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"What mod is this?" pt. 7

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What armor mod is this?





A repost from a couple pages back. Hoping someone'll recognize this armor.


dunno if anyone responded to this one, but maybe this thing?  http://robton.nu/vanilla-armors-and-clothes-tmb/




what is serana wearing in this https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/38326-0-1451918517.jpg



Luxurious Seduction http://www.loverslab.com/topic/52828-diannes-bodyslide-conversions-cbbeuunp/


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What armor mod is this?





A repost from a couple pages back. Hoping someone'll recognize this armor.


dunno if anyone responded to this one, but maybe this thing?  http://robton.nu/vanilla-armors-and-clothes-tmb/




what is serana wearing in this https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/38326-0-1451918517.jpg



Luxurious Seduction http://www.loverslab.com/topic/52828-diannes-bodyslide-conversions-cbbeuunp/


ah mk thanks for the name, I dunno how to use bodyslide though so I ended up downloading/using it from here http://mitinokuoblivion.blog118.fc2.com/blog-entry-1752.html 


so the small fur shoulder neck wrapping thing that comes with the mod isn't as tall as the one from the picture?  anyone know if that's from a different mod, or some private modification to the original?


here's the original picture again: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/38326-0-1451918517.jpg

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http://kp4068.tistory.com/category/%EC%8A%A4%EC%B9%B4%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%BC%EB%AA%A8%EB%93%9C/%EB%8B%A4%EB%A5%B8%EB%B6%84%EB%8F%99%EB%A3%8C?page=1. There are often very attractive follower mods on this site (Onion and Ellia followers on this page for example). Unfortunately the individual files cannot be ziped and then opened in Mod Organizer. I believe that the problem is either missing esp files or an inability to set the data file. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Such files are manual install...as in you manually drop the meshes/textures/esp files without using a mod manager. If you haven't yet, as for combining the file parts, download every available part and then just extract the first one (usually the one with the 7zip icon).


Thank you for your feedback. I was aware that the intent was for a manual install. I was hoping that someone knew of a work around that I am not aware of. Unfortunately manual installs and Mod Organizer install don't play well together. 



Download all parts and extract the zip one as 3equis said, you can then drop the folder containing the meshes, textures folders, esp etc... into your mod organizer mods folder (you may need to refresh your installed mods list).

Or simply zip all the extracted files back into one zip file and install as normal... 


Thanks again guys but your solutions don't appear to work. Simply attempting to use Mod Organizer to install the mod (zipped files) results in the "No Game Data At Top Level" error message and you cannot set the data. Simply dropping files (regardless of what the contents) into the Mod Organizer Mod Folder will not result in the mod being utilized in the game. These are both pretty simple procedures so I don't think that I made any mistakes in the attempts.

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http://kp4068.tistory.com/category/%EC%8A%A4%EC%B9%B4%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%BC%EB%AA%A8%EB%93%9C/%EB%8B%A4%EB%A5%B8%EB%B6%84%EB%8F%99%EB%A3%8C?page=1. There are often very attractive follower mods on this site (Onion and Ellia followers on this page for example). Unfortunately the individual files cannot be ziped and then opened in Mod Organizer. I believe that the problem is either missing esp files or an inability to set the data file. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Such files are manual install...as in you manually drop the meshes/textures/esp files without using a mod manager. If you haven't yet, as for combining the file parts, download every available part and then just extract the first one (usually the one with the 7zip icon).


Thank you for your feedback. I was aware that the intent was for a manual install. I was hoping that someone knew of a work around that I am not aware of. Unfortunately manual installs and Mod Organizer install don't play well together. 



Download all parts and extract the zip one as 3equis said, you can then drop the folder containing the meshes, textures folders, esp etc... into your mod organizer mods folder (you may need to refresh your installed mods list).

Or simply zip all the extracted files back into one zip file and install as normal... 



Thanks again guys but your solutions don't appear to work. Simply attempting to use Mod Organizer to install the mod (zipped files) results in the "No Game Data At Top Level" error message and you cannot set the data. Simply dropping files (regardless of what the contents) into the Mod Organizer Mod Folder will not result in the mod being utilized in the game. These are both pretty simple procedures so I don't think that I made any mistakes in the attempts.



I noticed the archives on the site you've linked are split.

Onion is split into six separate parts and Ellia is in 5 parts


Did you combine them before trying to install them via MO?


I downloaded all 6 parts for Onion and after combining them, I was able to install them via MO and using the manual option to set the data directory.


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Guest riserax





http://kp4068.tistory.com/category/%EC%8A%A4%EC%B9%B4%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%BC%EB%AA%A8%EB%93%9C/%EB%8B%A4%EB%A5%B8%EB%B6%84%EB%8F%99%EB%A3%8C?page=1. There are often very attractive follower mods on this site (Onion and Ellia followers on this page for example). Unfortunately the individual files cannot be ziped and then opened in Mod Organizer. I believe that the problem is either missing esp files or an inability to set the data file. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Such files are manual install...as in you manually drop the meshes/textures/esp files without using a mod manager. If you haven't yet, as for combining the file parts, download every available part and then just extract the first one (usually the one with the 7zip icon).


Thank you for your feedback. I was aware that the intent was for a manual install. I was hoping that someone knew of a work around that I am not aware of. Unfortunately manual installs and Mod Organizer install don't play well together. 



Download all parts and extract the zip one as 3equis said, you can then drop the folder containing the meshes, textures folders, esp etc... into your mod organizer mods folder (you may need to refresh your installed mods list).

