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FNG (Fucking New Guy)


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Okay, looking to mod up my skyrim but I'm getting lost and annoyed at trying to find what I need for what I want. (I can't find any straight forward guides that don't require modding experience and my terribad internet makes searching take forever.) So I would be grateful if someone(s) can suggest mods for what I want and give some basic installation instructions.

So what I want to do/have is better female models (for the PC and NPC's) with a large variety of body types (Including futa). A mod for making the PC masturbate/sex with NPC and NPC's masturbating/sex with each other. Would also really like to have bestiality mod if possible. (I saw the Troubleshooting & sum up Bestiality Rape / Creature Sex thread and I'm gonna look through it later.) Basically I'm asking for a newbies guide on where to find the mods and how to install and use them.


I'm also open to suggestions for any mods that you may want to suggest. (adult or not) Many thanks to anyone that helps.

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If you're looking for the Futa stuffs check out:









Before you start installing mods be sure to check out the requirements first.

They'll be on the mod page and normally have links on where to get them.


SKSE - SkyUI - FNIS - Skyrim Sex Lab

These will be you basic frameworks.


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If you're running on slow internet, this stuff's going to be a real hassle just to get your hands on, but once you've got the things those other guys up there mentioned, the best thing to do is just browse the downloads section for Sexlab.  Matchmaker's a good place to start, once you get the sexlab framework going.  Once you're used to that, just go wild with mods, but not too wild, because that can cause issues.

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