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Picture Book "THE STORY TELLER" Post A Pic Tell a Story in TESV

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Great stuff in this thread.



Does anyone know if there are more forums or communities that do these kinds of stories?


There's a few people that post stories using their own blogs here, if you didn't know about them. @Shocky, are two I know of. Then there's the other thread, if you can bear the constant drama for when the occasional story appears.


There's also Tumblr, but finding users that specifically do stories is a little difficult. One guy you'll want to check out is shadowofdrox; he mostly does comic strips. Skysteel has a whole series, but I've never gotten around to reading it.


Other than those, I don't know.

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Great stuff in this thread.



Does anyone know if there are more forums or communities that do these kinds of stories?


There's a few people that post stories using their own blogs here, if you didn't know about them. @Shocky, are two I know of. Then there's the other thread, if you can bear the constant drama for when the occasional story appears.


There's also Tumblr, but finding users that specifically do stories is a little difficult. One guy you'll want to check out is shadowofdrox; he mostly does comic strips. Skysteel has a whole series, but I've never gotten around to reading it.


Other than those, I don't know.


Yup, this is pretty much what I'm looking for.



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Chapter One: Deception

Part 1

???: That's that. Now I've just got to so it!
???:But by the Gods, who ever heard about a woman running around in the nude... in Winterhold of all places!?!
???: Sollitude and Whiterun? I can see it. The warmth... the thrill... the audience... Winterhold's just cold and I can feel my nipples getting hard, but not in the good way...
???: Anyways, there's nothing to it but to do it!
The Imperial begins to head out when she hears a man and a woman conversing and her body freezes up.
Imperial: I-I... I can't. This is insane!!!
The Imperial takes a few deep breaths...
Imperial: Come on Trace, you can do this. It's just for a few minutes then you can put your gear back on and never see this shithole again.
After resolving herself, Trace steps from under the steps and is immediately confronted.
Trace: Is... Is there a problem sir?
Guard: By the gods! Wretched woman, are you crazy? It's cold enough to freeze my ears off and you're wandering around in... in--
Trace: I-I know. But, well... I made a drunken bet and lost. I may not be a Nord, but I'm a woman of my word, sir.
Guard: Shameful... But honorable. An odd combination from someone out here, especially an outsider...
Guard: I'll let you off with a warning this time girl.
Trace: Thank you sir! That you so much!
Guard: Next time I see you you better be in more appropriate attire.
As the guard walks off, Trace does a fist pump.
Trace: Lady Luck must be on my side today.
Trace: Now then...

She glances around to see where she should head next. This little misadventure of hers was only to last a few minutes, but she needed some proof that she actually completed her quest.

Part 2

Trace: The College is out, because I'll be damned if I let some mage tell me what to do. And going to the Jarl's Longhouse would be borderline insanity...
Trace: So I guess I'll go to the inn! It's always the inn isn't it?
When Trace opened the door she could see that there wasn't as big of a crowd as she thought. A child, a laborer, the innkeeper, and a mage? Must be a guest. The mage and the innkeeper were arguing about something, the laborer was sweeping seeing as she had nothing else to do, and the child was walking around humming some strange little ditty that was out of tune. As soon as closed the door behind her, she felt all eyes on her. The child went wide-eyed and left out screaming, the female laborer chased after her, and the mage, who she could now tell was Altmer, departed to his room on the right seeming to have had his mood further spoiled by her arrival. This left Trace alone with the innkeeper.
Innkeeper: H-h-helLO?!
Trace laughed as the innkeeper's voice cracked. Embarrassed he tried again with a bit more base in his voice.
Innkeeper: H-Hello! Welcome to the Frozen Hearth, m-ma'am!
Trace: H-hey stud, I'm no ma'am! How old do you think I am?
Innkeeper: S-sorry! I didn't mean to be rude!!
Trace laughed as the Innkeeper tried to keep his composure while talking to her. If she was dressed normally he'd probably be acting the same way but for much different reasons. She flashed him a smile, and he tried his hardest not to look bothered by it. Trace followed his eyes and noticed they weren't meeting her's...
Trace: (I see he's thinking with that head... this might trip him up.) So... how's it hanging?
Innkeeper: Long and hard...
Immediately the innkeeper realized his mistake and couldn't look at Trace.
Innkeeper: I-I'm so sorry. That was unforgiva--!!! What are you doing!?!
Trace sat up on the counter and positioned herself right in front of the innkeeper.
Trace: What's your name?
Innkeeper: D-DaGUr?!
Trace smiled and Dagur looked away embarrassed, but her tempting body made it hard for him not to look back almost immediately.
Trace: I know you're embarrassed Dagur, but so am I. I'm not this way normally. Not only that, it's cold and I've nowhere to stay and...
Trace stuck her chest out a bit.
Trace: And I've not gold, Daggy.
Dagur: That's... that's awful!
Trace could see that she almost had him so she cleared her throat and began to talk in as sultry a voice as she could muster.
Trace: Could you... Help a girl out? I promise it'll be worth your time.
Dagur: Sure... whatever you want!
Trace smiled, hopped off the counter and began walking away.
Trace: Thanks so much Daggy! I'll and thanks again!
Dagur: W-wait! That's... that's...

Part 3

Trace could hear Dagur's words begin to slur as if he were mesmerized by something an she immediately knew what it was.
Trace: (Horny Nord...)
She continued onto her room where she was startled by what was within.
???: Dammit Dagur, what do you want--!! What in Oblivion are you doing in my room!!!?!
Trace let out a small scream but tried to keep her wits about her.
???: I said, who in Oblivion are-- wait a second, you're that outsider that just entered here. The uncouth woman!
Trace recognized this man, he was the mage that was arguing with Dagur earlier.
Trace: (Just my luck.) I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to--
Mage: I don't give a damn what you meant to do! You come barging into my room and expect to leave after having already soured my mood with you abhorrent appearance?
Trace flashed him a shy smile.
Trace: Pretty much. 
Mage: !!! You INSOLENT!!
Suddenly and without warning the mage lifted Trace off her feet and tossed her crossed the room.
Trace landed with a thud and felt sore all over as she crawled to the wall trying to distance herself from him.
Trace: P-please Altmer... Please don't hurt me any more...
Mage: Altmer? Do you not know who you're talking to?
Trace: N-n-no...

The mage began to snarl which made Trace jump back in fear.
Mage: Get up! Get up wench and place you hands on the wall!
Trace did as instructed and as she was forced to comply she felt at that moment more naked than she had ever felt in herr life.
Trace: W-what now?
Mage: What now? If I were still at the college I'd probably experiment on you to my heart's content. But seeing as Dagur just chewed me out for a little experiment that went awry a few days ago...

Part 4 (NSFW... more so)

Mage: I'll just have to settle with this!
Suddenly, Trace felt the mage's hand fondle her butt and he even got more extreme and began to do the same to her nether regions.
Trace:!!! U-u-unhand me!
Mage: I don't think you understand the position that you're in...
The mage stopped groping her and pushed her against the wall.
Mage: Turn and face me!
Trace turned her body towards him, but she would not look towards the mage. She felt sick, and she wasn't foolish to not know what could possibly be coming next.
Trace: So are you going to just stare at me all day or are you going to get this over with little man? Figures you elves aren't real men. You don't even have the spine to go after women in a normal way, the only way you can get some is by force.
Mage: You bitch!
The mage motiioned like he was going to hit her, but seeing Trace's defiant look made him reconcider.
Mage: You think your words, the words of a whore, can challenge me? I'll show you how much of a real man I am!
Trace heard the ruffling of clothes, and when she went to see what he was doing, she immediately diverted her eyes.
Trace: By the Gods!! What do you think you're doing!?
Mage: You told me to get on with it, now it's time for you to get on my dick!
Trace: On second thought... can you just put that away. I can smell you from here. Haven't you bathed? I though the Mer were a more cleanly race.
Mage: I've been saving all of it for you, bitch!
Suddenly the mage set himself on her.
Mage: If you dare scream whore, I'll--
Trace nodded her head furiously and let him do as he pleased, else he use some form of magic on her and completely incapacitate her.
After a while of thrusting in and out of her, the mage lifted her off the ground and pressed her against the wall. He wasn't making any hint of trying to conceal his actions, and Trace couldn't help but think why hadn't anyone heard what he was doing to her.
Eventually, Trace began to tire out.
Trace: Haaa...haaaaa.... C-come on... Please... stop...
The mage ignored her pleas and continued to thrust as hard as he could into her. Soon, both of them were breathing heavily and Trace knew that this was about to come to a close.
Trace: Haaa...haaaa... please... Don't cum... inside me...
The mage stopped and glared at Trace.
Mage: You think you can tell me, Nelacar, what it is he can and can't do? You don't hold any power over me, wench!
He started up again, but Trace barely noticed as her mind was else were.
Trace: N-Nelacar? Did you say you were Nelacar?
Nelacar: Haaa...So what if I did whore? All that... matters now is that I'm about to let my load oooooOOUT!!
Trace: (Jackpot!) Don't cum inside me! DON'T COME INSIDE ME!!!
Trace's cries only fueled Nelacar as began pumping faster and faster inside her.

Part 5

Nelacar: Oh.. OOOHH!!! I'm I'M CUM--
Suddenly Trace headbutted Trace and kneed him in the dick causing the Altmer to go down to his knees.
Trace glared at Nelacar who was gasping for air as pain surged throughout his body. Slowly she tried to relax and as she did so her voice went from sounding sweet and airy to a deeper, hotter and more husky tone.
Trace: Haa... haaaa... You fuck! You were really about to cum inside me!! You absolute shitty excuse for a man!
Nelacar: OOOOOOWW!! Wha... what's going--
Trace: Haa.... haa.... Target: Nelacar, an Altmer sorcerer and a former member of the College. Likes: experimentation and whores, more specifically woman who look shameful and easy... Lenenz sure knows his stuff...
Nelacar: OWW!! What are you talking about woman!!
Trace: Gods that weak little damsel act was a pain to pull off... Next time I see Babbette I'll have to thank her.
Nelacar: Dammit all woman! What are you--
Trace nibbled on her fingers as she tried to calm the heat that had gathered in her crotch.
Trace: To be a former scholar you're sure slow on the uptake... but I'll be damned if you're not a good fuck...
Trace: It's almost a shame... If you hadn't said your name, you'd probably have a week or two more to live. But lucky for me, you did.
Nelacar: Gods damn you Imperial! What on earth are you talking about!?! Ahhh!!
Trace: Look at me. LOOK AT ME!!!
Nelacar did as instructed and was met with a dagger before his face.
Nelacar: By the Gods!!!
Trace: Now you're getting it. I'm an assassin-for-hire. Does the name Petreta Brandy-Mug ring a bell? A Nord lass that made her way to the College last Mid Year?
Nelacar: Petreta!?!
Instantly Nelacar got a grasp of the situation and started pleading for his life with all that he had.
Nelacar: P-please! I didn't mean to!! It was a mistake! She volunteered! I didn't force her--she wasn't supposed to die!!!
Trace: Lenenz also said you were a spineless fuck. Bolfrida sends her regards.
Trace thrust the dagger into Nelacar's throat and it came out the back of his head. Short and swift, just as she liked it. 

Part 6

However she made a small error, the bastard wasn't dead yet. As he lay there gurgling out his final words, the Imperial couldn't help but smile at the Altmer's state.
Trace: A fool and a coward. At least own up to it in the end. Not that it would have mattered...
Trace: Glad that's done. Lady Luck really was--

Suddenly Trace remembered her words from earlier and cursed her luck.
Trace: I guess she was right, I really can't escape fate.
Trace looked back at her handiwork one more time before he discarded the dagger and exited the room.
Trace: (Quickly now girl, don't want to make a scene...)
Dagur: Hey, ma'a--miss! Are you heading out? Do you need anything? Some mead? A Weapon? Some--
Laborer: Let the slut go. It's obvious from all that pounding that she'll give it to everyone but the ones that want it most. Lecherous husband...
Dagur: !!! Haran!! Would you please, SHUT. UP! Gods woman, why would you ever think I even had eyes for--
As Dagur went on and on trying to convince his wife that he didn't lust for the Imperial, Trace was taking in all of his behavior, mannerisms and little quirks for future reference, just in case she ever had to come back to this shithole again and entice him once more. Before Dagur exhausted himself trying to explain things to his wife, Trace finally stepped in.
Trace: You were great Dagur. I'll definitely come back for your company sometime.
As she exited the inn, Trace could hear Dagur audibly gulp. Trace and Dagur both knew that the ensuing tongue lashing he was about to receive was going to send him to Oblivion and back, and Trace wasn't particularly in the mood to become collateral damage.
Exiting the inn, the cold embraced her with open arms, and immediately she regretted making that bet.
After making sure the coast was clear, Trace made a beeline to the chest that hid her gear.
As soon as she knew that she was totally in the clear, Trace collapsed next to the chest and sat against the wall.
Trace: That was insane... It'll make a good story to tell though.
Trace: Haa.... but to think, I get to get lucky and get lucky all with the same person! The odds?
Trace rested for a few minutes then put on her gear. It was old and a bit worn out, but it was always dependable when she didn't need to be covert (or nude).
Trace: Momma's home darling, momma's home.
Trace treated her gear better than most people treated their children and every time she put it on was like meeting a long lost friend.
Trace: Now then, should I head back to Windhelm? Maybe I can stop by Riften and catch up with Vex. It's been a while since I've done anything with that vixen. Or maybe--
???: Or maybe you can explain why you'r still gallivanting around in that armor, Sister.
Trace turned around with a big smile on her face.
Trace: Aha! I was hoping it was you. You always give me plenty of options to choose from, dear sweet Keeper.


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Chapter Two: Voraciousness




Part 1

Trace: Amazing isn't it Keeper? It's only been a few months, but you still can track me down as if I was an initiate... those were the days...

Astrid: What was with that act, Jalena? Are you alright in the head?
Trace could feel herself redden when Astrid used her given name. The familiarity of the act made her remember days past when she could still call the Brotherhood family.
Trace: I'm fine Sister. It was just a fake out. Nothing more, nothing less.
Astrid: Why do you still wear your gear?

Trace: Well it is mine. Why wouldn't I wear--

Astrid was livid, and Trace gave her the time to calm down, else the two of them come to arms in the here and now. When she had seemed to settle down, Astrid took a deep breath and gave Trace a fierce look.
Astrid: That armor represents something more than you, more than your defiance or immaturity.
Astrid: It represents--
Trace: It represents what you made me become!! It represents the happiest time of my life!!!
Astrid's eyes widened momentarily in surprise, but the coldness in her voice was still there as she spoke.
Astrid: Hand the gear over Jalena, and stop taking on Brotherhood contracts.
Trace gave her a smug look at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.
Trace: You made me this Keeper... You turned me into an assassin. It's all I know, all I'm good at. Do you know how many contacts an assassin-for-hire can get in Skyrim? Zero. That's the amount I got before--
Astrid: Regardless, if you continue your actions will lead the Brotherhood to ruin. Can't you see that?
Trace: My actions?! You're the one who's been all bent out of shape ever since the Listener and that clown showed up. Don't you dare be the kettle!
Astrid swallowed the next words she wanted to say and simply gave Trace a somber look.
Astrid: I will say this once more... Hand. It. Over.
Trace: What'll happen if I don't?
Trace knew the answer. She was even part of the unit that used to specifically hunt down renegade or runaway Brotherhood members and eradicate them. However she need to hear it, she need to hear the words from Astrid's mouth.
Astrid: You'll be hunted down like a dog. The hunt will never cease until your body is laid before the Night Mother, and it takes too long I will personally take part.
There it was... Trace felt something break inside her. She always believed that she was special to Astrid, that besides Arnbjorn she may have occupied some part of her heart.
Trace: ....ng about you...
Astrid: Excuse me?
Trace: I was obviously wrong about you! All I did was take a contract I knew no one else could or would! Now I'm being hunted like I killed fucking Veezara or something! I thought you'd understand I thought that you... that I still... that I meant something to you...
Astrid: ...
Astrid's silence spoke volumes and suddenly Trace could feel herself getting madder and madder as the tears began flowing down her cheeks.
Trace: But I was wrong... Like I've been since the day I joined the Brotherhood. You may call me Sister, Keeper. But you're just the bitch that ruined my life!!


Part 2

Suddenly and without warning Astrid came at Trace. The Imperial made a move to push her away, but the Nord slipped inside her guard and wrapped her up into a... hug?
Trace: W-w-what trickery is this!?!
Astrid shushed her and held her closer until Trace stopped struggling. She then cooed in her ear.
Astrid: I'm sorry Trace, I really am. I knew that you saw me as more than a Sister... That you saw me as more than family...  I've known this for a while now and I should have nipped your feelings in the bud, but I thought that the fact that I was married would have been enough... But I could have never imagined...
Trace: Astrid!?! What are you saying!?

Astrid laughed and brushed Trace's hair.


Astrid: Don't worry Jalena, I'll keep them off your trail for as long as possible. But if you keep taking our contracts... There's only so much I can do.


Trace could feel her body loosen up. It was like all at once she was putty in this woman's arms. She was ready to just collapse in Astrid's arms and let her handle everything, but as childlike as her wishes may be, Trace was not a child and she wouldn't get wrapped into childish games.


Trace: You make promises that you can't keep, Keeper.


Astrid: Can't you just trust me? Like you once did?
Trace drew back from Astrid, but remain in her arms.


Trace: This is insane... don't you want me dead? Why would you--


Astrid: I thought I killed my emotions long ago, but then I met Arnbjorn... I tried to lock my heart away again, but then a spunky Imperial lass came along with the key.


