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Okay, despite the worldwide hatred of Vindictus' money-grabbing (from what I've read all over the web), I decided to try it out because many say it gets old quick, and there's a bunch of free stuff given for a Steam Deal this weekend (1/24/15 - 1/27/15).


It looks decent, but I wouldn't know if it's a good game or not. I can't find a fight! How the hell do I find a quest or an enemy or something?? I've been playing for 3 hours, and I couldn't find a fight or quest anywhere. Just learning how to cook, craft armor, yada yada, with no way to even use any of those skills, as each require ingredients found in battle.


I've Googled around, but nothing seems to really tell you exactly how to find your first battle. Just descriptions of what you'll do when you get there, and what your rewards will be, and how much money you (won't) get.


I looked at a quest map (many, actually), and I can't seem to actually go to any of the battle locations. I tried to do my first mission, but I can't travel to the area unless I'm in a Party, and it always tells me there are no available parties, and asks me to create one. I'm not interested in playing my very first battle with a bunch of veterans. I know jack squat about playing, and I'll only slow people down, and from what I've read, everyone talks major shit on you if you don't do well, so I'd like to train a bit first.


Also, I'm certain all vets have good weapons and equipment, and know how to use the many many tabs the game has. I'd be sitting around trying to figure out how to heal, or repair stuff, or even switch weapons. Chat is out for a while. I'd need a separate tutorial for chat, since I've never done it any game, aside from a headset.


I've also heard you can't get money without breaking destructible objects, due to a failed anti-bot measure, and I've yet to be able to draw my weapon.


I believe I've spoken with every available npc in the areas available to me, and some want me to do things for them, but I don't know where the hell to go to find the quests, aside from finding a Party, which I want to save until I've killed...something.


Also, I've heard you can come to a Game Over if you have ruined armor and weapons, with no money to fix it. Is there a Gimme Money mod or something to save my ass? Some kind of safety net?


Thanks. ;) Not sure if people here play it still, but many people are always online playing it, and it sucks I don't get to play too. Tired of waiting around for ferries, only to go to yet another shopping mall I can't buy anything from. Stores everywhere!

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Thank you for telling me about this event, I wouldn't have known otherwise.


Haha, I didn't think many people played it either. True, it is filled with a lot of cash shop stuff that I would consider P2W, unfortunately, since the game/battle system is actually quite a lot of fun. A lot of the disdain is towards Nexon NA in general. Even though I don't like them very much either and their reputation definitely isn't without reason, a lot of the hate seems to be an entitlement thing that NA players seems to have, more so than most others.


To address your first concern, fighting is actually quite simple. In the harbor/docks, the board directly across from the entrance to the town (the one that you should see first when you enter the docks) gives you the main missions that fulfills most NPC quests. Any mission besides the the big raids (16+ people I believe) can be done solo so you don't have to worry about veterans/other players interrupting you while you're learning to play. The first mission is actually just another extended tutorial. So just create a group and put the party limit to 1 person. People don't usually join the beginner missions anyways.


Secondly, don't worry about money until later on. You actually get most of your money by selling through auction house. Trust me, you'll have a lot of stuff that you won't really need.


The only NPCs you need to talk to for quests are those with an exclamation mark on your mini-map, and yes, most quests require going on missions/fighting (at least the worthwhile ones do anyways).


Also, I've never heard of a Game Over from not having enough money, guess I'll have to look that one up lol. Honestly though, it shouldn't be a problem, you get much better equipment really fast and they don't make money much of a problem early on, since you can't really get much anyways.


I will have to agree with the whole "veteran/elitist" part though. It happens with every game though, especially older ones (such as LFD/2 and Counter-strike). Although, I heard it's not much a problem until much later in-game when people start caring a lot about stats (so much so that they'll boot you if you don't meet the requirements). Although you shouldn't have a problem until level 60, at least.


Yeah, this game really emphasizes item malls and such but isn't necessary if you just want to play to enjoy the game. There are actually quite a lot of events like this from time to time. Well, good luck and have fun, hopefully this doesn't hinder you from enjoying an otherwise great game.


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I didn't mean Game Over in a literal sense, just for being broke. I meant you won't be able to survive another map with busted armor and weapons, and if you have no money to repair shit, you'll get whooped, at least at relatively low levels. I just did tons of research about the game before I downloaded it. Wish I had done that for Sims 4...


I didn't know you could set your Party to 1 person. :P This thread wouldn't even be here if I thought it wouldn't force me into "Join Mode". Thanks! ;)


About money: You can no longer get money until a certain level, when a certain mission unlocks, and I think (from reading forums) the necessary level for the quest is lvl 22, if all the info I've gathered is accurate. It was to prevent gold enterprising from assholes, but they forgot to take out the monetary rewards part of the listed reward you'll get for doing quests, so as far as you know, you'll finally be rewarded with some gold, only to find out each time you get 0 gold.


And selling items to merchants and such also gives you 0 gold (apparently). To get gold, the best way is supposedly to sell Spider webs, Iron ore, Life Gems (or whatever they're called), and something else. I forget. I guess you sell those at -10% the retail price so everyone will buy yours, and high-level people always need these items for crafting purposes, and will buy these things from you, giving you the option to become a "Merchant" for real, if only to survive the game as a newb.




Using a sword & shield girl. Seems pretty good, but it sucks I can't move while blocking. However, I have no fighting experience aside from the giant grotesque spider that dumb girl seems to be in love with.

