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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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I like all the ideas mentioned so far. Only 3 things are missing that i believe are important.


1. Show/Hide interface option (While UI will be amazing sometimes you will still want to see scene in a movie style with nothing in your way)

2. Panic button/option (Quickly end any sex activity and redress actors without playing redress animations) Not just for panic reasons but also for debug reasons to save time. Possible bind (end button on keyboard)

3. Cumshot button/Option. Im not sure how or when you planned to implement this but it would be good to have option to do it at any time, during any animation that loops Not just ending scene animation. Basicaly this would only do ejaculation and perhaps override expression and change sound while still playing current animation loop. This would give you lots of ending possibilities and not just predefined and animated ones. (Its important to mention it now while you are building UI so that you dont have to redo things later).


On a less important note you can as you and others mentioned replace lots of atm used keys into single one that opens dialogue for all of them. As your plan is to trim down advanced and easy mode to make this new easy UI mode.

So keys that will be used are CTRL ALT Shift Spacebar Num0 Num, and Dpad. You could include Num+ (Show/hide interface) End (Panic button) Enter/Num Enter (Options menu - Help AI Randomizer Lights Undressing Switch positions... all included).

Cumshot can be combo of alt/shift/ctrl + spacebar.


And im out of ideas for now. :D

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I've updated the mod from nexus one to 1.07c. I've done a clean installation, but I don't know how I can start animations because NP0 doesn't work and when I enter in mod configuration, the only key binded is the END animation.

How can I start animations? What am I doing wrong?


Thx in advance.

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On the first point of UI documentation, I'd say it's more so examples like GameDelegate."SendSound". I was trying to make key presses get seen by flash and I realized there's no talk at all on the entire internet about gamedelegate. In fact the only thing that comes up is 2 unanswered posts by you asking questions about how to figure out what you can input there. SO I decided SendSound is just a kind of "Be Free" entry thing, I can put whatever i want there i guess GameDelegate."WhoIsTheQueenOfThe90s" and it returned Alanis Morissette  I'd say without being the coder or in touch it's pretty thin to figure out what is going on. I'd like to use those features but they are secret.


I'm decent with models so maybe I can help. I haven't looked to much into FO4 yet. I know daz and the system, I have a UE4 mock up of 0Sex that I use a plumped up version of the free one that comes with the latest daz, trying to reach my degenerative end game of 0Sex on Occulus rift. Head might not be possible, I think you'd have to sacrifice all expressions and morph and have it be worn like a helmet to get it in. I'll look into it but I haven't checked on what's possible in F04 in a bit how the faces are set up. If you wrap the vanilla head to D or vice versa your Diffuse textures will be wrong, and it's prob not going to take any morph, tri data if the vertex count and order isn't the same, expressions might try to pull on random spots of the face instead of the correct places. It's on the edge on my knowledge but for getting it into UE4 with morphs inovles simply Exporting with a morph slider at the 0 and 100 for each possible morph but UE4 automates the import process and it's most likely substantially eaiser then doing it for FO4. I'll take a look agian at FO4 maybe I can think of something.


For the speeds and records the scene data json has 9 values in it's int array that's amount of thrusts or whatever per loop. And an int saying what kind of event it is for example handjob is 20.  So abbreviated it's like  20,1,2,3,4,5,6  meaning it's a handjob with 1 additional stroke per +speed. The script itself creates an array at the beginning when it firsts stats that is their record.

SceneRecord[20] = SceneRecord[20] + 6 that calculation will fire each loop (if you were doing a speed 6 handjob). When scene concludes it loads the Hex_Hex of the actors History and totals that with the scene's record then saves it back to the Hex_Hex.


Looking forward to the parser, and I get the gist of it now I think should be good to go,  and thanks again Pipdude. Epic stuff today.



Hah. I haven't figured GameDelegate out yet either. Haven't looked through all of the files. But, on first check, I couldn't find the functions they name when they use it. Maybe it's referencing custom functions in a dll? To be fair, SkyUI being such a key mod, there is probably more pressure to maintain/update it as an important mod than as a learning project.