Trace blushed and tried to get away from Astrid, but the Nord's grip wouldn't falter.


Trace: W-w-w-what!!!!?
Astrid: Listen to me Trace. You know me. I may be many things, but a liar to my family I am not.


Trace: B-but I'm... I'm not-- 
Astrid: Our rules, the others, and the Night Mother may figure you to be a part of the Dark Brotherhood no more, but to this Nord... You'll always be family.
Astrid brought her and Trace's hands down and in the same motion drew forward towards the Imperial and their lips locked. At first Trace didn't know what to make of it, it was so surreal so unimaginable that she was just going with the flow and kissed Astrid back. But then, her feelings got into it and just as she was about to try and take this to another level Astrid pulled back and stepped away.


Part 3

Breathless and with her heart ready to rip through her chest, Trace's knees gave out and she fell hard on her rear though it seemed to do nothing to her. Astrid heard the crunching thud as ass collided with snow, and worried about Trace's condition.


Astrid: Are you alright?


Trace: Wha-wha-wha-wha--


Astrid: Damn.I think I broke her. Heh.
Trace's brain finally began to register what had transpired and all at once a million questions popped into her head, but only one reached the surface.


Trace: Why?


Astrid smiled and shook her head. She rubbed the back of her head she she tried to honestly answer Trace.


Astrid: I've honestly no idea. I mean, I already know you've got a thing with Vex and... I don't know. Maybe it was knowing that you have feelings for me, and me knowing that our time together before either of us are killed is limited... Maybe I just wanted to see your reaction.


Trace: !! ASTRID!!!
Astrid gave Trace a hearty smile and shook her head again. 


Astrid: I was just kidding Trace. I do have feelings for you as well. I don't know if these feelings are of love, but I do know that if time permits I wouldn't mind finding out. Although my husband might have a thing to say about this...


Trace: Oh fuck!!! The Big Guy!! PleaseohpleaseohpleaseOHPLEASE!!!! Make sure you bathe thoroughly before you go back!!!


Astrid: And if I don't?


Astrid laughed at Trace's fear filled remarks and began to walk off.


Astrid: Listen... just lay low for a while. The Brotherhood seems to be going through a restructuring phase and as long as you're not raising too much havoc, you might just be able to live long enough to see me again.


Trace: Issues with the Listener?


Astrid: More than you know... Good luck.


With that Astrid waved as she walked away and soon was out of Trace's sight.
As soon as Astrid was gone, Trace's mind went back towards the kiss and all over again she felt as if she were in a daze.


Trace: Sweet Mother, Sweet mother... I'd definitely baptize the unworthy from dusk til dawn for another moment like that...
Shaking the cobwebs out of her head, she got to her feet and wiped the snow off her bottom.


Trace: Haaa.... sadly dreaming about her will have to wait... I wouldn't want to be rude to you guys. 


Part 4

As soon as Trace finished talking a quartet of assassins appeared before her. There were no veteran faces among them, so Trace assumed that they were the eradication unit that had been at her heels for the past four days.
Trace: (Astrid was always spot on with her timing, if a bit tight...) Thanks though babe! I always get treated well when you're involved. A spread like this after getting doubly lucky already? This story's getting better and better!! 
Trace: But I wonder... Which of you should I kill first? It sometimes gets too hard to decide when there's too many of you guys...
Nord Assassin: Arrogant bitch! The Night Mother sends her condolences.
Trace: ...Arrogant? 
She drew her sword and the assassins drew back a little.


Trace: (Amateurs...) 
Trace: You fools may be too young or too stupid to know who I am, but at least you'll be able to go to your graves knowing this... You won't have to worry about anyone mourning you...
The assassins came at Trace, and although she hadn't fought in a skirmish like this in over three months, the coordination between these amateurs was so abhorrent that she almost felt bad for having to kill them...
Khajiit Assassin: Gods helps us!! 


Part 5



Trace: I am your God, you wretches. 
Trace closed her eyes and had to take a few moments to calm herself. Assassinations were one thing, but whenever she was actually in combat she could feel herself becoming another person. The last time she felt this way was when the Shadowscale challenged her to a training exercise that got a bit too real for most of the members of the Brotherhood. Both of them couldn't go out on any contracts for weeks and from then on Veezara always gave her a dirty look for taking a chunk out of his tail (even after Festus Krex healed him and made it good as new).
Walking over the fallen assassins, Trace stepped on the female's chest and spread her arms. The feeling of the cold wind and the falling snow on her skin helped to cool her down.
Still in a slightly frenzied state, Trace began talking in a low throaty voice.


Trace: Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother send your children unto me, for my sins will be baptized through their blood and fear...
She placed a Nightshade over the Khajjit's heart and struck it with a dagger. The acting seemed to calm her down as Trace realized her sacrilege and retrieved the Nightshade and threw the blade away.


Trace: Haa... haaa... Astrid, you better keep your end of the deal...
Trace: Otherwise I don't think there will be much of a family to go back home to...

Trace was about to head off towards Windhelm when she remembered Astrid's words.


Trace: Great... just fucking great! You tell me to stay off the radar but send these goons after me! What the fuck do you want from me!!?!?!
Trace was so fed up with the whole thing. She almost had the presence of mind to out the Brotherhood to that Maro fucker over in Dragon Bridge. She'd run through there several times as an initiate and anytime she mucked something up, Maro always made a pass at her to turn on her fellow brethren as she was being held in captivity. She purged the idea from her head as the thought of facing Astrid so soon after what just happened was gut-wrenching.


Trace: Gods, Astrid! Why do you always have to make things so complicated... I can't even hand in my fucking contract now...


She stomped around in the snow for a bit when she got an idea.


Trace: Lay low? I've got the perfect place for that. I just hope a certain Imperial hasn't forgotten about me... 


To be continued...



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Chapter Three: Innocence




Part 1

Realizing that heading to Windhelm after Astrid’s warning would only bring about another swift run-in with the Brotherhood, Trace headed south to warm climates and cooler interests. Riften, the city of thieves. Trace had come here on many a contract, but only in the last few months did she get to know the town and its occupants. Stashing her gear away, Trace retrieved here hidden gear behind a crate near the city’s gate, greeted the guards and entered the city.


Trace: Riften oh Riften, so many sins… So many people yet to be cleansed…


She shook the thought from her head. Although corruption ran deeper in Riften than silver ran in Markarth, Trace knew it wasn’t her place to judge. She was only the dagger that sealed fates.


Trace: Is that…


Trace topped in her tracks and smiled as she realized that she did indeed see a familiar face, one that she always loved to see.


Trace: Mjoll you lovable Nord! How’ve you been?


Mjoll, seemed to know who it was without facing Trace, and Trace could see her start to shake.


Mjoll: Aerin, I’ll meet up with you later. I have to… deal with this.


Aerin: Are you sure?


Mjoll nodded and Aerin went about his business. After making sure her companion was some distance away, Mjoll turned to Trace and scowled.


Mjoll: What do you want Imperial?


Trace: Don’t act so bitter lass. I thought we were closer than that.


Mjoll: We… we were, but you lied to me Trace. You lied to me when all I asked of you was the truth. I could have forgiven anything, but that…


Trace: Stop being such a prude girl.


Trace began walking towards Mjoll for a hug when the Nord stuck out her hand in protest.


Trace: Really now? That’s how you’re going to be?


Mjoll: Stay away Trace. I don’t want to hurt you…


Trace laughed and took a step closer.


Trace: You? Hurt me? Even after knowing what I am, or rather was, you think I’m scared of your threats? Now let’s just forget all the bad stuff and just hug it out!


Trace took another step towards the Nord, but Mjoll pushed her away.


Mjoll: I’m serious about this you brigand… you murderer!



Part 2

Trace sighed and shook her head.


Trace: You say you wanted the truth, but what did you say when we first met? That thieves were the worst kind? Just rabble? That even though you hated the Dark Brotherhood, the fact that all thieves would betray one another over a gold coin more despicable than anything?


Mjoll: And I also said that I had enough of people’s lies. That if you didn’t lie to me, especially about something important, that you’d always have my trust.


Trace laughed and sighed again.


Trace: You say not to tell lies, but if I didn’t give you that bull about the Thieves Guild being despicable or if I had told you I was already a thief, you wouldn’t have given me the time of day and you know it!


Mjoll: You don’t know that? I may have—


Trace: I can tell Mjoll. I can tell because when you found out, you slapped me and left me crying in the rain while you stormed off without giving me a chance to explain.


Mjoll stomped her foot and scowled fiercely at Trace.


Mjoll: So I handled that moment wrong… You lied to me for weeks as you tried to woo me! You didn’t even tell me your name! I had to find out from that harpy Sapphire that your name wasn’t even Jalena, but Trace!


Trace: I only lied about my profession, nothing else…


Mjoll: Then what about Vex!? Was what I heard about you two a lie? That as soon as we broke up you jumped right into her bed?


Trace was caught there. Before she and Mjoll were a couple, Trace did indeed have feelings for Vex… but she never acted on them. In fact she was afraid to do so until Mjoll dumped her, and it was Vex that came onto her. However, with the way Mjoll was acting currently acting trying to explain all of that would be more of a hassle than necessary.

Mjoll, noticing Trace’s silence yelled in frustration.


Mjoll: Damn you Trace! Did I mean nothing to you? Nothing at all!?


Trace thought about the day she was dumped, and all the days leading up to her recruitment into the Dark Brotherhood and how she’d done her best to protect Mjoll then. Even after she had moved up from being an initiate, Trace had secretly hindered any and all assassination attempts onto the Nord. Regardless of Mjoll’s feelings toward her it was love at first sight for Trace, and even though she no longer held romantic feelings toward the Nord, she did respect her principles and envied her steadfastness.


Trace: (I’m sorry for this, but if I ever hope to have but a friendship with you I must do this…)


Trace put on her most devilish smile to put on a good front.


Trace: You were a good fuck Mjoll. Definitely in the top three.


Mjoll’s eyes widened, and the look she gave Trace made the Imperial’s heart sink. Trace wanted to say something else, tell Mjoll that she was just kidding, but she knew it would be sometime before the Nord would ever speak to her again. Mjoll glared at her for quite some time, and then left with a huff without uttering a word.


When Mjoll was a good ways away, Trace began shuddering and tears formed in her eyes. She knew that she did what needed to be done, but it still hurt too much.


Trace: Ha… haha… haaaa…. At least with this, they won’t use her to get to me… so she’s safe now… Thank the Gods…



Part 3

Wiping her eyes, Trace continued into Riften and was enveloped by its cool breeze and unsettling mood. It felt as if everyone was on high alert for the next crime that was always around the corner, but Trace liked the restlessness of Riften. Maybe because it was where she was raised, it really didn’t matter to Trace though because it was where her first family resided.


She started to cross the bridge when she heard the sound of someone moping and had to listen in.


???: I’m dead, I’m so dead… There’s… there’s no way I can pay for the shipment in that time-frame… Gods help me…


Hearing all she needed to, Trace stood across from the Redguard and smiled.


Trace: Can’t believe it’s Shady Shad. Who’s hustling you this time? Vipir? Niruin?


Shadr: Shady Shad? The last person who called me that was--!!! Trace?! Is that you?


Trace: The one and only. How’s it hanging Shadr?


Shadr dropped his head and sighed.


Shadr: Not well… I borrowed some money from some people and I think they may have stolen the goods that that would have allowed me to pay them back.


Trace: Sounds… shady. As always!


Shadr: Now’s not the time for games Trace! Sapphire wants her money back, and if I don't pay her, I think she's going to kill me!!!


Trace: (She won’t kill you, but she’ll probably tie your balls to the end of a rope with a horse attached to the other ends and drag you around for hours until she’s satisfied…) I’m sorry to hear about that Shadr.


Shadr spat and hung his head.


Shadr: Not half as sort as I am…


Trace felt bad. Although she knew that Sapphire was probably just trying to strong arm him and would only keep doing so if he couldn’t pay, causing him to go deeper and deeper into debt until he was basically her slave, she knew it wasn’t right but helping Shadr wasn’t really worth her time. However, if Mjoll ever found out that she had an opportunity to assist him and she turned it down without just cause—


Trace: (Why can’t things ever be black and white? Why are there so many shades of gray…) I’ll… do it… I’ll assist you…


Shadr’s eyes lit up and his voice was filled with hope and gratitude.


Shadr: You will?! Oh, thank you!"


Shadr: Take fair warning though, Be careful with Sapphire. She mixes with all sorts of nasty people.


After thanking her again, Shadr got up and went off to the stables.


Trace felt worn out. She didn’t think she’d run the emotional gauntlet as soon as she entered Riften, and she damn sure didn’t think it would be with Mjoll and a damn stable boy.


Trace: I… I can’t let Vex find out about this. She’ll never let me live it down…



Part 4

Trace continued toward the market and hearing the vendors trying to get passersby to stop and check out their wares finally made the Imperial feel like she was in Riften, feel like she was back home.


As soon as Trace came into the market she heard someone call out to her.


???: Hail traveler! My food is the best in all of Skyrim, always as fresh as the day it was collected!


Trace: Marise you old bat! Is that you?


Marise: Do I know…!!! Trace? You’re back!?


Trace turned away from her and grinned.


Trace: You still using ice wrath teeth to keep your food fresh?


Marise: By Azura, you’re back! You’re really back!


Trace: Yeah I’m b—


???: Never done an honest day’s work for all that gold you’re carrying. Eh, lass?


Trace raised an eyebrow. Who in Oblivion did this handsome fuck think he was talking to?


Trace: Uh, do I know you? And what do you mean I’ve never done an honest day’s work in my life? You don’t know me! How I got my wealth is my business.


???: That’s where you’re wrong lass, wealth is my business.


Trace looked him up and down and saw that he was indeed sharply dressed, unlike most of the other men she’d seen around here.


Trace: Well there’s not too much competition here is it? Other than Maven anyway.


The man’s eyes glared at her, but his smile never left his face.


???: Listen here, I’m looking for an extra hand to pull off a job.


Trace rolled her eyes.


Trace: Pull off a job? You think I’m an idiot? It can’t be legal. And besides, as you said I’m a bit wealthy myself. All I’d need from you is some information, but if gold is all you can offer--


The man scoffed.


???: You think I’m a man with limited resources?


The Nord took a step towards Trace.


???: Listen, in my line of work, extra hands are well paid; in coin or otherwise.



Part 5

Trace drew her arm back ready to attack.


Trace: Take one more step and I may have to separate you from your silver tongue.


The man looked around and then chuckled. He saw that their arguing had cleared out most of the onlookers save for Marise.


???: You’ve got fire, lass. More fire in you than I’ve seen in a while. Brynjolf’s the name and I really think that the two of us can help each other.


Trace: Ha! You think telling me your name in an attempt to become familiar with me is going to make me change my mind? I don’t need your help.


Brynjolf: So this is the way it must be lass?


Trace: Aye, it is.


Brynjolf sighed and relaxed his shoulders.


Brynjolf: Well then, if you’re that adamant about it--


Trace: Shut up and stop moving you old fool!


Suddenly Trace ran at him and gave him a great big hug. Brynjolf was surprised at first, but then laughed and reciprocated the hug.


Bringing her closer to him Brynjolf engulfed Trace in his arms, and she felt so... safe. Like all that time with the Dark Brotherhood was but a dream...


Brynjolf: Jalena you silly girl… Welcome back, Trace.


Trace: It feels good to be back, Bryn…


Brynjolf squeezed her a bit tighter until Trace let out a small yelp that made him laugh. He brushed her hair with his palms in compensation, and it seemed to work as he could feel her begin to relax in his arms.


Brynjolf: Jalena...


Trace: Yeah, Bryn?


Brynjolf: You do know you messed up though. I said, ‘the two of us can help each other,’ and you said—


Trace furiously shook her head and buried her face into Brynjolf’s shoulder.


Trace: I know what I said. I know what I said... dummy…


After a few more moments like that, Brynjolf stepped away from Trace and couldn’t help but smile when she saw the childish happiness that was plastered on her face.


Brynjolf: So what is it that you want? You don’t want our help, and I assume that you’re not joining us again?



Part 6

Trace: I need Sanctuary.


Brynjolf: And?


Trace: A good bath.


Brynjolf rolled his eyes and smirked.


Brynjolf: Just get to the point already, lass


Trace: Well… I’m looking for Vex. Is she in the usual place?Trace3_039.jpg

Brynjolf lowered his voice a bit as a crown began to gather in the market once more.


Brynjolf: Yeah, in the Flagon. Be careful though. Some fools decided to hold up in the Ratway a few days ago. I’d let you use our entrance, but many of the members don’t know why you left. And if they saw you coming from there--


Trace bent forward and grinned like a fool.


Trace: Thanks Brynny! If all goes well, I’ll put in a good word with Tonilia for you. Gods know you probably need it.


Brynjolf: Heh, same old Trace putting the pieces together like she’s never left. Now go on. I don’t want you to ruin my little operation.


Trace rolled her eyes and said in a mocking tone:


Trace: Yes, big brother.


She gave him a wink and they both flashed each other a smile before they went about their own business.


Trace: (That was amazing! Playing that game with Bryn is always the best. But we need more keywords… There's not code for 'I want to come back but I don't want to join up'... I’ll have to talk to him about that.)


It didn’t take long before she arrived at the entrance to the Ratway. It had been years since Trace had used this entrance, and suddenly she felt like a newbie trying to impresses the higher ups once again.


