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[Idea/Concept] SexLab Aroused: Beguiler's Spellbook [Immersion]


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SexLab Aroused: Beguiler's Spellbook

Immersion addon concept


Okay, so I know there's a million and one ideas being thrown around by schmucks with no coding experience, but hear me out. 


Most magic used by Sexlab addons (and it's grandmother, xLovers) pretty much amounts to "target = sex." Well, There's more immersive ways to do things. If you've played with the mod Frostfall, you'll notice that there are several spells that allow you to modify your player's cold exposure. Why can't this be done to player and enemy arousal in SexLab Aroused?


The following is a list of spell ideas that will enable a player to become better immersed in a sexy world. Some of these spells could even be used by enemies, adding an erotic element to magical combat.






While not required, the balance of this addon assumes the player has installed SexLab Submit and some version of Spectator Crowds. 


This mod also assumes that all characters masturbate at 100 arousal. SexLab Release forces the player to masturbate like this, but to my knowledge there is no mod that extends this to NPCs. 


The player is suggested to have some way of telling their own arousal, and maybe the arousal of others. This is the only addon I have found with this functionality. 




The Spells:



New Spell

Modified Spell

Effects related to nudity

Effects related to chastity




Restoration: (Spells based on raw control of lust, both positively and negatively. All beguiling restoration spells should be non-threatening.)

  • Reflect/Meditate: Decreases player arousal. Good for chaste roleplay, and to stave off masturbation if attacked by beguiling mages. These spells should require a lot of magica, so the player is less likely to use them constantly. 
  • Daydream/Fantasize: Increase player arousal. 
  • Preach/Testify: Decrease target's arousal. This is used to control followers or to prevent the target from raping you. It would be best if this was a charged-shot type spell.
  • Flirt/Tease: Increase target's arousal. It would be best as a charged-shot type spell, so players may snipe targets from a far, and be more likely to miss. Arousal does not scale at higher levels, so the effects of these spells should be modest, to discourage abuse. 
  • Nymphotic/Chastising Aura: This works like destruction's Cloak spells. Creatures that get too close to you get slightly increased/decreased arousal. 
  • Consecrate/Hallow: Permanently decreases/increases the target's morality. This is a master level spell, used to modify followers to your liking.
  • Sanctity: A master level spell. This spell provides the caster with top level bound armor, +100% health, magica, and stamina regen, and a Chastising Aura (as per the spell above.) However, the spell duration is only for 5 seconds per day since the caster's last orgasm, capping at 3 min. 
  • Nymphotic Blast: A master level spell. This spell creates a blast of Nymphotic energy centered on the target. The blast's base damage adds 200 arousal to any hostile actors around it. The damage decreases both by distance and by 10 for every minute since the caster's last sex act. 
  • Healing: Healing spells raise arousal when used, to a cap of 70. The cap is necessary, as it would only piss a player off if their emergency healing made them masturbate and summarily got them killed. 
  • Turn Undead spells: (Suggested by powerofvoid:) In addition to vanilla effects, it decreases the affected actor(s) arousal and makes them always submit to sex/rape.
  • Sun spells: (requires Dawnguard) (suggested by powerofvoid:) 
  • Ward spells: These spells could be modified to work best at lower arousal. As the caster gets hornier, their barriers fail, opening them up to sexy-fun-times, and death. 
    • ​Alternative suggestion by powerofVoid: "a properly lubed sex results in less damage. Just so, arousal strengthens your Ward spells. (( magnitude *= 1 + 2.0 * ( arousal / 100) ))"

Conjuration: (Conjuration is pretty common for SexLab. These are a bit different.)