Or simply zip all the extracted files back into one zip file and install as normal... 


Thanks again guys but your solutions don't appear to work. Simply attempting to use Mod Organizer to install the mod (zipped files) results in the "No Game Data At Top Level" error message and you cannot set the data. Simply dropping files (regardless of what the contents) into the Mod Organizer Mod Folder will not result in the mod being utilized in the game. These are both pretty simple procedures so I don't think that I made any mistakes in the attempts.


Hey there! Just thought I'd help by telling you to combine the files in 7 zip, or whatever you use. Put all the parts in one folder, open 7 zip, go to that folder, and right click on part 001 and click combine files (right click in 7 zip, not the folder itself). I extracted the file created, then rezipped it and it works fine! I hope this helps.

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http://kp4068.tistory.com/category/%EC%8A%A4%EC%B9%B4%EC%9D%B4%EB%A6%BC%EB%AA%A8%EB%93%9C/%EB%8B%A4%EB%A5%B8%EB%B6%84%EB%8F%99%EB%A3%8C?page=1. There are often very attractive follower mods on this site (Onion and Ellia followers on this page for example). Unfortunately the individual files cannot be ziped and then opened in Mod Organizer. I believe that the problem is either missing esp files or an inability to set the data file. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Such files are manual install...as in you manually drop the meshes/textures/esp files without using a mod manager. If you haven't yet, as for combining the file parts, download every available part and then just extract the first one (usually the one with the 7zip icon).


Thank you for your feedback. I was aware that the intent was for a manual install. I was hoping that someone knew of a work around that I am not aware of. Unfortunately manual installs and Mod Organizer install don't play well together. 



Download all parts and extract the zip one as 3equis said, you can then drop the folder containing the meshes, textures folders, esp etc... into your mod organizer mods folder (you may need to refresh your installed mods list).

Or simply zip all the extracted files back into one zip file and install as normal... 


Thanks again guys but your solutions don't appear to work. Simply attempting to use Mod Organizer to install the mod (zipped files) results in the "No Game Data At Top Level" error message and you cannot set the data. Simply dropping files (regardless of what the contents) into the Mod Organizer Mod Folder will not result in the mod being utilized in the game. These are both pretty simple procedures so I don't think that I made any mistakes in the attempts.


Hey there! Just thought I'd help by telling you to combine the files in 7 zip, or whatever you use. Put all the parts in one folder, open 7 zip, go to that folder, and right click on part 001 and click combine files (right click in 7 zip, not the folder itself). I extracted the file created, then rezipped it and it works fine! I hope this helps.


This is what I do when mod files do not want to play with mod organizers.


1. At this point DO NOT use any mod organizers or attempt to process files through any mod organizers.

2. If the file is broken down into parts, download all the content parts and unzipped the 001 file.

3. Whatever files you get, copy/paste into your Skyrim/Data folder. Manually or by hand and not through any mod organizer (see 1). Then activate the esm or esp file through the Skyrim default launcher ui (or your mod organizer. the file is now listed but probably inactive.).

4. Useful: Pass it through Loot and/or TESVEdit and/or FNIS.

5. Profit.


You can choose to delete any foreign looking text file(s). Or not if you can understand them and want to keep them. Just watch out for the files that contain other esp file(s). Sometimes they are update or fix files. Sometimes they are just backup files. 


Hope this helps.

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Can anyone tell me what sword this is? http://imgur.com/9CnCLW6 Much appreciated! ^o^


This Katana is not known to me, but there are two, the far more, than are better.  ;)  :P


Fudou Myouou Katana and Tachi by China-YYK Moral cat




Bishu Osafune ju Morikage Katana and Tachi by CHINA



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What armor mod is this?





A repost from a couple pages back. Hoping someone'll recognize this armor.


dunno if anyone responded to this one, but maybe this thing?  http://robton.nu/vanilla-armors-and-clothes-tmb/




what is serana wearing in this https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/38326-0-1451918517.jpg


serana outfit --> luxurious seduction http://mitakusaner.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-828.html

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Guest riserax


Can anyone tell me what sword this is? http://imgur.com/9CnCLW6 Much appreciated! ^o^


This Katana is not known to me, but there are two, the far more, than are better.  ;)  :P


Fudou Myouou Katana and Tachi by China-YYK Moral cat




Bishu Osafune ju Morikage Katana and Tachi by CHINA




Thank you very much for the help! ^o^ I do still want this sword though, since I love the lack of hand guard and the wrap. If anyone else can identify it, that'd be wonderful! <3 I fell in love with it, and can't find it anywhere! :( If anyone can find one that looks like this, that'd be great, too! It's a personal favorite of mine. http://www.gunmetalgearblog.com/resources/CRKT-Hisshou-2.jpg

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Can anyone tell me what sword this is? http://imgur.com/9CnCLW6 Much appreciated! ^o^


This Katana is not known to me, but there are two, the far more, than are better.  ;)  :P


Fudou Myouou Katana and Tachi by China-YYK Moral cat




Bishu Osafune ju Morikage Katana and Tachi by CHINA




Thank you very much for the help! ^o^ I do still want this sword though, since I love the lack of hand guard and the wrap. If anyone else can identify it, that'd be wonderful! <3 I fell in love with it, and can't find it anywhere! :( If anyone can find one that looks like this, that'd be great, too! It's a personal favorite of mine. http://www.gunmetalgearblog.com/resources/CRKT-Hisshou-2.jpg



the only, me known, is here. (without hand protection)

Katana Crafting by lautasantenni



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