Glancing at the ground, she could see multiple tracks in the dirt and she could feel her heart begin to pump faster. A fight was about to be upon her and she could feel that other her begin to stir.


Trace: I pray that I don’t meet anyone I know. That would be… unpleasant.


Trace took a deep breath, and wandered into the Ratway. She was ready for a battle, and for their sake hopefully the intruders were as well…





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I apologize in advance for my poor writing in this one. Writing about fights and whatnot is kinda difficult for me... 

Chapter Four: Madness



Part 1

As soon as Trace entered the Ratway she could tell something was off. Although your run of the mill homeless people and crazies would often frequent this place, the Imperial felt like something foul was afoot. A she slowly crept forward she heart men’s voices and came to a halt.
Man 1: I don’t know man, we should get out of here…
Man 2: And miss out!? Don’t you understand? If we strike the guild from here, there’s no way they’ll see it coming. It’ll be a complete ambush!
Man 1: I hear you, but I’m just getting bad vibes…
Man 2: Man that’s just you needing to take a shit. Go over there hand handle your business, because once you’re done we’re starting!
Trace got low and drew her sword. She was so angry that she could feel her eye begin to twitch,  but she didn’t make a sound.
Trace: (A two man attack on the Guild?!? The crazies have gotten even crazy it seems…)
Trace waited until she heard the first voice finish relieving himself then she slowly crept forward; her heartbeat was so loud she could hear it through her ears.
Man 2: Alright now, just set up the traps like I told you and everything will be set to go!
The first man sighed.
Man 1: Fine fine… I stil don’t get why we didn’t do this earli—
Trace: (NOW!)
Trace rolled from behind the corner and stabbed the first man, an archer, in the chest with her blade. She didn’t know had badly she wounded him but his partner was too stunned from the move in order to make a move.
…That is until the archer cried out for help. The other man, a warrior, came at Trace shield and club in hand, but that’s where he made his first mistake.
Trace: (You’re actually only using blunt objects? This may be fun!!)
Throwing caution to the wind, Trace kicked the warrior’s shield just as he was going for a shield bash of his own, and the resulting force caused him to stumble backwards.
Trace continued her attack making sure every hit from a back hand with her left arm, to any variety of slashes she decided to toss out hit their mark…
…And drew blood…
Warrior: B-by Talos! Who in Oblivion are you!?!
Trace couldn’t help it as a smirk came on her face.
Trace: I am the terror that thrives in darkness. I am the chill that runs up your spine…
Trace saw the fear in his eyes and began her swing.
Trace: I am your fate, and there’s no escaping it!

Part 2

Before her blade could connect the warrior ran off further into the Ratway. Trace looked around for the archer and realized that he was missing as well. Cursing her luck she mounted the corner and continued along until she realized that the drawbridge leading to the Guild was up.
All of a sudden a rage began to build up in Trace. She could feel herself shaking and wanting—needing—someone, anyone to come and face her.
Trace: You think you can just run away from me!
Her words filled the area as she jumped from her ledge. Upon landing, a skeever and the warrior showed up attacking from both sides.
However, Trace wasn’t worried about the so called dual assault as she felled the skeever with a single slash…
…And then just went to town on the warrior…
…Until he was spraying blood everywhere.
The warrior rolled over bloodied, convulsing, and dying before her. Trace knelt down to make sure that she was the last thing he would see in this world.
With a single jerk she felt, and heard his neck snap in her hands and then the Nord finally went still.
Trace: I told you there was no escaping me. Now then…
She got up, wiped her blade off and headed further into the Ratway.
Trace: Time to find the archer …

Part 3

She wasn’t able to go too far as her progress was stopped by something that almost made her feel insulted.
Trace: Are you serious?
It was a trap, simple and sweet. The dangerous part of the trap was even in plain sight. It was so obvious, it almost made Trace reconsider going through it.
Trace: Fucking Niruin… This had to be the Bosmer’s handiwork. That elf always loved to mind game people with the utmost in simplicity.
She shook her head as she remembered how he had conned her some time ago, by telling her the exact location of some treasure. However, since he knew where it was and since it was supposedly unguarded, Trace had second thoughts about the information. It was main because honestly, if Niruin knew where the gold was and knew a clear path to it, why wouldn’t he just go and get it himself? Apparently he was just trying to do her a favor or something as less than two days later the Bosmer retrieved the gold and they never spoke of it again.
Trace’s momentarily told her to disable to trap in a delicate manner, but ultimately her impatience won out and she broke the triggered the trap by cutting the rope with her blade.
Spikes protruded from the doorway at a fierce speed. However, since Trace hadn’t been stupid enough to simply open the door immediately they posed no threat to her. When the spike receded, Trace opened the door and sheathed her weapon.

Part 4

Trace: There’s no way that archer could be much further—
Suddenly an arrow whizzed by her head and land a few feet in front of her. She heard two more arrows being let loose and in a single motion turned, unsheathed her sword, and deflected them both.
Trace rushed at the archer with her guard up and dodged his arrows with minimal effort.
Archer: Wha-wha-what are you!?!
Trace: I'm just a girl standing, in front of a boy asking, him to--
Trace went for the killing blow, but the archer was somehow able to deftly dodge it and then he scurried away.
Archer: EEEEK!!
Trace: Stand still dammit!!
The archer was slowly getting away, but Trace had had enough of this.
Trace: Curse you! Take this!!
Trace quickly surveed the area and noticed that the area the archer was running toward was coated in oil. Quickly before he was out of range, she gathered flames in her left hand and shot them forward in a torrent.
When her flames hit the oil, the room went ablaze cutting off the archer’s escape. Trace didn’t know if it was sweat or the water leaking from the city above, but the archer looked thoroughly wet and was doubly frightened.
Archer: She’s… she’s evil… pure evil!!
Trace ignored his words and continued to douse him in flames…
…Until his body was charred and the other flames had died out. She noticed something out of the corner of her eyes and immediately put up her guard and pushed it away.
The rodent leapt through the air trying to have another go at it, but Trace’s patience was shot.
She roasted the skeever with her flames and laughed as she thought of a terribly bad joke.
Trace: Ha! Charred skeever… Delvin will love this one!

Part 5

Trace took a moment to catch her breath. She’d been in another gear since she came into the Ratway and little by little she knew that she was losing herself. As her heart beat calmed and her fury abased she began to realize she was hurt way more than she remembered.
Trace: Haa… haaaa… When did I get hit in the back? Or the ribs? It… it hurts so bad…
Continuing on, Trace didn’t have time to rest as this time one of the Ratway’s resident crazies impeded her…
…but was quickly dispatched.
When Trace entered the next area and knew she was almost home free. The opening was bright unlike the rest of the Ratway and even had foliage growing. Trace threw her arms back and began to recollect about times past when she had wrangled Tonilia and Brynjolf to come and plant these seeds with her. At the time they both said that the seeds would never grow and would just be washed away in the sewage…
Trace: Oh if they could see them now…

Part 6

Trace went to exit the lit area and was surprised when she came upon a dead body.
Trace: Ha! Apparently someone else is killing off crazies as well…
She stepped over his body and continued on. Not hearing anyone up ahead, she sheathed her sword as well. And then took a left and descended the stairs into the Ragged Flagon.
The sight of the Flagon almost made her tear up. She could hear the others from where she stood and decided to wipe most of the blood off of her. She wanted to be at least somewhat presentable to them.
Vekel: Was anyone expecting company? There’s some girl here over by the entrance.
Brynjolf: Ah, so the lass made it. Was wondering why she was taking so long.
Vex: What are you talking about now Brynjolf? Don’t tell me you went and got another new recruit?
Brynjolf: You’ll see little Vex. You’ll see…
Even after wiping the blood off of her, she still felt sticky and sore.
Trace: Screw it! I used to do this anyway.
Trace the jumped into the water ahead of her and began cleaning herself and splashing around.
Vekel: And… now she’s playing in the water. This new girl of yours is a bit peculiar, Brynjolf.
Brynjolf: Hey Vex, why don’t you give her a warm welcome. Not like you’re doing much else.
Vex: Sure. I’d love to help… She better be worth it…
To be continued…



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I've been doing a few Skyrim stories and hosting them on imgur, then posting to the /r/NSFWSkyrim subreddit.


Most of my stories have less to do with a custom character and more to do with imagining the lives of existing NPCs.


What I've got so far that has some semblance of plot:


Cutting a Deal - involves Astrid from the Dark Brotherhood and takes place between Breaching Security and To Kill an Empire.  Has spoilers for the Dark Brotherhood storyline.


Blessings of Dibella - being about the trials and tribulations of being a priestess of love and pleasure in a mining town like Markarth.  Involves the Skyrim side quest Bothela's Discreet Delivery, but  no real spoilers.


It's So Hard to be So Righteous - Serana and the Dawnguard.  Occurs after the Dragonborn rescues her and while they're off recruiting allies for Isran.


The Making of a Lioness - alternate origin story for Mjoll.  Takes place before the Skyrim main quest.  Story partially inspired by the character of Janissa the Widowmaker from the Dark Horse Comics version of Conan the Barbarian.


Ysolda's Training - about Ysolda and her early experiences working with the Khajiit caravans


The Heart of the Ironhand - about Ghorbash the Ironhand and the time between when he left the legion and before he returned to Dushnikh Yal.  Has mild spoilers for The Forsworn Conspiracy.  Also, it's my only story that has a custom character.  


The last one is a long story with only three sex scenes but is probably the best one I've written, whereas the Dibella and Serana ones are just more fun sex romps.  Hope you like them.  I wouldn't be putting these together if not for the good stuff and great ideas that come out of this community.   More than a few of these were inspired to some degree by Sexlab Solutions or Amorous Adventures so this is a way of giving back.

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Chapter Five: Devastation




Part 1

With a huff Vex walked over to the shallow pool of water and didn’t see anyone.


Vex: Vekel, I think your eyesight’s going bad. Luckily you don’t do any job anymore.


Vekel: I know what I saw girl! Just get her before she catches a cold.


Vex sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes.


Vex: I swear this better be worth it.



Vex inhale a large amount of air, and then began to shout.



Vex: Listen here newbie, I don’t have time for your crap so you better get your ass out of that water…



Vex: Because if I have to get in that water, you might not ever make it out.




Trace stood up and breathed a sigh of relief. The water, although not the cleanest, seemed to cleanse her of the fighting from earlier both physically and mentally. She squeezed some of the water out of her hair and giggled as it rolled down her back tickling her slightly.



Trace: Sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just been a while since I’ve had a proper dip. I’ve definitely got to do this more…



Vex was transfixed by the woman’s backside and couldn’t believe someone with her figure and seemingly airy ways would want to join up with the Thieves Guild.



Vex: Well I’ll be… she might not be much of a thief, but I could stare at that behind for--



Part 2

Trace laughed catching Vex off guard.



Trace: You know I can hear you, Vex.


Vex: Oh, w-well, I…



Vex: (How does she know my name!?)



Vex could smell something fishy about this recruit. She seemed all too familiar with this place, but Vex couldn’t remember her for the life of her. Agitated about being in the dark about her, Vex turned around and began to question Brynjolf.


Vex: Where’d you get this one from? Why does she know my name? And why on earth is she so comfortable bathing naked in this mangy little puddle?


Brynjolf: I came across her up in the market. She uh… did a little job for us, and it actually went well. Anyway, I’ve got to talk to Mercer about something so, if you will.


Vex turned and she could only feel her mood worsen and Brynjolf left the Flagon.


Vex: Turn around already, and get out of the WATER!



Slowly, Trace turned around and could hear Vex’s shock.



Trace: Hey Vex, I’m… back. Heehee…



Vex: By the Gods… You… but you left…




Trace: I did…



Trace faced away from Vex. She felt ashamed that this was how they were reunited, and that that was how Vex reacted. Not angry, but shocked. It’s like nothing they had before meant anything to her…


Trace: But I guess you can say I’m back. Something went awry with the Brotherhood, and Bryn--



Part 3

Suddenly, Vex leapt into the water, tackled Trace and forced her head under.




Vex: You bitch!! You come back now!? After everything you did? Everything you did to me!?!




Vex continued to hold Trace under the water. Little by little she could feel Trace’s struggling to get weaker and weaker.



Vex: I told myself if I ever saw you again I’d kill you on sight, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do!!


Trace: (Vex… please…)



It wasn’t long until bubbles stopped coming to the surface and Trace stopped moving altogether. As her life was slowly and surely coming to an end, so was Vex’s anger as it gradually turned into concern.




Biting her lip in frustration, Vex lifted Trace from the water…




And as soon as she saw Trace’s unconscious face all traces of anger were gone, and only sadness and frustration with herself were left.



Vex: Nonononono! This isn’t how it was supposed to be!!



Vex: Don’t worry Trace, I’ll make everything okay! So don’t die on me!!




Once they were on dry land, Vex tried to resuscitate Trace, but after multiple attempts with no success she just brought Trace close and embraced her as a flood of emotions streamed from her.




Vex: I didn’t mean… I didn’t want to… I was just mad Trace! Mad that you left me… I didn’t think that I’d… that you’d die…




Trace: Then next time, don’t try so hard to kill me.




Part 4

It was low and subdued, but Vex knew what she heard, and knew what it meant. Instantly she laid Trace’s head in her lap and was taken aback by the girl’s calm, gentle smile. Before she knew what she was doing, Vex bend down and stole Trace’s lips for herself. It reminded her of the first time they kissed, but it was Trace who was all sad and mopey and it was Vex acting gentle.








They were wrapped in their kiss for so long that Trace almost forgot that a little while ago Vex had tried to, albeit clumsily, murder her. The two of them sat up and faced each other, Vex with an eager smile on her face while Trace tried her best to look like she hadn’t just drowned and been brought back to life.



Vex: I didn’t think I’d ever see you again… I thought Delvin would randomly one day say that word was that you were killed.


Trace coughed out some water, then pressed her head on Vex’s forehead and sighed.


Trace: Haaa… you keep saying that but…


Vex: Yeah… my bad.



Vex stood up and reached her hand out to Trace.



Vex: Come on, let’s get going.


Trace tried to stand, but her legs gave out and she fell into Vex who caught her.


Trace: I’m… I’m okay. Just give me a few—EEK!


Vex lifted Trace onto her back and began walking towards the Flagon.


Trace: L-l-l-let me down!!!


Vex: Calm down. I’ve seen and felt more of you than this.



Trace wasn’t embarrassed because she was nude and Vex was carrying her around, she was embarrassed because Vex had to because Trace would be unable to move otherwise. When they came to the Flagon no one, not even Delvin who they had to pass kind of close to, batted an eye towards them.



Trace: (Thank the Gods the Guild respects people’s personal relationships…)



Trace: I didn’t want to leave… well… I didn’t want to leave you… We’d just gotten to be--




Vex stopped, leaving Trace puzzled.



Trace: What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?


Vex: Nope, not at all. In fact, I think you said the one phrase that’s keeping me from dropping you on your ass every time I think about how you did indeed leave me. So relax, because like always, I’ve got you.



Trace’s heart began pounding, and she leaned closer to Vex. Catching a whiff of the thief’s hair, she wasn’t surprised that she smelled of lavender mixed with nightshade. It was a mix that Trace had brewed herself and had given to Vex, Tonilia and Sapphire soon after she joined the Guild. The latter two decided that it wasn’t for them, but although Vex didn’t say anything pleasant about it, every time Trace passed the Imperial from then on she smelled that peculiar fragrance.



Trace: Yeah… you got me…



When they got to the Cistern, Vex hurriedly got Trace to a bed and placed her down on it gently. She bent over Trace and gave her a warm inviting smile.



Vex: Now then, I think it’s time to get you some clothes, don’t you think?


Trace blushed as she remembered that she was nude and that one of the loves of her life was just glancing at her as she pleased.


Trace: Y-yeah… I’d appreciate that…



Part 5

Vex licked her lips and laughed.



Vex: Heh, I bet you would.



Trace: Hey, what should I do if someone comes and messes with me while you’re gone? You know with me being all defenseless like this.




Vex’s mood soured and a scowl replaced that smile of hers.



Vex: I’d like to see one of these dickless fucks try. They know you’re mine, and they also know what happens when they mess with what’s mine.



Then just like that Vex’s smile was back.



Vex: Besides, other than Bryn, I don’t think there’s anyone who you’d even be a bit interested in.


Trace: !!! H-hey!! It’s not like that!!


Vex: Heh, I know. I know…



Vex winked at Trace and set off to look for something for Trace to wear.




As soon as Vex had left the bedside, Trace sighed and stared at the ceiling.



Trace: This is going to blow up in my face isn’t it?



Trace brought her knees to her chest and sighed. She knew Vex. The person that brought her into the Cistern? That was pre-crisis Vex. That’s how Vex acts towards someone she cares about right before she blows up in their face. It was always scarier than if she had just yelled at you from the start, because you never knew what was really going through her head. Vex never lied about her feelings, but sometimes she just didn’t display them in the most normal of ways.




As Trace mulled over how Vex might possibly lash out at her, the woman in question dropped some clothes at Trace’s feet and turned her back from her.



Vex: Here ya go. Don’t know if it’s the right fit, but you don’t seem to have gained much weight from the last time I saw you so… anyway, put them on.



Vex: Unless of course you want to just show yourself off to me. I don’t mind either way.




Part 6

Vex: Anyway get dressed already. If I have to hear Vipir say another word about you I might snap!



Trace understood what she meant and a smile came to her face. Trace knew Vipir didn’t have the balls to openly talk about her to Vex. What Vex really meant was, ‘Hurry up and put some clothes on so I can stop having these indecent thoughts about you.’ It was sweet, but somewhat vexing trying to decipher what she was saying sometimes.


