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[Stellaris] Space Drow! :-)


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Space Drow!


Vith'dos pathetic mortal! AHEM... adds Drow to Stellaris. wink.png



  • 2 new city style retextures. Drow and Ilythiiri.
  • 2 retextured avian new ship styles. (Mix and match of existing rare ships.) Purple (Ilythiiri) and Drow (red).
  • Matching survey scan colors. (I mention this because it was a pain to get working. laugh.png )
  • 50 outfits for girls, 39 for guys
  • New hairstyles for girls (for elf ears), new hairstyles for guys (fixed for no man-buns and elf ears).
  • Ruler hairstyles with crowns.
  • 8 phenotypes for each gender. (Differing shades of Drowyness and eye color, etc.)
  • Elven trait. Extends leader's lifespans to +750 years.
  • Drow name list... sort of. (I don't really like Drow names so I sort of fudged it. It is a full namelist however.)
  • Random Drow empires should randomly appear in your random game. laugh.png
  • 2 prescripted empires. Children of Eilistraee (the tree-hugging Drow confused.gif) and a "peace-loving" friendly Drow empire bent on spreading universal love.... by bombing the hell out of all aliens. laugh.png 
  • 2 new solar system starts. Binary system with a gaia homeworld, and a notorious damaged ring-world start. (These have neighboring systems but nothing overpowered.)
  • High chance (1/4 on small maps) of Drow fallen empires. Pre-ftl civs are now generated via solar system initializers. Meaning: Drow won't take over the galaxy anymore! wink.png

The Screenage:






Current Version --> DrowOfStellaris(2.2).7z


Quicky FAQ


How do I install this?

REALLY!? Extract to your "mod" folder, wherever that is. laugh.png


Um, why isn't this on Steam?

Oh come on. Have you READ the comments over there? It makes this place look sane. wink.png


Are they animated?



Is this 1.2.* compatible?

It is now!


Hey, where are they?

Look for Drow on the list of race types.


Will this conflict with all kinds of other mods?

Shouldn't. I'm not editing any vanilla resources.


Will the computer use them for randomly generated empires?

It would seem that it does. Purely by accident because I didn't do anything! cool.gif


Did you add a name list?

Yes! Computer generated civilizations should use it as well. Just look for "Drow" in the list.


Does this work for "iron-man" or some other Stellaris feature that Nessa has never nor will ever use?

No idea! laugh.png


Hey, where is that.... really super ugly girl hair from vanilla?

GONE. At least for Drow. I'm pretty sure I heard Drow everywhere cheering. laugh.png


Oh please! You left in the stupid man-bun hairdo for guys? What the..!?

Actually, that's gone now thank goodness! laugh.png


OK, what's this stupid colored eye thing? Drow have red eyes only!

One color is SOOO last era. Or just pretend they're "dark elves". tongue.png


Are you going to update this?

Eh... maybe, but probably not. It would seem so, and often. biggrin.png


Wait a sec, why is this even in the adult section!?

Most things I do end up with nudity somewhere eventually. I'm sure this won't be any different. And.. we've arrived there at record time! blush.gif


Did I just see pink hair? PINK HAIR!????

Everybody knows Drow like pink. It's common knowledge. shy.gif


What the hell is with this color scheme!?

What? You don't like psychotic clashing colors?? biggrin.png




Version History


2.2 - City styles no longer just stupid recolors; General randomization off; Pre-FTL civs now added via solar system initializers (should stop Drow taking over every galaxy); 1/4 chance of Drow fallen empires now, larger maps -will- have a Drow fallen every time; tweaked starting sysems again; added "savage drow" trait for generated civs only; added savage only clothing

2.1 - Ship overhaul! (from Elven mod), minor tweaks.

2.0.5 - Fixed typos for AI planets; tweaked system starts and added neighboring systems.

2.0 - Crowns for everyone; major rework of guys: all clothes now look more masculine, no space suits, ugly big nosed guys got a nose job, bunch of new outfits for men only; more name lists for random civs.

