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Creating a world for OKW

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Weather just cut my wlan connection, something is changing. Whatever.


Yep, NRaas does the job, reducing traffic and some settings for ice- and food-truck. Should have a look into more of NRaas-mods.

And your help is very much appreciated.





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Decided to clean up the Downloads-Folder, followed the Guide-to-OKW, renaming and all.

Still takes time to install some missing stuff, but overall loading time for the launcher is reduced.


A question is, where do you find stuff, you save in edit-town-mode?

CAS is clear to me, mydocuments-electronic arts-savedsims, where is everything else?


And I learned a thing about CC (had to test this...), installed the world into the fresh game, without any CC installed and all CC used in this world is there. Don`t want to create a world and make anyone go download-hunting.

One Texture disappeared and four items were deleted, as they were not installed at that time.

A thing less to worry about.


The screenshot is inside of the Hospital.





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good thing making it with no CC...although i would have loved some lots made for cyclonesues abandoned train-lots ;)

I have all her cc ( I think) but have a hard time placing her lots without it looking weird (need to tweak _alot_ to make it look okeyish)

btw do you use cc-magic? did wonders for m loadingtime/lagging and my cc-mania :) (Do not recommend starting to use it in the middle of a project though, as it took me some time to get used to)

i know that hospital will look so cool with some cc from the13thsim and aikea guinea :) Can`t wait to dl your world and start tweaking :D

(oh don`t rush it though...I am just happy someone is doing this, as i have wanted to try learning to do that myself for some time, but just don`t have the drive to begin such a huge project :P)

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Oh. some misunderstanding, I use CC and yes, it is all cyclonesue (textures, roof-deco, some objects), just don`t want to use too much stuff from other creators and this clean-up answered the question, if it would still be there, without having any CC installed in the game itself.

You know, installing any lot whatsoever by cyclonesue adds a ton of her stuff to objects and textures, without having to download that stuff, to make that lot work. That is what I like.


The stuff you see on the screenie is part BS_funeral_embalming, part AC_hospital_stuff aaaaand (yesss, I found your link!) 13thsim.....(big grin).

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Weird things seem to happen out of nowhere. Placed a Rave-Club (arrrr, forgot the pole) and the world goes laggy.

Not really bad, but a second every now and then, just noticeable.

No problems, while it was an empty lot. Any solutions, ideas, suggestions, whatever?

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Update: Laundromat and DanceClub are now added to the world, missing gates are fixed.

The Laundromat has a condom-dispenser inside.

Added a lot for grocery, next will be some apartments, beach needs a parking-space for the food-truck.


Spooky: a sim-world without lag.......


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Note to myself: Overwatch--clean up outfits and stuck check set to false.

Second note: add Lady666 to personal-heroes-list for washing-machine-animations!


Talking about release: I think, there will  be more than one, as it is,...hm...., early alfa-stage.

But I think about uploading some lots, so you have a backup (you know, Murphy and The Law (Who needs Murphy? Judge Dredd!*)).


Would help a ton, if someone more familiar with CAW would show up and lend me a hand, base-game-roads and textures are booooring.


* I....am the law!!


Enough of this, I`ll go and install overwatch.




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I guess this will sort things (you know about the thanks-button!).


Oh, and judging by how often this is asked, I think I`ll place more than one condom-machine (grin).


Update: placed a dummy-apartment-tower, for NPC only, "High Rise Heights" by Cyclone Sue.


Which one has the better sound to it : "East Fleabottom High" or "Fleabottom Educational Facility"?

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Alcatraz is, what comes to my mind, when picturing an "Educational Facility". Weird, weird, weird.


Found something in my collection, an abandoned asylum, creepy. Wall-writings and all.

Try TSR, abandoned asylum and another one is Carson-Library (also TSR I think).


I`ll place them into the world and see how this looks.



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Update: renamed "East Fleabottom High" to "Fleabottom Educational Fac.".


"Facility" is too long, hope "Fac." is right.


Added two lots, one for a science-lab, other for corporate-tower, the beach now has a parking-space for the Food-Truck.

Seven small residential-lots added to Fleabottom Row, renamed one other residential to "Rushdon Heights" according to Cyclone Sue`s naming, this is the apartment-tower.




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Hm. Weird.


After renaming to "Educational Facility", some of the adjacent lots seem to be reset to "no visitors allowed", need a closer look at this.


The grocrey seen on the last screenie is replaced by a small market, means register, counter and all.


Have to rebuild the science-lab, forgot to save it (grumbling). No big loss anyway.


Still need to think of the corporate-lot.

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