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That Doosh from SOPA (Lamar Smith.) plans a new bill...

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I think that people are looking to this situation with the wrong point of view.

I believe that they don't give a fuck about piracy' date=' what they want is power and the control of the citizens.

What they're really scared of are sites like 4chan or wikileaks.



Honestly if anyone truly believes that this is about piracy then they need to have a spike driven up their ass. It's stunning how gullible people can be.

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I think that people are looking to this situation with the wrong point of view.

I believe that they don't give a fuck about piracy' date=' what they want is power and the control of the citizens.

What they're really scared of are sites like 4chan or wikileaks.



lol Honestly, I don't think anything of value would be lost if 4chan went under. The population of trolls may even go down.

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kimict, have you lost your mind? Lol.


4chan is the ass end of the internet, the soul gathering point of all the stupid.

If 4chan goes down, it will explode like a supernova, spreading it all over the place and infecting every known website in the world with 4chans infectious stupidity.


Never. Ever ask it to go under. It will NOT stop the population of trolls. They will spread all over the place like a plague.

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well the only thing we can still hope for is either the maya where right, and this year is the end of the world. Or WWIII..


What is this ACTA?? i heard that name a few times, but have no info on it.

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The Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement or ACTA is a proposed international "free trade" agreement. Where your rep. Lamar Smith attempts to harness the public's fear and repulsion for "child pornography" to pass his Orwellian measure, the ACTA instead relies on the post 9-11 fears of international terrorism, by asserting that the "terrorists" profit from the sale and manufacture of imitative brand name goods the ACTA, of course, endeavours to make this illegal by placing various criminal sanctions on the unsuspecting consumer. Of course like the so called "war on drugs" the ACTA does not do anything to actually attempt to tackle this perceived problem at its source as it does not provide significant additional deterrents to actually combat the sale and manufacture of such products, it merely limits itself to giving the authorities carte blanche to take selective measures against some citizens and to in effect socialize the legal costs of the brand name industries when targeting individual consumers for "infringement" by making it the duty of the public prosecutor to investigate industry complaints.

Of course all this, while bad enough in its own right is just the nice, public face of the ACTA.


The real purpose of the ACTA, and the one that's of course most relevant to the users of this forum is the fact that it's merely a tool for policy laundering to implement wide ranging internet restrictions and censorship in the name of combating "piracy" and protecting copyright(holders interests)*.

This policy laundering will allow politician at the national level to implement,at minimum, a Chinese level of internet censorship whilst deflecting any and all criticism back to the EU, who can in turn point to the other ACTA signatories in a never ending political, musical chairs type, dance.


*I refuse to speak of "intellectual property"

BTW if you're from the other side of the big bad pond and you're interested in ACTA I can recommend http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1624813 to start with, it sums up the treaty better and more concisely than I ever could.

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I think that people are looking to this situation with the wrong point of view.

I believe that they don't give a fuck about piracy' date=' what they want is power and the control of the citizens.

What they're really scared of are sites like 4chan or wikileaks.



lol Honestly, I don't think anything of value would be lost if 4chan went under. The population of trolls may even go down.

Honestly, 4chan it's like any other site on the internet, you'll find bad and good things.

I agree that the comercialization of the memes turned 4chan into a shithole full of 12yo trolls, but i still look at 4chan as a place of freedom where you'll find every kinds of people (goods and bad things)

They also tried to help Spain a year ago with the Synde law,and they attacked several webs a week ago with the sopa and pipa.

4chan is a good thing, i like it cause of the good things, not the bad ones.

If all the internet stand together under the purpose of the common good, we will win this fight.

But we are too lazy to fight for our rights.

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Can ACTA even be stopped since they did it in secrecy. Bypassing politiciens etc.. And what about countries who already signed the treaty ??




There are protests in many countries already. My country also signed the treaty. But we will protest. And from what I hear ACTA is expected to be submitted In June for ratification in the European Parliament, so we still have a chance to stop this madness!

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