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Is anyone able to use ENBs on a laptop with Optimus?


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I seriously think I've tried every method available on Google and ENBs simply don't work on my Optimus laptop (Intel HD 4600/Nvidia 750M). Either the game will stubbornly use the Intel HD 4600, or it will use Nvidia but ENB won't be activated.


- Using ENB wrapper version forces the game to use Intel HD

- Using ENB injector version will allow game to recognize Nvidia card, however game simply ignores installed ENB. Launched ENBinjector.exe and it won't hook into Skyrim. Yes the .ini file is edited to link to all 3 .exe files including skse_loader.exe


1. Optimus Fix (from nexus): doesn't do anything, still uses Intel HD

2. Optimus D3D9 Fix HiAlgo (from nexus): forces ENB to display it's using "Nvidia 8800M" in the watermark, but in reality doesn't do anything, still uses Intel HD

3. EXE edit (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/549049-for-nvidia-optimus-users-guaranteed-fix-for-post-process-injectors-using-d3d9dll/): Does not work with SKSE (skse_loader.exe), but surprisingly does work with the regular TESV.exe. Attempting to launch via skse_loader.exe with this hack/fix will crash at main menu

4. ENB Wrapper version then delete the d3d9.dll: causes game to ignore ENB but allow it to recognize discrete graphics card

5. Install ENB wrapper version, then download D3D9.dll customized (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5641/?) and rename the new d3d9.dll to d3d9orig.dll and put it in Skyrim folder, update ENBlocal.ini with that dll: doesn't do anything, still uses Intel HD


Is anyone able to use ENBs on a laptop with Optimus at all? Can you share what you did to get ENB working? This is really frustrating. 

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Here's what my low powered machine can muster while using ICBIN ENB (plus it's requirements). I am running it with fake full screen and reduced textures. The textures give a big performance boost. and since 512 and 2K textures look exactly the same on a 15" screen I may as well. Some textures I have at 256, though, for the added frames. But using ICBIN doesn't change my framerate at all.


Chances are your laptop is more powerful than mine so you would get some better results.



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Like this here and it's required files. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48554/?


Even if you don't use that sweetfx file there just using Climates of Tamriel, Enhanced Lights and Effects, Dynavision and Imaginator together will make the game look 1000X better than vanilla. And you can make tons of adjustments on the fly using Imaginator via the MCM.


That mod uses the d3d9.dll which is the root of the problem, causing computers with Optimus to use Intel HD instead of actual graphics card.

I'm not looking for an alternative because my computer can't handle ENB, my GPU can handle Skyrim on high settings at max framerate, but ENB refuses to work together with Optimus.

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I seriously think I've tried every method available on Google and ENBs simply don't work on my Optimus laptop (Intel HD 4600/Nvidia 750M). Either the game will stubbornly use the Intel HD 4600, or it will use Nvidia but ENB won't be activated.


- Using ENB wrapper version forces the game to use Intel HD

- Using ENB injector version will allow game to recognize Nvidia card, however game simply ignores installed ENB. Launched ENBinjector.exe and it won't hook into Skyrim. Yes the .ini file is edited to link to all 3 .exe files including skse_loader.exe


1. Optimus Fix (from nexus): doesn't do anything, still uses Intel HD

2. Optimus D3D9 Fix HiAlgo (from nexus): forces ENB to display it's using "Nvidia 8800M" in the watermark, but in reality doesn't do anything, still uses Intel HD

3. EXE edit (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/549049-for-nvidia-optimus-users-guaranteed-fix-for-post-process-injectors-using-d3d9dll/): Does not work with SKSE (skse_loader.exe), but surprisingly does work with the regular TESV.exe. Attempting to launch via skse_loader.exe with this hack/fix will crash at main menu

4. ENB Wrapper version then delete the d3d9.dll: causes game to ignore ENB but allow it to recognize discrete graphics card

5. Install ENB wrapper version, then download D3D9.dll customized (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5641/?) and rename the new d3d9.dll to d3d9orig.dll and put it in Skyrim folder, update ENBlocal.ini with that dll: doesn't do anything, still uses Intel HD


Is anyone able to use ENBs on a laptop with Optimus at all? Can you share what you did to get ENB working? This is really frustrating. 

