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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-07]

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This is amazing work - Thank you so much for sharing.

Will this end up being a baseline framework like Sexlab that we can add content too? I know you have a fairly intuitive way of adding animations already but I would love to add features into the game like Stripper Clubs / MyFreeCam Money Making / Ect..


Any future plans of features to tie into that new skill? Can we contribute in any meaningful way?

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I'm back with big international problems ! :-)

All is working great but the list of sex partners of my sims is empty. I thought it was because the mod do not know the partners yet but even after 5 woohoo actions (in bed, rocket or bush), the list of sex partners is still empty. A specific action is needed to activate the WickedWoohoo partners list ?

Sims 4 game version

To start sex interaction with other sim they have to be nearby. I will add info about that to the instructions on how to start because I can see this being a problem.

If the list is still empty even when there are sims standing next to each other then given animation category may not allow for interactions with specific genders.



Right, I was trying WickedWoohoo interactions between two women. No result, it doesn't work.

Between a man and a woman, that's ok, all the interactions are working.


Then I tried the interactions between a woman an a man (a man with female body and female clothes). Hahaaa ! That's cool. But at the moment, it doesn't work. Next time, I try between a cow and a dog. :-)




Yes, I had the same problem with no partners showing up in all female household. Four women, three young adult, one adult. Haven't tried male and female, just wanted to come add in I have this problem also.


Thanks for the mod by the way! As I said before, very exciting!


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WOOHOO! for Wicked Woohoo!


I'm very pleased with where this mod is heading....lot's of SimSEX! as soon as it gets implemented as in a way to increase romance bar with Sim, it will surely be the only way i woohoo any of the Sims from that point on.


Good Job! to you and the animation modders helping you.



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Freaking awesome guys!!!!!!!  I knew it was just a mater of time.... I have been playing this game from the Sims1 days and you all have just made sims 4 the best!  I had to remove a lot of old script mods to get it to work ...Thank you mod conflict detector.... But BAMMM !!!!!  WOOOHOOO enguage.  I might even start making some content like I did for sims 2 over the winter. Again thank you and keep up the great work.

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Depending on the outfit setup sims remove:

- Upper Body Part or/and Lower Body Part when needed (shirts and pants)

- Tights if Lower Body Part is being removed

- Full Body Part if the outfit is made out of it when Upper or/and Lower Body Part is needed to be removed


These are all (4) CAS parts that are being replaced to naked body parts. If any of your outfits are set to one of these categories they will be replaced.

I would consider allowing specific CAS parts to be used if I come up with some nice way to handle that on the user-end side.


Welp, I did a little tinkering on an outfit that uses the upperbody slot, combining it with stockings into one texture so Wicked Woohoo won't strip the outfit.  I didn't get to test it because when I viewed the outfit out of CAS it needs new LODs...all four of them...that means new binaries too...(shoots self).

You might not know this, but making new meshes for Sims4 is as much as a pain as mesh modding Skyrim or FO4.  And because of the way OrangeMittens coded Sims4 Studio it also requires Blender version 2.70, which is not fun to maneuver in.


All of that considered, making the open corsets and other equipped clothing items stay on the Sims during wicked woohoo is simply too much work from a mesh rigging standpoint.  Maybe you can consider what I have underlined in the above quote in a future update.

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Wicked WooHoo is in fact one of the best adult mods that I’ve found up to date, especially for TS4. Its animations are smooth but it lacks in certain areas just like any other sex mod; emotions and experience. I’m here to break down things that might just help make the mod better than it already is.


Using the Wicked Interaction

  • Walking to the destination rather than spawning
  • Sim will talk as if flirty to other Sim(s) after clicking on desired animation
  • Kissing when reached destination, Sims undressing other Sims, and then desired animation
  • Each animation causes different emotions during and after


Experiencing Animations

      Depending on how experienced the Sim is, when using the Wicked Mod, Sims might become Embarrassed, Tense, Angry, Sad, Confident, and Flirty after asked the question. Each emotion will affect how the Sims perform during sex, and will also cause an emotional reaction after it.