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Yeah that is why I like Vella when a enemy gets ready to attack and if you are using swords if done you can go with through the enemy with a counter attack and you can chain that and if timed correctly can deal even more damage. She can even send enemy projectiles back at them with one of her attacks. I did a lot of grinding of different areas did the special challenges for the different battles I think some of them unlock new quests. Some quests might pop up on the island that you get to from the beach and the other town when you unlock it to where you can go there. Got my player to level 79.





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When/how do I get to use Fiona's longhammer? What does it take to get your secondary weapon? Also, aside from buying weapons and armor, will I find any good ones from crushing enemies, or maybe from chests? Other ways to get weapons/armor?


How do I get my girl over-the-top hot like the girl in that vid (The one where's she just...walks around, looking hot)? Does that require cash?


Is there any way in Hell to beat a veteran with my weak-ass PC, or do I need to level up to fantastic heights to even stand a chance?


Are there any flat-out cheaters roaming around? People who can't be defeated? People I need to avoid at all costs?


Nude mods? :blush: 

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You get new equipment by crafting it, or buying it from the market.  You'll need to do a quest in second\third chapter to use a characters alternate primary weapon.


To get any sort of nice looking under-armor you'll need to fork over the $$$.  Same with some hairstyles. 


There are probably some nude mods floating around somewhere, but you could risk getting banned for using them. 

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Yes you will get banned if you try to make your player nude since the game is a mmo and other people will see it and they can tell when someone is doing something they shouldn't by server spike or something. There will almost always be people overpowered when it comes to any pay to play game as those ones can just buy their way to the top by getting the best armor and weapons. You can get some armor and weapon drops from some enemies and it changes depending on what difficulty you set it at it will not always be things you can use but they might be worth some money and you can sell them for gold. For getting good money check the wiki for the game and find battles that have a chance to drop scrolls then sell them for good money some go for low some can go up into the mils depending on which one it is.


Only thing that sucks about blade and soul is that most of the armors are being converted to CBBE much like how it is being converted to DRMA for oblivion. So I mostly ignore blade and soul armors.

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Well, I finally got some gameplay in, and I gotta admit...everything I heard was wrong! I can't vouch for the 'Gold' thing, because I'm making use of the weekend Steam Deal for Vindictus, but I'm getting paid rather handsomely, and leveling up smoothly. Went to a Party battle, after switching the difficulty to Hard, and got into a battle with a team of 4. Had a hell of a lot of fun! Better than DAI's MP for sure.


I got all kinds o' shit for beating that stage, so things are looking good, and everything is going very smoothly. I sent all 3 others a Friend request, and they all accepted right away. This is what I was hoping for; my "best-case scenario". Fucking hooked already!


When I went to take a piss, I didn't want my girl to just stand around, so I walked to the little wooden "back alley" in Colhen, and hit F6.


So she starts dancing (love it), and I take my piss. I come back, and she's surrounded by dogs and a person was there, all just watching and doing emoticon stuff. Was a LOL moment, with a RL :) on my face.


Keep in mind I've never played a MMO outside of games-gone-MP, like ME3, DAI, and I played Second Life for about a week, and the old-school FF XI. No WOW, no MOH, no COD, only fighting games. ME had shooters pretty much covered for me. Don't know why I never got into Halo or COD...just didn't buy them. definitely played a lot of Tiger '12 online though! Got extremely good. Wish I had a Golf game for PC. The Golf Club doesn't look so great.


About nude mods, I saw no nude people online, so my guess is I should not use one, even if (when :P) I find one (or 2). I planned on Waving to them, and getting them into my party for a Battle. :D

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To cover my bases, it may not have been BS I read all about when I searched for info about Vindictus. That stuff could be:

  1. Outdated
  2. True, but my Steam Deal gives me everything the game would normally have in it, without the anti-bot measure (maybe)
  3. Temporary
  4. Bullshit

Not sure which, but the game feels pretty complete to me so far, as a newb, which is a very refreshing surprise to me.


Also, controllers work! +1 Brownie Points right there. It can do "almost" anything in-game. It didn't work for me last night, so I gave up. Checked for a solution today, and when I went to change settings, I suddenly, right then and there, noticed that my controller was moving her around. Mysteriously started working today. :P The only thing I don't really understand is how to Chat. I'd rather like to do that sometime, even if not everyone's nice. No big deal. I can maintain. :cool:

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The closest you will get to seeing anything sexy is during special events where you get so much xp or such and everyone is fighting the spiders those are fairly weak and in a group usually die fast so many run around during the event in their underwear. I haven't played it in awhile since working with Gerra6's clothing converter so I have been converting armors and adding transparency to them to make them see through or remove parts to make them nude.

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winny which do you think is better? Vin or B&S? I've been curious bout games like these, but only now am I actually acting on it, and playing the games.


Nah, I have this video only because of the large Bubis (breasts) posted. :lol:


edit: I can not even B & S play, I do not know if it will ever come to the German market. :(

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Man, Germany has tons of restrictions... :( I'm sorry, winny. :blush: I hear about a new restriction there every week. Even some youtube links won't work right for people in Germany. I tried to link someone to a Bruno Mars video, and they couldn't view it in Germany, for whatever reason.


Do people from there ask the game's creators about getting these games in Germany? I'd bitch so much... :D

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Man, Germany has tons of restrictions... :( I'm sorry, winny. :blush: I hear about a new restriction there every week. Even some youtube links won't work right for people in Germany. I tried to link someone to a Bruno Mars video, and they couldn't view it in Germany, for whatever reason.


Do people from there ask the game's creators about getting these games in Germany? I'd bitch so much... :D


yes this is a regrettable fact in Germany, there is an organization (GEMA) all controlled videos,

for all sorts of shit (music copyright, youth-endangering material and so on). if find something then jerk the one hand. :lol:

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