  • Conjure Rapist Familiar/Atronach/Dremora: Summon spector/dremora specifically to rape enemy. This ability should face the same limitations as the player initiating rape. If the rape attempt fails, the spell has no effect. The creature summoned with these spells only exist for the sex animation. Different rapist spells lead to different animation sets. If rape is illegal, the player should be considered the rapist.
    • Rapist summons could have unique combat aiding effects. Flame Atronach could set their victim on fire while sexing them, for instance. 
  • Conjure Groping Swarm: summon tiny Daedra that crawl over the target's body, stimulating them. Makes arousal rise over time. Despite the name, this spell does not summon a creature, just places an effect on the target. This is better than a "Bound Vibrator" type spell, because most sex toys are genetalia-specific in placement. This spell is threatening and can cause the target to reach 100 Arousal. 
  • Standard Conjuration Summons: Suggested by powerofvoid: "Familiars, Seekers, and Dremora Lords are lewd. They spawn with arousal equal to the caster's, and will engage in sex if it's high enough (consensual if someone asks, otherwise they will rape when presented with the opportunity)."
  • Bound Armor: When bound armor wears off, instead of replacing the caster's armor, it leaves the caster naked. 
  • Additional Summons(suggested by powerofvoid:) Summons with unique SexLab related abilities could be added, such as Satyrs, Succubi, or Nymphs. 

Illusion: (This school favors exhibitionist flavored spells, but also has some minor changes to mood spells.)

  • Calm and Fear spells: These now slightly decrease arousal of the target, along with vanilla effects. (Suggested by powerofvoid:) Calmed or terrified actors submit to sex. (Additional by me:) calmed actors treat rape as consensual and are less likely to resist; terrified actors never resist rape. 
  • Frenzy and Courage spells: These now slightly increase arousal of the target, along with vanilla effects. Frenzy caps the actor's arousal at 99 for the duration of the spell, ensuring that they will rape instead of masturbate. 
  • Least/Lesser/Greater Invisibility: Invisibility spells only work at full effect only if the player has their chest and genitals exposed, having less pronounced effect when clothes are equipped to those slots.  Players that have these areas exposed when casting a spell increase the spell's duration to double the usual amount. This spell now has multiple levels, so as to incentivise players to get nude. At Least, the spell is pretty much useless when the player is clothed. Nude Lesser and clothed Greater are equivalent to the vanilla Invisibility spell, where casting Greater while nude gives the player a much longer duration. Changing torso armor will instantly end the spell, so normally the spell will end with the player exposed.
    • malvic suggested: An additional magica drain, forcing the player to time more efficiently, effectively increasing punishment for improper use. 
  • Least/Lesser/Greater Allure: The caster uses magic to emphasize certain aspects of his or herself. When casting Least Allure, the caster temporarily increases their speech and their barter rate with opposite sex NPCs (stacking with the allure Speech perk.) The Lessor version increases the power of the boosts and makes the barter bonus apply to all merchants regardless of sex. The Greater version boosts the effects even more and also creates a minor calm/courage effect centered on the caster. (Basically, by Greater, the player's enhanced beauty is enough to effect even monsters. 
  • Least/Lesser/Greater Glamour: Conjure an phantasmal set of clothing. This clothing will make your character seem dressed, but register as not for effects that prefer the caster to be naked. Higher Glamours give the player nicer clothing. Visually, Glamoured clothing is exactly like the mundane version, but is slightly see-through, allowing the player to see that  their character really is naked underneath. Casting this effect should require the player already be naked and be dispelled by the player equipping new clothing/armor over it, and also when the character is involved in a sex act. When the spell wears off, it leaves the caster nude. 
  • Least/Lessor/Greater Distract: Creates a phantasm to attract and arouse a crowd of NPCs (if the player is using Spectator Crowds.) Length and animation changes with spell level. At least, it is just a masturbator, at Greater, it is an orgy. 

Destruction: (All are modifications of vanilla effects. These changes have a sadomasochistic flair. In vanilla, these spells are really underpowered, so they have been given sexy ustility to make them more useful to the player.)