Being embarrassed normally occurs if the Sim isn’t experienced with using Wicked WooHoo. In this result, the Sim may feel guilty while having sex with other Sim(s), looking around the room at nothing in particular.


Negative: Act of Crudeness (From Cheating)

What? I thought I heard someone! Maybe not but this feels inappropriate.


Creates Embarrassment +2, Tense +1

Duration lasts until sex is over.

            Relationship Status: Anyone except boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife

            Can Happen When: First time Cheating

            Age: T, YA, A, E


Positive: Act of Crudeness (From Cheating)

Hmm, I never expected this to feel so good when it’s supposed to feel so bad!


Creates Flirty +5

Duration lasts until sex is over.

            Relationship Status: Anyone except boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife

            Can Happen When: First time Cheating

Age: T, YA, A, E


Negative: Guilty Conscience (From Cheating)

 I really, really shouldn’t have done that. What if my partner finds out? I’m hooped, that’s what!


Creates Embarrassment +2

Duration lasts for 4 hours.

Relationship status: Anyone except boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife

Can Happen When: Cheating is performed

Age: T, YA, A, E


Positive: Relief of Grief (From Cheating)

Thank goodness nobody caught us in the act! We should do this more often.


Creates Happy +4

Duration lasts for 4 hours.

Relationship status: Anyone except boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife

Can Happen When: Cheating is performed

Age: T, YA, A, E


Negative: Caught in the Act (From Cheating)

Oh no! I’ve been caught red-handed with another Sim. Only nasty consequences will come my way now!


Creates Embarrassment +2, Tense +1

Duration Lasts for 24 hours.

Relationship Status: Anyone except boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife

Can Happen When: Any act of Cheating is involved

Age: T, YA, A, E


            Negative: Perverted Minds (From WooHooing Teen)

            I can’t believe I just mingled with a teenager! I decided to make love to someone my own age illegally. I should be ashamed of myself.


            Creates Embarrassment +4

            Duration lasts for 8 hours

            Relationship Status: Teenager

            Can Happen When: Older Sims WooHoo with Younger Sims

            Age: YA, A, E



             Negative: Not even Legal (From WooHooing Teen)

            Am I really doing it with someone under my age that isn’t even legal? What have I become?


            Creates Embarrassed +2

            Duration lasts until sex is over.

Relationship Status: Teens and Older

Can Happen When: First time WooHooing Younger Sim

            Age: YA, A, E


            Negative: Perverted Minds (From WooHooing Teen)

            I can’t believe I just WooHooed with a teenager! I should be ashamed of myself.


            Creates Embarrassment +4

            Duration lasts for 8 hours

            Relationship Status: Teenager

            Can Happen When: Older Sims WooHoo with Younger Sims

            Age: YA, A, E







Being tense normally occurs when Sim has had one too many Wicked WooHoo’s all in one shot, or if plenty of other partners are involved when the Sim is only used to having individual sex. Sim will stop other Sim for a split second, looking at them funny and then continuing. Sometimes they might grab hold onto other Sim due to being tense.


Negative: Chaffing Genitals (From Vaginal WooHooing)

Oh, yes! Ouch! It feels so good yet it feels so numb. Should we stop?


Creates Tense +1

Duration lasts until sex is over.

Relationship Status: Anyone except children of course

Can Happen When: Overdoing the WooHooing, also in Orgies

Age: T, YA, A, E


Negative: Chaffing Genitals! (From Vaginal WooHooing)

Uh-oh can’t quite seem to feel anything down there. Maybe if I… ouch! Might have to put some ice on it, and maybe schedule an appointment with the doctor.


Creates Tense +10

Duration lasts for 24 hours.

Relationship Status: Anyone except children of course

Can Happen When: Overdoing the WooHooing, also in Orgies

Age: T, YA, A, E


Negative: Multiple Bodies (From Orgy)

Two bodies are already a tough workout, but more bodies? I think I’m going to pass out.


Creates Tense +4

Duration lasts until sex is over.