1.9 - Bunch of new girl outfits; fixed (hopefully) rulers having random clothes; guy hair: real black color added, all hairs adjusted to fit elf ears; Fixed mask issue with long female hair; First experiment with crowns/jewelry.

1.8 - Fixed particle errors at last on ships, reworked name list to be more Drowish, added events so you now properly start on a gaia or ringworld without any console trickery, 2 new girl outfits, updated traits to match with 1.2.

1.75 - 7 new guy outfits, 2 new girl outfits, reworked all assets to get rid of mips where needed, adds 2 prescripted empires along with associated solar system starts, and... got rid of the final instance of Trump Hair. Blast. laugh.png

1.7 - 5 new girl outfits, 2 new guy outfits, reorganized girl hair, real elf ears for girls/guys, real black hair for girls.

1.63 - Fixed Elven trait icon, added a new outfit for guys (3 when recolored), tossed Vulcan outfits for guys, made first attempt at adjustment of Drow civs showing up, 1 new outfit for girls, NOTE: Nude pops (both genders) will randomly appear at the moment!

1.6 - (Last version with "nudity" disabled!) 13 new outfits for girls, fixed Trump hair, got rid of man-buns, removes Vulcan stuff for girls.

1.5 - Added two ship style retextures, two new city styles, and a boatload of crazy work with getting scan colors to match.

1.1.0 - Finally fixed clothes! Leaders have random colored outfits. Pops now have random clothes that -stay- on them.

1.0.5 - Added a new Elven trait, added name list, added names for computer generated civs, more attempts and fixing clothing wonkiness

1.0.1 - "Fixed" a few spots causing hair for pops not to show up. I think... laugh.png

1.0 - Initial Release




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OK, so a few things have been cropping up in gameplay.


  • Something lovingly called "Trump hair" for a few female pops. laugh.png  (Basically the pop is somehow getting assigned that stupid man-bun thing and it goes wonky.)
  • Random civilizations do in fact use the Drow appearance but because I don't have a name assigned... they get no name.
  • Pops seem to change outfits quite often. For instance, go to the leader screen, then switch to planet tile view. Then switch to another view and go back. Different clothes each time!


I'll look into trying to fix all these issues. laugh.png

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And... another update.


What's New:

  • Drow name list! Kind of. I used some existing Drow names and some of the -real- Drow from Chosen of Eilistraee. But... I don't really like Drow names so I switched to "generic" elfy sounding names for leaders and such.
  • Elven trait. Extends your leader's life +750 years. Should be using a custom icon... but it's not. (I sort of like the one auto-assigned by Stellaris however.)
  • Names for random generated civs. I used actual Drow names here. So now at least there won't be BLANK Drow running amuck in the galaxy.
  • Attempted more fixes for clothes. I confess I'm about totally clueless as to what the heck the formatting is for the clothing files. Looking at the files I -thought- pops would have random clothing. Turns out that doesn't work. This time I tried assigning clothes based on what was on the tile. It... kind of works. If anybody has suggestions here, I'm open.

No word on the infamous "Trump Hair" issue at present. I've only seen it once in one of my games. I can't see anywhere in the files where a girl might be assigned a guy's hair, but... that doesn't mean much! laugh.png

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OK... more updates! laugh.png

  • Fixed clothes hopefully for good! Pops now have random clothing and they keep their clothes on when you move them! cool.gif
  • Leaders have random clothing but specific for their job. (Admirals wear admiral clothes but different colors, etc.)
  • I think the solution above should fix whatever was causing Trump Hair. But we'll find out in my next game! laugh.png

There is one new (or perhaps just new to me) problem: the same grey hairstyle can be picked twice for girls. At present no idea what's causing that but it's probably something with the hair asset selector. (I probably just need to look at it when not tired! biggrin.png )


Been thinking... maybe Drow need their own ship style? And what about city style? So, since I'm the queen of laziness for Stellaris modding... I thought I'd recolor the stone city set to a darker color and perhaps make a standalone retexture of the avian ship style. (Shiny black of course. Maybe with purple exhaust trails... or red. laugh.png )

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Um... OK new update.