Seems like I read somewhere that faces in FO4 are handled differently than Skyrim. I thought that CBBE, UNP etc. already use upgraded/customized head meshes? If not I guess they are just using the vanilla head and lining the new body up to it?  I've never used UE4. You can run 0Sex there?


Anyway, the parser is attached. A few notes about it:


1. It's homebrewed. A commercial XML Parser would have all kinds of exception handling and recovery routines. This does not. So, if the XML is written wrong, if there is a missing or typo node, etc. it will fail in unpredictable ways. Possibly crashing without error message.


2. It does not support CDATA or even putting text between nodes. In other words, it only reads attributes. I could add support for between node values if large chunks of text end up being needed. When I built it, I didn't anticipate needing anything longer than maybe a sentence.


3. Using characters like <, > and " within attribute values will probably break it.


4. Don't add an XML header to the XML file. I haven't tested to see what it does if you do. But, it's not needed and will probably break it.


This version does not include the exportXML as string function. Mess around with it to bring data in and let me know if you plan on using it. Then, I will add the exportXML routine. I included a simple test fla/script to show how it would be used. There is a trace in there that shows how you reference the data. Something like this:

title = menu[0].branch[1].branch[3].title;

That would give you the title attribute of the 4th branch node nested under the 2nd branch node nested under the 1st menu node. Make sense?


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I like all the ideas mentioned so far. Only 3 things are missing that i believe are important.


And im out of ideas for now. :D


Hi Kinky,

Awesome ideas as always, the cum on click is my favorite, even without a dedicated scene it might be satisfying to be able to just rock it mid scene whenever you want.


Panic key is a yes too, so many times I'm debugging and need to restart the scene and my actors start ESG redressing so I have to reboot game or alt tab or post stuff here while i wait. I'll get it in.




The UI is going to pop up on Modifier press so unless ALT etc. is held down the screen will be clean. In implementing this I'm starting to think it might be better if you could cycle through the charts. For example let's say the dom has 5 regular movements but can also strip 8 articles of clothing.


It could work in two ways: There could be an undress modifier and a movement modifier and other modifiers. Or each actor could have a single modifier and it can tab through the pages. So you'd open up on Movement but could flip it to undress instead. Reducing modifiers down to 1 from 4-5 but a tab key would have to be added to cycle through the pages. 


This would make controls DPAD 

Then each actor gets an open menu and each actor gets a tab Menu OR  we could have the tab be dom < > sub too

so there's just one modifier for all and you tab through actors and / or tab through their menus if they have multiple.


The final idea would make OSex's controls involve just DPAD + Tab Actor + Tab Menu




I am thinking about also still keep in num pad up down left right so if you're out of scene you can hit a key that opens a menu for example the targeting I don't know if many have used it but I know you've been setting up NPC scenes Kinky. Let's say I had a 3 way scene you open a small OSA overlay outside of scene where you can directly from crosshair target select actors and then cast the scene, so you'd just turn the camera to point to the actors and click 3 times and the scene would be ready to go. I'd be thinking of using numpad nav for this so you could use while the game is live without making your character jerk around from pressing dpad.


It could carry over to an OSA scene to be the option menu as well, bringing up Lights, FX, stats, warp as opposed to the navigation options.




This would result in this as a final:


In Scene:  DPAD and + 2 Keys (Tab Actor, Tab Menu) and NUMDPAD for OptionMenuNav


1. DPAD = Selects through the boxes


2. Actor Tab = Tabs through the actors (This would benefit having 2+ actor scenes as well, without the tabbing approach the screen layout would have to be structured differently for variations in actors


3. Menu Tab = Cycles through menus, IE: Movement > Undress > Wizard



4. NUMDPAD = Opens a different overlay, and up down num pad lets you cycle through the options, FX, Warp, AI, Clothing




Out of scene


1. A key that opens up a small overlay

2. NUMDPAD navigates it 




These don't include basic start and end Keys which would have to be included also.


