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2 hours ago, Noskars said:


Thank you for those images! Anytime you post any, it reminds of all those glossy pictures in ''Photo'' magazine. I just can't stop looking at them both...

Glad you like them! ?

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Point of Origin.., Unknown or Here Comes a Mouthful - Part 01


Data from scouting reports from the Brotherhood of Steel and fragmented files from the Institute place the undiscovered Vault 91 somewhere across what was the known boarder of Southeast New Hampshire and Boston.  The only confirmed evidence is a lone traveler named Pamela Eisley and her vault suit with its numbers clearly labeled on her back.  After interviewing the woman, she was able to confirm its said existence and the existence of unnamed Vault, a manufacturing possibly used by Vault-Tec for their continuing research.  When asked why she was born with green skin, she looked puzzled and said, "I thought everyone was born with green skin.  I mean its never done me no harm.  I'm stronger and heal quicker in sunlight and radiation does sicken me or ghoulify me.  I mean there were doctors and scientist with tubes, tubes and cylinders.  I was poked with needles too many time to count.  ...and there were other green people, some adults, some adoles, and small children like me.  Then one day the Vault Door opened and we were told to leave.  I think I'm the only one that traveled this far.  Then I met Wolfgang at a place called the Drumlin Diner..."



















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Good morning, Mr. Smith. Yesterday, my secretary reported that you asked him to meet with senior management. Here I am. 




I read your file. It has some very interesting details.




So what's your question? You have complaints? Want to report violations? Perhaps a promotion?...




....Or maybe you just want to fuck me?




Of course, the last option! Wait in the waiting room for 10 minutes, and then go.




Here you are! I'm ready.




You can freely use both holes. Enjoy!



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Monique Danvers, Vault 94 - Blessed Are the Beasts and Children - Part 01


This is a new character I've stared and it's rumored she has ventured from West Virginia and is a descendants of the inhabitants of Vault 94.  She's been very tight-lipped about her origins and purpose inside the Commonwealth.  While not a synth, her eyes are cybernetic.  Any inquiries as to how see acquired them has met with little response.


One of my newer characters, Monique Danvers, a Creole Woman from Southern regions of West Virginia entered the Commonwealth via a set of intact train tunnels connecting West Virginia,and Northern Maryland.  Once her migrant caravan hit Washington DC, she booked passage on a cargo barge into The Boston Commonwealth.  Monique is a religious woman with a faith as mixed as her blood.  A combination of Old World Christianity (Catholicism), Loa (African-Haitian Spiritualism), and an oddly Reformed Atomite (Children of the Atom) theology.  The latter is seen and expressed in opposition to that orthodox faith solidifying itself in the Appalachias, the Capital Wastelands, and the Common Wealth. 
This reformed branch see the current Atomite faith as an abomination, an evil spirit or groups of spirits, that corrupt the bodies and souls on many throughout post-apocalyptic North America.   Mind you, these are only human souls, animals fall into a different set of scriptures.  Monique, her brothers and sisters of the faith, see it as their duty to eradicate a demonic interpretation of Atom's false and deranged divinity.  They include:

Purge (i.e. exorcise in an elaborate ceremony with Radaway) the sick and invalid of Atom's foul spirits (radiation)

Convert many of the false believers of Atom (i.e. The Children of Atom or any willing Super-Mutants) and place them on a righteous path of charity and prosperity.

Eliminate those (see above) that do not...

Vanquish (with superior fire power) and destroy feral mindless ghouls that roam these land. Non-feral are to be aided, educated, and anointed until and when so, as clean Atom's corruption.  

Radioactive sites are to be quarantined and sealed.  Loose radioactive material and barrels are to be delivered to a secured site then sealed.  If not, then they are to be marked consecrated, marked hazardous, then cataloged at a local church.

Aid and educate the locales in calligraphy, literary, old world history, mathematics, and geography.  Use the caravan routes and any intact infrastructure to spread the scripture, gospel, and faith to the abandoned and destitute of the land.

Synths, unless anointed, are to be distrusted and left unaided.

Science and technology are best left to the Brotherhood of Steel, but use what you must to aid you in your missions.

The Glowing Sea is Hell.., on Earth.  Make no attempts to establish sanctuary there.

Above all, cleanse yourself body, voice, and soul of Atom's taint.





















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