  • Two ship retextures of the avian style. (It's the only one I almost like.) I couldn't decide if I wanted red or purple so I made them both.
  • Made two new city styles. One is a darker looking medieval city retex while the other is of course.... avian retextured.
  • I spent the most time trying to get purple and red scans for the stupid science vessels.

Didn't mess with hair and... at the moment may not for a bit. Time for a new game and to see what I did wrong on this release! laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png


I should also mention that at the moment, the computer only uses the Drow (red) appearance when making random civs. Couldn't figure out how to get it to use both without extra portraits showing up.

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There's a drow race on steam but it's not translated to English and otherwise looks very simplistic too.

Did you edited the ships or are you grabbing them from that other mod in the workshop? 

I would like to see the fungoid ships with purple / red glowing aspects instead of green. The avian ones look a bit off.

The insectoid ships have some nice models too but I guess making them properly dark is a bit more work?


And is the namelist for leaders based on the drow name pre / suffix lists available on the net?



I realize the namelist is mentioned by the way, I just can't make anything out of your answer ... :)



Well, kind of an awkward start with this neighbor. 







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I retextured the ships to get the new colors. If you've looked at Paradox's textures... they're not very impressive. laugh.png But that's a bonus because it also means it doesn't take much to change them. cool.gif  I picked Avian because it's the only vanilla ship style I don't -totally- hate and it's vaguely sleek. The reason there are red and purple versions is.... because I couldn't decide which I liked more. confused.gif  (Really, why didn't they make some ship sets like the ones shown in the anomaly art?) My main complaint about the other ship styles.....  is kind of silly come to think of it. I don't like their colors. BUT I can change their colors! laugh.png  


Anyway, it was a matter of maybe 5 minutes to color everything. The real trouble was getting the ships to show up in game. THAT was a headache. laugh.png Then there were the exhaust lights and survey ... cone... thing to deal with. (I was going to leave it alone but a black ship doesn't have a light sissy blue survey scan color!!! wink.png) But now that I've done it twice, doing it again is certainly going to be faster.


So the short answer (haha) is yes, I can recolor any of the ship styles. I'll have another look at the anthropoid ships. Maybe those would be more interesting in a non-disgusting color.


There is a new mod just out on Steam that recolors all the ships. (Or was that the one you were talking about?) It doesn't look like the author made the red avian ships dark however. And... there's no dark purple avian ships either. cool.gif

I -have- been thinking about maybe making my own ships from scratch. I see they have a nice Maya exporter. Also just checked out the new Star Wars stuff and I see the modeller didn't even bother with cutting the ship into sections. (I approve of this choice.) So ... if it's not too bad, I may just make my own.

Of course now I like playing using the purple avian ships so I'll keep those for sure.


For the name list, it's a pretty big mashup. There aren't a lot of actual -Drow- names out there anyway. And the ones that are, maybe only 1/4 are even remotely pronounceable. Soo.... I substituted real Drow for Dunmer, some real Elvish (Quenya), and some fake elvish (elfy name generator). You'll notice the ship names for.... I think it was battleships (can't recall at the moment) are all female Dunmer names. I did include the few decent real Drow names that exist but they're in a sea of fake Drow. (And really, Drow as a language is pretty spotty.)


Now THAT is a disturbing start! Mainly because... they're an INDIRECT DEMOCRACY!? biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png There must be a way to ensure they have nastier government styles. Another fun thing would be to see if I can get them to show up as a stagnant ascendancy civ. "Stop playing around with AI or we'll KILL YOU ALL!" biggrin.png I think I can do custom diplomacy greetings and such. Would be fun to be insulted via actual Drow. (Funny how the thing that is easiest to find in real Drow are.... insults! biggrin.png)


EDIT: Oh yeah, and I need to have them actually keep the elven trait! That's going on the list! I am wondering if I shouldn't reduce the cost though. Or perhaps... add something else aside from extended lifetime.


