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Can anyone help me with my follower mod?

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Hey everyone.

So, I've been dipping my toes into the modding pool, and have been trying to make a custom follower.


I've managed to make her compatible with UFO and EFF, but when I load her with AFT, everything breaks. I get an error message saying that there's a mod conflict, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix it.


If anyone can help me, I would owe you super duper big time.


She can be found here: www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73620/?

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If it helps, I've seen descriptions on some follower pages that state that the follower is compatible with AFT, EFF, or UFO. I'm not sure why, but maybe something has to be done to the file to make it compatible with all follower overhauls.


Perhaps you can make a compatibility patch with TES5edit, and the merge it with the follower .esp. I don't know this for sure, but it seems somewhat reasonable.

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If it helps, I've seen descriptions on some follower pages that state that the follower is compatible with AFT, EFF, or UFO. I'm not sure why, but maybe something has to be done to the file to make it compatible with all follower overhauls.


Perhaps you can make a compatibility patch with TES5edit, and the merge it with the follower .esp. I don't know this for sure, but it seems somewhat reasonable.


I hadn't even considered TES5edit! I'm gonna give that a go.


I've been comparing her in the CK to followers that are supposed to be compatible with all 3, but they're usually far more complex than mine is and I end up getting lost in a maze of scripts and aliases.

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To do a follower 100% compatible with EFF, AFT, and UFO, just forget aliases, and simply set:

* relationship rank with the player

* CurrentFollowerFaction

* PotentialFollowerFaction

* set it s PlayerTeamMate


Everything else will be managed by the vanilla Skyrim or the extended followers mod (including untamed for creatures.)



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To do a follower 100% compatible with EFF, AFT, and UFO, just forget aliases, and simply set:

* relationship rank with the player

* CurrentFollowerFaction

* PotentialFollowerFaction

* set it s PlayerTeamMate


Everything else will be managed by the vanilla Skyrim or the extended followers mod (including untamed for creatures.)


Sorry for being a total noob here, but everyone keeps asking me to put her on her own framework (and that's what I've attempted to do). So she's got her own follower script, alias, and follower count. Should I just forget all of that and do what you've mentioned?

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To do a follower 100% compatible with EFF, AFT, and UFO, just forget aliases, and simply set:

* relationship rank with the player

* CurrentFollowerFaction

* PotentialFollowerFaction

* set it s PlayerTeamMate


Everything else will be managed by the vanilla Skyrim or the extended followers mod (including untamed for creatures.)


Sorry for being a total noob here, but everyone keeps asking me to put her on her own framework (and that's what I've attempted to do). So she's got her own follower script, alias, and follower count. Should I just forget all of that and do what you've mentioned?



If you do what I said, then your follower will be compatible with 99% of followers mod.

myFollower.setRelationShipRank(PlayerRef, 3) ; "Or 4 if you want a lover"
playerRef.setRelationShipRank(myFollower, 3) ; "Or 4 if you want a lover"
myFollower.SetFactionRank(currentFollowerFaction, -1)
myFollower.SetFactionRank(potentialFollowerFaction, 0)
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