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GVZ is closing!


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Ok, so as some of you might know outside of here and the Nexus, GVZ -aka- Game Vixen Zone is one of the last places to allow adult Mods, and its owner announced that it is closing within about a month's time.


I'm not posting this to:

-Promote the site (why would I its closing? :P)

-Create arguments about which community is better or drama over when sites close unexpectedly.


I AM posting this so:

-Anyone can share their feelings and thoughts about this news in a respectful manner, here or there.

-Members over there that don't visit often but have files up, can rush over and backup those files.


As for myself:


I started my Modding Journey on the Nexus, went through some Drama that drove me away from modding, and found the community at GVZ to be a bit of a safe haven, a place where respect came first and who was "more right" than the other second, they have had their share of drama too, but if not for the support i had there, I would not have returned to modding at all, so I owe them thanks.


As for here at the Lab, i have seen a lot of un-checked rudeness and "better than you" stuff going on in the less active spots, but for the most part the lack of judgement of people's tastes and lifestyles has been refreshing, also within my community of Modders so far (DOA5) they have been very helpful to me and I thank them, I do intend to expand into Elder Scrolls Mods and a few other games on here next year too!

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Ok, so as some of you might know outside of here and the Nexus, GVZ -aka- Game Vixen Zone is one of the last places to allow adult Mods, and its owner announced that it is closing within about a month's time.


I'm not posting this to:

-Promote the site (why would I its closing? :P)

-Create arguments about which community is better or drama over when sites close unexpectedly.


I AM posting this so:

-Anyone can share their feelings and thoughts about this news in a respectful manner, here or there.

-Members over there that don't visit often but have files up, can rush over and backup those files.


As for myself:


I started my Modding Journey on the Nexus, went through some Drama that drove me away from modding, and found the community at GVZ to be a bit of a safe haven, a place where respect came first and who was "more right" than the other second, they have had their share of drama too, but if not for the support i had there, I would not have returned to modding at all, so I owe them thanks.


As for here at the Lab, i have seen a lot of un-checked rudeness and "better than you" stuff going on in the less active spots, but for the most part the lack of judgement of people's tastes and lifestyles has been refreshing, also within my community of Modders so far (DOA5) they have been very helpful to me and I thank them, I do intend to expand into Elder Scrolls Mods and a few other games on here next year too!


I know that the website is closing because I recently discovered it there. It's a shame because it was one of the most biggest community sites for mods and there's a lot of legendary alumni that unfortunately either went underground, doesn't have interest to mod anymore, or totally stopped for other reasons (i.e; plagiarism, threats). Some of them are on YouTube while others maintain new things on other sites but it doesn't change the fact that the website will be deeply missed because had I not created an account and came out of my shell there as of this month, then I wouldn't have been here and also discovered old mods I liked using for my games.


I wouldn't touch Nexus with a ten-foot-Ethernet-cord for various reasons but I'd still download mods if they're worth my time and not over the size limit for guests. I'm still nervous continuing the mod scene but since I plan to create actual video games someday I wouldn't really find it awkward to be around people that mod games to share their ideas among others.


With that being said, it was a fun journey and I'll miss GVZ even though it's become quite empty due to the majority of the users either not saying anything much as they download other people's mods and/or lurking without contributing. I have to also admit that the positive reception I've received from my first mod progress was great along with people meeting some people being overly kind and supportive to me (which I thoroughly appreciated). I hope for the best to those admins hosting the site and many more users that come and go there and elsewhere.


It was a fun ride, but as they say...Some good things all come to an end sadly.

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Yeah I was reading the notice only yesterday, and I'm surprised and saddened. I'd have to say though that apart from the wider range of games that had mods over there that it seemed to serve little purpose in the last year or two as the community here is so much bigger and more active. I'm not sure from reading the notice that that had anything to do with the closure of the ryonani family though, it's stated that it's all financial and time related. The place wil be missed by myself and many others no doubt, and there's a bunch of folk who will have a harder time in the future finding a mod for say an older resident evil or tomb raider title than they would have if it were still running. Let's just hope that whatever becomes of their community, be it a new site or their merging into communities like this that it brings positive things. I like to think that it will. 

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Certainly bad news. If I remember correctly, it was one of the first sites (or perhaps the first) where the first mods and tutorials for doa5PC appeared (I mean, 'publicly'. xentax is a different case)
I've been uploading some mods and a couple of (now useless) tutorials there, and I can say that is true, the audience has been falling down a lot there lately, sadly.