  • Shock spells: Slightly raises target's arousal, along with vanilla effects. Care should be taken to ensure the spells deal much more damage than they increases arousal. Enemy health and magic resistance increase with level while their arousal bar doesn't, meaning later game enemies will fall to these spells too easily and ruin balance. (Alternatively, all shock spells could have a low chance of triggering a clothed orgasm in the target, paralyzing them momentarily, but decreasing arousal. (They could do both things!))
    • powerofvoid suggested: Shock can also activate Devious Devices, if that addon is used.
  • Fire spells: Slightly raises caster's arousal to a cap of 70, along with vanilla effects. To compensate for the added danger of raised arousal, fire effects should be buffed. Arousal increases are capped to prevent the player from masturbating and summarily dieing.
    • powerofvoid suggested: fire spells could get more powerful at higher arousal. (Start at the base damage, gaining bonus damage for the amount of arousal the caster has.)
  • Cold spells: No change. Originally, cold spells were going to decrease the caster and the target's arousal, to have a "ice queen" kind of image. However, this provides the player with a painless way to decrease arousal (for them at least) and would lower the amount of erotic content. Cold spells do lower the targets fatigue, however, meaning the target is easier to rape.
    • Alternatively, cold spells could be stronger the less aroused you are, being at base power when the caster is fullyaroused, then getting more powerful when the caster is at lower arousals. 
  • Vampiric Drain: Slightly increases both the caster's and the target's arousal to a cap of 70, along with vanilla effects. 

Alteration: (This school favors stealthy public humiliation effects.)

  • Mage Hand/Mage Tongue: grope a target from afar, increasing both the caster and the target's arousal to a cap of 70 and 99 respectively. These are a non-threatening spells. It would be great if this spell made the target use sex lab moans while under its effect. It would also be great if the target had a Nymphotic Aura (see above) while under the effect of this spell. 
  • Release: Finish off an aroused target. If the target's Arousal is over 90, cause them to play a climax animation (without removing their clothes.) This is useful for role play, for defense against especially horny enemies coming to rape the player, and for decreasing a follower's arousal. This is a non-threatening spell. 
  • Detect Arousal: Aroused actors glow pink. This may mean that only actors with arousal of 70 or more glow, or that every actor with arousal appears with their pinkness brightening as they grow more aroused. It all depends on which function is easier to code/has the least bugs. 
  • Detect Sex Act: Actors engaged in SexLab or related animations glow pink. 
  • Least/Lessor/Greater Banish Clothing: The target of this spell has their clothing/armor unequipped. The spell's chance of success depends of the enchantment and armor rating of the clothing. The higher the armor rating and more potent the enchantment, the more likely the clothing will remain. Mundane, unenchanted clothing doesn't stand a chance. Becomes more potent at higher levels. (Works best with a mod that makes NPCs run away if exposed. Not sure if a mod like that exists for Skyrim yet.)
  • Conversion spells: Spells that convert arousal into health/magica must be avoided. While they are useful for role-playing as a succubus, they defeat the theme of the rest of the addon by turning arousal into less of a liability. It also allows the player to painlessly burn off arousal without any erotic content or sacrifices. 
  • Magic Armor spells: See Ward spells above. This could work the same way.
    • Alternate suggestion by powerofvoid: "${FOO}-flesh makes you hard as ${FOO}! While the spell is active, your arousal floor is increased by ((0.12 * added armor value)) (i.e., the percent damage resistance added. Dragonhide would set your arousal floor to "at least 80" (i.e., the damage resistance added))" 
  • Paralyse: Suggested by powerofvoid: "Paralyze effects bring a sense of euphoric helplessness. Arousal rises over time while paralyzed." 

Weapon Enchantments

  • Absorb Chastity: Works like an inverse absorb enchantment where the weapon slightly increases the enemy's arousal while decreasing the players.
  • Beguiling Soul Trap: Has the effect of Soul Trap, but also slightly increases arousal with every hit. 
  • Vibrating: This weapon does not deal damage to health. Instead, it raises the target's arousal by half the usual damage. 