EDIT 2: Whelp.... ran into a -governor- with Trump hair on game I'm in at the moment. Definitely something wonky going on with the hair setup. confused.gif

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I personally really like some of the ships in the loading screens which are probably older artworks of the game.

Still wondering why they haven't designed a couple of ship styles that way. Good new ship styles is something I wait for currently anyway, right now the ones popping up aren't too good and pretty cheaply made and I would like to have them on the same level when it comes to quality as the vanilla ones (+with the same module slot balancing).


And yes that was the mod I meant, I remember he did something similar to the avian ships but I overall didn't liked most of the recoloring (especially how he changed the hue of the fungi ships which makes them not really black anymore).


I once put the namelist with it's pre and suffixes in a (OpenOffice) table if you're interested in that, can't really make use of that myself in terms of tools like a generator but maybe it helps putting some names together that aren't too hard to pronounce for our human tongues?


And yeah, my drow empire is a bit more evil, so I can pretend those are some cuddle drow neighbors I can conquer. :D

Right now all my other neighbors hate me too though and the cuddle Drows already made an ally with one so we'll see how well that goes.


I wouldn't reduce the cost of the trait though, it's already kind of OP since it costs as much as the 125 year lifespan one.

I can make a screenshot of my current empire setup later on with what negative traits I went with (might adjust that later though).


Ps: Drow Trumps must be purged!

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Some good news on the Trump hair problem! And ... it's hilarious. laugh.png  I had a typo in the hair file for.... get ready for it.... BLOND hair! laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png Got a minor update coming soon. (Some minor tweaks. Like toning down the in-your-face pink hair for instance. laugh.png)


I generally like the artwork in the whole game. I don't know why they went a bit wonky on the ship styles.


And actually, they have designed some good ships for the game. They're all event rewards though. There's that really nice looking gold ship (that is BEGGING for a whole style) and the "battleship" from the cult event. (May be used elsewhere, don't know.) I love the look of both of those. My real complaint with the avian style (for the Drow) is that it's basically all fish. The corvettes are little sharks. Some of the battleship fronts are devil fish. The science vessel is a stingray. I wonder then why they called it avian? laugh.png

At any rate, a bunch of sea life isn't really screaming -Drow- to me. But until I make my own -or- somebody releases a really nice sleek ship style, it will have to do for the moment. (I will do some recolor tests on the other styles to see if they fit however.)


If you've got part of a Drow namelist, go ahead and send it to me. I can incorporate it into the existing one.


Before when I was using the venerable trait, I was only in one game where my ruler actually died. Not sure I'll ever make it to the 750+ mark. (My games seem not to last too long. Other players must have longer games!)

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First, I just want to say... I didn't start out to do this. I was making some new clothes for girls and realized the stupid "black bra" thing was getting in the way. I want that very clear from the start! tongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png


So... new test outfit here:






Such a gown of course.... unfortunately necessitated a new base body. (Isn't Paradox from Sweden? Why the heck are they censoring themselves with ugly black paint-on bras anyway? So in some sense this is their own stupid fault. Or... that's what I'm going to say. laugh.png ) Well I did say nudity would probably arrive here somehow didn't I?





I suppose the good news is you can't even see this in game anyway. It would require making an "outfit" that wasn't really an outfit. But now at least I won't have to worry about asinine paint-on bras getting in the way anymore.

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Alrighty, new update!



  • I am pleased to announce: NO MORE MAN-BUN! It's GONE. Banished. Dead. Forever. biggrin.png (OK, I just erased the bun part. So yes, guys still have some hair selection.)
  • 4 brand new girl outfits by me. (When recolored this amounts to 13 new outfits.) Bonus points if anybody recognizes them. laugh.png
  • New girl base body sans paint-on bra. (But nobody is going to notice unless you dig in the files.)


