grow more complicated and ambitious in scope. Also, as mods grow in popularity, the influx of new and inexperienced users increases as well. Patience is a virtue...mostly.



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30 minutes ago, mle said:

Patience is a virtue...mostly.

So true! Reading mod descriptions is also needed. Especially to handle S4 / EA/Origin game patches and needed mod updates much more careful.


Another point could be reading the mod threads and learn not to (auto)update the game or dl a DLC at the actual patch time before the needed mods for our game are updated too. And Turbodevil is really really fast with his updates. BMD too.   

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I was wondering if there's any want for a gender-neutral "translation" for WW? Every update I end up going through the files and change all the gendered texts as neutral as possible (which is kinda why I avoid updating unless they're large updates :sweat_smile:)


I'm partway through the current version (v145e) and was wondering if it'd be worth sharing, so thought I'd ask.


Thanks for the awesome mod!

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