Apparel Enchantments:

  • Fortify ChastityCaps the wearer's arousal at 99 or lower, preventing the wearer from achieving max arousal. This should be an expensive, high-level enchantment. 
  • Fortify Arousal: Increases the wearer's base arousal by a certain amount. 
  • Enforce Chastity: Decreases arousal by X every minute. Effect should be kept modest, so that it doesn't prevent all arousal. 
  • Enforce Arousal: The opposite of above. Similarly, the effect should be modest or maybe capped at 70 so the wearer isn't constantly masturbating. 
  • Nymphotic Arousal: An immodest/uncapped version of the above. Give it to an NPC you want to be constantly horny. 
  • Tempering: This enchantment increases magic resistance inversely to arousal, so that the more chaste the player is, the better their resistance is. 
  • Vivifying: This enchantment increases magic resistance proportionally to arousal, so that the more aroused a player is, the better their resistance is. The effect should be greater than the Tempering enchantment, so as to encourage risky play. 
  • Liberating: This enchantment increases the wearer's armor rating and block skill when they are considered naked
  • Streaking: Increases the wearer's movement speed and sneak skill when they are considered naked
  • Exhibiting: Increases the wearer's speech skill and magic resistance when they are considered naked
  • Detect Arousal: As per the spell above.
  • Detect Sex Act: As per the spell above.





You will notice many spells say that they slightly increase arousal. This is for two reasons:

  1. Because arousal does not scale with character level. The arousal bar of the player and every NPC is exactly 100 points big, which means every point counts. Also, the bar does not change very often, meaning effects that happen on it last for a while. Creating of well balanced spells will require some testing to ensure that players can't just bring every enemy they face to maximum arousal without trying. 
  2. Because constant sex, while sexy, can get boring if overdosed. If a player has to masterbate ten times to make it through a dungeon, they won't be having a very good time. Masturbating about 0.7 times per dungeon sounds like a good ratio to aim for. 

The point of this addon would be to encourage sexy play in regular Skyrim without breaking the game. Notice how Invisibility is changed to incentivise nudity. This is because I never find a good reason for my character to be naked, if I'm only punished for it. Reward the player for making risky and erotic choices and they will have more fun with those choices. 




I hope that you guys enjoyed this concept. I've done all I'm willing to do with this. If anybody wishes to use it, then use it. You will be doing more than I am and deserve all the credit. 



Edited: 12/07/14

Edited: 11/29/14

Edited: 11/26/14

Edited: 11/25/14

Edited: 11/23?/14

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Some points:

  • I think you don't know what the Muffle spell effect does -- the "Muffled Movement" and "Silence" perks use the Muffle effect.
  • I would focus more on adding new spells/effects rather than modifying old content.
Overall, though, the ideas interest me.


Also, this might give you more inspiration: http://carnal.orfinlir.de/versions/guide0-6-0.pdf


EDIT: A thought:


A bunch of your things seem to take the form of:

  • A "normal" magic effect
  • Some condition that affects its strength (either on/off or more continuous)
Perhaps you could generalize that?



  • Exposure
  • Arousal
  • Time since last orgasm
  • Time since last sex act
Each of these is actually four possible "modifiers":
  • Grows from zero as {condition} increases
  • Weakens to zero as {condition} increases
  • Turns on if {condition} is higher than {X}
  • Turns on if {condition} is lower than {X}
Then you add the following to the list of possible spell/enchantment effects:
  • Add/remove arousal (over time, when appropriate
  • Floor/Ceiling arousal
  • Bound/Strip armor (The former was in previous elder scrolls games
  • Detect Arousal
And then add some lewd things to summon.
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Some points:

  • I think you don't know what the Muffle spell effect does -- the "Muffled Movement" and "Silence" perks use the Muffle effect.
  • I would focus more on adding new spells/effects rather than modifying old content.
Overall, though, the ideas interest me.