Trace: Heh, thanks Vex you always know what to say.



There was a silence between them as Trace began to put on the clothes. It was awkward for both women considering all the emotions running through their heads. Anger, confusion, hatred, love, happiness, sadness, trust, betrayal…



Vex: I wonder…


Trace: Hmmmm?


Vex: Well, you say you didn’t want to leave, leave me, but why did you want to leave the Guild? I thought we were like a family to you…



As Trace continued to put on her clothes she tested her leg strength one at a time and although she was a bit wobbly, she could stand and so Trace did



Trace: (This must be it!) The Guild still is  a family to me. It’s the first place that I ever felt like I belonged—oh! I’m decent now. you can look.


Vex: Psh, ‘I can look’, like I couldn’t look befo—oho! Looking good, Trace.



Trace: Right…



Vex: I mean it, you look really good.


As much as she wanted to, Trace couldn’t believe those words. Her scars, her eye, her attitude… there was nothing about her that she liked. Trace didn’t know when it began, but even though she’d been called pretty or good looking by many an onlooker, she just couldn’t see it. Maybe it was her breasts or her ass or her hips? She could only see it as people liking the looks of her body seeing as many shied away from her once they saw her face. The scars and her blind eye were souvenirs of her time in the Dark Brotherhood that, although she cherished, destroyed her self-image ever since.



Vex: The fuck is wrong with you?



Trace turned her head away.


Trace: I… I just don’t see myself as being—


Vex: I don’t mean that! You fucking left me! Why?



Vex: I like you, fuck, I think I may have really loved you. I also saved you from yourself when Mjoll dumped your ass. And you repay me by fucking going off with that damn Nord bitch?




Trace: I know it wasn’t right… but I wasn’t thinking right. Astrid came and caught me while I was sleeping and—



Vex: I don’t want your excuses, I want the reason! You liked me, and I like you. Why the fuck did you go?


Trace: It was the thrill…



Vex: The… thrill?



Trace: Yeah. The thrill of killing. Astrid asked me to have my pick out of three people to kill. One was a Khajiit, one was an older woman and the last—


Vex: Fuck. You,


Trace: What!?


Vex: I showed you me at my weakest. I’ve never done that since I was a child. I’ve never let anyone in, not even Vald when I was with that lummox! I saw something in you, something that I felt we shared…



Vex: Something you fucking destroyed, when you left me looking for you for hours! If Brynjolf hadn’t told me, I would have probably utilized all the contacts I had trying to tract your ass down. You could have at least told me that you were going to go! Given me some type of notice.




Part 7

That always ate at Trace; why didn’t she give Vex notice? Why did she just up and leave in the middle of the night? Astrid had given her plenty of time to say her goodbyes… Why did she only tell Brynjolf, Delvin, and Tonilia?



Trace: Vex… you know how I feel—


Vex: Your feelings can go to Oblivion, just answer my question! Why did you leave without saying goodbye?


Trace: ….Well… I guess--



Vex raised a finger in protested and silenced Trace.



Vex: You don’t even know yourself? Now that speaks volumes. Everything you’ve ever don’t in your relationships makes perfect sense now. I thought I had pegged you for a different kind of woman, but you? You’re a coward! A fucking coward!!



Vex: Yeah… that’s why you couldn’t tell Mjoll you were in the Guild, why you didn’t let me know you were leaving… You’re afraid of being rejected because you think you’re ugly and not worthy of other people’s love. You probably didn’t even tell that Nord bitch your true feelings, and she probably guessed it anyways.



Trace had never thought about it like that, but having it laid on the line like that…


Trace: I guess… you’re right…



Vex turned from Trace and sighed.



Vex: I think it’s best if we start over… if I at least try to treat you like everyone else. That way thing in the Guild will get a bit—


Trace: I’m not joining the Guild, Brynjolf simply said that I could find sanctuary down here.


Vex: I see…



Vex turned around and began walking out of the Cistern.



Vex: The next time we see each other, you’ll mean nothing to me. I gave you a chance—I gave you the key to my heart, and you threw it away for some thrill. I hope you choke on that thrill.



When Trace heard the door to the Cistern slam, she felt her heart crumble. Mjoll hated her and didn’t want to see her again, Astrid was after her life, and Vex wanted nothing to do with her.




Trace: Good job Trace. Great way to cement the fact that you’re lousy with relationships. I wonder what’s next? A vampire with daddy issues? A servant with a bad attitude? It won’t matter even… if it were a someone who had to love me else they die, I’d end up screwing it up. Why can’t relationships be as simple as contracts? At least I know my game plan and endgame with contracts…



With that Trace laid back on the bed and fell fast asleep, trying to get this day’s events as far behind her as possible.



To Be Continued. . .



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Chapter Five: Devastation




Part 1

With a huff Vex walked over to the shallow pool of water and didn’t see anyone.


Vex: Vekel, I think your eyesight’s going bad. Luckily you don’t do any job anymore.


Vekel: I know what I saw girl! Just get her before she catches a cold.


Vex sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes.


Vex: I swear this better be worth it.


Vex inhale a large amount of air, and then began to shout.


Vex: Listen here newbie, I don’t have time for your crap so you better get your ass out of that water…


Vex: Because if I have to get in that water, you might not ever make it out.


Trace stood up and breathed a sigh of relief. The water, although not the cleanest, seemed to cleanse her of the fighting from earlier both physically and mentally. She squeezed some of the water out of her hair and giggled as it rolled down her back tickling her slightly.


Trace: Sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just been a while since I’ve had a proper dip. I’ve definitely got to do this more…


Vex was transfixed by the woman’s backside and couldn’t believe someone with her figure and seemingly airy ways would want to join up with the Thieves Guild.


Vex: Well I’ll be… she might not be much of a thief, but I could stare at that behind for--


Part 2

Trace laughed catching Vex off guard.


Trace: You know I can hear you, Vex.


Vex: Oh, w-well, I…


Vex: (How does she know my name!?)


Vex could smell something fishy about this recruit. She seemed all too familiar with this place, but Vex couldn’t remember her for the life of her. Agitated about being in the dark about her, Vex turned around and began to question Brynjolf.


Vex: Where’d you get this one from? Why does she know my name? And why on earth is she so comfortable bathing naked in this mangy little puddle?


Brynjolf: I came across her up in the market. She uh… did a little job for us, and it actually went well. Anyway, I’ve got to talk to Mercer about something so, if you will.


Vex turned and she could only feel her mood worsen and Brynjolf left the Flagon.


Vex: Turn around already, and get out of the WATER!


Slowly, Trace turned around and could hear Vex’s shock.


Trace: Hey Vex, I’m… back. Heehee…


Vex: By the Gods… You… but you left…


Trace: I did…


Trace faced away from Vex. She felt ashamed that this was how they were reunited, and that that was how Vex reacted. Not angry, but shocked. It’s like nothing they had before meant anything to her…


Trace: But I guess you can say I’m back. Something went awry with the Brotherhood, and Bryn--


Part 3

Suddenly, Vex leapt into the water, tackled Trace and forced her head under.


Vex: You bitch!! You come back now!? After everything you did? Everything you did to me!?!


Vex continued to hold Trace under the water. Little by little she could feel Trace’s struggling to get weaker and weaker.


Vex: I told myself if I ever saw you again I’d kill you on sight, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do!!


Trace: (Vex… please…)


It wasn’t long until bubbles stopped coming to the surface and Trace stopped moving altogether. As her life was slowly and surely coming to an end, so was Vex’s anger as it gradually turned into concern.


Biting her lip in frustration, Vex lifted Trace from the water…


And as soon as she saw Trace’s unconscious face all traces of anger were gone, and only sadness and frustration with herself were left.


Vex: Nonononono! This isn’t how it was supposed to be!!


Vex: Don’t worry Trace, I’ll make everything okay! So don’t die on me!!


Once they were on dry land, Vex tried to resuscitate Trace, but after multiple attempts with no success she just brought Trace close and embraced her as a flood of emotions streamed from her.


Vex: I didn’t mean… I didn’t want to… I was just mad Trace! Mad that you left me… I didn’t think that I’d… that you’d die…


Trace: Then next time, don’t try so hard to kill me.


Part 4

It was low and subdued, but Vex knew what she heard, and knew what it meant. Instantly she laid Trace’s head in her lap and was taken aback by the girl’s calm, gentle smile. Before she knew what she was doing, Vex bend down and stole Trace’s lips for herself. It reminded her of the first time they kissed, but it was Trace who was all sad and mopey and it was Vex acting gentle.




They were wrapped in their kiss for so long that Trace almost forgot that a little while ago Vex had tried to, albeit clumsily, murder her. The two of them sat up and faced each other, Vex with an eager smile on her face while Trace tried her best to look like she hadn’t just drowned and been brought back to life.


Vex: I didn’t think I’d ever see you again… I thought Delvin would randomly one day say that word was that you were killed.


Trace coughed out some water, then pressed her head on Vex’s forehead and sighed.


Trace: Haaa… you keep saying that but…


Vex: Yeah… my bad.


Vex stood up and reached her hand out to Trace.


Vex: Come on, let’s get going.


Trace tried to stand, but her legs gave out and she fell into Vex who caught her.


Trace: I’m… I’m okay. Just give me a few—EEK!


Vex lifted Trace onto her back and began walking towards the Flagon.


Trace: L-l-l-let me down!!!


Vex: Calm down. I’ve seen and felt more of you than this.


Trace wasn’t embarrassed because she was nude and Vex was carrying her around, she was embarrassed because Vex had to because Trace would be unable to move otherwise. When they came to the Flagon no one, not even Delvin who they had to pass kind of close to, batted an eye towards them.


Trace: (Thank the Gods the Guild respects people’s personal relationships…)


Trace: I didn’t want to leave… well… I didn’t want to leave you… We’d just gotten to be--


Vex stopped, leaving Trace puzzled.


Trace: What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?


Vex: Nope, not at all. In fact, I think you said the one phrase that’s keeping me from dropping you on your ass every time I think about how you did indeed leave me. So relax, because like always, I’ve got you.


Trace’s heart began pounding, and she leaned closer to Vex. Catching a whiff of the thief’s hair, she wasn’t surprised that she smelled of lavender mixed with nightshade. It was a mix that Trace had brewed herself and had given to Vex, Tonilia and Sapphire soon after she joined the Guild. The latter two decided that it wasn’t for them, but although Vex didn’t say anything pleasant about it, every time Trace passed the Imperial from then on she smelled that peculiar fragrance.


Trace: Yeah… you got me…


When they got to the Cistern, Vex hurriedly got Trace to a bed and placed her down on it gently. She bent over Trace and gave her a warm inviting smile.


Vex: Now then, I think it’s time to get you some clothes, don’t you think?


Trace blushed as she remembered that she was nude and that one of the loves of her life was just glancing at her as she pleased.


Trace: Y-yeah… I’d appreciate that…


Part 5

Vex licked her lips and laughed.


Vex: Heh, I bet you would.


Trace: Hey, what should I do if someone comes and messes with me while you’re gone? You know with me being all defenseless like this.


Vex’s mood soured and a scowl replaced that smile of hers.


Vex: I’d like to see one of these dickless fucks try. They know you’re mine, and they also know what happens when they mess with what’s mine.


Then just like that Vex’s smile was back.


Vex: Besides, other than Bryn, I don’t think there’s anyone who you’d even be a bit interested in.


Trace: !!! H-hey!! It’s not like that!!


Vex: Heh, I know. I know…


Vex winked at Trace and set off to look for something for Trace to wear.


As soon as Vex had left the bedside, Trace sighed and stared at the ceiling.


Trace: This is going to blow up in my face isn’t it?


Trace brought her knees to her chest and sighed. She knew Vex. The person that brought her into the Cistern? That was pre-crisis Vex. That’s how Vex acts towards someone she cares about right before she blows up in their face. It was always scarier than if she had just yelled at you from the start, because you never knew what was really going through her head. Vex never lied about her feelings, but sometimes she just didn’t display them in the most normal of ways.


As Trace mulled over how Vex might possibly lash out at her, the woman in question dropped some clothes at Trace’s feet and turned her back from her.


Vex: Here ya go. Don’t know if it’s the right fit, but you don’t seem to have gained much weight from the last time I saw you so… anyway, put them on.


Vex: Unless of course you want to just show yourself off to me. I don’t mind either way.


Part 6

Vex: Anyway get dressed already. If I have to hear Vipir say another word about you I might snap!


Trace understood what she meant and a smile came to her face. Trace knew Vipir didn’t have the balls to openly talk about her to Vex. What Vex really meant was, ‘Hurry up and put some clothes on so I can stop having these indecent thoughts about you.’ It was sweet, but somewhat vexing trying to decipher what she was saying sometimes.


Trace: Heh, thanks Vex you always know what to say.


There was a silence between them as Trace began to put on the clothes. It was awkward for both women considering all the emotions running through their heads. Anger, confusion, hatred, love, happiness, sadness, trust, betrayal…


Vex: I wonder…


Trace: Hmmmm?


Vex: Well, you say you didn’t want to leave, leave me, but why did you want to leave the Guild? I thought we were like a family to you…


As Trace continued to put on her clothes she tested her leg strength one at a time and although she was a bit wobbly, she could stand and so Trace did


Trace: (This must be it!) The Guild still is  a family to me. It’s the first place that I ever felt like I belonged—oh! I’m decent now. you can look.


Vex: Psh, ‘I can look’, like I couldn’t look befo—oho! Looking good, Trace.


Trace: Right…


Vex: I mean it, you look really good.


As much as she wanted to, Trace couldn’t believe those words. Her scars, her eye, her attitude… there was nothing about her that she liked. Trace didn’t know when it began, but even though she’d been called pretty or good looking by many an onlooker, she just couldn’t see it. Maybe it was her breasts or her ass or her hips? She could only see it as people liking the looks of her body seeing as many shied away from her once they saw her face. The scars and her blind eye were souvenirs of her time in the Dark Brotherhood that, although she cherished, destroyed her self-image ever since.


Vex: The fuck is wrong with you?


Trace turned her head away.


Trace: I… I just don’t see myself as being—


Vex: I don’t mean that! You fucking left me! Why?


Vex: I like you, fuck, I think I may have really loved you. I also saved you from yourself when Mjoll dumped your ass. And you repay me by fucking going off with that damn Nord bitch?


Trace: I know it wasn’t right… but I wasn’t thinking right. Astrid came and caught me while I was sleeping and—


Vex: I don’t want your excuses, I want the reason! You liked me, and I like you. Why the fuck did you go?


Trace: It was the thrill…


Vex: The… thrill?


Trace: Yeah. The thrill of killing. Astrid asked me to have my pick out of three people to kill. One was a Khajiit, one was an older woman and the last—


Vex: Fuck. You,


Trace: What!?


Vex: I showed you me at my weakest. I’ve never done that since I was a child. I’ve never let anyone in, not even Vald when I was with that lummox! I saw something in you, something that I felt we shared…


Vex: Something you fucking destroyed, when you left me looking for you for hours! If Brynjolf hadn’t told me, I would have probably utilized all the contacts I had trying to tract your ass down. You could have at least told me that you were going to go! Given me some type of notice.


Part 7

That always ate at Trace; why didn’t she give Vex notice? Why did she just up and leave in the middle of the night? Astrid had given her plenty of time to say her goodbyes… Why did she only tell Brynjolf, Delvin, and Tonilia?


Trace: Vex… you know how I feel—


Vex: Your feelings can go to Oblivion, just answer my question! Why did you leave without saying goodbye?


Trace: ….Well… I guess--


Vex raised a finger in protested and silenced Trace.


Vex: You don’t even know yourself? Now that speaks volumes. Everything you’ve ever don’t in your relationships makes perfect sense now. I thought I had pegged you for a different kind of woman, but you? You’re a coward! A fucking coward!!


Vex: Yeah… that’s why you couldn’t tell Mjoll you were in the Guild, why you didn’t let me know you were leaving… You’re afraid of being rejected because you think you’re ugly and not worthy of other people’s love. You probably didn’t even tell that Nord bitch your true feelings, and she probably guessed it anyways.


Trace had never thought about it like that, but having it laid on the line like that…


Trace: I guess… you’re right…


Vex turned from Trace and sighed.


Vex: I think it’s best if we start over… if I at least try to treat you like everyone else. That way thing in the Guild will get a bit—


Trace: I’m not joining the Guild, Brynjolf simply said that I could find sanctuary down here.


Vex: I see…


Vex turned around and began walking out of the Cistern.


Vex: The next time we see each other, you’ll mean nothing to me. I gave you a chance—I gave you the key to my heart, and you threw it away for some thrill. I hope you choke on that thrill.


When Trace heard the door to the Cistern slam, she felt her heart crumble. Mjoll hated her and didn’t want to see her again, Astrid was after her life, and Vex wanted nothing to do with her.


Trace: Good job Trace. Great way to cement the fact that you’re lousy with relationships. I wonder what’s next? A vampire with daddy issues? A servant with a bad attitude? It won’t matter even… if it were a someone who had to love me else they die, I’d end up screwing it up. Why can’t relationships be as simple as contracts? At least I know my game plan and endgame with contracts…


With that Trace laid back on the bed and fell fast asleep, trying to get this day’s events as far behind her as possible.


To Be Continued. . .


Ah man....now I have to track down all the parts again. =p 

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Chapter Five: Devastation




Part 1

With a huff Vex walked over to the shallow pool of water and didn’t see anyone.


