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Interesting blog about TES modding community


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This will probably be the wierdest thread in this forum, being that it is, at its core, an adult-oriented mod community, but while I was stumbling for pictures of Falmer, Dwemer and Ayleid for a project I have swimming in my head, I came across THIS blog. Now, I love Lovers with PK and Sexout as much as the next guy, but there's a point that I, as a lover of the game as a whole, including art direction, lore etc will not cross. Oversexifying a videogame so I can fap or something is not my cup of tea, and it's kind of a slap in the face to the lore and style of the game.


I admit I'm a stickler for lore, which is why I don't get that many mods that break lore too hard, which is also why I shy away from overly sexualized armor mods or anything of the sort. I also think it's distracting, especially since I like to think I RP as my character in a world that is living and breathing. That, and it seems the TES modding community, a community of amazingly talented individuals prefer making slutty armor rather than fixing the game, adding to it for more replayability, expanding upon lore in their own way, making new quests, etc. It's almost baffling. Since Skyrim came out, it didn't take long 'fore people started making skimpier armor and clothing replacers. The first body replacer mod was also pretty much sex on a stick, with balloon tits and large hips and ass. Not saying they're bad, but the point of the body replacer is obvious, which IMO is not what Robert's Body or Exnem's body were.


There's jewels out there that the community has made, but it's swallowed amongst the sea of sexifying a roleplaying game that IMO is all about immersion.


Also, I apologize for the wall o' text.

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That's one of the negative aspects of the internet, every retard gets the tools to share his bullshit with the rest of the world.


His/your point is entirely invalid. If you don't like a mod, don't download it. If you want something, FUCKING DO IT YOURSELF. No one in the whole wide world needs to fulfill YOUR desires. It's up to yourself to do that. The time spent complaining and hating should've been invested in learning how to mod yourself. But no, complaining about the things others do in their free time is oh so much easier than being productive yourself. Yeah.


Sorry if that's a bit harsh, but I can't stand people that complain about things they have no right to complain about. Sure, you are free to state your opinion (I don't like this because it doesn't fit my tastes) but judging other people's taste does make you look like a douchebag.


Edit: Oh lord, can you be more of a white knight than the person that runs this blog? Hilarious, really. :D


Nvm, it's a female that owns this blog.

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I'm not complaining really; well, maybe I am, but on the whole, I'm not. Most of an observation, really. I'm glad there's something for EVERYONE out there, but it seems that the more time passes, the less there is for the minority, and the more content there is to the men and women who obviously like this.


I get the whole 'don't like it, don't download it', but having to go through pages of content I care little about to find something I like is tiring, as well. Just like the blog owner, I think the modding community, despite it's downfalls, it's pretty great. Without it, Elseweyr, Deserts of Anequina, Valenwood Improved, Tamriel Rebilt, Rebuilding Kvatch and heck, even Lovers with PK would not exist! I'm not blatantly asking "MAKE ARMORS AND MODS FOR MEEEEE!", nor do I scream or blurt this out, just wondering why the shift between mods even happened. Back in the Morrowind days, even after Better Bodies came out, there seldom were mods of the magnitude there are in Oblivion.


Most of the point my post, as well as the point in the blog, is about objectifying women. Sure I like looking at a half-naked lady as much as the next guy, but I seldom want to do it all the time. I could care less if you like oversexualized mods or what have you, it's your choice. But it bothers me a bit when it's saturating the modding sites at an alarming rate.

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Real world ethics do not apply to games. That's why you can play a cannibal in Skyrim without being one IRL. That's why you can kill hundreds of enemies and enjoy violence in Skyrim without being a serial killer IRL. That's why you can enjoy an unrealistic body replacer and skimpy clothes/armor in Skyrim without objectifying women.

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Real world ethics do not apply to games. That's why you can play a cannibal in Skyrim without being one IRL. That's why you can kill hundreds of enemies and enjoy violence in Skyrim without being a serial killer IRL. That's why you can enjoy an unrealistic body replacer and skimpy clothes/armor in Skyrim without objectifying women.


That pretty sums it all.

If moders were supposed to fix devs mistakes/lack of imagination then there would be no more room for anything else.

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In a game that opens with a beheading, is violent to its core, no one raises social issues about mods which add more weapons and armors. Think about that. "Oh, new sweet dagger... let me kill with THAT!" Or consider mods like Wars in Skyrim which makes a gamer's mouth water for more blood. Yet, vanilla skyrim is devoid of any sex or nudity. Show a nipple and suddenly the game is contraband. Play fighting is encouraged. Playing at sex is a sin.


I object to the "objectifying women" complaint anytime anyone ever regurgitates it. It is not even a complete thought. People who say it, no not what they are saying. Take a sex doll, for example, and consider that a person playing with this doll is not imagining turning living people into lifeless objects to hump. It's the other way around. They are imagining a real person and using the doll as a visual (and touch) aid. When you take a picture of a loved one and use that imagine to remember them, you are NOT objectifying your family and friends. Such aids can even have sentimental value, especially if the person in the picture is now gone.