Question is:

1. Would you like a modifier for each different types of action OR a tab that cycles through their different types of actions

2. Would you like a modifier for each actor or a tab that cycles through actors?


It will feel a control set up overall now, light on buttons with the same feel as dialogue Cross shape things in FO4 etc.


Button graphics are one more thing to think about. If I get fancy and specific on the buttons they can't be used by other mods and I want this to be an accessible framework so I think keeping the buttons as broad as possible is best so I might tone them back a little bit. I'm not sure if I'll gender neutral them but I might. I basically don't want to put a wall up for developers that they can't nav because they can't get the buttons they need.

The graphics in the scene will be numbered so in the scene JSON file you'll just put the number for the graphic you want to use for that movement when you set up your navigation.

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Studies for feedback:




Sample 1 Has text beneath each box describing the move. I am worried here I think the placeholder text I used is not long enough to hold the names of longer or more specific movements that require additional description. Also in terms of the UI scaling to fit the screen I think on certain screen ratios this might bump into problems with text or boxesjust not fitting.




Sample 2: The move you have highlighted currently will fill in the text descriptor at the bottom of the row. "Kneel Down" in this case. The button graphics hopefully would be clear enough in their imagery to give a rough idea of what they do before highlighting them.

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Study for the layout where all actors are on one modifier and you tab actor and tab pages: Note that this is like a digital clock when it resets and all the possible lights appear at once. I'm testing it with a lot happening at once. The tab pages for example is just filled out with random stuff to expand the line and see. That line would collapse to only show pages that the current scene is using the actor line would also collapse to only have circles for how many actors are in the scene.






This would be 2 Keys + Dpad so most likely one handed use would be easy which has been requested a lot lol.


Right Shift bound to actor tab and Right CTRL to Page Tab would do the trick.

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I keep getting "New scene system failed please report" How can I report this? Thanks in advance!


I'm sorry you're having trouble Arialynn. That's a hard debug line that happens if the script loop starts without being in a state. I was fairly certain there is no way it could show up so I'm going to look into it. Is it only a sometimes thing or is literally the start of the scene reliably everytime?


If it's at the start it might be due to a clean save.


If you want to check your files for left over stuff there are 2 files that could potentially be left over from a previous install:




in that files will be something called scenenumreg.json (something like that starting with an S. You can delete it, there's also a folder in there called RAM also. You can go in the Ram folder and delete any file named 0.json 1.json 2.json through 99.json anything in the RAM folder just delete.


The first file is a way for the mcm to relay information the scene, as different scenes all share the same spell it's a system I used to differentiate to the spell what kind of script is happening. It should only be filled just for a moment and then left with just two brackets [] it's safe to delete though.


Ram used to be where I wrote scene data that I needed to store in JSON. It would also clear itself out but you'd still have 0-99.json left there eventually with just brackets in it. This is always safe to delete (it's gone in 1.07d so you won't have to check this in the future)


If you want to try removing those files they might have left over data, if had some bugs that wasn't completely clearing them out. 


Please let me know how this goes.



Yes! It works now. I had already done a clean save and even a new skyrim playthrough. But deleting the files worked! Thanksomuch for the quick reply CE0!

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Question is:

1. Would you like a modifier for each different types of action OR a tab that cycles through their different types of actions

2. Would you like a modifier for each actor or a tab that cycles through actors?



1. Personaly i think cycling through lots of actions (This button and... nope, nope, nope, nope, yeah that action) would be to slow for real time control (No matter how good and fast script is). It could be good if there are not much options. I think its better to keep current Alt, Ctrl, and Shift modifiers since they provide quick access to certain actions and they are also used by vanila game so there wont be much possible conflicts with other mods.

