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Requiem for a new game and with which other mods?


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Well I am looking to do a new game with Requiem to make it more difficult

But I am not looking for all realistic mods like Ineed and realistic need/diseases


So I was wondering which mods is going well with Requiem? for a hard game but not an impossible game.


I'm gonna use sexlab with :


- Death Alternative

- Defeat

- Devious captures

- Deviously Cursed Loot

- Devious Traps

- Being Female


How do you recommend to config them?



Well if you want you can extend with a little realistic mods, I still can give a try but I don't want my new game to be "impossible" or too much hardcore.


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Nothing. Requiem doesn't play nice with anything and likes to randomly explode. Once you get AP weapons and skills, it's also ludicrously easy to beat.


Using any other script mods with requiem is also an incredibly bad idea, but you won't figure that out until you're well into the game and your save and logs are taking up bajillions of gigs of memory and crashing randomly every five seconds.

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 I kind of agree with 27X -  it is doable to have Requiem running pretty stable in a modded setup because I managed to do it for a month or so. But it definitely can be a gigantic pain in the ass if you're not very hands on with modding. For me personally the trade off just wasn't worth it.


People swear by Requiem, but I wonder if any of them have actually tried to set things up their own way using some great mods that are very stable and play nicely with lots of others. It's  great fun to explore, more fun than being told what to do by Ogerboss or T3ndo. 


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requiem is not difficult, it's just hardcore


low level you are so weak a rabbit can kill

high level you are so strong nothing can kill you




it add more ennemies, that don't make the fight harder, that make the fight longer...




this is ridiculous


and this is mess up, some fight with their hands, some does nothing, some kill their friends




that one will one shot you if you don't block


it's just block hit block hit block hit

and there only one thing to do if you want to mele dragon


skooma mode






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Just try it as it is, or with scriptless utility and graphic mods, before you commit to anything else.


SL and Req is simply not a good idea, and neither is any other scripted mod where script interaction is likely to get longer, with more calculations, as you progress.

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 I kind of agree with 27X -  it is doable to have Requiem running pretty stable in a modded setup because I managed to do it for a month or so. But it definitely can be a gigantic pain in the ass if you're not very hands on with modding. For me personally the trade off just wasn't worth it.


People swear by Requiem, but I wonder if any of them have actually tried to set things up their own way using some great mods that are very stable and play nicely with lots of others. It's  great fun to explore, more fun than being told what to do by Ogerboss or T3ndo. 


As far as I know, SkyRe gives more freedom than Requiem due to its modular nature. I've never played Requiem, but I always run SkyRe. Viewed some videos by Brodual, showcasing both overhauls, and I preferred SkyRe's perks over Requiem's, still. The perks tree is why I play SkyRe, my other mods take care of the rest.


I've been looking forward to Perkus Maximus, since it's supposed to be just an enormous perks overhaul, leaving us room to fill in everything else.

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Yep, it's modular, but the more of them you use, the better they synergize so in that respect the approach is the same, just allegedly more flexible. The thing is,while it's a great tool, reproccer isn't a one-stop solution, I've always had to use a lot of additional patches to keep SkyRe from causing problems in often very weird places. If you look at any of the modules in TES5 they're often pretty pervasive, maybe more than you'd expect given the specific areas they're supposed to be concerned with. 


Ironically I use a whole bunch of mods to cover the same ground as SkyRe does, but I've had a far easier time keeping them all happy.

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Never tried Requiem but thought about it before, and reading the description seems like it is suppose to design for difficult up front but easier later...Looks like there are lots of work put into it, but if all you want is a general sense of struggle early on then build up to power further down the line, playing it on vanilla Master or Legendary difficulty already does that for you  :-/

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Yep, it's modular, but the more of them you use, the better they synergize so in that respect the approach is the same, just allegedly more flexible. The thing is,while it's a great tool, reproccer isn't a one-stop solution, I've always had to use a lot of additional patches to keep SkyRe from causing problems in often very weird places. If you look at any of the modules in TES5 they're often pretty pervasive, maybe more than you'd expect given the specific areas they're supposed to be concerned with. 


Ironically I use a whole bunch of mods to cover the same ground as SkyRe does, but I've had a far easier time keeping them all happy.


I'm fortunate in that I enjoy majority of what SkyRe provides. Most of the other things that I'm into, have SkyRe patches. Nothing has pulled me off of SkyRe, after all this time.


Maybe someday it will all get the FCOM/TCOM(Oblivion) treatment. I'm mildly surprised that hasn't happened yet.

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After some test well It doesn't work very well, I didn't had a crash actually but some freeze (0.5 sec, or more depend where and when ) while using SL. Since I do not have a bad pc that's may be why I didn't crash actually but Yes this is not the best idea ever ^^.

I didn't know SkyRe actually(well don't know why since it's looks a really popular one),


I'll give a try with SkyRe.

Thanks =)

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Yeah you might really enjoy SkyRe.


The race perks sold me initially back when it was first introduced(that also used to be its own separate mod). The Altmer channeling ability, and Redguard reflex, etc. I don't see myself taking out SkyRe until Perkus Maximus. SkyRe's weapon perks, laying bear traps, caltrops/spiketraps, Phantom Image illusions, creating your own dwemer spiders, crafting scrolls, wearing enemy disguises to fool them, just to name a few. All of these things keep SkyRe installed.

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