I think you are not using Optimux fix the right way, I got an gt525m on my laptop and it runs well with optimus fix. you have to rename your  ENB d3d9.dll to d3d9orig.dll and let the  d3d9.dll from optimus fix do the job.

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Which optimus fix are you guys using? I think there are 3 on Nexus (2 called "optmus fix" and one called "gigantic performance improvement"), one of them is the one that tricks the game into thinking the GPU is "Nvidia 8800M". Link please.









 (1) Rename your current d3d9.dll (from the game folder) to "d3d9orig.dll"

 (2) Copy OptimusFix d3d9.dll to the same folder (the game folder)
 (3) Open NVidia control panel, and explicitly add your game's EXE file to the list of "high-GPU-requirement" programs.
 (4) That's it!
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Yeah that's the one I'm using and it doesn't work, says "current adapter: Intel HD 4600" at the upper left watermark. The ENB effects do work, just that I'm getting only 20-25fps with the Intel HD. I'm pretty sure Nvidia 750M is more capable than 20-25 fps.

"Rename your current d3d9.dll" -> this means the d3d9 from the wrapper version of ENB downloaded from enbdev.com right? That's what I'm using.

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Yeah that's the one I'm using and it doesn't work, says "current adapter: Intel HD 4600" at the upper left watermark. The ENB effects do work, just that I'm getting only 20-25fps with the Intel HD. I'm pretty sure Nvidia 750M is more capable than 20-25 fps.

"Rename your current d3d9.dll" -> this means the d3d9 from the wrapper version of ENB downloaded from enbdev.com right? That's what I'm using.


Yes it means the d3d9 dll from the wraper ENB, so you already renamed it to d3d9orig.dll ????


and droped the Optimus fix d3d9 dll as d3d9.dll??


Also you configured the nvidia control panel to make your game use the actual dedicated card?


I supose is a yes in everything.


Then let me tell you something, the ENB say  "current adapter: Intel HD 4600",but It is already using your graphics card, you can make a test so easy using the Optimus fix and then just using the ENB dll, it will always say that is using the intel adapter, but it will use the Nvidia card with Optimus fix, same thing happens with my laptop, and well my card is a GT 525m , my game is ultra moded, and it runs at 25-40 FPS depending on the area of the game, and I did a lot but a LOT of optimization in configurations to achieve that. I did a custom 512 resolution Skyrim.bsa and all my textures are between 512 and 1024, most of them 512,Im not even using the ENB graphic modification, only the fixes, and using the proxy option with Sweet FX to achieve something near to ENB(I didnt liked my framerate with ENB 18-25 FPS, also some Efects didn't worked like DOF), so yeah dude I think thats all the power you are getting from your graphics card(plus a bad configuration, and maybe a heavy ENB), just try that experiment(check the actual FPS not only try to figure it out by yourself, theres a key that ENB uses to display FPS).


check your FPS with, and without Optimus fix , no matter what says above abut the adapter. you will see a diference in FPS, If that the case then you will have to try reducing shadow quality, getting ride completely of, ambient oclusion, FXAA, antialiasing. Triying another ENB.


On your Nvidia control panel I higly recomend all the preformance settings,  Specially Texture filtering: High preformance, and Multy display/Mixed gpu aceleration: Single Display Preformance Mode.


Also depends a lot in what ENB are you trying to use some of them require a lot of resources.


If you don't see any changes on your FPS with Optimus Fix, then it may be posible that Optimus fix itself maybe its too old for your card, cuz its a 750m , or theres still something you are not congfiguring the right way, cuz yeah a 750 card should run ENB at least at 30-45 FPS I supose.


I found something silimilar on ENB forums check this:




I think if you post your problem there they can be more capable to help you.

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