2. Again im not really for cycling coz of slower controls, but in this case it makes sense to have option like this if scene has more then 2 actors. Still for controls i would suggest that if you do make this option, then to asign dom or sub modifiers for new actor depending on its gender or shclong equipped or not (Dom or Sub role).



Scene has 3 actors: 1 (Male), 2 (Female), 3 (Male)

Actor 1 uses Dom modifiers (Shift, Alt, Ctrl), Actor 2 uses Sub modifiers (Shift, Alt, Ctrl), when you transition to actor 3 he will use dom modifiers. Actor 4 (Male) would use dom, Actor 5 (Female) would use sub modifiers.


I belive there is already check for dom and sub within 0sex.


Option 2: (perhaps easier) would be that all actors after Actor 2 (first sub) use only Dom or only sub modifiers. (not really good idea).


Option 3: player uses "left" modifiers npcs use "right" ones (not really good idea)


Option 4: would be that all actors have only Dom or only Sub key modifiers. (3 keys used instead of 6). This would make things slower in current 2 actor sex, but not to much comparing to cycling through main actions which would probably take to much time.


I would prefer option 1 coz it makes more obvious difference between actors for players and perhaps even for scripts. Or option 4 if you really want to cut down number of used keys and make universal system, but this option still keeps it with enough modifiers so fast accessible and functional.


If you choose this then you could use Shift+right for next Shift+left for previous actor and keep Shift +up/down for animation speed.



Options that freeze time (current) -> Options done real time (future)

Cycling here is not bad idea since it takes time to choose what you want, but perhaps something like sexlab tools would be simpler solution.





Out of scene


I didnt test npc scenes. Didnt know it was already possible actualy. It seems that you want something like Matchmaker. What comes to mind is modified num0 which opens up "Actor selector" and "Ability Selector". You would also need confirmation button or as you said click. It seems you already have an idea how to make this one. :)


But i would free Num 1-9 since some of them are already used by other mods. Its better to use Dpad. or even ASDW if that is not enough.




And finaly after 2 hours of thinking about this and writing this i like sample 2 better :D

It takes lot less space and is closer to my original idea to make it simple but descriptive.



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And last picture that ive just seen kinda fits well in what i just wrote. So this time shorter:

1. Yeah thats not to much options so it could be good to cycle, but i would still keep at least one set of modifiers (Alt Shift Ctrl)

2. That could work nice with Shift + left / right

(and i just seen you already wrote that... You are to fast :D )

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I've updated the mod from nexus one to 1.07c. I've done a clean installation, but I don't know how I can start animations because NP0 doesn't work and when I enter in mod configuration, the only key binded is the END animation.

How can I start animations? What am I doing wrong?


Thx in advance.

You'll have to bind it trough the first page of OSex MCM menu.

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This would be 2 Keys + Dpad so most likely one handed use would be easy which has been requested a lot lol.


Right Shift bound to actor tab and Right CTRL to Page Tab would do the trick.


Looks good. I would just add information about any required key commands into the UI. So, in this case maybe a "[TAB]->" type graphic to the left of the mode list.

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I just downloaded 107c and I'm having alot of trouble, I still have freezing, and I'm still getting some AI fails. The biggest issue I'm seeing is I can't even get the help menu up.... press ALT + numpad- and nadda, key binds say its numpad- but I'm getting nadda tried messing with num lock on keyboard to no avail....


anyone else having this issue? 


nvm. went back a few posts, and found the issue, you changed the key strokes, on me. lol 


Seems like the animations that didn't freeze last time are freezing this time, it's weird. the animations that weren't freezing last time are freezing this time... its weird, 


I had the same problem , reinstalling in clean save and nothing.  

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I was looking at the json files to see how they might be transitioned to xml. What are those arrays with tons of zeros in them?


I also tested the Flash timer and can confirm that it is functional in-game. So, you can fire events timed to the millisecond from Flash. In 3DSMax when you are making the animations, what is the unit of measurement for time? Some conversion can be done so that it's easier to base event timing on how time is listed out in 3DS.