So you think sexy armor objectifies women? What about a real woman, standing nude before you, breathing hard, sweating, wanting to touch and be touched?

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Lol that's pretty hilarious. I agree with her in how ridiculous, unrealistic, and unattractive some of those crazy skimpy, or HUGELY breasted mods there are, but I don't really care about her whole feminist point of view. We do as we please with what we got.

Big breats + skimpy skimpy armor =/= attractive

At least to me.

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Seriously? If I don't want every woman to be equipped with a chainmail bikini, that makes me a hypocrite because I am fine with the violence in the game? That makes perfect sense.

If you want to use these sorts of armors, that's fine, but I sure as hell don't.

If you want every woman to have breast the size of her head, go ahead, but it's not for me.


I don't have a problem with sexuality, I have a problem with stupidity.

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Seriously? If I don't want every woman to be equipped with a chainmail bikini' date=' that makes me a hypocrite because I am fine with the violence in the game? That makes perfect sense.

If you want to use these sorts of armors, that's fine, but I sure as hell don't.

If you want every woman to have breast the size of her head, go ahead, but it's not for me.


I don't have a problem with sexuality, I have a problem with stupidity.



Nope. It's your taste and that's fine. But judging others because of their taste is not nice, especially if you try to employ real world ethics to prove your point. The blog owner is basically saying "It's wrong to use stuff like this because it's objectifying women" which is just not the case. The problem here is that some people see their own subjective views as the only viable ones, every other view is wrong.


You could use the very same arguments to condemn violence in games, that was my point. But a game is a game and not the real world, that's why you can enjoy violence without harming someone or becoming a murderer yourself.

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Seriously? If I don't want every woman to be equipped with a chainmail bikini' date=' that makes me a hypocrite because I am fine with the violence in the game? That makes perfect sense.

If you want to use these sorts of armors, that's fine, but I sure as hell don't.

If you want every woman to have breast the size of her head, go ahead, but it's not for me.


I don't have a problem with sexuality, I have a problem with stupidity.



Who are you talking to? No one in this thread said anything about you having to download stuff you don't want to. No one here has implied anything you just said. There is only a problem when you cross the line and start saying ugly things about others and what they find entertaining in a video game. Do you have a problem with my using UNP instead of the vanilla undergarments? If so, no, you're still not necessarily a hypocrite for enjoying violence and not sex. Nothing hypocritical about it.

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The reality is that it's unrealistic to expect realism because people are really generally perverts.


I like both realism and fantasy. People get far too worked up over what amounts to an artistic and entertainment decisions.


(In most cases I've noticed that it's a failure to distinguish fantasy from reality on the part of the person taking offense, not the supposed offender.)

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The reality is that it's unrealistic to expect realism because people are really generally perverts.


I like both realism and fantasy. People get far too worked up over what amounts to an artistic and entertainment decisions.


(In most cases I've noticed that it's a failure to distinguish fantasy from reality on the part of the person taking offense' date=' [i']not[/i] the supposed offender.)


How can what is general also be what is perverted? "Perverts" in comparison to what norm then? I'm guessing you're calling people perverted in relation to some standard in your own mind of how people ought to be. That's fine. I do this, myself, when measuring certain things like intelligence or health in the population surrounding me (so "average" is "stupid" or "sick"). I was just hoping for you to make this explicit, maybe. Also, is "perverted" consider higher or lower on your quality scale? Like is it good or bad to be more or less perverted. Probably depends, no?

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The blog seems to have used images from the early versions of some clothing mods, and like all early versions always come with many failures, I think they are using these natural failures of the first steps in a new game mods for criticize tastes.


Be patient all the mods for other tastes will eventually just have to wait or try them for yourself, angry because the mods of your choice is not the first to appear no sense, should be thankful that there mods of other tastes, you mean that you can do mods to your taste.


And talking about the kind of clothes Skyrim, I also believe that the most suitable for a land where it is very cold it would look better (to my taste) without showing much skin can be made very sexy clothes and armor, large breasts also without to teach both.


I like to wear a different outfit for every occasion in oblivion ^ ^ I guess in Skyrim also open or indoor areas where you can make more heat and wear lighter clothes, and if the problem is the realism of revealing armor points life (this is specified in the blog) with a mesh coat would be well below patience.


Just have to wait.

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"Perverted" relative to the perceived social norm of people like that blog author, who assumes that no woman would ever sexualize herself and that no male should ever look at a female with anything but platonic interest. But that's so astoundingly wrong and untrue to human nature that I don't know where to begin, and in my opinion is far more offensive and degrading to both sexes than all the juvenile video game mods in the universe could ever be.


The reality is that it's unrealistic to expect realism because people are really generally perverts.


I like both realism and fantasy. People get far too worked up over what amounts to an artistic and entertainment decisions.


(In most cases I've noticed that it's a failure to distinguish fantasy from reality on the part of the person taking offense' date=' [i']not[/i] the supposed offender.)