  • Trump hair is forever banished. (Sadly, I think I'm going to miss it. laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png )
  • Since outfits are piling up, I opted to get rid of Vulcan outfits for girls. (Are they really Drow-like anyway?) I will be getting rid of the Vulcan stuff for guys in a future update as well. They've been replaced by a modified gown (the one with the colored shawls). I'll be eventually making something new for governors that is more in keeping with Drow. The outfit looks OK on normal people but Drow... meh. wink.png
  • I tossed the vanilla recolored scientist outfits and am now using one of my own. For girls only at the moment. (Guys will get theirs soon!)
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First, I just want to say... I didn't start out to do this. I was making some new clothes for girls and realized the stupid "black bra" thing was getting in the way. I want that very clear from the start! tongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png


So... new test outfit here:





Such a gown of course.... unfortunately necessitated a new base body. (Isn't Paradox from Sweden? Why the heck are they censoring themselves with ugly black paint-on bras anyway? So in some sense this is their own stupid fault. Or... that's what I'm going to say. laugh.png ) Well I did say nudity would probably arrive here somehow didn't I?




I suppose the good news is you can't even see this in game anyway. It would require making an "outfit" that wasn't really an outfit. But now at least I won't have to worry about asinine paint-on bras getting in the way anymore.

So no nudity? I think it is perfect, why not release a beta version for us to 'test' a bit?

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First, I just want to say... I didn't start out to do this. I was making some new clothes for girls and realized the stupid "black bra" thing was getting in the way. I want that very clear from the start! tongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png


So... new test outfit here:





Such a gown of course.... unfortunately necessitated a new base body. (Isn't Paradox from Sweden? Why the heck are they censoring themselves with ugly black paint-on bras anyway? So in some sense this is their own stupid fault. Or... that's what I'm going to say. laugh.png ) Well I did say nudity would probably arrive here somehow didn't I?




I suppose the good news is you can't even see this in game anyway. It would require making an "outfit" that wasn't really an outfit. But now at least I won't have to worry about asinine paint-on bras getting in the way anymore.

So no nudity? I think it is perfect, why not release a beta version for us to 'test' a bit?



Oh fine...  laugh.png


For the 1.6 release.... place the attached file into the "gfx\portraits\asset_selectors\" folder and say yes to overwrite.



I made two dorky "outfits" with just shawls, no dress. smile.png The game crops off most of the body anyway. BUT... I did get an idea for some outfits. Namely: Jewelry. Lots of it. (Naturally for guys as well. They can't be left out of the bare chest brigade!) laugh.png


EDIT: Also, it's just Drow. There's not a whole lot to "see" anyway when you've got skin that dark. laugh.png Now for my upcoming Elves of Stellaris, that's another story. wink.png  (That's not coming till I'm satisfied with the Drow though!!!)


EDIT2: --> This is easier, grab this: NaughtyTest.7z


Expand into your mod folder and say yes to overwrite. biggrin.png


I included a blank outfit for both guys/girls. No idea how it will turn out in game though. confused.gif

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OK, just got back and had a chance to test. Seems it works. Guys also. Which immediately got me thinking, how can this be of any use at all? laugh.png


I think I can do some of the following (after some experimentation):


  • Pops turn nakie when certain conditions are met. Like... a planet with that aphrodisiac modifier. Possibly some edicts for certain gov types.
  • I think I can make a new empire (randomly appearing) called.... the Daughters of Eilistraee. All without apparel. laugh.pnglaugh.png


Humans can be made nakie also. (Actually they're already done. I work on those first.) And... it also turns out that all the freaky aliens have a naked body already. So....

