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Alien Isolation: Top or Flop ?


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Game's terrible, worst Aliens game yet. There hasn't been a good Aliens game since the first AvP in 1999, the second one was alright. I tolerated it, everything after that has been shit. Just more console garbage that plays itself, might as well just watch a movie instead.

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Absolutely "love" it! Massive fan of the Alien series, and this game hits all the right spots.


Felt so powerful when I got a revolver.... until the Alien popped up and I freaked out and shot it... seeing it sprinting at me and having no way of escape makes my belly tingle.


Only thing is that I have to take breaks when my nerves get too fried lol


The Aliens are invincible and can't be killed, games fail.

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Game's terrible, worst Aliens game yet. There hasn't been a good Aliens game since the first AvP in 1999, the second one was alright. I tolerated it, everything after that has been shit. Just more console garbage that plays itself, might as well just watch a movie instead.


It is not terrible, it is just other genre. How you could confuse all dick assault with hid your ass game is beyond me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This game sucks so far. I'm up to the point where you're looking for a doctor's id in a medbay and an alien shows up roaming around the place. IMO the game has way to many save points which kills the survival aspect. The ai is retarded and easily killed by standing around the corner of a door way and using melee. The 'stealth' when hiding behind something is like the new Deus where its clear that the enemy should see you, but doesn't. The run ins with other humans doesn't instill fear like it should. Could have really used some groups or single individuals stalking you and taunting you with rape. Maybe even running into a group searching for another group or individual and you can stop them, hide and watch, or whatever. 

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  • 2 months later...


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