Also, this might give you more inspiration: http://carnal.orfinlir.de/versions/guide0-6-0.pdf

EDIT: A thought:

A bunch of your things seem to take the form of:
  • A "normal" magic effect
  • Some condition that affects its strength (either on/off or more continuous)
Perhaps you could generalize that?

  • Exposure
  • Arousal
  • Time since last orgasm
  • Time since last sex act
Each of these is actually four possible "modifiers":
  • Grows from zero as {condition} increases
  • Weakens to zero as {condition} increases
  • Turns on if {condition} is higher than {X}
  • Turns on if {condition} is lower than {X}
Then you add the following to the list of possible spell/enchantment effects:
  • Add/remove arousal (over time, when appropriate
  • Floor/Ceiling arousal
  • Bound/Strip armor (The former was in previous elder scrolls games
  • Detect Arousal
And then add some lewd things to summon.





You know, you're right. I got the muffle effect wrong. Why the hell would I strip nude to cast a spell that improves the armor I am no longer wearing? I just wasn't thinking. 


Your thoughts are useful and I have used them to reword the spell entries to be more specific. I also added a couple spells inspired by the document you linked, and a couple more from your suggestions. 


As for your concerns with the modified spells: Modified spells can cause incompatibility and might do weird things in combat, but I think they are necessary for this addon to work. The healing, destruction and mood spells in particular are important to change, as they would cause more fluctuation in arousal throughout a dungeon. More-over, the standard destruction spells are already used by vanilla enemies, where new spells will not be. 

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Something that just occurred to me: I don't think Skyrim or SexLab have a "passive charisma" -- just the active charisma of Speechcraft. This seems like a job for... some other mod.


Also, I don't think that the existing morality score should be correlated to lewdness. (I want my game to have sluts who aren't also murderers and thieves)


You know, you're right. I got the muffle effect wrong. Why the hell would I strip nude to cast a spell that improves the armor I am no longer wearing? I just wasn't thinking.

Here's the article on Stealth: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Detection


Apparently, stripping naked already makes you sneakier.


As for your concerns with the modified spells: Modified spells can cause incompatibility and might do weird things in combat, but I think they are necessary for this addon to work. The healing, destruction and mood spells in particular are important to change, as they would cause more fluctuation in arousal throughout a dungeon. More-over, the standard destruction spells are already used by vanilla enemies, where new spells will not be.

Hmm, that's a good point.


That said, I wouldn't want *all* the "common" spells to affect arousal, just a few.


So, my thoughts on vanilla spell changes: (basically, my own version)



  • ${FOO}-flesh makes you hard as ${FOO}! While the spell is active, your arousal floor is increased by ((0.12 * added armor value)) (i.e., the percent damage resistance added. Dragonhide would set your arousal floor to "at least 80" (i.e., the damage resistance added))
  • Paralyze effects bring a sense of euphoric helplessness. Arousal rises over time while paralyzed
  • Familiars, Seekers, and Dremora Lords are lewd. They spawn with arousal equal to the caster's, and will engage in sex if it's high enough (consensual if someone asks, otherwise they will rape when presented with the opportunity).
  • "Bound Armor" spells for the nudist who doesn't want to dabble in Alteration.
  • More lewd summons: Apprentice: Nymph: caster (Paralyze/Calm), Satyr: melee (knockdown); Adept: Succubus: flying caster (better paralyze/calm, drains life through sex, can turn into an Incubus and back); Master: "Thrall" versions of those spells.
  • Basically all of these spells are going to be *EXTREMELY PAINFUL*, and should probably be mood-killers (i.e., reduce arousal) for characters without some sort of "extreme masochism flag" (there is no elemental immunity in Skyrim).
  • EXCEPTION: 'Vampiric Drain' is pleasant for the subject (per pop-culture vampires), and increases arousal over time.
  • Battlemages are stick-in-the-muds! Destruction is weak in vanilla skyrim, so we will make this take the form of a buff at low arousal: (( Damage *= 1 + 2.0 * (1 - (arousal / 100)) * (skill / 100) ^ (2.0) ))
  • Nothing. We'll add lewd items to the leveled lists or something.
  • Calmed or Terrified creatures will submit to sex
  • Fury leading to rape will come from combat sex mods
  • Note that these spells don't actually work on the player
  • I never ever use this school, because switching out spells in-combat is a PITA, and my hands are normally occupied with killinating the everloving fuck out of my enemies, so this is
  • Turn Undead: As per Fear
  • Sun damage: As per Destruction spells
  • Wards: a properly lubed sex results in less damage. Just so, arousal strengthens your Ward spells. (( magnitude *= 1 + 2.0 * ( arousal / 100) ))
  • Healing: In contrast to battlemages, healers are very lewd. Arousal strengthens healing spells, and nudity makes them cheaper (( magnitude *= 1 + 2.0 * ( arousal / 100 ) )), (( cost *= 1 - 1.0 * 1 / (1 + 1.0 * ( clothing weight )) ))
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Wow, that's odd. I edited the thread post with some changes, but the only change I'm seeing is the "Edited 11/23/14" that I put at the bottom. Wtf? 