Vex: Vekel, I think your eyesight’s going bad. Luckily you don’t do any job anymore.


Vekel: I know what I saw girl! Just get her before she catches a cold.


Vex sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes.


Vex: I swear this better be worth it.


Vex inhale a large amount of air, and then began to shout.


Vex: Listen here newbie, I don’t have time for your crap so you better get your ass out of that water…


Vex: Because if I have to get in that water, you might not ever make it out.


Trace stood up and breathed a sigh of relief. The water, although not the cleanest, seemed to cleanse her of the fighting from earlier both physically and mentally. She squeezed some of the water out of her hair and giggled as it rolled down her back tickling her slightly.


Trace: Sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just been a while since I’ve had a proper dip. I’ve definitely got to do this more…


Vex was transfixed by the woman’s backside and couldn’t believe someone with her figure and seemingly airy ways would want to join up with the Thieves Guild.


Vex: Well I’ll be… she might not be much of a thief, but I could stare at that behind for--


Part 2

Trace laughed catching Vex off guard.


Trace: You know I can hear you, Vex.


Vex: Oh, w-well, I…


Vex: (How does she know my name!?)


Vex could smell something fishy about this recruit. She seemed all too familiar with this place, but Vex couldn’t remember her for the life of her. Agitated about being in the dark about her, Vex turned around and began to question Brynjolf.


Vex: Where’d you get this one from? Why does she know my name? And why on earth is she so comfortable bathing naked in this mangy little puddle?


Brynjolf: I came across her up in the market. She uh… did a little job for us, and it actually went well. Anyway, I’ve got to talk to Mercer about something so, if you will.


Vex turned and she could only feel her mood worsen and Brynjolf left the Flagon.


Vex: Turn around already, and get out of the WATER!


Slowly, Trace turned around and could hear Vex’s shock.


Trace: Hey Vex, I’m… back. Heehee…


Vex: By the Gods… You… but you left…


Trace: I did…


Trace faced away from Vex. She felt ashamed that this was how they were reunited, and that that was how Vex reacted. Not angry, but shocked. It’s like nothing they had before meant anything to her…


Trace: But I guess you can say I’m back. Something went awry with the Brotherhood, and Bryn--


Part 3

Suddenly, Vex leapt into the water, tackled Trace and forced her head under.


Vex: You bitch!! You come back now!? After everything you did? Everything you did to me!?!


Vex continued to hold Trace under the water. Little by little she could feel Trace’s struggling to get weaker and weaker.


Vex: I told myself if I ever saw you again I’d kill you on sight, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do!!


Trace: (Vex… please…)


It wasn’t long until bubbles stopped coming to the surface and Trace stopped moving altogether. As her life was slowly and surely coming to an end, so was Vex’s anger as it gradually turned into concern.


Biting her lip in frustration, Vex lifted Trace from the water…


And as soon as she saw Trace’s unconscious face all traces of anger were gone, and only sadness and frustration with herself were left.


Vex: Nonononono! This isn’t how it was supposed to be!!


Vex: Don’t worry Trace, I’ll make everything okay! So don’t die on me!!


Once they were on dry land, Vex tried to resuscitate Trace, but after multiple attempts with no success she just brought Trace close and embraced her as a flood of emotions streamed from her.


Vex: I didn’t mean… I didn’t want to… I was just mad Trace! Mad that you left me… I didn’t think that I’d… that you’d die…


Trace: Then next time, don’t try so hard to kill me.


Part 4

It was low and subdued, but Vex knew what she heard, and knew what it meant. Instantly she laid Trace’s head in her lap and was taken aback by the girl’s calm, gentle smile. Before she knew what she was doing, Vex bend down and stole Trace’s lips for herself. It reminded her of the first time they kissed, but it was Trace who was all sad and mopey and it was Vex acting gentle.




They were wrapped in their kiss for so long that Trace almost forgot that a little while ago Vex had tried to, albeit clumsily, murder her. The two of them sat up and faced each other, Vex with an eager smile on her face while Trace tried her best to look like she hadn’t just drowned and been brought back to life.


Vex: I didn’t think I’d ever see you again… I thought Delvin would randomly one day say that word was that you were killed.


Trace coughed out some water, then pressed her head on Vex’s forehead and sighed.


Trace: Haaa… you keep saying that but…


Vex: Yeah… my bad.


Vex stood up and reached her hand out to Trace.


Vex: Come on, let’s get going.


Trace tried to stand, but her legs gave out and she fell into Vex who caught her.


Trace: I’m… I’m okay. Just give me a few—EEK!


Vex lifted Trace onto her back and began walking towards the Flagon.


Trace: L-l-l-let me down!!!


Vex: Calm down. I’ve seen and felt more of you than this.


Trace wasn’t embarrassed because she was nude and Vex was carrying her around, she was embarrassed because Vex had to because Trace would be unable to move otherwise. When they came to the Flagon no one, not even Delvin who they had to pass kind of close to, batted an eye towards them.


Trace: (Thank the Gods the Guild respects people’s personal relationships…)


Trace: I didn’t want to leave… well… I didn’t want to leave you… We’d just gotten to be--


Vex stopped, leaving Trace puzzled.


Trace: What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?


Vex: Nope, not at all. In fact, I think you said the one phrase that’s keeping me from dropping you on your ass every time I think about how you did indeed leave me. So relax, because like always, I’ve got you.


Trace’s heart began pounding, and she leaned closer to Vex. Catching a whiff of the thief’s hair, she wasn’t surprised that she smelled of lavender mixed with nightshade. It was a mix that Trace had brewed herself and had given to Vex, Tonilia and Sapphire soon after she joined the Guild. The latter two decided that it wasn’t for them, but although Vex didn’t say anything pleasant about it, every time Trace passed the Imperial from then on she smelled that peculiar fragrance.


Trace: Yeah… you got me…


When they got to the Cistern, Vex hurriedly got Trace to a bed and placed her down on it gently. She bent over Trace and gave her a warm inviting smile.


Vex: Now then, I think it’s time to get you some clothes, don’t you think?


Trace blushed as she remembered that she was nude and that one of the loves of her life was just glancing at her as she pleased.


Trace: Y-yeah… I’d appreciate that…


Part 5

Vex licked her lips and laughed.


Vex: Heh, I bet you would.


Trace: Hey, what should I do if someone comes and messes with me while you’re gone? You know with me being all defenseless like this.


Vex’s mood soured and a scowl replaced that smile of hers.


Vex: I’d like to see one of these dickless fucks try. They know you’re mine, and they also know what happens when they mess with what’s mine.


Then just like that Vex’s smile was back.


Vex: Besides, other than Bryn, I don’t think there’s anyone who you’d even be a bit interested in.


Trace: !!! H-hey!! It’s not like that!!


Vex: Heh, I know. I know…


Vex winked at Trace and set off to look for something for Trace to wear.


As soon as Vex had left the bedside, Trace sighed and stared at the ceiling.


Trace: This is going to blow up in my face isn’t it?


Trace brought her knees to her chest and sighed. She knew Vex. The person that brought her into the Cistern? That was pre-crisis Vex. That’s how Vex acts towards someone she cares about right before she blows up in their face. It was always scarier than if she had just yelled at you from the start, because you never knew what was really going through her head. Vex never lied about her feelings, but sometimes she just didn’t display them in the most normal of ways.


As Trace mulled over how Vex might possibly lash out at her, the woman in question dropped some clothes at Trace’s feet and turned her back from her.


Vex: Here ya go. Don’t know if it’s the right fit, but you don’t seem to have gained much weight from the last time I saw you so… anyway, put them on.


Vex: Unless of course you want to just show yourself off to me. I don’t mind either way.


Part 6

Vex: Anyway get dressed already. If I have to hear Vipir say another word about you I might snap!


Trace understood what she meant and a smile came to her face. Trace knew Vipir didn’t have the balls to openly talk about her to Vex. What Vex really meant was, ‘Hurry up and put some clothes on so I can stop having these indecent thoughts about you.’ It was sweet, but somewhat vexing trying to decipher what she was saying sometimes.


Trace: Heh, thanks Vex you always know what to say.


There was a silence between them as Trace began to put on the clothes. It was awkward for both women considering all the emotions running through their heads. Anger, confusion, hatred, love, happiness, sadness, trust, betrayal…


Vex: I wonder…


Trace: Hmmmm?


Vex: Well, you say you didn’t want to leave, leave me, but why did you want to leave the Guild? I thought we were like a family to you…


As Trace continued to put on her clothes she tested her leg strength one at a time and although she was a bit wobbly, she could stand and so Trace did


Trace: (This must be it!) The Guild still is  a family to me. It’s the first place that I ever felt like I belonged—oh! I’m decent now. you can look.


Vex: Psh, ‘I can look’, like I couldn’t look befo—oho! Looking good, Trace.


Trace: Right…


Vex: I mean it, you look really good.


As much as she wanted to, Trace couldn’t believe those words. Her scars, her eye, her attitude… there was nothing about her that she liked. Trace didn’t know when it began, but even though she’d been called pretty or good looking by many an onlooker, she just couldn’t see it. Maybe it was her breasts or her ass or her hips? She could only see it as people liking the looks of her body seeing as many shied away from her once they saw her face. The scars and her blind eye were souvenirs of her time in the Dark Brotherhood that, although she cherished, destroyed her self-image ever since.


Vex: The fuck is wrong with you?


Trace turned her head away.


Trace: I… I just don’t see myself as being—


Vex: I don’t mean that! You fucking left me! Why?


Vex: I like you, fuck, I think I may have really loved you. I also saved you from yourself when Mjoll dumped your ass. And you repay me by fucking going off with that damn Nord bitch?


Trace: I know it wasn’t right… but I wasn’t thinking right. Astrid came and caught me while I was sleeping and—


Vex: I don’t want your excuses, I want the reason! You liked me, and I like you. Why the fuck did you go?


Trace: It was the thrill…


Vex: The… thrill?


Trace: Yeah. The thrill of killing. Astrid asked me to have my pick out of three people to kill. One was a Khajiit, one was an older woman and the last—


Vex: Fuck. You,


Trace: What!?


Vex: I showed you me at my weakest. I’ve never done that since I was a child. I’ve never let anyone in, not even Vald when I was with that lummox! I saw something in you, something that I felt we shared…


Vex: Something you fucking destroyed, when you left me looking for you for hours! If Brynjolf hadn’t told me, I would have probably utilized all the contacts I had trying to tract your ass down. You could have at least told me that you were going to go! Given me some type of notice.


Part 7

That always ate at Trace; why didn’t she give Vex notice? Why did she just up and leave in the middle of the night? Astrid had given her plenty of time to say her goodbyes… Why did she only tell Brynjolf, Delvin, and Tonilia?


Trace: Vex… you know how I feel—


Vex: Your feelings can go to Oblivion, just answer my question! Why did you leave without saying goodbye?


Trace: ….Well… I guess--


Vex raised a finger in protested and silenced Trace.


Vex: You don’t even know yourself? Now that speaks volumes. Everything you’ve ever don’t in your relationships makes perfect sense now. I thought I had pegged you for a different kind of woman, but you? You’re a coward! A fucking coward!!


Vex: Yeah… that’s why you couldn’t tell Mjoll you were in the Guild, why you didn’t let me know you were leaving… You’re afraid of being rejected because you think you’re ugly and not worthy of other people’s love. You probably didn’t even tell that Nord bitch your true feelings, and she probably guessed it anyways.


Trace had never thought about it like that, but having it laid on the line like that…


Trace: I guess… you’re right…


Vex turned from Trace and sighed.


Vex: I think it’s best if we start over… if I at least try to treat you like everyone else. That way thing in the Guild will get a bit—


Trace: I’m not joining the Guild, Brynjolf simply said that I could find sanctuary down here.


Vex: I see…


Vex turned around and began walking out of the Cistern.


Vex: The next time we see each other, you’ll mean nothing to me. I gave you a chance—I gave you the key to my heart, and you threw it away for some thrill. I hope you choke on that thrill.


When Trace heard the door to the Cistern slam, she felt her heart crumble. Mjoll hated her and didn’t want to see her again, Astrid was after her life, and Vex wanted nothing to do with her.


Trace: Good job Trace. Great way to cement the fact that you’re lousy with relationships. I wonder what’s next? A vampire with daddy issues? A servant with a bad attitude? It won’t matter even… if it were a someone who had to love me else they die, I’d end up screwing it up. Why can’t relationships be as simple as contracts? At least I know my game plan and endgame with contracts…


With that Trace laid back on the bed and fell fast asleep, trying to get this day’s events as far behind her as possible.


To Be Continued. . .


Ah man....now I have to track down all the parts again. =p 


It's all on the same page man XD

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Chapter Six: Discontent

Part 1

It’d been a week since the spat between Trace and Vex and things had calmed down and gone back to normal… well as normal as things could get. After finishing a run around the city, for a while Trace came back to the Flagon and greeted her comrades with a cheerful smile.
Trace: Phew, who knew trying to be a do-gooder was going to be so tiring. It’s like those idiots are incapable of doing anything themselves! I mean really, ‘Can you go get my sword that’s across the bridge,’ are you serious?
Vex: Well it’s not like anyone asked you to butt into other people’s business. Now stop your complaining! You’re only worsening the mood.
Trace sighed. She knew the real reason Vex was being sharp to her. Brynjolf had asked Trace what her plans were in Riften, and she said that she wanted to make amends with Mjoll or at least earn her respect. When she had finished explaining her plan of doing good deeds without messing without messing with the Guild’s business, she and Brynjolf saw Vex run off angrily.
Trace: I’m sorry… you’re right. I’m just a killjoy…
Brynjolf: Leave the poor girl alone, lass. It takes a different kind to know how good she is at what we do and not partake. Especially with how much we’re bringing in now.
Vex: Heh, right… Like a 2% increase in total Guild income is supposed to make anyone want to hop aboard.
Brynjolf: Look, Vex. I know you two still need to talk things out, but can you at least keep a cool head when you’re around others?
Vex: Hmph, whatever…
Brynjolf: Now then lass, I know I said I wouldn’t pry, but what exactly have you been doing? Apparently although people have started to fear the Guild more by the day, they’ve also began to have hope that things might change.
Trace brightened up and went over in front of Brynjolf. She’d wanted to tell of her feats, because there was literally nothing to do down here except shoot arrows from a bow she’d never use and pick locks… She knew how to pick locks, it was her specialty!
Trace: Ehehehee, well, if you must know…

Part 2

Trace: You know how I began ‘helping out those in need?’ Well I can clearly state that I’ve done just that!
Brynjolf: How so, lass?
Trace: Well, first off I helped out ol’ Balimund. He told me the flames of his forge were dying out and in order to rekindle its fires he needed some fire salts.
Trace: They were a pain in the ass to get, but after doing so, he gave me a lifetime twenty percent discount off weapons, armor, and repairs. So if you need any gear or whatever, I’m you girl.
Brynjolf: Nice. What else did you get into?
Trace: Well… Marise Aravel, my personal lookout and one of the finest butchers in the city, she needed some more ice wraith teeth.
Brynjolf: Ah, those buggers are an annoyance to get… Unless—
Brynjolf looked at Trace and she nodded.
Trace: Yeah… after the fire salt incident I decided to just hit up Ingun for a favor. She’s kinda into me—not in that way!! She says that I’ve got a body that’s perfect for experimentations!
Brynjolf: Make sure you don’t get caught up in Black-Briar affairs more than necessary.
Trace: I know, I know… I’ll probably just do something big for her later to avoid experimentation. Hmm… what else did I do? 
Trace: I guess I gave the beggars some gold.
Brynjolf looked at her like she had just eaten a live skeever in front of him.
Brynjolf: You didn’t…
Trace: Well they kept asking for change, and it’s not like I didn’t have any to spare. Besides, when I was giving old grumpy Snilf some gold, Mjoll looked my way. She didn’t look displeased, so I think I may be gaining ground in that area.
Trace: Then there was Wujeeta—
Brynjolf: The lizard skooma junkie?
Trace: Yeah.
Brynjolf: I wouldn’t advise messing with junkies. They’re sure to be the death of you.
Trace: All she needed was a health potion, and since I had one on me I gave it to her. Ha! She was so overcome with joy that she ended up hugging me in the streets! Can you believe it?
Brynjolf: Those are all fine and good, lass. But Jalena, what is it that you’re really so giddy about?
Trace diverted her eyes from Brynjolf and started fidgeting around.
Trace: Well… you see… don’t be mad, but I was kind of called into Mistveil Keep to do something big…
Delvin who had been listening the entire time decided to finally join the conversation.
Delvin: Big? We talking taking us out big?
Trace: Nonononono!!
Brynjolf: Then what is it, lass? Just spit it out.
Trace: Well… it was Laila Law-Giver.
Brynjolf/Vex/Delvin: The Jarl!?

Trace: Yeah, she’d heard about my deeds and wanted me to uncover and stop the illegal skooma trade in Riften. Seeing as it was a direct favor from the Jarl, it’s not like I could refuse, but at the same time I didn’t know if Maven was involved…

Part 3

Delvin: Then you should have asked, girl. What if Maven was involved? Then what? Were you going to sabotage things with her? Effectively straining the relationship between ourselves and the Black-Briars? Are you out of your mind?
Trace: Oh no… I never even thought of what might happen to the Guild. You mean, by taking this job you all may be ruined?
Trace: Come on, dad. I’m no slouch. Maven was there at the time and when I looked at her she gave me the go ahead. So looks like I’m in for a raid.
Delvin: Gods girl! You don’t think. What if Maven weren’t there, what if--
Vex: Don’t worry about her Del. Some people like to hurt their allies for fun. It’s just her nature.
Vekel: Come on now, Vex. You know Trace better than all of us. Stop giving her a hard time.
Vex: You’re going to take her side!!
Vekel: I’m not taking sides. I’m just saying that--
Vex stomped her foot and began to storm off.
Delvin: You’re not going to do anything crazy are ya?
Vex: Who cares… everything’s going to burn either way.
And with that Vex left towards the Cistern.