Relationship Status: Anyone except children of course

Can Happen When: First time having an Orgy

Age: T, YA, A, E


Positive: Steamy Orgy (From Orgy)

That wasn’t so bad after all! It was a little hot with all the bodies but nonetheless, it was a great experience. We should arrange for this some other time!


Creates Happy +4

Duration lasts for 4 hours.

Relationship Status: Anyone except children of course

Can Happen When: First time having an Orgy

Age: T, YA, A, E


            Positive: Not even Legal (From WooHooing Teen)

            They’re so young and I’m so old! Ah, our ancestor’s didn’t seem to care so why should we?


            Creates Flirty +2

            Duration lasts until sex is over.

Relationship Status: Teens and Older

Can Happen When: First time WooHooing Younger Sim

            Age: YA, A, E




 Change Log


Chang Log:


[Aug 3rd, 2016, 2:20 PM] Reduced text size, added and removed some ideas, and organized post


I will no longer be updating on this post, you can check back on my new post here for more ideas and suggestions.

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First of all your are really amazing great jobs and thanks for sharing it with us. I have a little problem with group sex can't swap or invite a sim for three some. can you give some more information about group sex? 

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First of all your are really amazing great jobs and thanks for sharing it with us. I have a little problem with group sex can't swap or invite a sim for three some. can you give some more information about group sex? 


There are no group sex animations yet. That's why you can't use this feature right now (properly).

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First of all your are really amazing great jobs and thanks for sharing it with us. I have a little problem with group sex can't swap or invite a sim for three some. can you give some more information about group sex? 


There are no group sex animations yet. That's why you can't use this feature right now (properly).


ks bro probobly I miss understood the explanation about the mod. My english is good enough 

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This is amazing work - Thank you so much for sharing.

Will this end up being a baseline framework like Sexlab that we can add content too? I know you have a fairly intuitive way of adding animations already but I would love to add features into the game like Stripper Clubs / MyFreeCam Money Making / Ect..


Any future plans of features to tie into that new skill? Can we contribute in any meaningful way?

The way I started making this mod and the way I want to continue it is not oriented into being a framework, that's too big of a responsibility (for one thing).

I will continue working on the core mod myself and right now the main thing to support is making new animations.

It's a long run, but if you want me to do more, then supporting me on Patreon insures me about that.

I am not stopping anybody from making their own mods that would work with WW and even be a part of WW eventually. Not sure how well that could be done right now, but it's possible.

So as I said, the only way to support the mod is to make animations and maybe icons I've mentioned in the topic or to support me directly.

I like that you're looking into the future of the mod, but you have to understand that it's still really early and it's hard to take these sort of decisions that easily. I am going to continue working on it on my own and see how well that goes.



Freaking awesome guys!!!!!!!  I knew it was just a mater of time.... I have been playing this game from the Sims1 days and you all have just made sims 4 the best!  I had to remove a lot of old script mods to get it to work ...Thank you mod conflict detector.... But BAMMM !!!!!  WOOOHOOO enguage.  I might even start making some content like I did for sims 2 over the winter. Again thank you and keep up the great work.

Glad to hear that, thanks!

If it's not too big of a deal and you think that may help, then let me know what sort of mods were causing conflicts.



Depending on the outfit setup sims remove:

- Upper Body Part or/and Lower Body Part when needed (shirts and pants)

- Tights if Lower Body Part is being removed

- Full Body Part if the outfit is made out of it when Upper or/and Lower Body Part is needed to be removed


These are all (4) CAS parts that are being replaced to naked body parts. If any of your outfits are set to one of these categories they will be replaced.

I would consider allowing specific CAS parts to be used if I come up with some nice way to handle that on the user-end side.


Welp, I did a little tinkering on an outfit that uses the upperbody slot, combining it with stockings into one texture so Wicked Woohoo won't strip the outfit.  I didn't get to test it because when I viewed the outfit out of CAS it needs new LODs...all four of them...that means new binaries too...(shoots self).

