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NWN Mod - Selena´s Secrets


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  • 2 months later...

Well, after some "builder´s crisis", I´ve made the module in spanish (I wanted to do/change many things to do it in english) Thanks and sorry to Thirpress for his help with dialogs.


The blog is down too, because i feel it useless lol. Anyway the mod is almost finished, with new things added and open paths to expand in the future (mostly erotic dialogs).

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Well, after some "builder´s crisis", I´ve made the module in spanish (I wanted to do/change many things to do it in english) Thanks and sorry to Thirpress for his help with dialogs.


The blog is down too, because i feel it useless lol. Anyway the mod is almost finished, with new things added and open paths to expand in the future (mostly erotic dialogs).


You're welcome. Sorry to learn you had some trouble on your side.


I was wondering what was going on with you. At least you have a Spanish version going strong.



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After playing it I must say is a very promissing work, hope you keep working on it :P


Un buen trabajo sin duda (: hay muchas ideas originales, me gustó mucho lo que hiciste para recrear los vehiculos en movimiento...Y aún le estoy dando vueltas a como lo hiciste jajajaj (¿Ubicados que se mueven?). A parte de eso...¿No hay escena con la mujer que te piya tocando las gemas? :P

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Glad you liked it, and happy you post a comment. It is the only thing we builders get for our hard work ;-)


And for the vehicles, remember that is the universe what moves, not the placeables :P

For the Gem Guardians, I have something in mind but with a darkness and text. The idea is to make a scene to show different fetish (futa, tentacles, etc). Will see :-p

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  • 4 weeks later...

*Getting out the shadows*


I used the english module as a base to start the rebuild and I don´t have a copy, sorry. Anyway, if someone have it feel free to distribute ;)


For the newest version, I have decided to implement unused content and scripts (not found a good way to show it until now), and some new things. Basically, you can choose the "point" in Selena´s story regarding Nala every time you start the module. This way enables me to add things and systems like pregnancy without breaking the module background nor adding more undesired work for me :P


And to finish, I feel the mood to post some screenies.


If you select being pregnant of Nala. Not much gameplay, mostly to show the pregnancy sys.

post-457795-0-19317000-1431293818_thumb.jpg post-457795-0-04651400-1431293843_thumb.jpg


You can select Nala as a kid, and is the same gameplay you find in the older module version, so no screenies.


Finally, you can select a teen/young Nala. Selena will teach her some Shauril powers and how to retrieve the gem of earth.



And of course, later on mother and daughter will enjoy some party time together.

post-457795-0-61287000-1431294324_thumb.jpg post-457795-0-93762800-1431294351_thumb.jpg


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*Hiding in the shadows again*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, the good news are that i´m working on a new version in english ;) It will take some time, because i changed a lot of things; yes, i know i make one step forward and two or more backward until i reach a point to start ahead again :angel:


I´m a laaazy writer (but active reader); i can´t stand 5 minutes writing, but i can be hours coding or making other things lol. In the end, i decided to build the mod in a different way; among other things, i made a scene/action maker to play with the systems at any moment, so no need of dialogs and make first one thing to enable the next. But i also like to make the mod more collaborative and being the writing the more easy thing to build in a mod (not for me, lol), in some scenes Selena can do a few things (descriptive text) to flourish a bit the action. I just put some ideas, to let you, lazy player, write it if you have the mood and let me and other players enjoy your writing :lol:


Crap, better show some screens to understand what i mean :s


post-457795-0-26001100-1433448784_thumb.jpg  post-457795-0-41212400-1433448810_thumb.jpg


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the absence, I like so much being in the shadows lol.

Nah, just got bored of show screenies and promise things about the module to reject it later. So I made a new one and until it got finished I repressed myself to say anything :s .

I have uploaded it at NWNVault.


P.D. I don´t have the older versions but anyone is free to share.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome back, ill give it a go when ill recall how one mods nwn...



Hmm I think that i'm missing some files. Selena dose not have hair and blond girls is a brunette.

Looks like yard floor dose not have textures and dog is walking in air above yard. Also when going outside to yard selena is also start to float above the yard.

I'm testing it with gog diamond version.



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