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It's unfortunate for people who were acclimated to the GVZ layout and community certainly, but the community for erotic modding outside of Bethesda games is small enough that it can benefit to some degree from some centralization here on Loverslab. As far as I've experienced, the admins and moderating staff have been very accommodating. I'd like to view this less as a tragedy and more as a step forward.

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This sad news to hear. When I started making bits and pieces for DoA5, I pretty much just flipped a coin as to whether I'd post them here or over there. 

Considering how popular porn is with 99% of all males, I had always hoped that video game porn (just softcore stuff) would also experience a similar level of popularity, but I guess thats just not the case. GVZ going down is even more concerning with the rise of obnoxious SJW's and how all sexy girls in games seem to be attacked more and more frequently.

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It's unfortunate for people who were acclimated to the GVZ layout and community certainly, but the community for erotic modding outside of Bethesda games is small enough that it can benefit to some degree from some centralization here on Loverslab. As far as I've experienced, the admins and moderating staff have been very accommodating. I'd like to view this less as a tragedy and more as a step forward.


I think maybe the mods have been getting overwhelmed here, or maybe they no longer have enough time. Or maybe they forum software they use has become too cruddy  to work with?


Anyways, it seems like we should have a DOA5LR forum - because most of the Adult Forum threads have been DOALR5 for some time now, and that has been crowding out other Adult Forum content.


But... GVZ... yes, I think it has had some rocky history. I think I have some insight into that, because of encounters with a significant GVZ personality, both within and outside of the context of GVZ. But that is just a small part of the picture, also...


Edit: On re-reading this thread, I just wanted to mention that GVZ and LoversLab are in no way shape or form the only adult modding sites. I can think of three other sites which host adult mods which are still in operation, without even searching. But also it's the talented modders and their efforts making these sites work...

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Ive been a member there since 2011 pretty much my early experiences in PC gaming realizing that PC games were even better than consoles

giving the user freedom to modify files and ect. GVZ was that 1 site where you typed "Nude Mods" in google, it popped up in multiple link results.

Sure will miss it  :(

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It sucks GMZ is closing.  :-/   It's one of the site I go to get tutorial and methods of how to get nude mod for DOA5LR on steam to work and Hyperdimension Neptunia nude mods as well, despite I am not a member there.   But I check the site regularily for any new stuff.  Glad I downloaded all the mod files as soon as possible after modder posted the latest.    I hope people in GMZ will post in here too, so I'll be waiting to see what comes up next.


@ pornphile  Whaat?  Ryonani is closing too?  Dang, I'm actually one of the member there.  I'm guessing not many people on there much either?  Guess akiba-online will be the only place for JAV videos that I mostly go to.


I wish them all good luck though.

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Was a member at the first GVZ website and migrated with a lot of users and modder's to their new site. It's unfortunate, hopefully the modders will go to another site (here maybe!?) and set up shop. Either way, it was a great place to learn, hang, and download mods (adult and non-adult). It'll be missed when it finally closes it's doors.

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I joined GVZ when it first started up, and I believe it had a different name originally but there are so many nude mod sites out there I may have been another site that did the name change.  Regardless, when I first joined GVZ it was all about Lara Croft and Bloodrayne skimpy to nude skins, and then eventually Oblivion entered the fray and around the time Oblivion mods started getting posted there, things started to become a little less "liberal".   I remember one of the original members posting some actual sex mods, or links to actual sex mods, on the site and at first all was well but then the mods were like, "you can't post actual sex mods here, just nude skins", and they disallowed anyone even sharing links to sites with sex mods.  But while it was the site owners right to make that decision, I didn't respect that decision so I bailed that site and went to Wolflore or whatever the name of that site that used to host the LoversPK mods was called.  But then if I remember right, problems started brewing over there and that was when this site came into play? 

With all due respect to GVZ, it was just a fancier looking version of Nakedskins.com, and Nakedskins.com had most of the same skins as GVZ (at least back when I last was on GVZ).  

In short, with all due respect, I'm going to have to play the odd man out on this one and say I'm glad its going.

Any site that hosts nude skins but bans sex mods is hypocritical imo..

Just my personal belief.

But I will say this in GVZ's defense, as silly as they were with their restrictions, at least they didn't develop a huge ego issue like one of the guys who first started making nude mods for VTM: Bloodlines.  He got such a huge ego issue, he couldn't handle competition at all and would take his mods offline we'd have a fit, then put them back up and then have another fit and take them down and then he'd start expecting people to make a donation to get them.  I mean there were tons of people making far better mods anonymously, but he thought he was like some modding god.  And yes, I do remember his alias but I'm not naming names since there's just no need.

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