You might not know this, but making new meshes for Sims4 is as much as a pain as mesh modding Skyrim or FO4.  And because of the way OrangeMittens coded Sims4 Studio it also requires Blender version 2.70, which is not fun to maneuver in.


All of that considered, making the open corsets and other equipped clothing items stay on the Sims during wicked woohoo is simply too much work from a mesh rigging standpoint.  Maybe you can consider what I have underlined in the above quote in a future update.


Sorry to hear that. I will look into it eventually. The best option that I can come up with right now is the ability to register CAS Instance IDs as allowed nude parts, but that is not too intuitive or user friendly. I have to think about it.


First of all your are really amazing great jobs and thanks for sharing it with us. I have a little problem with group sex can't swap or invite a sim for three some. can you give some more information about group sex? 

Thank You! As Eksclusiv said, there are no animations for 3 or more sims at the time. But I haven't heard about swapping issues. If set position doesn't allow to swap then you can't, that's all.



Wicked WooHoo is in fact one of the best adult mods that I’ve found up to date, especially for TS4. Its animations are smooth but it lacks in certain areas just like any other sex mod; emotions and experience. I’m here to break down things that might just help make the mod better than it already is.


Using the Wicked Interaction

  • Walking to the destination rather than spawning
  • Sim will talk as if flirty to other Sim(s) after clicking on desired animation
  • Kissing when reached destination, Sims undressing other Sims, and then desired animation
  • Each animation causes different emotions during and after

Experiencing Animations


      Depending on how experienced the Sim is, when using the Wicked Mod, Sims might become Embarrassed, Tense, Angry, Sad, Confident, and Flirty after asked the question. Each emotion will affect how the Sims perform during sex, and will also cause an emotional reaction after it.

  • Embarrassed

Being embarrassed normally occurs if the Sim isn’t experienced with using Wicked WooHoo. In this result, the Sim may feel guilty while having sex with other Sim(s), looking around the room at nothing in particular.




Negative: Act of Crudeness (From Cheating)


What? I thought I heard someone! Maybe not but this feels inappropriate.


Creates Embarrassment +2

Duration lasts until sex is over.


Positive: Act of Crudeness (From Cheating)

Hmm, I never expected this to feel so good when it’s supposed to feel so bad!


Creates Flirty +5

Duration lasts until sex is over.


Negative: Guilty Conscience (From Cheating)


 I really, really shouldn’t have done that. What if my partner finds out? I’m hooped, that’s what!


Creates Embarrassment +2

Duration lasts for 4 hours.


Positive: Relief of Grief (From Cheating)


Thank goodness nobody caught us in the act! We should do this more often.


Creates Happy +4

Duration lasts for 4 hours.

  • Tense

Being tense normally occurs when Sim has had one too many Wicked WooHoo’s all in one shot, or if plenty of other partners are involved when the Sim is only used to having individual sex. Sim will stop other Sim for a split second, looking at them funny and then continuing. Sometimes they might grab hold onto other Sim due to being tense.


Negative: Chaffing Genitals (From Vaginal WooHooing)


Oh, yes! Ouch! It feels so good yet it feels so numb. Should we stop?


Creates Tense +1

Duration lasts until sex is over.


Negative: Chaffing Genitals! (From Vaginal WooHooing)


Uh-oh can’t quite seem to feel anything down there. Maybe if I… ouch! Might have to put some ice on it, and maybe schedule an appointment with the doctor.


Creates Tense +10

Duration lasts for 24 hours.


Negative: Multiple Bodies (From Orgy)

Two bodies are already a tough workout, but more bodies? I think I’m going to pass out.


Creates Tense +4

Duration lasts until sex is over.


Positive: Steamy Orgy (From Orgy)

That wasn’t so bad after all! It was a little hot with all the bodies but nonetheless, it was a great experience. We should arrange for this some other time!

Creates Happy +4

Duration lasts for 4 hours.


Negative: Chaffing Genitals! (From Vaginal WooHoo)

Uh-oh can’t quite seem to feel anything down there. Maybe if I… ouch! Might have to put some ice on it, and maybe schedule an appointment with the doctor.


Creates Tense +10

Duration lasts for 24 hours.