Part 4

Trace: What gives? Trying to win bad Mjoll’s friendship means losing Vex’s?
Trace cursed herself and the choices she’d made. Mjoll was right, if she was just honest to everyone, if she wasn’t a coward, Trace wouldn’t be in this mess. Heck, she’d probably still be with the Guild as a member.
Brynjolf: Now’s not the time for the waterworks, lass. I need you to go after Vex, NOW!
Trace: What for? She obviously doesn’t want me around…
Brynjolf: Open your ears girl! Vex just took on Goldenglow!
Trace drew back in shock.
Trace: I heard she got injured the last time she went there…
Brynjolf: Aye, and with her being as incensed as she is, there’s no way she’ll come back alive. I need you for this, lass. No one’s as good as you two at infiltrations and break ins.
Trace: Argh!! Why did you even keep the job open for her? You know how she is! You know how stubborn she is!!
Trace she slammed her fist on the table and leaned closer to Brynjolf.
Trace: If anything happens it’s on your hands, Bryn.
Brynjolf: Just bring her back.
Trace closed her eyes and took a deep breath. If she was this enraged already, she wouldn’t have any control over herself when she encountered those Goldenglow goons and it may be her and not Vex that doesn’t make it back.
Trace: Fine… consider it done.
Trace reminded herself that this wasn’t a Guild assignment, that this was a request from a friend to find and help their mutual friend; nothing more, nothing illegal. Gathering herself she began to run as fast as her legs would take her…
Out of the Flagon…
Out of the Cistern…
And out of Riften.

Part 5

Trace knew how fast Vex was and that if she tried to follow by foot, Vex would be dead by the time she got there. Her only option was to ride. She walked over to the stables and stood in front of the stable owner, Hofgrir Horse-Crusher.
Trace: Listen Hofgrir, I need a horse!
Horgrir: Yeah, yeah. Doesn’t everyone.
Trace stepped closer and glared into the Nord’s eyes.
Trace: I said that I need a horse. Now give me one before I pull a Vex and bloody your nose and take one!
Horgrir: Ha! You actually believed that foolish thieving bitch? Unless you got the gold I’m asking for, get out of my face before I make--
Trace was a woman of her word and in one punch bloodied the Nord’s nose and made him crumple to the ground.
She then began to crush his neck with her foot, when she remembered that she wasn’t supposed to be killing people.
Trace: You’re not worth the Brotherhood’s wrath.
Relieving the pressure on his throat, Trace smiled as she realized that the horse was hers for the taking.
Trace: I always told Vex that I wanted to steal one of these… she said it’d be suicide to do it in the middle of the day.
Trace: Oh how wrong she was.
She mounted the horse and took off.
As she rode off she shouted back at the stable owner.
Trace: Thanks again for the horse, Horgrir!
That was going to buy her some time with the guards, and perhaps it was all that she needed.
It didn’t take long for Trace to arrive within view of Goldenglow Estate. Even from across the lake she knew that a frontal attack would be suicide, but it was also the only chance of diverting the attention from Vex’s actions.
Trace: Now for the hard part…
Trace tried to get her horse to go into the water, but it bucked back in return.
Trace: Come on girl. Just bear with it for a bit.
She brushed its mane and rubbed its neck. She whispered that it was going to be okay and again, but slowly, tried to enter the water again with great success.

Part 6

Trace was halfway to Goldenglow when a thought popped into her head: the horse, accidentally or otherwise, was going to give her away. So she doubled back to a small island…
Got off the horse…
And dove right into the lake.
She wasn’t the best swimmer but she was good enough so that she wouldn’t die if she got thrown in some water. It took her some time, but Trace slowly and with as little noise as possible made it to Goldenglow Estate and began to circle around it.
The fighting didn’t seem to start yet, which calmed her heart.
Trace: (So they haven’t sighted Vex yet. Thank the Gods! That means I’m not too late yet.
Mercenary 1: Hey what was that?
Mercenary 2: I don’t know why don’t you go and check it out!
The voices weren’t close to her so Trace’s mind came to the only logical conclusion.
Trace: (Oh no!! Vex!!)
The footsteps seemed to be getting further and further away as Trace climbed the wall. She made sure to do so quickly but as silently as possible.
When she got to the top she heard a voice again.
Mercenary 1: Shit, it was just a hare.
Mercenary 2: Then kill it and be done with it! I’m antsy as it is with the hit out on Aringoth by both the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood--
Trace: (They have the same contract!!!)
Trace closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Trace: No… Contracts, assignments, Maven, the Guild, the Brotherhood… none of that matters now…
She opened her eyes and a tempered storm seemed to be reflecting back out of them.
Trace: Wait for me Vex… I’m coming!
To be continued. . .



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Chapter Seven: Rejection



Part 1

Trace jumped onto the ledge and crouched low. She saw a lone mercenary and was primed to strike him down.


Trace: (This is for Vex you fuckers!)


She rushed towards the mercenary and suddenly another appeared out of nowhere. However Trace wasn’t unnerved. Keeping her cool she battled the pair and was slightly disturbed by the lack of armor on one of them.


Trace: (His nipples are disturbing…)


Trace: Let me remedy that!!


Trace tried to slash the man across his chest but a well-timed block with his club and axe, that she broke through, redirected her attack causing it to go lower than expected.


Mercenary 1: Fuck! Y-you bitch!! My stomach!


Trace: Yeah, yeah.


She twisted her blade and the mercenary continued to cry out in pain.


The mercenary’s ally tried to assist, but Trace wasn’t about to let him. Throwing the first mercenary to the side, she went all out on the second one with an assortment of attacks that slowly caused him to back up.


Once she’d created some distance, Trace could feel her anger begin to boil and gathered some magicka in her left hand.


Trace: I’m done with you!


She aimed her hand out towards the mercenary and could feel her tension dissipate as a gush of flames shot from her arms engulfing him…





Part 2

Trace: Ha! Stupid mercenary! Did you really think you could face me?!


Trace knew he was dead, her rage was in check, but that didn’t temper her vengeance. She wanted these men dead, deader than dead. So dead that there would be nothing left of them in this world or the next.


Trace: You’re going to burn little man… Cinders? Ash? There won’t be dust left of you when I’m--!!


Seeing something out of the corner of her eye, Trace angrily shot her flames towards it and was actually satisfied when she found herself roasting another mercenary. Her pleasure quickly turned into frustration when this new mercenary refused die from her magic.


Trace: Why won’t you fucking die!!!


Mercenary: Heh, and you thought I was like the others… Ha! I’ll have you know that I’ve trained myself so when I breathe I naturally—


Hearing enough, Trace swiftly circled about him and slashed his neck and broke his arm. The mercenary tried to scream, but only gargled noises came out.


Trace: What’s that? Are you trying to say something?


Trace: Because I can’t hear you over the sound of your body being burnt to a crisp!!


This time when she tried, Trace released much more flames than before and coupled with the mercenary’s already fatal state he went down quickly.


Trace was about to continue burning this man like she’d done to the previous one, but stopped when she hear a female’s angry cries and the clashing of steel. Goosebumps crept on her skin and fear began to creep in.


Trace: V-Vex!?!



Part 3

Sure enough, Vex was fighting off two mercenaries of her own and was doing a fine job of it. Last Trace knew, the thief’s combat skills could use a bit of work, but from the looks of things she was more than capable when the odds were against her as she ended up holding them off and when Trace showed up making them retreat.


The mercenaries tried to retreat past the bridge to where the bee hives were located and join up with their allies; however Trace and Vex quickly destroyed that pipe dream of theirs. With this small lull in the action, a childish wave of happiness came over Trace.


Trace: Just like old times, huh? This reminds me of our first—


Vex: Why are you here? I didn’t need your help!


And as quick as it had come, that happiness was gone.


Trace: I thought you may have needed some help! Don’t forget that I’m not the one that was badly injured the last time she came here!!


Vex: !!! S-shut up! Leave me alone and get—!!


An arrow whizzed by Vex’s head and she got back on guard.


Vex: Great… And now you’ve alerted the whole damn Estate. Good job, Jalena


Trace could feel the venom in Vex’s words, and momentarily felt like coming here was a mistake. She threw away those feelings, though knowing it was just her frustration, and sighed.


Trace: Yeah… just like old times…


The two of them made a mess of things, tearing through the mercenaries with ease, but it seemed that there biggest problems were each other. Although normally a close up fighter, Trace was in full out burn-everything-to-the-ground mode, whereas Vex was utilizing a dagger and her dexterity. Suffice it to say, although the mercenaries were dying, the two Imperials weren’t meshing.




Trace: You know, you can be an ass sometimes.




Trace: Whatever…


Trace turned around and saw another shirtless mercenary charging her and instinctively stabbed him in the neck and slit his throat.


The mercenary tripped and fell off the ledge and Trace could hear something pop. Being the humane person she was, Trace decided to burn him rather than see him suffer to his death through a slit throat and broken bones.


However, while she was incinerating him, something snapped within Trace and when it did, she could feel her magicka overflowing.


Trace: Why am I here? Why am I helping Vex? She doesn’t want me here, and honestly I hate who I become when I fight…


It was surreal, this calm that had taken hold of Trace. She could still feel the stress, the frustration, the hurt, the pain, the anger… but as her flames raged on with more power than she ever thought possible, Trace could feel all of her worries melt away…



Part 4

???: …ce…


Trace ceased her magic and stared off into the distance as if in a trance.


Vex: …ce… race..!! ..Trace!! Trace!!!! Snap out of it! There are more mercenaries up ahead!!


The two Imperials met up with what seemed to be the final pair of mercenaries in the estate’s exterior. Taking into the account that that Vex didn’t care for her magic all that much, Trace tore into the heavier dressed mercenary as his partner looked on.


However taking his eyes off of Vex would be a fatal mistake as she swiftly and inelegantly…


Stole is last breath.


Vex: Hmph, didn’t even work up a sweat. You doing alright Trace?


Vex went over to Trace when suddenly Trace began pelting the mercenary with the biggest onslaught of flames Vex had ever seen.


Trace: Burn… burn… you’ll all burn for harming my Vex…


Vex blinked in astonishment at Trace’s raw emotion, but then scowled.


Vex: (‘My Vex’? Who on earth does she think she is?) Hey Trace, he’s dead you know.



Part 5

At the sound of Vex’s voice, Trace stopped burning the mercenary and without warning or prompting turned and hugged Vex. Vex was so in shock of the action that she simply stiffened up and let it happen.


After a few moments, Trace pulled away from Vex and grabbed her hands.


Trace: I’m so glad you’re alright. When heard that you were heading here, to Goldenglow… the thought of you being hurt…


Vex: Wait! Wait a second!!


Vex took a step away from Trace in order to catch her breath and wrap her head around what had happened.


Trace: No, I’m done waiting. I should have done this a while ago.


Vex: What are you talking a—


Suddenly Trace kissed Vex, and the platinum haired Imperial stood their paralyzed as Trace had her way with Vex’s lips and invaded Vex’s mouth with her tongue.


When Vex’s brain finally registered what was going on, shock, then pleasure, and finally rage consumed her and she forcefully pushed Trace off her and to the ground.


Trace: What in Oblivion was that for?


Vex: Are you for real? Didn’t I say that I didn’t want anything to do with you? I wanted us to be done! So what’s with this bullshit you just pulled?


Trace: I love you Vex! Dammit do I really have to come out and say it? I love—


Vex: You don’t love me. Right now, I’m just the only available bitch that you’re in like with. I know I’m in third place behind Mjoll and your assassin wench.


Trace: Astrid isn’t a wench! And I am in—


Vex crossed he arms and shook her head.


Vex: You just don’t get it do you. No matter how I feel about you, I know that I’m not number one in your heart.


Trace: But you are Vex! You’re all that I think ab—


Vex: I’ll ask you again, why did you tell Brynjolf and not me that you were leaving? And don’t give me any bullshit about hurting me. Brynjolf was fucking torn up about it for weeks!



Part 6

Again, words escaped Trace and she turned from Vex.


Vex: I see… don’t think I also don’t know about the detail you’ve been putting around Mjoll to make sure she doesn’t get killed or thrown into jail. And yet, mysteriously, there’s no such detail around me? Funny, right?


Trace: V-Vex!! I thought… I thought that you didn’t need… If you’ll just let me explain—


Vex: I hope that your little plan to win Mjoll back is going well, because after today we’re through. Now since you want to burn shit down, go and burn down two more of those bee hives. And make sure not to fuck it up like you always do.


Trace: (This can’t be happening…)


Nothing was going right for Trace. No matter what she did, she was just getting further and further away from Trace. She even saved the Imperial’s life but ultimately it amounted to nothing.


???: Destroy… everything…


Utilizing two magic circles, Trace let go of all her frustrations in the form of a concentrated inferno and proceeded to burn down the bee hives.


Trace: You’re so stupid Trace… so fucking stupid! I mean kissing her? What was I thinking…


Trace wiped the tears from her eyes as she could feel the last bit of magicka drain from her. It would take quite some time for this to recover seeing as she wasn’t an actual mage. Looking before her she saw the result of her magic, and only felt sadness as the flame clouds soared into the air.


Hearing a noise from behind her, Trace tried her best to stop sniffling and straightened herself up.


Trace: It’s done…


Vex: Hmmm….


Vex: Not bad… not bad at all. You might not be much of a thief, but you might you’ll make a decent mage one day.


Since she had returned to the Flagon, Vex had been particularly sharp with Trace and that quip was the final stroke. Before when Trace was the Guild, Vex would openly show her contentment with having Trace in the Guild and how Trace was going to be its future one day. Vex would praise her, and get on the others to step up their game else Trace would over shadow them. With that little jab, Trace knew they were done… knew that Vex was completely and utterly finished with her.


Vex: Alright then, now I’ve just gotta get that bill of sale and we’re done here. Come on!


Trace looked toward Vex, and as the thief walked away Trace could see the possible future of them being together disappearing with it. Blinking back the tears because she knew everything was indeed her fault, Trace took a deep breath and followed after her…


To be continued . . .



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I apologize in advance for the roughness in the telling of this chapter. It may be amended later.


Chapter Eight: Solitude(not the city)

Part 1

Trace and Vex arrived at the front of Goldenglow Estate and Vex started checking for any noises within.


Vex: Hmmm… What luck! Doesn’t seem like they’ve noticed that we’ve be wreaking havoc out here… Now how should we go about this…
Vex: I think one of us should wait here while the other one goes in from the back and takes out the mercenaries leading up to the front. If anything should happen, the person out here can burst in for the save and throw the mercenaries into chaos.
Trace wasn’t listening to Vex. She just kept playing back what had just happened between them trying to see where she went wrong… why Vex didn’t accept her feelings…


Trace: Uh-huh… yeah… sure…
Vex: Don’t play with me Trace! You’re the one that came here to help me out! You’re also the one that made a mess of things between us. So don’t start sulking now that we’ve gotten to the hard part.
Trace: I’m… I’m sorry Vex…


Vex laughed and shook her head.


Vex: Heh, no problem. Now let’s get to—


Trace: (I… I can’t do this…) No, I don’t think you understand… I’m sorry Vex, but your own your own like you wanted.
Vex: H-hey!! Wait!!


But it was too late. Trace ran off as fast as her legs would take her leaving Vex and Goldenglow behind her.
Trace: Haa… haaaa….


Trace felt so tired, so out of it. She knew it was because she’d been holding back tears this entire time, but even so it felt like there was just a gigantic pressure on her that she couldn’t shake no matter what.
Halfway to Riften, Trace began to doubt whether or not she’d made the right choice.


Trace: Maybe I should go back? Vex might need my—


No, she just wanted Vex to need her help. Trace knew in her heart that Vex would be okay. Vex showed her that she could handle her help, and if Trace were to show up after leaving so abruptly she’d only make things worse.
Trace: Gods… I should have never come to Riften… Mjoll’s never going to talk to me, Vex is completely done with me…
Trace: And Astrid’s going to send assassins after me!!


It was too much. Trace broke down at that moment and as the tears flowed down her cheeks all she felt was more and more anguish. She had broken up all of the most meaningful relationships she’d ever had, and had no idea where to start to fix them. Wit she had. Trace could outfox a fox on her worst day, but wisdom? She’d always depended on people like Brynjolf, Delvin, and Babette for matters of wisdom.

Part 2

Trace got up and began to sluggishly continue towards Riften.


Trace: That’s it… I can ask Bryn… He’ll know what I should do…
By the time Trace was rounding up on the city’s gate, she felt a lot better. In fact that cry kind of made her feel rejuvenated.


Trace: I think I might stop by Marise’s stall, get the Guild some good meat today.


???: That’s her! That’s her right there!!


Trace: (Oooooh, someone’s screwed!)
Hofgrir: That’s the thief that assaulted me and stole my horse!!
Within seconds Trace was surrounded by three guards, the suddenness of it all made Trace forget herself.


Guard 2: Stop right there you criminal scum!!


Trace: Whoa whoa whoa!! What’s going on? I’m a law abiding citizen!


