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Tale of Two Wastelands Install Problem


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So I think everything went well with the install until the part where I have to use NMM or FOMM. I use FOMM, when I add the FOfile by using package manager and activate the TTW main file, only operation anchorage and broken steel show up. When I tried to install TTW optional file it says the main TTW file was not installed. Obviously when I try the start game, I crash before main menu. What have I done wrong?

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If you're using the regular FOMM from the Nexus (as opposed to prideslayer's custom version here), the files are too big for the program to handle.  It should have built you the esms and the bsas in the folder where you have the exe file, so you should be able to drag and drop them in to your Data folder.

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If you're using the regular FOMM from the Nexus (as opposed to prideslayer's custom version here), the files are too big for the program to handle.  It should have built you the esms and the bsas in the folder where you have the exe file, so you should be able to drag and drop them in to your Data folder.


Hmm no I don't see any esms or bsa in the folder where the installer file was.


For some dumb reason my norton is overreacting and deleted half of the FOMM stuff from Prideslayer. So I guess I have to do manual but I don't see the esms or bsas.

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How about you fix your AV instead, if that's really the problem? Manual install is a rabbithole you shouldn't go down for something so trivial.


true... but i really wanted to play as fast as possible



Why not just make all the loose files into a zip file with no compression (per say) and install that with FOMM. Then just stick the BSA's and ESM's into the data directory. That way you can still get a clean install.

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Guest endgameaddiction

I would do what ChianasGeek said. install FO3 NMC textures first, so that it installed textures such as one's that might improve the statues and momuments that you do not see or have for the FNV and then install FNV NMC to replace all the one's from FNV and overwrite the one's from FO3. That's option of course. I rather use the street textures from FNV NMC. You might like the one's done for FO3.


I didn't do it that way when I had TTW installed. I only installed NMC textures for FNV. *facepalm* ah well that's when I used to have TTW installed. Might consider it again since that was one of the nice things about playing in FO3. Better graphics and better textures.

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