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I just downloaded 107c and I'm having alot of trouble, I still have freezing, and I'm still getting some AI fails. The biggest issue I'm seeing is I can't even get the help menu up.... press ALT + numpad- and nadda, key binds say its numpad- but I'm getting nadda tried messing with num lock on keyboard to no avail....


anyone else having this issue? 


nvm. went back a few posts, and found the issue, you changed the key strokes, on me. lol 


Seems like the animations that didn't freeze last time are freezing this time, it's weird. the animations that weren't freezing last time are freezing this time... its weird, 


I had the same problem , reinstalling in clean save and nothing.  


Animation freeze does not happen due to a clean or not clean save. Its a matter CEO is looking into with every update.

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The new system you've got seems really promising. It will definitely be much cleaner and easier than how advanced mode is now, at least.

I wonder how you're going to handle combat though? Even now with my relatively new PC the sex animations aren't exactly responding lightning fast. I have to hold down keys before they get registered.


And this might just be for my install, but some keys like the undress E and U keys don't even appear to work right. Pressing E and num- doesn't have any options shown in the window but pressing E and the numbers gets the usual actions done. Its working, but for some reason not all the UI stuff does.

Try to rebind any UI actions which are not responding, through MCM menu.

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I have the problem where I can't type "osex" the menu doesn't look like it lets me type into any input boxes. I'm running the latest SkyUi, I'm at a loss. Every other mod configuration works just fine too. I'm playing with the mod back "The journey" which is like a massive mod pack. I've tried doing a clean save, removing the mod, loading the game, waiting for everything to load, quiting, installing it, starting a new save, and still nothing.


My menu looking like this -_- (LoverLab's not letting me post links so I can't upload my screenshot, great)


A bit at a loss, I really don't wanna have to manually install every one of those mods as it always almost just all breaks under it's own weight. A bit exasperated, found this mod this week, got 1.06 working and was like, woo time to go on an intimate tour of Skyrim!! Then noticed 1.07 was around so got on that and well, now nothing works XD Are there any way to maybe load presets or just have the thing be installed with some default bindings, I don't understand why that extra step had to be added, especially when it's broken for a couple of people...

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I have the problem where I can't type "osex" the menu doesn't look like it lets me type into any input boxes. I'm running the latest SkyUi, I'm at a loss. Every other mod configuration works just fine too. I'm playing with the mod back "The journey" which is like a massive mod pack. I've tried doing a clean save, removing the mod, loading the game, waiting for everything to load, quiting, installing it, starting a new save, and still nothing.


My menu looking like this -_- (LoverLab's not letting me post links so I can't upload my screenshot, great)


A bit at a loss, I really don't wanna have to manually install every one of those mods as it always almost just all breaks under it's own weight. A bit exasperated, found this mod this week, got 1.06 working and was like, woo time to go on an intimate tour of Skyrim!! Then noticed 1.07 was around so got on that and well, now nothing works XD Are there any way to maybe load presets or just have the thing be installed with some default bindings, I don't understand why that extra step had to be added, especially when it's broken for a couple of people...

Thats about MCM in need of being "reset", usually you load an autosave, and save it once again, and reload.

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I have the problem where I can't type "osex" the menu doesn't look like it lets me type into any input boxes. I'm running the latest SkyUi, I'm at a loss. Every other mod configuration works just fine too. I'm playing with the mod back "The journey" which is like a massive mod pack. I've tried doing a clean save, removing the mod, loading the game, waiting for everything to load, quiting, installing it, starting a new save, and still nothing.


My menu looking like this -_- (LoverLab's not letting me post links so I can't upload my screenshot, great)


A bit at a loss, I really don't wanna have to manually install every one of those mods as it always almost just all breaks under it's own weight. A bit exasperated, found this mod this week, got 1.06 working and was like, woo time to go on an intimate tour of Skyrim!! Then noticed 1.07 was around so got on that and well, now nothing works XD Are there any way to maybe load presets or just have the thing be installed with some default bindings, I don't understand why that extra step had to be added, especially when it's broken for a couple of people...