Guard 1: Halt! You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in defense?
Trace: The fuck? I’ve committed no crime! (At least not recently… I… think?)
Guard 1: Trace, you’re wanted for assault and horse theft. Do you deny these charges against you?
Before she could stop herself, Trace slapped her forehead and shook her head.


Trace: (How in the world was I so sloppy? I should have gagged him and locked him up somewhere… Who just leaves a victim where guards will easily be able to find and assist them?) Good going Trace… The must call you Trace, Miss Good Idea…
Hofgrir: See the look on her face? Guilty as the days she was born!


Guard 1: How would you like us to handle this sir? A fine? Jail time?
Trace looked into Hofgrir’s eyes and only saw malice. Any signs of mercy were absent, and Trace knew the next words out of his mouth before he said it.


Hofgrir: Lock her up, for as long as you can!
Just because she knew what he was going to say didn’t make it any easier to hear or take. Trace darted toward Hofgrir with rage on her lips/


Trace: You son-of-a-bitch! I’ll kill you! I’ll fucking kill—
The guard who had been doing all of the talking suddenly struck her in the spine with with his spear.


Trace: Gods!! The heck was—
The guard then tripped Trace with his foot and she fell head first at Hofgrir’s feet and was knocked unconscious.


Guard 1: You’re not going to kill anyone in my Hold, criminal!
The guards saluted Hofgrir who was looking down on Trace with a smug look on his face.
Guard 1: We’ll be taking the criminal along now. Good day citizen.
Hofgrir: Yes… it’s a good day indeed.


Hofgrir then heartily laughed as the guard trio lifted Trace and drug her off to jail.

Part 3

Trace regained consciousness just in time to be thrown head first into her cell.
Guard: Listen and listen well, lowlife. My name’s Vunrek and as long as you’re here, I’m your best friend, your worst enemy, and your God.
Vunrek: Screw around here girl, and I’ll make sure you don’t leave in nearly the same condition you arrived. Mentally or physically.
Vunrek spat on her and then walked off as he began humming “The Age of Oppression”.
When his footsteps got far enough away, Trace tried to crawl to her bed just so she wouldn’t have to sleep on this cold dirty floor. But she felt extremely weak and wasn’t able to move more than a foot before her arms gave out and she started panting.
Vunrek: Hahahaha! You like that cocktail? We give that to all the new tenants. Something of a welcoming gift. For some it just makes them lose the feeling in their body. For others, it gives nothing more than a slight buzz. But for some… specifically Imperials, it acts like skooma. And makes them—


Trace: Y-y-y-you bastard!! What did you give—
Suddenly Trace began to have intense stomach pains and she couldn’t breathe. As she gasped for air on the cold stone floor, Vunrek’s laugher hauntingly echoed through her head taunting her. It felt like the Gods had forsaken her, and the moment Trace was ready to give up on everything she closed her eyes ready to accept death’s sweet embrace.


…but it was not meant to be.
It took trace several days to recover from the ordeal, but she felt weak almost brittle. She hadn’t been hounded by Vunrek since the event, but another voice took his place.


???: Why are you still alive? Why don’t you just die? You’ve got nothing going for you anyway…


Trace: Shut up! Just… shut up…
???: You’ve been in here for almost a week! No one’s come for you, not even to visit. Not Mjoll, Brynjolf, Vex, heck not even Astrid who you know could easily sneak in here. Face it, your families have abandoned you. And now you’re stuck in here… with me…


Whatever this voice was, it was right. Someone from the Guild should have visited her. Rrynjolf? Delvin? Rune? Even Vekel should have! They all treated her like a little sister and she thought they’d at least simply visit her. But it seemed like the Guild only took care of its own now…
???: Too bad this all stemed from you trying to fix your relationship with that hard ass Nord bitch. Fix, such an odd term to use when in fact your current relationship is the only relationship you would have ever had if you’d been honest from the start.


Trace: SHUT UP!!!


Trace got to her feet and punched the bars to her cell with all that she had. The thud that accompanied it resonated throughout the jail and laughter could be heard from one of the prisoners below.
Trace: That’s a lie… I just messed it up! All I have to do is tell them all the truth! That’ll fix things!!


???: There you go with that word fix. Mjoll hates thieves and murderers; you were part of the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. Astrid has a thing for you; but would never leave her husband and doesn’t hesitate to send assassins after you. Vex wants to be number one in your life and the truth; but not only do you have feelings for Mjoll and Astrid, you can’t even talk to Vex to tell her the truth! Face it. It’s not your relationships that are broken, it’s you!
Trace: I’m not broken. I’m not…


There was no denying that she had faults. She was self-conscious about her looks, afraid to hurt the people she loved which in turn causes her to hurt them more than she could imagine, and she’s afraid of rejection which is why it was it was Mjoll, Vex, and Astrid who came onto her even though she harbored feelings for them long before that.
Trace: Maybe I just need to let go… Forget about everything and just focus on me. It’s not like I can fix anything on the outside anyways…
And so she did just that. Over the next three weeks Trace just did a lot of self-reflecting and began to realize a multitude of things about herself, mainly that she absolutely hated to be alone, which is probably why she gravitated to groups like the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild.
That may also have been why she legitimately was in love with three completely different women and couldn’t just choose one. It wasn’t for self-gratification. It wasn’t because a lack of intimacy. She didn’t know how, but with each of them it was love at first sight. Vex was the cool beauty that was off putting, but was also gentle and unbelievably caring to those she loved. Mjoll was the complete opposite of Vex in terms of attitude. Mjoll was warm where Vex was cold, loving where Vex spat venom, but they both treated Trace exactly the same with love, affection, caring and intimacy. And then there was Astrid…

Part 4

Trace stopped doing this whole self-reflection seeing as it was too much about how others treated her rather than who she really was. Thinking about those girls was causing her mental anguish so Trace settled on doing some meditation to clear her mind.
The first few days she did this, there was little effect. But by the end of her fourth week in jail, Trace felt like she was one with herself and those around her. She could feel the energies and feelings of those around her and it calmed her greatly that no one that was imprisoned harbored ill will towards her.
Once she’d finished her spiritual connection with herself, she began to mend her physical connection.
It started off rough, but soon she felt back in top shape and was running around her cell throwing all kinds of kicks and punches with the simplest of ease.
After two weeks Trace had gotten back into peak condition, but refused to try and mend her mental connection.
There was too much going on in her head, and seeing as she had untapped her spiritual connection, she would just meditated anytime she thought of the trio and of what could have been.
And so for an additional two weeks, Trace just trained and trained making sure not to get dehydrated or injure herself. The latter was much easier than the former because the guards rarely brought her any water, but for some reason left her with a rather impressive spread of cheese…
Trace had just finished training during her ninth week of being imprisoned when a weird thought popped into her head.


Trace: I suck at pull ups… Both Astrid and Vex have told me this before when they were shadowing me…


She looked up and saw a beam sticking out overhead.


Trace: I did say I’d get to practicing it eventually… might as well do it now. Seeing as I have the time.
Trace jumped into the air and grabbed onto the beam with all that she had. Her grip on it wasn’t the best, but it was good enough and Trace was rather surprised that she wasn’t having trouble supporting her weight.


Trace: (Did I lose weight? Fucking Gabriella would bust a gut if she knew…) Anyway, let’s go.
Trace: One!
When Trace came down, her arms were on fire and she felt out of breath. She knew that her and pull ups didn’t mix, but she didn’t think it was this bad.


Trace: Haa…. Haaa…. At least this is progress… Now then…

Part 5

Trace: Twoooooo—


The door to her cell swung open and Trace knew immediately who it was. It wasn’t Ekkla, the sweet girl who had moved to Riften from Ivarstead. It also wasn’t Sorrul, the guard who was always hitting on her and wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Vunrek: What in the!?! Get down from there you wretch!!


It was Vunrek, the asshole who drugged her and had been plaguing her for the past month. He always had that dumb look on his face that made you just want to punch him until his face caved in.
Trace dropped down and scowled.


Trace: (What does this moron want?)


Vunrek: Good, good… I’ll have you properly trained yet!
Trace resisted the urge to throw him over the railing outside her cell and steadied her breathing. It was one of the ways she’d been coping with stress since she’d been locked up.


Trace: So what brings you here today?


Vunrek: Not what, who. Surprise, surprise. You’ve got a visitor.
Trace laughed and cast her eyes towards the floor.


Trace: There’s no one on the outside that wants to see me that wouldn’t have already. I mean I’ve been locked up for two months! Why would anyone visit me now?
???: There are plenty of people that want to come see you. Sometimes their work just gets in the way, lass.
Trace: Br…Bryn!?


Trace couldn’t believe this was happening. She used to dream that someone, anyone even Maven, would come to visit her. But Brynjolf!? This was way more than she could have imagined. She was so overcome with happiness that she was brought to tears.


Trace: I never… I never thought…
Brynjolf: Come here.


He grabbed Trace by the arm and brought her close to her embracing her. It was so warm, the contact of another human. She could stay here, wrapped in his arms forever and be content. Maybe this was all she ever wanted?


Trace: Hugs… the ultimate cure-all…


Brynjolf: You say something, lass?
Trace: No, nothing at all. I’m so glad you came Bryn.


Brynjolf: As am I. You’re looking well for a ‘first time offender’. Considering Vunrek’s your jailer.
They separated from each other and Brynjolf grabbed Trace by the hands.


Trace: What took you so long?


Brynjolf: As I said, my job kept me away. The Guild is in quite a way right now.


Trace: What’s going on? 
Brynjolf: For starters Mercer’s fucked everything up! We got a tip about who was behind the Guild’s recent run of misfortune. Apparently it was linked to Gulum-Ei.


Trace: Tsk! That slimy bastard!


Brynjolf: Vex decided to see everything through because she’d been handling all the assignments from Maven and this was also connected. After shaking down the Argonian, she found out that it was in fact Karliah that had been sabotaging us.
Trace: No way…


Brynjolf: Not only that, when Vex and Mercer went to take the Dunmer out, apparently Mercer turned on Vex and it was Karliah who saved her!


Trace: That… that doesn’t sound possible!!


Brynjolf: Aye, I know. Not only that, Mercer’s robbed us blind! We’ve got nothing to our name. Nothing! And now Karliah’s at the Guild getting interrogated… Everything’s a mess…
Trace: H-hey, how’s Vex doing? You said Mercer attacked her, is she alright now?

Part 6

Brynjolf: She is… physically at least…


Trace: What do you mean?


Brynjolf shook his head and facepalmed.


Brynjolf: You screwed everything up you know. After you left her at Goldenglow, Vex barely got out with her life, then she comes back to Riften only to find out that you’ve been locked up for horse theft. Vex felt like it was her fault that you’d been put away and has been doing any and everything in her power to get you out. But really… HORSE THEFT!? Gods, lass… What were you thinking?
Trace: Ehehee, she does care about me…


Brynjolf: That was never a question, lass.


Trace: But she said—
Brynjolf: Vex isn’t true with her feelings. She, like you, comes to me with her love issues and from the looks of things you two could be doing much better if you’d both just talk to each other.


Trace: Thanks for saying that…


The two of them fell into silence for a bit as the question that had been left unasked was still in the air. Until that is, Trace asked it.


Trace: So are you here to get me out?
Brynjolf: When the day started I was, but after finding out that the Guild has no funds—


Trace leaned against the wall and laughed.


Trace: Don’t worry about it, Bryn. I knew that if I wasn’t out by now, I’d have to serve my full sentence. It’s no big deal…
Trace: Just make sure you make Mercer pay! He crippled the Guild, but more importantly he hurt Vex! I want that bastard dead… Dead you hear me!!


Brynjolf: Don’t worry lass. Although the matter of which one is of more importance is up for debate, everyone wants Mercer to pay for his actions. I’ll make sure to bring you his head.


Trace nodded and hugged Brynjolf one more time.
Vunrek: Alright then you two, that’s time! Stop with all the lovey dovey bullshit and get out of there thief!
Brynjolf nodded and was escorted out of the cell. Trace waved him off until he left her line of sight. She then leaned on the bars of her cell and slid to the floor with a blissful haze over her mind. The news that Vex wasn’t completely through with her lifted her spirit.


Trace: It’s not all over! There’s still a chance! Thank the Gods…
Trace: But Mercer? A betrayer? I never liked him, but… fuck this is bad! I need to get out of here! I need to help the Guild!! I need—
Trace heard a sound behind her and spun around and fell into a fighting stance.


Trace: Alright you, show yourself!!
???: Show myself? Jalena, I was never hiding.
Trace was stunned at the woman who stood before her. There was no way this was happening. No way that she’d show up here.


Trace: W-wh-what are you doing here?
Astrid: Listen up Jalena, we need to talk.
To Be Continued. . .



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Chapter Nine: Guests


Part 1

Trace had to blink a few times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, but sure enough there she was… Astrid, leader of the Dark Brotherhood, sitting in her cell looking… looking frankly pissed.


Trace: Astrid!?! What are you doing here?


Astrid: Shut your mouth. I need your actions, not your words Jalena. Don’t make me regret coming for you.


Trace sighed and began having a monologue.


Trace: ‘Oh, hi Trace! Glad to see you’re well.’ Oh thanks Astrid! You know that means the world to me. ‘I would have shown up earlier, but things with the Brotherhood…’ Don’t worry, don’t worry. What can I do to help?


Trace: That’s how you fucking come to ask someone for help that you could’ve sprung weeks ago, you bitch!


Astrid: Don’t test me Jalena…


Trace: Or what? You’ll kill me? You can’t threaten me with that, because that’s always been on the table!!


Astrid hopped off the dresser and began staring hole through Trace.


Astrid: You’re right, things have been rough with the family, but you’ve no right to talk back to—


Trace: You’re not my leader anymore! Oh have you forgotten that?


Astrid: Gods! You bring that fool… I take that prancing fool into my home and this is how I’m repaid?


Trace: Heh, troubles with Cicero? Figures. I knew he was crazy, but seems like he’s more of a loon than you can handle.


Astrid: Werewolves, wizards, eternal ten year old vampires, an Imperial that flips a switch and becomes a berserker… what does it matter? I’ve rarely met a lunatic I haven’t liked. Cicero’s problem isn’t his madness. It’s an adherence to an ancient, outmoded way of life. The Night Mother’s ways simply aren’t our ways. The fool just couldn’t accept that, and now he must pay the price.


Trace: But isn’t the Night Mother’s ways the Dark Brotherhood’s ways? Just because you’ve had to rough it while she was away doesn’t mean—


Without forewarning Astrid grabbed Trace by the throat and lifted her off the ground.


Astrid: That fool tried to kill me… tried to kill us all!!


Trace: A-Astrid… I… I-I can’t…


Astrid tightened her grip on Trace’s throat.


Astrid: The Dark Brotherhood is a family… The Sanctuary is a family. And, we’ve always welcomed those… shunned by society.


Trace: A-A-Astrid… please…


Astrid: How would you feel if I personally tried to kill your family? Your Thieves Guild family? Would you just stand by? Would you just do NOTHING!?!


Astrid’s grip got even tighter and was disabling Trace from speaking.


Astrid: Now Cicero coming after me, I can understand But even if it was just me… to go this far. To attempt to murder the leader of a Sanctuary, Cicero must pay with his life. There is no other option.


Astrid released her grip, and Trace dropped to her knees struggling to catch her breath.


Astrid: Do you understand now? I need your help Jalena. I need you to go hunt down that damn jester! My husb—Arnbjorn is already hunting him. However, I think that he may require some assistance.


Trace: Haa… haaa… why d-don’t you do it?


Astrid: You don’t think I want to!? Arnbjorn said that he could sense my frustration, my anger, and that’d be a burden to carry that into a battle or for him to have someone with these feelings supporting him.


Trace: Then… get someone else? You’ve got actual members left don’t you? Get one of them.


Astrid: What part of, ‘he tried to kill us all,’ do you not understand, Trace?


Trace ignored her question and uneasily got to her feet. She always hated being talked down to, literally or metaphorically, and regardless of how she felt Trace wasn’t about to let someone, especially Astrid do so today.


Trace: S-so, what did you do to piss him off?


Astrid: Me? Nothing. At least nothing I’m aware of.



Part 2

Trace: Don’t lie to me Astrid. Cicero may be a fool, but he’s no fool. He wouldn’t simply attack you without reason.


Astrid glared at Trace and hen sighed.


Astrid: Well… if I’m being honest, I haven’t exactly been discreet lately in expressing my frustration with this whole situation.


Trace raised an eyebrow.


Trace: Situation? What situation?


Astrid: Obeying the Night Mother, that Dunmer being the Listener. It’s ridiculous!


Trace: You didn’t seem to think so when they first joined…


Astrid gave Trace a chilling glare.


Astrid: I’ll let that slide. Anyway, Cicero may have overheard me talking to one of the others about the Night Mother. It’s possible that I was…


Trace: Incredibly rude?


Astrid: Not entirely respectful.


Astrid: But enough about all of that, I need you to hunt him down and end his Life, Jalena!


Trace: Get the Listener to do it.


Astrid: Oddly enough, she wasn’t there when he went psycho. I’m beginning to think more and more that this was planned by the two of them. So will you help me or not?


Trace turned from Astrid.


Trace: You’re an incredibly rude and unclothe woman, you know that Astrid.


Astrid: What the—


Trace: If I didn’t have feelings for you, I’d have killed you when you released me.


Astrid: If I didn’t think you were capable, I wouldn’t be here. If I didn’t care about you, you wouldn’t be alive. Saying shit like that holds no weight, Trace. So are you going to help me?


Trace shook her head.