  • Angry

Angry Sims talks as though they are arguing with another Sim during sex. They will end up slapping their partner and spitting on them in the process.


Negative: Revenge WooHoo (From Vaginal WooHoo)

Come on, give it to me! Tell me how much of a useless good for nothing being I am. My significant other says so!


Creates Anger +2

Duration lasts until sex is over.


Positive: Revenge WooHoo (From Vaginal WooHoo)

Ah, two wrongs do make a right! Thank you for the satisfying event.

Creates Happy +10

Duration lasts for 8 hours.


I will be adding more to the post in the future so please, if you will check back every now and then.

Let me know your thoughts! :)

Thanks! :D

WW is still in a prototype version and elements that have to be done for next full release are listed in the topic.

You have quite some ideas and that is sort of the way I would want to go with.

This is a lot of work and WW is still really early in the development.

Integration with relations, emotions, buffs, traits for sure will be a thing when there will be the time to implement it.

Thank You for the suggestions, I will take them into account when working on emotions. A lot of work.  :shy:

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> Bradyman6


I agree, we all want more, this WickedWoohoo mod can be (and will probably be) much more than what it is at the moment. And yes, I would like that mod to be a kind of game in the game... but ! Hey, I think Turbodriver, Jeffyboy and Mike24 have only 2 hands. I think the job they already have done is impressive ! I think they have no money,  living in a dark cellar :D  but working hard to bring great new contents to the game. For free. Hahaha ! These 3 guys are just crazy. We love you !

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Hi hi, I was playing for 2 hours with Wicked Woohoo installed and my game didn't crash or anything.. so that is a good thing! here is a list of script mods I run. In case anyone else is wondering what works. My game is also the most up to date version from the Origin Launcher





mc_cmd_center + (all of its addons)


Autonomous_Use_of_Hot_Tubs_at_the_Spa (but I just removed it, cause scared it might mess with wicked woohoo autonomy)


Azoresman_Starting Funds 500K+50k per Sim


GenericLotsAreEmptyNoMore!v3 (mine might be out of date, but worked)

High_School  (teens dont have to go to school)

Increased_limit_for_hiring_freeservice_all the time

Instant Evolve



Kai NoPhone

Lodakai NoAutoPC-1.13.02

More Traits Mod-Version Ten-Updated-4-23-16














No Children At the Nightclubs














Weebl_101 - Base Mod Version 2.8 (this edits the autonmy so sims do more things. such as fights and cheating and stuff)

Weebl_101 - Hardcore Addon Version 2.2

Zerbu - More Club Icons

Zerbu - Travel to Special Lots



Sorry for the massive post. but hopes this help some others get an idea of what works with the amazing Wicked Woohoo ♥



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Hi hi, I was playing for 2 hours with Wicked Woohoo installed and my game didn't crash or anything.. so that is a good thing! here is a list of script mods I run. In case anyone else is wondering what works. My game is also the most up to date version from the Origin Launcher





mc_cmd_center + (all of its addons)


Autonomous_Use_of_Hot_Tubs_at_the_Spa (but I just removed it, cause scared it might mess with wicked woohoo autonomy)


Azoresman_Starting Funds 500K+50k per Sim


GenericLotsAreEmptyNoMore!v3 (mine might be out of date, but worked)

High_School  (teens dont have to go to school)

Increased_limit_for_hiring_freeservice_all the time

Instant Evolve



Kai NoPhone

Lodakai NoAutoPC-1.13.02

More Traits Mod-Version Ten-Updated-4-23-16














No Children At the Nightclubs














Weebl_101 - Base Mod Version 2.8 (this edits the autonmy so sims do more things. such as fights and cheating and stuff)

Weebl_101 - Hardcore Addon Version 2.2

Zerbu - More Club Icons

Zerbu - Travel to Special Lots



Sorry for the massive post. but hopes this help some others get an idea of what works with the amazing Wicked Woohoo ♥


Wow, thanks for letting us know! Thanks to you I got introduced to so many awesome mods I haven't even heared of before. Big thanks for that list!