As for your ideas, many are pretty good, so I'm adding them to the thread post, or at least taking suggestions for the vague ones. Lets hope the changes actually show up. I'm also going to try to re-add my earlier changes from memory. 


However, I have left out a few of the ideas:



Something that just occurred to me: I don't think Skyrim or SexLab have a "passive charisma" -- just the active charisma of Speechcraft. This seems like a job for... some other mod.


Whoops! Looks like I referenced the SexLab Attraction addon in one of the spells. I'll fix that. 


  • More lewd summons: Apprentice: Nymph: caster (Paralyze/Calm), Satyr: melee (knockdown); Adept: Succubus: flying caster (better paralyze/calm, drains life through sex, can turn into an Incubus and back); Master: "Thrall" versions of those spells.


It's tempting to make lists of fantasy summons, but they also require more work. They need meshes, models, textures, etc. I want to make this concept as little work as possible for anyone who wants to make it. 




  • Basically all of these spells are going to be *EXTREMELY PAINFUL*, and should probably be mood-killers (i.e., reduce arousal) for characters without some sort of "extreme masochism flag" (there is no elemental immunity in Skyrim).
  • EXCEPTION: 'Vampiric Drain' is pleasant for the subject (per pop-culture vampires), and increases arousal over time.


  • Sun damage: As per Destruction spells



Nah, while realistic, that detracts from the goals of the addon, which is to make Skyrim sexier. Only Shock and Vampiric Drain increase the target's arousal as is, which ties into pop culture ideas of sexiness. 





  • Battlemages are stick-in-the-muds! Destruction is weak in vanilla skyrim, so we will make this take the form of a buff at low arousal: (( Damage *= 1 + 2.0 * (1 - (arousal / 100)) * (skill / 100) ^ (2.0) ))
  • In contrast to battlemages, healers are very lewd. Arousal strengthens healing spells, and nudity makes them cheaper (( magnitude *= 1 + 2.0 * ( arousal / 100 ) )), (( cost *= 1 - 1.0 * 1 / (1 + 1.0 * ( clothing weight )) ))





I could see a Dibellan priestess working them restoration magics. I'm not sure if I like this implementation though. 


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Nah, while realistic, that detracts from the goals of the addon, which is to make Skyrim sexier.

Item #3 is making it sexier in a sense -- you use arousing effects on your Destruction-wielding opponents to weaken their spells.


Regarding the summons: all of them are (potentially) NPC-type creatures: (I hadn't actually thought about it before you mentioned it, but it just sort of happened that way)

  • Nymphs are nude humanoids who cast certain spells. Simple as that.
  • Satyrs have horns and hooves. Take something like a Dranei, remove the blue color, and maybe make their legs hairier.
  • There are 9001 Succubus races out there.
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I'm just saying that players will likely be using destruction if they are a mage, and that this would penalize them BEFORE the sexy fun times. If anything, getting sexy should be the penalty-- not getting killed because your spells are getting weaker. 