  • Events that cause certain planets to go bonkers and all the pops shed their clothes. laugh.png

The only minor negative about the above is I -think- I'd have to edit all the clothing files for each of the races. No big deal except when dealing with other mods. But I may be wrong about that. Sometimes you can append files that don't conflict. (Which is what I'm doing with the Drow right now.)


Could be some fun to be had here after all. blush.gif

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I feel a nude body mod for human likes should be separate if possible, but I don't know how well we can split that up yet (I know text mods are already missing syntax which makes them hard to merge and easy to conflict and load order is based on the mods position which is sorted alphabetically). I hope someone is working on a proper mod loader that might be able to merge mods if we get proper syntax but at least can manage its own load order. I just think we should try to keep the possibility of conflicts as low as possible and a proper nude mod could be expanded upon separately anyway.


So one thing I noticed in my test game (aside from a couple deformed trump hair styles) though, I had WAY too much other Drow in the game.

I don't know if I somehow got extremely "lucky" but I ended up with 2 "primitives" and 4 empires, giving me 6 in total just in my closer proximity. There are still a few dark spots on the map (playing with hyperlanes, because it kinda is a web) and god knows what primitives sit on some of the other planets. No idea what you could have done wrong when creating a race that would cause that but I have literally no idea how the mod files look like exactly.


Also finally figured out why xenophobes are so broken with gene manipulation ... 

Damnit Paradox! I hope they exclude races with the same portrait instead, not 100% ideal either but at least it makes it more playable. 



Here's an album with all of them.


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I think there's a way to limit how many random empires show up. I'm going to have to look at the vanilla files again to be sure. Like you I'm having Drow show up a tad too often. In my current game I've run into Drow primitives... 2 star systems from my homeworld and I'm already at war with some random xenophobic Drows. And I haven't even run into any of my custom Drow empires that I made yet! Something funky is happening for sure.


Did you run into Trump hair after 1.6? (Also I have no idea if a new save is necessary to see changes from one version to the next. I always start a new game for testing.)


If I do anything with Humaaaans laugh.png that will be another mod. There's another issue with changing the base human body also. It will be fine with things that use vanilla clothes (like Undiverse) but some custom clothing won't fit the new body. (Side note: humans are boring now. They have too few clothes! laugh.png) One thing I could do is make a plugin mod that would alter some existing large human mod if one ever emerges. It's entirely possible to make a whole set of humans who's pops and leaders have certain clothing styles based on their government. (Personally I'd use Undiverse as a starting ground. Chinese clothes for chinese, african, and various European clothes everyone else. I can imagine a whole British Space Empire with matching clothing for instance.) Probably something like that will eventually be made.


For an event mod (like the one that makes everyone including aliens naked for certain events), that could be compatible with everything if I just point to the same blank "outfit" file for all races. (I think.) Then it would be up to the user to install "without apparel" versions of girl base bodies for whatever races they have installed.

But all that would have to be after I'm satisfied with both the Drow and Elves. biggrin.png


I've only altered genes once and.... I've uplifted some primitives once. Both times were annoying. With the genes it turned some geckos into ... that reptile one that looks like a Martian. And the one I was really upset at was when my super cute foxes turned into some kind of grotesque monkey. UGH!


I wish someone would make a "cute races only" mod in fact. No funghi (mushrooms that fly ships!? REALLY!?) No ugly mammalians, and toss some of the nastier reptiles. But we need more attractive races not made by Paradox. (Because most of the vanilla races are UGGGGLY.)

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Haven't updated yet no, probably for the next game but I want to "finish" my current one if the game lets me.


The uplifting issue is because there's only a certain amount of pre sentient fitting portraits in the game I think.

But whenever you alter a pop it becomes a new "race" which means xenophobes hate them (and they hate you) even though you're technically still the same race, just modified.


I personally like the different race portraits, aliens shouldn't all look like attractive humanoid females. :P

There are some star wars races on the workshop though which are human like, and the Vasari from Mass Effect which are all female too and if you like dark races I can also recommend the Pallid.