Thats about MCM in need of being "reset", usually you load an autosave, and save it once again, and reload.



I've reset it several time. I've started fresh new saves. I've loaded old saves. I really don't think that's my issue here.

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I have the problem where I can't type "osex" the menu doesn't look like it lets me type into any input boxes. I'm running the latest SkyUi, I'm at a loss. Every other mod configuration works just fine too. I'm playing with the mod back "The journey" which is like a massive mod pack. I've tried doing a clean save, removing the mod, loading the game, waiting for everything to load, quiting, installing it, starting a new save, and still nothing.


My menu looking like this -_- (LoverLab's not letting me post links so I can't upload my screenshot, great)


A bit at a loss, I really don't wanna have to manually install every one of those mods as it always almost just all breaks under it's own weight. A bit exasperated, found this mod this week, got 1.06 working and was like, woo time to go on an intimate tour of Skyrim!! Then noticed 1.07 was around so got on that and well, now nothing works XD Are there any way to maybe load presets or just have the thing be installed with some default bindings, I don't understand why that extra step had to be added, especially when it's broken for a couple of people...

Thats about MCM in need of being "reset", usually you load an autosave, and save it once again, and reload.



I've reset it several time. I've started fresh new saves. I've loaded old saves. I really don't think that's my issue here.



Upload your screenshot and paste link here as a text. Its difficult to guess what could be wrong.


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That's the only one I have installed, says 0SEX-ALPHA-107C, Got it from the post earlier... I've uninstalled the version on the NMM (1.063) via NMM I don't know how much else I could uninstall it.

h p://ft.trillian.im/94c873cbd73a1392ac2b1bd055c697f7accf92fb/6Fv1eZloQgGTkzODQ01szRGkTWhak.jpg

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I keep getting "New scene system failed please report" How can I report this? Thanks in advance!


I'm sorry you're having trouble Arialynn. That's a hard debug line that happens if the script loop starts without being in a state. I was fairly certain there is no way it could show up so I'm going to look into it. Is it only a sometimes thing or is literally the start of the scene reliably everytime?


If it's at the start it might be due to a clean save.


If you want to check your files for left over stuff there are 2 files that could potentially be left over from a previous install:




in that files will be something called scenenumreg.json (something like that starting with an S. You can delete it, there's also a folder in there called RAM also. You can go in the Ram folder and delete any file named 0.json 1.json 2.json through 99.json anything in the RAM folder just delete.


The first file is a way for the mcm to relay information the scene, as different scenes all share the same spell it's a system I used to differentiate to the spell what kind of script is happening. It should only be filled just for a moment and then left with just two brackets [] it's safe to delete though.


Ram used to be where I wrote scene data that I needed to store in JSON. It would also clear itself out but you'd still have 0-99.json left there eventually with just brackets in it. This is always safe to delete (it's gone in 1.07d so you won't have to check this in the future)


If you want to try removing those files they might have left over data, if had some bugs that wasn't completely clearing them out. 


Please let me know how this goes.




That's the only one I have installed, says 0SEX-ALPHA-107C, Got it from the post earlier... I've uninstalled the version on the NMM (1.063) via NMM I don't know how much else I could uninstall it.

h p://ft.trillian.im/94c873cbd73a1392ac2b1bd055c697f7accf92fb/6Fv1eZloQgGTkzODQ01szRGkTWhak.jpg



Have you tried looking for these guys? Or following CEO's advice to this member? MO would make it easier for you to uninstall mods for updating/testing/ whatever your fancy. Not to bash NMM, but once you learn MO it's much more user friendly. Just search your data directory for any thing 0Sex related, get rid of it, and try again.... don't know what else to say... not the worlds greatest modder/ user myself, and if I can get it running I know just about anyone can. I have faith in you friend, just a bit of work and you'll see :)

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