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Hi hi, I was playing for 2 hours with Wicked Woohoo installed and my game didn't crash or anything.. so that is a good thing! here is a list of script mods I run. In case anyone else is wondering what works. My game is also the most up to date version from the Origin Launcher





mc_cmd_center + (all of its addons)


Autonomous_Use_of_Hot_Tubs_at_the_Spa (but I just removed it, cause scared it might mess with wicked woohoo autonomy)


Azoresman_Starting Funds 500K+50k per Sim


GenericLotsAreEmptyNoMore!v3 (mine might be out of date, but worked)

High_School  (teens dont have to go to school)

Increased_limit_for_hiring_freeservice_all the time

Instant Evolve



Kai NoPhone

Lodakai NoAutoPC-1.13.02

More Traits Mod-Version Ten-Updated-4-23-16














No Children At the Nightclubs














Weebl_101 - Base Mod Version 2.8 (this edits the autonmy so sims do more things. such as fights and cheating and stuff)

Weebl_101 - Hardcore Addon Version 2.2

Zerbu - More Club Icons

Zerbu - Travel to Special Lots



Sorry for the massive post. but hopes this help some others get an idea of what works with the amazing Wicked Woohoo ♥


Wow, thanks for letting us know! Thanks to you I got introduced to so many awesome mods I haven't even heared of before. Big thanks for that list!





I have to say ditto to this as I wasn't even thinking about Sims 4 until we got animations and since I'm starting it up I had no idea of the mod situation outside of what was on here. Good looking out..... ;)

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Hi hi, I was playing for 2 hours with Wicked Woohoo installed and my game didn't crash or anything.. so that is a good thing! here is a list of script mods I run. In case anyone else is wondering what works. My game is also the most up to date version from the Origin Launcher





mc_cmd_center + (all of its addons)


Autonomous_Use_of_Hot_Tubs_at_the_Spa (but I just removed it, cause scared it might mess with wicked woohoo autonomy)


Azoresman_Starting Funds 500K+50k per Sim


GenericLotsAreEmptyNoMore!v3 (mine might be out of date, but worked)

High_School  (teens dont have to go to school)

Increased_limit_for_hiring_freeservice_all the time

Instant Evolve



Kai NoPhone

Lodakai NoAutoPC-1.13.02

More Traits Mod-Version Ten-Updated-4-23-16














No Children At the Nightclubs














Weebl_101 - Base Mod Version 2.8 (this edits the autonmy so sims do more things. such as fights and cheating and stuff)

Weebl_101 - Hardcore Addon Version 2.2

Zerbu - More Club Icons

Zerbu - Travel to Special Lots



Sorry for the massive post. but hopes this help some others get an idea of what works with the amazing Wicked Woohoo ♥


Wow, thanks for letting us know! Thanks to you I got introduced to so many awesome mods I haven't even heared of before. Big thanks for that list!





I have to say ditto to this as I wasn't even thinking about Sims 4 until we got animations and since I'm starting it up I had no idea of the mod situation outside of what was on here. Good looking out..... ;)


Yay welcome! I have been playing it since release. so I follow the mods quite a bit. I am not sure If I am allowed to share links to other sites on here.. but there is a blog  with tons of Sims 4 custom content categorized nicely. If anyone would like it. just PMme ^^


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Hi hi, I was playing for 2 hours with Wicked Woohoo installed and my game didn't crash or anything.. so that is a good thing! here is a list of script mods I run. In case anyone else is wondering what works. My game is also the most up to date version from the Origin Launcher





mc_cmd_center + (all of its addons)


Autonomous_Use_of_Hot_Tubs_at_the_Spa (but I just removed it, cause scared it might mess with wicked woohoo autonomy)


Azoresman_Starting Funds 500K+50k per Sim


GenericLotsAreEmptyNoMore!v3 (mine might be out of date, but worked)

High_School  (teens dont have to go to school)

Increased_limit_for_hiring_freeservice_all the time

Instant Evolve



Kai NoPhone

Lodakai NoAutoPC-1.13.02

More Traits Mod-Version Ten-Updated-4-23-16














No Children At the Nightclubs














Weebl_101 - Base Mod Version 2.8 (this edits the autonmy so sims do more things. such as fights and cheating and stuff)

Weebl_101 - Hardcore Addon Version 2.2

Zerbu - More Club Icons

Zerbu - Travel to Special Lots



Sorry for the massive post. but hopes this help some others get an idea of what works with the amazing Wicked Woohoo ♥


Wow, thanks for letting us know! Thanks to you I got introduced to so many awesome mods I haven't even heared of before. Big thanks for that list!