I would be looking forward for some adult related policies or so, like sex slaves for natives, xenos or all with according happiness bonuses for certain ethics (and more annoyances for the other). Maybe some ruler or racial traits to go along with it too.


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Well, I'm in the middle of a game using 1.61 (I know, I didn't release it yet) and... I've got Drow EVERYWHERE. I didn't do anything at all to the random civ part of the mod though. So something must be off or I'm just really lucky to have: 3 pre-space civs that are Drow, and 6 full civs. Here's another funny thing about this game! There was a big...  beaver-like thing race that started conquering some neighboring civs. I got along with them pretty well but then all of sudden I get a message from them. And this Drow woman has apparently taken over control of the entire empire!!!! laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png Which got me wondering if the game favors races with longer lifespans for leaders. I guess the moral is, if you conquer Drow, DO NOT allow xenos as leaders or you'll be overwhelmed. biggrin.png


Another interesting thing about this game is -most- of the Drow miraculously have the elven trait. I didn't make any changes to make it happen. Obviously there's a lot I'm just not getting about random civ generation! laugh.png And I've yet to encounter a non-Drow race that has the elven trait. My current best (stupid) guess, is that the game must take into account existing empires when generating random civs. If that's the case, perhaps I should make a couple official Drow civs. 


I'd prefer more attractive races in this game especially because I've got two stagnant ascendants: one is giant mushroom and the other a cockroach. COCKROACH. I mean: BLEH. (OH yeah, and what's with the mushrooms that look like deformed um....  well, you know what I mean. Guy parts. biggrin.png)


Anyway, I'm going to try some experiments with getting pops (maybe even leaders) to shed clothes for certain events.


And... a question about clothes! I was limiting leader clothes selection just because the base game did. Should I make leader's clothes choices more random? Maybe not every scientist and governor wears the same style? wink.png


EDIT: One more question. Space Elves, new mod or append to this one? Originally I was going to have both in one mod but then... sometimes it's nice to play with just one type. laugh.png  (I'll be a little more conservative for elven clothing, so I won't reuse everything the Drow have.)


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No something is off there, found a few more primitive drows in that game.

I ended up with 9 known empires / primitives (+me) that were Drow, only one of them had the elven trait though.


Of course the stupid fucking crisis bugging out too, again (if they aren't get squashed by the AI immediately) ...


And yeah, if you got along with them then some of your pops migrated over and spawned as leader there I guess. ;)

Interesting for the single leader government forms though.


Also crashed just now when I clicked on appearance while editing my drow race. 

Probably going to remove it for now until it is a bit fleshed out.


For the clothing ...

Dunno, I like variety.


I would separate extra races, I'd rather have two "modular" mods instead of one with a bunch of maybe unwanted stuff.

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The last game where the dimensionals showed up, they died before I could even order a ship to check it out. One of the major empires decided to take care of it before it became an issue. Kind of annoying actually. Prior to 1.1.0 they were a serious threat. (Though the AI empires ignored them mysteriously.) I now have a mod that is supposed to make them really nasty so hopefully that will stop that little issue.


Not much I can do on the crashing. I've never been able to get it to crash while just testing the Drow mod alone. But.... add in some other stuff (I use... Undiverse, Fox dimorphism, Human Revolution, and... 2 more I can't think of)... and every once in awhile I'll get a crash if I try editing an appearance. I also got crashes before I even made the Drow mod however. So... either it's a Paradox thing, or some (if not all) of us that have made race mods are doing something wrong.




New Update!



  • Fixed the Elven trait icon finally so it actually shows up. Only... I think I prefer the "unknown" icon. (Might make a new one!)
  • First attempt at solving the "Drow are everywhere" issue. (Have to try a new game to see if it changes a thing.)


