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7BCH Conversion Workshop


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7BCH is a S7B based body influenced by CHSBHC. All armors in here will have HDT Bones (bounce might be disabled, but bones will be there), so you'll need an HDT supporting skeleton to run it; simply put, just install "S7B TBBP" body and overwrite with this one:















 Though i've edited the body to add weightslider support (0 weight = 7B Natural) and all the armors featured here will have it, most of the armors you find do not support it, so just switch to 100 weight if you get neck gaps.

If you have anything you'd like to see converted for this body, post it here and i'll see what I can do; if you have a complete conversion, i can host it here.






1 - Aradia Leather Thief



100 Weight:




0 Weight:






Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/y3xgtxrji5ecd13/Aradia_Leather_Thief_-_7BCH.7z

Credits: Aradia - armor mesh



2 - Aradia Bikini




100 Weight:



0 Weight:






link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/kbdt7i0spmiqblv/Aradia_Bikini_-_7BCH_v2.7z

Warning: If the topless part appears invisible, the problem is likely the ESP. Get the esp from Jordick's Aradia Bikini S7B conversion in that case.

Credits: Aradia (armor mesh)



3 - Dragon Princess Trielek




0 weight:






Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/043u8bolu2qw7x1

Credits: Archer1986, Uriel, Asianboy345



4 - Basara Armor





0 weight:






Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?lhltcj3n3gaxje8

Credits: Ramses, jordick



5 - Sexy Evening Dress



Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?20gl1i61e7hp7ef

Credits: gekkou1992



6 - Dragonbone Marauder








Note: I called it Beta because there's a missing armor piece. I've been unable to convert that particular part due to a bug, but since fixing it was taking too long i went ahead and released the unfinished conversion. I'll update when its been fixed

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?eowdiokir6ock2h

Credits: trumpdog



7 - Nightshade Armor







Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?4y9p82pbvxxpx9k

Credits: calyps; shockero (S7B version)



7 - TERA Nightwinder






Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?cx5y585gz4b5hpu

Credits: asianboy345; Melodic (S7B version)


 Screenshots by Amox and myself




- All the modders who contributed to the meshes and textures featured here

- Crosscrusade DeMoNhUnTeR1986 Sevennity for SevenBase

- Cherry Hotaling for CHSBHC

- Mitakusaner for 7BCH (http://mitakusaner.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-581.html)

- Caliente and Cell for Outfit Studio

- btn2k3 for Unified UNP

- Bethesda for Skyrim



To do list:



 - Improve weights

 - Convert more apparel

 - Make followers

 - Take better screenshots or get someone else to do it










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With the update that is coming for Bodyslide 2 you should be able to turn any armor into a cbbe shape then use UUNP to convert that cbbe shaped armor over to 7BCH.


Currently use can use the Converto tool on the UUNP download page to do the same.

In outfit studio load the xml for converto as the reference and in the drop down choice which body type you want to convert to cbbe (it is like a reverse of UUNP). Once you convert the armor, boots, gloves, etc over then use UUNP to make the 7BCH set and you should be done.


Note: The 7BCH v.5 beta actually uses the Bombshell high body for its low weight.

If you want to fix the neck for 7BCH Low weight in UUNP to an actual low weight neck seam, then use the slider "neck seam" and set it to 100. That will take the high weight neck seam and transform it into a low weight neck seam.

The hands and feet will still retain a high weight seam though.


The reason I did not include a full high to low seam slider (like the cbbe setup for body slide) is because most of the body morphs already have either a 1 seam or a 0 seam set and should not be touched.



Have fun...

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Note: The 7BCH v.5 beta actually uses the Bombshell high body for its low weight.

If you want to fix the neck for 7BCH Low weight in UUNP to an actual low weight neck seam, then use the slider "neck seam" and set it to 100. That will take the high weight neck seam and transform it into a low weight neck seam.

The hands and feet will still retain a high weight seam though.


 I did see some armors had a bombshell body serving as 0 weight but i just thought S7b natural was a better fit xD Since most people who use this body won't be too worried with low weight, i guess it's just a matter of personal taste :P Thanks for the help tho, i'd been using an outdated version of UUNP (from nexus), which i probably shouldn't xD


@winny: Me too, i just push up the butt slider on racemenu xD et voilá


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LOL that mistake xD its fixed now


 Those screens tho O.o its amazing what full res with a hawt charrie can do lol

mind if i put some of those in the main page?


Definetely not, I'll be glad to help you make the body type more popular as it surely deserves this attention :P

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I have already before very long time the faith to the "modder community" lost. :( 
they have all worked for CHSBHC, either they have the interest lost or "but" they work for other body types,  or "but" they are have died. ;) 
and there are several more, whose name I do not remember.

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Best part about modding is that as long as someone leaves the files lying around (at least screenshots) someone else can pick up the torch xD


I'm currently upgrading the body to HDT, just fixing some neck seams and then ill likely re-do both the Aradia ones. The Bikini's weights are a little crappy judging from wolfman's posts, and i noticed some more clipping in Leather thief. BTW how's the clipping in Basara? Enough to be playable or does it need fixing?

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