I have to say ditto to this as I wasn't even thinking about Sims 4 until we got animations and since I'm starting it up I had no idea of the mod situation outside of what was on here. Good looking out..... ;)


Yay welcome! I have been playing it since release. so I follow the mods quite a bit. I am not sure If I am allowed to share links to other sites on here.. but there is a blog  with tons of Sims 4 custom content categorized nicely. If anyone would like it. just PMme ^^



I'm a very experienced Sims 3 player just didn't get into 4. You can share links on here. I do all the time.


This is a good one for Sims 3 and 4 ....http://sssvitlans.tumblr.com/sims4cc

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Just wanted to report a bug: opened up a game this morning and my sim, while taking a bath, autonomously jumped into a WW animation in midair. Cancelled out and it returned to normal, but would stop whatever it was doing to try and start an anim again. I closed out and cleared the WW save files and that worked.

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Just wanted to report a bug: opened up a game this morning and my sim, while taking a bath, autonomously jumped into a WW animation in midair. Cancelled out and it returned to normal, but would stop whatever it was doing to try and start an anim again. I closed out and cleared the WW save files and that worked.

Thanks for the report! Good work with resolving the problem. I think the next public release should have it fixed.



This is a good one for Sims 3 and 4 ....http://sssvitlans.tumblr.com/sims4cc

Really nice blog, thanks for sharing!

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Just wanted to report a bug: opened up a game this morning and my sim, while taking a bath, autonomously jumped into a WW animation in midair. Cancelled out and it returned to normal, but would stop whatever it was doing to try and start an anim again. I closed out and cleared the WW save files and that worked.

Thanks for the report! Good work with resolving the problem. I think the next public release should have it fixed.



This is a good one for Sims 3 and 4 ....http://sssvitlans.tumblr.com/sims4cc

Really nice blog, thanks for sharing!



No problem be careful with that blog. Biggest mistake I made of Sims 3 was being a CC hoarder. If I was to ever go back I'd start over and keep my CC down as much as possible to keep lag down.



I'm a very experienced Sims 3 player just didn't get into 4. You can share links on here. I do all the time.


This is a good one for Sims 3 and 4 ....http://sssvitlans.tumblr.com/sims4cc



Oh hehe well! this is for non sexy stuff, but lots of stuff ! http://mysims4blog.blogspot.com/ ♥♥



Cool, thanks for sharing, I think the same person had one for Sims 3 too.

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> Bradyman6


I agree, we all want more, this WickedWoohoo mod can be (and will probably be) much more than what it is at the moment. And yes, I would like that mod to be a kind of game in the game... but ! Hey, I think Turbodriver, Jeffyboy and Mike24 have only 2 hands. I think the job they already have done is impressive ! I think they have no money,  living in a dark cellar :D  but working hard to bring great new contents to the game. For free. Hahaha ! These 3 guys are just crazy. We love you !


Well, there is one thing we can do about the no money/dark cellar situation.  I just went to the support link at http://patreon.com/wickedwoohoo and checked it out.  For a small monthly donation, you can not only support the mod, but also get some great perks for being a patron.  You can become a supporter for as little as $1/mo.  I chose the $4.50/mo option - you get access to the patron-only posts and you get early access to new versions of the mod.  I just downloaded a new unreleased beta version with new animations and features - looking great so far.  Mike24 also has a site at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2494532


Of course, this is a free mod, and there is no obligation, but it is available for anyone who wants to be more involved with the development of the mod.


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