  • Vulcan outfits are now totally out of the mod.
  • Guys have a new outfit (meaning they end up with 3 new ones)
  • Girls have one new outfit.
  • Nudist pops now randomly appear. (3 types.) This is temporary, I'm pretty sure I can make them only appear in certain circumstances.
  • More clothes choices for leaders. Meaning, your leaders will have more random clothing choices than before. I guess there's no reason to stick with the vanilla ONE OUTFIT PER LEADER CLASS thing. And I love all the pops having different clothes. smile.png


There's a pic of the "Daughters of Eilistraee" up in the screenies section. That's going to be a new pre-scripted civ in the next update. Not quite sure how I'm going to accomplish it yet (there are multiple ways I can choose) but I intend to have all the pops naked for that particular civ. (What? Followers of Eilistraee are naked more than followers of Llolth! biggrin.png )


Also for next update: re-organizing hair for both men and women. If you notice the hairs aren't organized like the clothes are now. It annoys me. So it will be fixes. biggrin.png Plus it appears there's no actual -black- long hair for girls. (Or I have a typo somewhere.) If it's not actually present in vanilla, I'll make one.


Now that I've got a rhythm going, I'll be making more outfits for both girls and guys for future updates.


I've got an Elves of Stellaris ready to go but I'd like to concentrate on polishing this one off first.

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I already use harder invaders but that mod seems to have some issues too which I already reported to the guy, I hope the next update fixes that.


For the crash I use the two portrait mods too but a lot of other mods as well, so not sure which one could cause the issue (Human Revolution got an empty image in the appearance section though which might be a hint). Was my first crash though, so not entirely sure what could have caused it. 



Found two AI Drow empires already in the first 9 years ... ;P

One with the elven trait too, and I just noticed how the AI cheats with their trait points, they absolutely don't need to balance it with negative points at all.

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Just started yet another new game and I'm not noticing a bit of difference myself. Drow everywhere. laugh.png


Been doing some checking. It seems I can make my own pre-scripted (or several) Drow civs and turn off the random bit entirely. For whatever reason it's like the Drow just overwhelm all other races. I'm wondering what would happen in a game with Drow and Elves. Might have a whole galaxy with just them in it! If I turn off random though that kind of kills the fun of running into them. I'll keep checking.


That's right, I forgot about the traits thing. In my current game I've found variants of Drow that are totally cheating on racial points. It appears for the random civs that they don't respect trait points at all. They just pick 3 at random. (Or not quite random given how often I see the elven trait show up.)

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And we're to 1.7! laugh.png


What's New:

  • 5 new girl outfits, 2 new for guys.
  • Reorganized girl hair FINALLY.
  • Real elf ears for EVERYONE. (I'm experimenting with elf ears poking out for the long hair type for girls.)
  • Real black hair... for girls only. (I kept the so-called "black" from vanilla as it fits for brunettes.) Guys will be in a future update.

Still not quite ready with the pre-scripted civs. Still trying some things. confused.gif

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NEWS Update! wink.png 

  • Figured out how to assign "no clothes" to ... everyone based on a trait at least.
  • I may have figured out where the crashing originates. It has to do with mipmaps. (I think.) Anyway, the vanilla game has some resources that have mips and others without. I'm in the process of matching my assets with theirs. (Everything I did originally had mips.) And yes, some other race mods have resources with mips where they don't exist in vanilla. I'm hoping this is the cause of the weird crashing bug.

In the next version (mostly done):

  • More guy outfits. smile.png
  • Daughters of Eilistraee active. What I did was make a new trait "Eilistraeen". It confers some negative and some positive bonuses. (Currently half of other traits that do the same thing.) I have it set to cost -1 at the moment so it can be taken with "Elven". Aside from the bonuses and negatives, it will mean your pops are all in the buff. (Sort of, women get 3 random choices.) I'm thinking about making some more "nakey" outfits with bling. That might give some variety. (I also might alter the base guy portraits to have an actual real chest also. Might as well!) The civ is pre-scripted so that means it will show up in your game -unless- you choose it for yourself.
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