As for the new summons, I'm sure the SexLab Creatures guys can fill THAT void. I'll make a brief mention of the possibilities in the concept post. 



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I'm just saying that players will likely be using destruction if they are a mage, and that this would penalize them BEFORE the sexy fun times.

My opinion is that if you're using Destruction spells as your primary weapon, you're doing it wrong. (Or you just don't consider your actual primary weapon a weapon)


Ultimately, the problem with Destruction is that it's basically Archery with more light and noise (and no sneak attacks). Either it does so much damage that you don't care, because it wins everything forever, or it's relegated to use by people who want to put something in their other hand. Which, admittedly, is a role, but not a central one.


(In vanilla Skyrim, I find Conjuration to be the only spell school worth using regularly)


EDIT: Still, some ideas:

  • Fire gets stronger as you get more aroused.
  • Lightning triggers Devious Devices
  • Cold -> Fatigue damage -> easier rape
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  • Fire gets stronger as you get more aroused.
  • Lightning triggers Devious Devices
  • Cold -> Fatigue damage -> easier rape


Now there's an idea I can stand behind. I'll add these alternatives to the list. (Though cold already does fatigue damage, so....)


Destruction IS underpowered. With this mod, Shock becomes slightly more powerful if it also raises opponent arousal, but this addition really makes fire more powerful. I made an alternative of the inverse for cold. 

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Assuming that both the player and opponents are forced to masturbate at 100 arousal, then high arousal is bad for any npc that is fighting the player. It's pretty much a free paralyse spell for the player. 


For the player however, high arousal is typically 'mixed,' leaning on bad. Assuming that the player has enabled the "SexLab animations stop combat" option, then hitting 100 arousal punishes the player only by making them watch as their PC masturbate. If that option is off, then 100 arousal is a death sentence if hit during combat, unequipping their armor and stopping them from moving while the enemy attacks them, and thus very bad for the player. 


That doesn't mean that high arousal can't be tricky. If a combatant at high arousal can rape their target before they completely succumb to their carnal needs, then their arousal is reduced. The player, should they be aware of their character's current high arousal, will be pressured to either lower the arousal through magic, rape their enemy, or flee to blow off steam. The opponent, being 'evil' will simply rape the player, or suffer the consequences. 

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Then I am at an impasse. High arousal needs to do something or else all of these spells are useless. Universal high arousal masturbation/forced submission is necessary for the addon to function as I see it. Maybe I should add that as a core feature of the addon? Or is there an ad hoc alternative?

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Then I am at an impasse. High arousal needs to do something or else all of these spells are useless. Universal high arousal masturbation/forced submission is necessary for the addon to function as I see it. Maybe I should add that as a core feature of the addon? Or is there an ad hoc alternative?

  • Add warning label: "Note: without some other mod, arousal modification isn't really going do much"
  • Some spells have their parameters modified by arousal (e.g., arousal -> lewd creatures are now horny -> lewd creatures rape)
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You know, I wouldn't mind doing some of this myself, at least to get a proof-of-concept out, but I have no idea where to start. (And I won't have the time for the next couple weeks.)


Does anybody still reading this know some good resources for a beginner to read/use?

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Immersion addon concept

Absolutely love this sort of addon. Immersion, balance and lore compliance are what really make me want to use adult mods in "normal" playthroughs instead of just on throwaway "porn mod" characters.


As always, though, I hope the player will have plenty of options to fine-tune the mod.


The point of this addon would be to encourage sexy play in regular Skyrim without breaking the game. Notice how Invisibility is changed to incentivise nudity.

Found this sort of funny because I just finished a new implant for my New Vegas extended implants mod that gives you a cloaking field when sneaking, but only while naked (because the cloaking tech only covers your skin).

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You know, I wouldn't mind doing some of this myself, at least to get a proof-of-concept out, but I have no idea where to start. (And I won't have the time for the next couple weeks.)


