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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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I have a question about the animations duration. I tryed all 3 options in the "sex progression menu" but the animation always seems to go on forever. is there a way to decrease its duration? 


I also think I found a bug. If sims have sex and and emergency happens (like someone sets the stove on fire) they constalty teleport from the standing position to tha animation possision anb back. The end action button works though. 

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I have a question about the animations duration. I tryed all 3 options in the "sex progression menu" but the animation always seems to go on forever. is there a way to decrease its duration? 


I also think I found a bug. If sims have sex and and emergency happens (like someone sets the stove on fire) they constalty teleport from the standing position to tha animation possision anb back. The end action button works though. 


There is an option in the menu that controls how long each animation goes on, and how long the whole scene lasts. I can't remember exactly what the menu is called, but it's in the sex options menu and is called 'animation duration settings' or something along those lines.


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You are talking about the menu that opens whne I click on my sim correct>


There is no option in the menu Sex settings (or in any other) for duration. There is one for progression but it does not set any duration. There is another one that enable/disables animations but there is no duration there either.


Nevermind. I should have read the FAQ.  

They never stop in the curent public release.


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I have a question about the animations duration. I tryed all 3 options in the "sex progression menu" but the animation always seems to go on forever. is there a way to decrease its duration? 


I also think I found a bug. If sims have sex and and emergency happens (like someone sets the stove on fire) they constalty teleport from the standing position to tha animation possision anb back. The end action button works though. 

You are talking about the menu that opens whne I click on my sim correct>


There is no option in the menu Sex settings (or in any other) for duration. There is one for progression but it does not set any duration. There is another one that enable/disables animations but there is no duration there either.


Nevermind. I should have read the FAQ.  

They never stop in the curent public release.

Read the unreleased changes too, that was already added and will be available in the next public release.


Thanks for the info about emergency situations, I will take a look into it, not sure how to handle this yet.

When the enabled/disable always accept option will be available? I'm looking forward it because it makes me feel that it's not a mod but "reality" because If she doesnt like me she won't accept. ( Sorry about my english ) x'D

It is already there and there are no checks for relationships yet anyway.

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I have a question about the animations duration. I tryed all 3 options in the "sex progression menu" but the animation always seems to go on forever. is there a way to decrease its duration? 


I also think I found a bug. If sims have sex and and emergency happens (like someone sets the stove on fire) they constalty teleport from the standing position to tha animation possision anb back. The end action button works though. 

You are talking about the menu that opens whne I click on my sim correct>


There is no option in the menu Sex settings (or in any other) for duration. There is one for progression but it does not set any duration. There is another one that enable/disables animations but there is no duration there either.


Nevermind. I should have read the FAQ.  

They never stop in the curent public release.

Read the unreleased changes too, that was already added and will be available in the next public release.


Thanks for the info about emergency situations, I will take a look into it, not sure how to handle this yet.

When the enabled/disable always accept option will be available? I'm looking forward it because it makes me feel that it's not a mod but "reality" because If she doesnt like me she won't accept. ( Sorry about my english ) x'D

It is already there and there are no checks for relationships yet anyway.



So, you're saying that this option is right? Because all the Sims accept me D;

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I've added version of the current public release with the installer. The installer is only for windows users and it is competently optional.


If you want to use the installer and you have the mod already installed you have to remove it before using the installer. After the first installation using the installer you can continue using the installer without removing the older version files.


Features of the installer:

  • Checks if the version of your game fulfills the mod requirements
  • Checks if there is a new version available
  • Enables custom content and script mods
  • Checks and creates Resource.cfg file
  • Copies mod files to the Mods directory (if you already have the mod installed, you have to remove it for proper installation)


Installer have some false positive anti-virus detection. If you don't feel safe using it, you don't have to, it is completely optional and mainly for people who have trouble installing mods.





When the enabled/disable always accept option will be available? I'm looking forward it because it makes me feel that it's not a mod but "reality" because If she doesnt like me she won't accept. ( Sorry about my english ) x'D

It is already there and there are no checks for relationships yet anyway.


So, you're saying that this option is right? Because all the Sims accept me D;


Since there are no relationships checks implemented yet sims will accept anything no matter what.

Hello tell what version fashion Sims finally learn that they engaged in sex. Or their gaming desires to have sex will not be the same with this mod? I hope you understand my question Thank you.

That will be implemented in future updates, I can't tell when, I am doing my best to add everything to create a full experience.

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hi not sure who to ask but i was wondering maybe one day for the rough doggy animations we could get the female sims cryin v.o instead nervous v.o......... more immersive 

Then go to the creators of animations and tell them what do you think. I don't think they are reading everything in this topic.


In your latest update on patreon, is there still no layer for cum? 

The most recent Patreon has functional and visible cum layers. Future releases will have them a little bit improved and have one more type of it.

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any know some tatto make up cums face pating for sims4 like this? 


Liike CumMaskversión version sims 3 by Amra72 



I looking version of sims 4, you know any option?

you have a link?




hola no está seguro de a quién preguntar, pero me preguntaba tal vez un día para las animaciones perrito ásperas que pudimos conseguir a la hembra sims vo vo lugar de llorar nervioso ........ más envolvente 

Ahora vamos a los creadores de animaciones y decirles lo que piensa usted. No creo que todo lo que están leyendo en este tema.


En su última actualización de patreon, ¿hay todavía ninguna capa de esperma? 

El Patreon más reciente tiene capas cum funcionales y visibles. Las versiones posteriores a tener un poco mejorado y tienen un tipo más de lo mismo.



So now available cum layer in the download?

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hi, how do i make it like the screenshot, where 9 couple had sex at the same time...


i was thinking you have 7 people in your household, and tell them all to woohoo,,but then again, aren't you supposed to have only 7 people in your household? how is the screeshot have 9 couple...


is there a way for you to tell NPC to wickedwoohoo?


thank you

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hi, how do i make it like the screenshot, where 9 couple had sex at the same time...


i was thinking you have 7 people in your household, and tell them all to woohoo,,but then again, aren't you supposed to have only 7 people in your household? how is the screeshot have 9 couple...


is there a way for you to tell NPC to wickedwoohoo?


thank you

If you have an NPC around you and click on an area where you can perform wicked woohoo, then you should be able to invite them to perform one of the actions with one of your playable characters.

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hi, how do i make it like the screenshot, where 9 couple had sex at the same time...


i was thinking you have 7 people in your household, and tell them all to woohoo,,but then again, aren't you supposed to have only 7 people in your household? how is the screeshot have 9 couple...


is there a way for you to tell NPC to wickedwoohoo?


thank you


I think it's my screenshot you're talking about :P and what I did was I used this mod


so I had control over every sim in the screenshot.


But you can also use WW on NPCs! It was just easier to use the mod in this case.

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If you have an NPC around you and click on an area where you can perform wicked woohoo, then you should be able to invite them to perform one of the actions with one of your playable characters.





I think it's my screenshot you're talking about :P and what I did was I used this mod


so I had control over every sim in the screenshot.


But you can also use WW on NPCs! It was just easier to use the mod in this case.



oohhh i see...


no i thought you can make npc play with another npc...


i wanted to have 2 NPC doing animation then i will paint them lol


i can do that by telling my 1st sim to do it with npc, then my 2nd sim paint it...


but thats the whole reason i play with 2 sims....i always play with 1 sim and like it that way, so i guess i cant make npc play with another npc then T.T

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after a crash i decided to remove the mod for now and wait for a more stable version. now i get the ingame message that items were removed. i don't know which, but now my male sims wear underwear while showering. i still want to use the nomosaic mod, so that's kind of annoying :)


any idea how to fix that? 

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