How can what is general also be what is perverted? "Perverts" in comparison to what norm then? I'm guessing you're calling people perverted in relation to some standard in your own mind of how people ought to be. That's fine. I do this, myself, when measuring certain things like intelligence or health in the population surrounding me (so "average" is "stupid" or "sick"). I was just hoping for you to make this explicit, maybe. Also, is "perverted" consider higher or lower on your quality scale? Like is it good or bad to be more or less perverted. Probably depends, no?



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that blog is awful. seriously. the time and effort put into that hate-thread could have been spent a lot better (in learning how to mod clothes of her own liking for example)


i'm a woman myself and i hate it when pseudo feminists are acting like immature jerks. a mod is not real life, it's fantasy. skyrim is per definition a FANTASY game. there's magic and dragons and so on.


personally i'm not a fan of huge and bouncing breasts or underwear-armor, but i just ignore those mods. showing a little skin on the other side, why not? a character is an alter ego after all, so why not make them pretty and sexy. No one would run around like that in real life.


Running around and telling the modders that they are perverts just because they produce something you don't like is childish.


There are already a lot of good mods that are quit lore friendly or at least not too naked, and i'm sure there will be more. There is also the possibility to REQUEST armor.


sorry for my english, not a native speaker.

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You type better English than most native typers, even avoiding many common grammar mistakes. I've noticed this kind of impeccable English before in other well studied, non-native speakers. I hope you still have a thick accent, else you're putting us to shame. Plus, we love accents.

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oh YAWN...

another stick-up-their-ass know-it-all complaining about people having different tastes than theirs in a VIDEO GAME!




don't people have better things to do than collect pictures of absurd armor and post "BREASTS DON'T WORK THAT WAY!" as if people don't realize it?

sure the bodies could be more realistic, but stylized bodies or armor in a VIDEO GAME isn't a majorly new thing, people have been complaining about this stupidity since laura croft showed up in the 90's.


i didn't realize that my game has to conform to some idiot's narrative of how skyrim should be played or i'm an immoral female-hater, strange when they don't really exist? being pixels and all!

wouldn't do that to real women, real women are real and people!


this site like a lot of sites seem to be made by people looking for something to whine about. her claims are nothing more than her OWN biases against men and women who want sexier characters.

"objectifying women"? bollocks! they aren't real! i think most people know the difference between real and game pixels, apparently the people who created this asinine blog can't.


this is just insane to me:



i have long realized that the bombardment of women with imagery telling them to be some conceptualized "woman" is how they should be is akin to psychological warfare against yourself. also i realize it is hard for most people to even break away from that cycle of self-hate, but it boggles my mind that someone intelligent enough to write that can't!

she is wrong though, no one says the model "improve" the game, someone might have the opinion that the models are an "improvement" in the sense of more detail i guess, but over all? no, that is opinion and only that.


this stuff makes my head hurt, the twisting some feminists go through to generate hate is just amazing to me!

i support equality, i don't support hating people for human nature, attacking modders for making mods you don't like isn't reasonable or logical.




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I hope you still have a thick accent' date=' else you're putting us to shame. Plus, we love accents.



The place where Arnold Schwarzenegger was born ist about an hour away from my village. So just imagine "I'll be back" with a female voice. *gg* well, it's not that bad actually, but pretty close.


i have long realized that the bombardment of women with imagery telling them to be some conceptualized "woman" is how they should be is akin to psychological warfare against yourself. also i realize it is hard for most people to even break away from that cycle of self-hate' date=' but it boggles my mind that someone intelligent enough to write that can't![/quote']


honestly i'm more concered what tv and movies do to us than a game. The woman in tv shows and movies are real, or at least Hollywood wants us to believe they're real. Living up to a Hollywood Standard as a woman is nearly impossible. 13 year old girls running around like Paris Hilton...that IS awful. because that's acutally happening in real life.


Me killing of a dragon whilst running around in High Heels...not so much.

And that is a good thing...because a dragon attack in real life would pretty much be my end, with or without heels.


As a gamer i know the difference between real life and fantasy, and so do the modders. Some of the mods can even be considered as satire if you wish.


the cycle of self-hate...as a woman i've been there. it has nothing to do with how smart you are. hell, you can look like angelina jolie and still think you're ugly. i even bet that angelina herself had days when she wanted to look different. i don't know any woman that is completely happy with her looks. but at some point you just have to realize, that if a person doesn't like you because of your looks, than it's that persons problem, not yours. who wants to be friends with a shallow person like that anyway? the time you put into whining can be used to look out for people who actually like you the way you are.


And the thing about getting discriminated because of the looks...sure, does happen. But not only to woman. Good looking men also get easier accepted by the society than an anverage one. So where are the men whining about the fact that someone created a good looking guy? maybe one that shows his upper body? wouldn't that be discriminating as well?


ridiculous is all i say.


how someone wants his/her game to look is each and every persons own desicion. if i don't like sexy armor, i don't use it. if my world already gets shattered by showing a little skin - i should stay away from EVERY game modding community there is. i even remember the naked bodies for Neverwinter Nights 1. you only saw pixels over pixels because of the low quality, but it was one of the first things that got modded. and in a game like skyrim, where there is pretty much no sex at all, it's only a logical consequence that the first things that appear are sex mods.

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