Does anybody still reading this know some good resources for a beginner to read/use?

I actually made a similar thread on something like that a while back. About beginning modding. Got some really good advice. Loverslab is certainly helpful. (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/38459-any-recommendations-for-starting-modding-skyrim-myself/ is the thread). This magic thread definitely intrigues me though. I think looking into what magic can do could be a good way to expand Skyrim modding. 

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Yeah I like the invisibility ideas a lot.

It would couple well with random rape/device attachment on nude player mods.

Have it fail if the user is clothed at all, maybe give it a magicka drain during effect so you can't just recast it.

Resulting in a solid boost for stealth, but with severe time restraints.

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By the way, here's the stealth formula: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Detection


As it happens, I'm pretty sure that the effect of Invisibility is pretty small.


While running, with no distance attenuation, directly under a magelight, I'm pretty sure that the entire visual contribution to detection adds up to about 8.


Your "Sneak" skill has a minimum of 15.


Thus, I believe that Invisibility is worth, at best, about +50% Sneak, with the value falling off as your skill increases.


On the other hand, a suit of iron armor adds 46 points to that formula, which suggests nudity is about 6 times better than invisibility in the base game.

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You know, I wouldn't mind doing some of this myself, at least to get a proof-of-concept out, but I have no idea where to start. (And I won't have the time for the next couple weeks.)


Does anybody still reading this know some good resources for a beginner to read/use?

I actually made a similar thread on something like that a while back. About beginning modding. Got some really good advice. Loverslab is certainly helpful. (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/38459-any-recommendations-for-starting-modding-skyrim-myself/ is the thread). This magic thread definitely intrigues me though. I think looking into what magic can do could be a good way to expand Skyrim modding. 



This is a very useful resource. Thank you. 



By the way, here's the stealth formula: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Detection


As it happens, I'm pretty sure that the effect of Invisibility is pretty small.


While running, with no distance attenuation, directly under a magelight, I'm pretty sure that the entire visual contribution to detection adds up to about 8.


Your "Sneak" skill has a minimum of 15.


Thus, I believe that Invisibility is worth, at best, about +50% Sneak, with the value falling off as your skill increases.


On the other hand, a suit of iron armor adds 46 points to that formula, which suggests nudity is about 6 times better than invisibility in the base game.


I do not intend on modifying the stealth formula. There are plenty of good stealth mods out there for that. This addon should work well with any mod that tweaks the stealth formula without modifying invisibility.


However, something in that formula confuses me. "Invisibility: If Invisible== 1, multiply by fSneakStealthboyMult" What is fSneakStealthboyMulti? It's nowhere else in the wiki, according to search. 

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Bethesda uses the same game framework for their games, fSneakStealthboyMult must be from Fallout 3. I guess in Skyrim it's just a constant.

From my in-game experience, being invisible does improve your sneaking greatly. But enemies still can find you if you've turned invisible while in combat with them, stumbled into them and also for some time after that, as long as you're near them and in LoS (doesn't make much sense since they cannot see you, but it is). If you're invisible and they are not aware of you, you can stand just before their faces and they won't notice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bethesda uses the same game framework for their games, fSneakStealthboyMult must be from Fallout 3. I guess in Skyrim it's just a constant.

From my in-game experience, being invisible does improve your sneaking greatly. But enemies still can find you if you've turned invisible while in combat with them, stumbled into them and also for some time after that, as long as you're near them and in LoS (doesn't make much sense since they cannot see you, but it is). If you're invisible and they are not aware of you, you can stand just before their faces and they won't notice.


IDK.  Mebbe the multiplier is same but some things used to b different, even tho every1 sez is same engine since forever.   My friend used to make 100% 1 sec chameleon weaps in Morrowind, so he would swing swing swing and stay 100% invis all the time, and mobs would lose morale and run away instead of even defend because invis worked that way there (cannot see and get hit = run awaaaay).


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