Trace: No… I… I can’t. I’m trying to change who I am. I shouldn’t even be in here to begin with. I can’t keep getting caught up in the Guild’s and the Brotherhood’s business. I’m… I’m sorry.


Astrid: This is because of that pigheaded Nord bitch. Mjoll is her name isn’t it?


Trace: It doesn’t matter! Just go…


Astrid: If you change your mind, I’ll be at the Sanctuary. Please Jalena, I need you—the Brotherhood needs your help in this.


Trace: I’m not going to go back on this!


Astrid’s rage began to boil to never before seen heights, when suddenly a calm came over her.


Astrid: Heh, if that’s how it’s going to be… Maybe I’ll make sure some of the initiates get word of all the folk crying out for Mjoll’s death via the Sacrament. Maybe that’ll make everyone happy.


Trace: W-wait!! You wouldn’t!!


But it was too late, Astrid was gone.



Part 3

Minutes went by, and little by little Astrid’s words sunk in. Everything Trace had done since being shunned from the Brotherhood had been undone in an instant, and that more than anything scared her to death.


Trace: Nonononono!! This… this can’t be happening!! First the Guild, now this!? Mjoll, oh Mjoll... I screwed up. I screwed everything up! And now you’re… I can’t protect you from within here…


???: Whoever said they needed your protection in the first place? I swear, you Imperials always think you know what’s best for everyone. Why didn’t you just come to me and tell me what was going on?


Trace tensed too shocked to turn around.


Trace: Was… w-was that my imagination? There’s no way Mjoll would come and visit me… I must be dreaming.


Mjoll: Must be a multi-person dream, because I also can’t believe that I’m here visiting a criminal.


Trace ecstatically rushed over towards the bars to her cell and pressed her body against them.


Trace: I… I can’t believe it… this… this…


Mjoll: No need to be so happy. You don’t even know why I’m here.


Trace stood back and twirled around excitedly.


Trace: I don’t need to know! The fact that you’re here is more than enough for me!



Part 4

As soon as the words escaped her lips, reality sunk in. Trace was a prisoner. Mjoll hated all forms of riffraff and the sort of people who would end up in prison. Yet Mjoll was visiting Trace who was convicted of theft and assault.


Trace: Wait… what are you doing here?


Mjoll: Well it certainly wasn't Aerin... He told me i should just let you rot, and for a while I agreed with him...


Silence filled the air and Mjoll sighed before she continued.


Mjoll: …It was Vex.


Trace: Vex!?!


Mjoll nodded.


Mjoll: You see… Vex confronted me week you were imprisoned. At first I expected us to come to blows, and we almost did, but then she told me what had really been going on with you. How you’d been changing your ways, doing right by Riften and its citizens, trying your hardest to stay out of trouble…


Trace: Mjoll…


Mjoll: Vex explained that you took that horse, because she had foolishly rushed off to a job that she would have probably been killed doing if you hadn’t showed up. Vex even took complete responsibility for everything, and tried to pay the stableman back.


Trace: I have changed Mjoll… but, I’m still a bit hot headed… I wish I could change that, but I just… please believe me when I say that’s all I’ve done illegally since being back. I promise you!


Mjoll nodded again.


Mjoll: Vex also told me something else something that ultimately made me come to see you…


Trace: Huh??


Mjoll: She… she seemed rather torn up about it, and rather frustrated when she was explaining it.


Trace: What was it? I can explain everything!!


Mjoll: She told me that you’re in love with an assassin, and Vex herself… and… and with me…


Trace froze. She didn’t understand how she was supposed to explain this. Even the truth sounded like lies to Trace, and she knew it to be true! Seeing the shock on Trace’s face, Mjoll continued.


Mjoll: I was shocked when she told me, but… it’s not like I didn’t have a clue. I’m not completely pigheaded you know.


Trace began to tremble with fear after Mjoll said that last sentence.


Trace: P-p-pigheaded!?! Y-you… how much did you hear?


Mjoll chuckled.


Mjoll: Umm… apparently there’s a Dunmer who listens?


Trace blushed furiously.


Trace: Gods… kill me now.


Mjoll: Look, Trace… I just want you to know… that I’m sorry.


Trace: S-sorry? For what!?


Mjoll: I never listened to you. I found out that you were part of the Thieves Guild and just dismissed you as a crook and nothing else. I thought that you only fed me lies so you could get with me.


Trace: I deserved it. You told me not to lie to you… besides I knew it was going to be like this between us when you found out what I was. I mean I was a thief. It makes sense that you’d hate me.


Mjoll: I don’t hate you.


Trace: Huh!?


Mjoll took a deep breath and closed her eyes.


Mjoll: I don’t hate you Tra—Jalena. I was just frustrated that I thought everything we ever had was a lie. But from what you’ve done, and what I’ve heard today… Whenever we get more time to talk… I’d like to start over or at the very least clear things up between us.


Mjoll: So until we talk again, go help the Brotherhood and the Guild if you must. They’re both like family to you right? Whether or not I like what they stand for, family is family. And I won’t stop you from helping them. Nor will I judge you for doing so. Just make sure you—



Part 5

Trace grabbed Mjoll by the head and locked lips. She knew it was a dumb move, she knew it was the exact same action that caused a rift between herself and Vex, but it’s what she wanted and there was nothing that was going to stop her from taking this moment for herself. At first she could feel Mjoll trying to pry herself away, but soon the Nord gave in and Trace could feel her trembling from pleasure.


After some time, Trace felt like something was wrong and jumped away from Mjoll… and just in time too. The Nord had moved to swing at her head and Trace narrowly avoided it. Trace smirked when she looked at Mjoll’s face. The Nord didn’t know whether to be happy, angry, frustrated, sad, but her body knew enough was enough.


Mjoll: W-w-what in Oblivion!?! W-w-why’d you do that? I didn’t say—


Trace: I’m afraid of rejection, learned that much about myself while I was in here. So I just act. But by the way you swung at my head, I’m assuming that you didn’t enjoy it or it was disgusting…


Mjoll: N-no… I mean yes!! I mean… I… I don’t know…


And then it was clear as day to Trace.


Trace: Was that your first kiss?


Trace stuck out her tongue mischievously as Mjoll turned beet red.


Mjoll: N-n-NO!!! I’ve k-kissed before—we’ve kissed before!!


Trace shook her head.


Trace: Nope! We’ve hugged a lot, held hands, and I’ve kissed you neck a bunch, but we’ve never kissed. You were always super against it. Wow… so I was Mjoll’s first…


Mjoll began mouthing things in protest, but no words came out.


Trace turned her back on Mjoll and began to stretch.


Trace: Yeah… I’m going to savor this… Oh the fantasies…


Mjoll: Jale—TRACE!! You wouldn’t!!!


Trace: Of course I would! I stole the kiss of the woman I love. Of course I’m going to fantasize about what could have happened afterwards.


Mjoll: One of the women you love…


Mjoll sucked her teeth and although she was still embarrassed tried to get back on track with what she was saying.


Mjoll: Listen, that… that kiss didn’t mean anything! But still be careful Trace. It’s not like you’re going to be taking on an unsuspecting victim…


Trace: Heh, Cicero? I’m not worried about that loon. But since you’ve given me permission, I might help the Guild out with a little internal problem they’ve got going on.


Mjoll: This isn’t a joke Trace! You could seriously get hurt out there!! Don’t be so reckless! I don’t want to have to worry about whether you’re okay or not every night.



Part 6

Trace suddenly became very serious.


Trace: I’ll never have you or anyone else worry about me. I know what I have to do, and I’ll make sure to do it and get back to Riften as soon as possible to make sure nothing happens to you.


Mjoll turned away embarrassed.


Mjoll: Stupid Imperial… no one said anything about needing your help…


Trace winked.


Trace: Heh, I know. But for my friends, and especially my potential lovers, I’d do anything for their sake.


Mjoll: Can you… can you do something else?


Trace: What’s up?


Mjoll: Tell Vex it’s not all her fault, that you forgive her. I’ve seen her recently and I may not like her or her work, but she’s been working herself to death over this. When you see her you’ll know what I mean.


Trace: (And that’s what I love about you. Who hate thieves, dislike Vex, and still care about her wellbeing because I like her…)


Trace gave her a thumbs up.


Trace: Sure! I mean, there’s really nothing to forgive her for, but I’ll let her know.


Mjoll nodded and after giving Trace a long worried look, walked off.


Trace leaned on the post near her bed and sighed.


Trace: (Alright then… what goodies did Astrid and Brynjolf leave for me?)


She reached into her rags and laughed when she pulled out two steel daggers.


Trace: (Those two are so alike it’s crazy…)


Trace scratched the back of her neck and let out a relieved sigh.


Trace: I guess the pity party is over… I’ve even got Mjoll’s blessing. Watch out Skyrim, Trace is back!


To Be Continued…



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Chapter Ten: Purging


Part 1

Three days passed while Trace waited for the perfect opportunity to do a break out. She had been ready the days she received her visitors, but breaking out the same day would have been suspicious and put Mjoll and the Guild in jeopardy and although Maven had pull with the Jarl to make sure the Guild wasn’t implicated, the same couldn’t be said of Mjoll.


In fact, Trace believed that Maven would utilize such a break out as an excuse to permanently throw the Nord in prison and be rid of her once and for all. And so Trace waited… and waited… all the while thinking of what she was going to do, and how she was going to do it. Tracking down Mercer and Cicero wasn’t going to be easy, but then again if it was Brynjolf and Astrid wouldn’t have come to her.


Trace heard two guards talking followed by the sound of the door to the jail closing. A few moments later she saw everyone’s favorite guard, Vunrek, begin his rounds.


A grin plastered itself on Trace’s face as things couldn’t be more perfect.


Trace: (Vunrek? Vunrek!! The Gods must be smiling on me indeed! I was almost afraid that I’d have to break out while Ekkla was on duty. Poor girl doesn’t deserve this… But Vunrek? Screw that bastard!!)


Trace hopped off her bed and balled up and waited.


When Vunrek’s footsteps got closer to her cell, Trace began screaming out in pain.




Trace heard Vunrek breath hard and then open the door to her cell.


Vunrek: For crying out loud, what in Oblivion have you done to yourself Imperial?




Vunrek: Gods, shut this bitch up!!


Vunrek took a step closer and gave Trace a look over.


Vunrek: Listen, I’m not paid enough for this shit! So quit your bitching and maybe, just maybe, one of the guards will call you a healer. You hear me?!


Vunrek took another step forward.


Trace: (Perfect…)


Trace jumped off the ground and fell into a low crouching stance with a dagger in each of her hands. The suddenness of it all made Vunrek shy back.


Trace: Sorry swine, but it’s you who’s going to need that healer!


Vunrek: By Talos, what on earth—



Part 2

Before Vunrek could reach for his battleax, Trace leapt at him and stabbed him in the stomach with both daggers leaving Vunrek more stunned than wounded.


Vunrek: You… you bitch! You stabbed me!!


Trace: You deserved more than that you bastard! Heck I think I might deliver just that.


Trace then heaved Vunrek over her shoulder…


Then she slammed him hard onto the stone floor, causing Vunrek to lose most of the air from his lungs.


Vunrek: You’ll… pay for this… GUAR—!!

Trace stabbed Vunrek in the chest repeatedly until no more sounds came from him.


An eerie chill came over the prison as Trace fell backwards and began breathing rapidly. As always, she inspected her handiwork and was less than impressed.


Trace: This bastard deserved more than this… Much more…


She laughed as she imagined the things she would have done to him if she had more time. So many torture techniques, so many ways to slowly make his death drag out, but her kill satisfaction would have to wait.


Or so she thought. After retrieving his gear, Trace went to town on Vunrek’s corpse with various slashes and stabs. She made sure to make a mess of things without getting herself stained in his blood, and when she was finished she stood over his body with a smile on her face.


Trace: Vunrek, poor Vunrek. If only I’d done this before you died. You’d be laughed out of Sovngarde, if you even made it in.


After making sure she got everything she needed, Trace ran out of her cell and began her escape.



Part 3

As she came up to the hallway leading to the entrance, an idea came to Trace.


Trace: (What if someone else is on duty!?!)


Immediately she hid behind the bookcase and peeked around the corner.


As she strained to look, she didn’t see the shapes of anything resembling a person nor did she hear any voices that didn’t belong to her fellow prisoners.


Trace let out a deep sigh.


Trace: This is unbelievable… I’m really about to escape from here…


Trace decided not to waste any more time and ran through the jail and up the stairs…


…Stopping only at the door to the cell because she heard guards talking on the other side of it. Trace pressed her ear against the door and tried to listen in to what they were talking about.


Guard 1: Did you hear that? Think someone got past Vunrek?


Guard 2: I wish a prisoner would try to make a break for it! but in all honesty, if someone took out Vunrek, I’d say it’s more of a gain than a loss.


Guard 1: I’ll say…


Guard 2: Anyway, get back to work! Don’t let me see you slacking!


Trace took a few deep breaths and waited as the guards’ footsteps got farther and farther away.


Trace: This is it…


Trace resolved herself and exited the jail and was almost blinded by the light. It took her a few moments to adjust her eyes but when she did Trace began to walk away from the Keep taking slow but purposeful strides.


Guard: Hey you there, stop right there!

Trace froze in place and held her breath.


Guard: Ha, you think you can just walk right by me and I wouldn’t recognize?


Trace: (Ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit!!!!!)


The guard laughed and smiled and Trace.


Guard: Passing a senior guard by without saluting? Rookie mistake, I know, it’s something you’re going to have to get used to newbie.


Trace almost completely lost it and then sighed and weakly saluted the guard.


Guard: Now that’s better. Now go and continue your rounds. And remember, no lollygagging!


Trace walked away from the Keep feeling like she’d shaved decades off her life, but once she descended the Keep’s stairs and came upon the bridge leading to the market all of her worries simply vanished.


Trace: The sky! I can’t believe it… it’s so beautiful… And the people, and the sounds, and—


Trace had to calm herself because she suddenly felt like a tourist in a city where tourists get eaten up and dumped in the sewers with nothing left to their name.



Part 4

After gathering her wits, Trace decided that Mercer was more of the immediate threat than Cicero. Judging by their personalities, now that everything was out in the air, Mercer would try to get out of Skyrim as soon as possible with enough gold to set him up for life. Whereas Cicero would probably hold up somewhere so he could take out members of the Dark Brotherhood one by one.


And so Trace used the secret entrance and dropped down into the Cistern. As soon as the smell of the Cistern hit her nose, Trace knew she was home.


Trace: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m glad to be back in the Ratway…


Vipir: Haha!! Look who it is Thrynn! It’s my old protégé, Trac—


Thrynn: You’ve a lot of nerve coming back here Trace! Especially after what your recklessness put Vex through.


Trace: I… heard about that… But she’s got to know that it’s not her fault! I don’t blame her for—


Thrynn: It doesn’t matter if you blame her or not! You’re lucky this crap with Mercer came along, because if Vex had gotten pinched because of all this—


Vipir: Thrynn’s right. You’ve got to set things right with her, she’ll be glad to see you as well. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what you think Trace, it’s all about what Vex believes.


Trace’s eyes lit up at Vipir’s words.


Trace: Wait! V-Vex is here!?


Thrynn sucked his teeth.


Thrynn: She is. And if you make her mood any worse, I’ll gut you!


After seeing Trace blanch, Thrynn turned to Vipir.


Thrynn: Let’s go Vipir. Suddenly something’s beginning to stink.


Vipir motioned his apologies for Thrynn’s behavior and followed behind.


Trace began to head toward the Flagon when suddenly she stopped.


Trace: Is that…Vex?


She wasn’t in her usual garb so it took Trace a moment to figure out that it was indeed her. But sure enough, waiting for someone to come from the Flagon was the platinum haired Imperial.


Trace: Vex… there’s so many things I want to say to you… but you seem so…


Trace didn’t know how to put it. Vex simply seem… different. Even from here she was Trace could sense the Imperial’s gloomy negative vibes, and it saddened her to no end.


As Trace walked over to her, she heard Vex talking to herself.


Vex: Thanks a lot Bryjolf. ‘You stay behind, little Vex. Wait for Trace to arrive.’ She’s not coming! She can’t come… not after what I made her do…


Vex: Gods I was so dumb, so foolish… I let my feelings overcome reason like some stupid little lovesick girl.


Trace: Tell me about it…


Vex: I know, Trace. I’m sorry for putting you in that position, for causing you to act so irrational. It’s my fault you—!!



Part 5

Vex: W-w-w-w-w-WHAT!?! Trace?! What are you doing her? When did you get back??


Trace laughed.


Trace: (She may be acting all gloomy and depressing, but she’s still got that excitable side to her.) I just got here to be honest, and I’m glad you stayed back for me.


Vex suddenly embraced Trace, and Trace couldn’t help but feel somewhat awkward at her sudden display of affection.


Vex: I’m so sorry Trace! It’s all my fault! You shouldn’t have gotten arrested! I shouldn’t have gotten you caught up with my mess! I—


Trace pressed herself against Vex and tried to make her voice sound as soothing as she could.


Trace: Stop it Vex, just stop it. I’m so sorry… for everything.


Vex: W-what? But you didn’t do anything wrong! It was all my f—


Trace shook her head and whispered into Vex’s ear.


Trace: You’re wrong… you’re so, so wrong. I can’t let you keep burdening yourself with this…


It was Trace who pulled away this time. She locked hands with Vex and looked into her eyes.


Trace: Stop blaming yourself for my bad decisions. I stole the horse. I punched that bastard. All you did was be you Vex. If I blamed you for being you, how could I ever say I loved you?


Vex kissed Trace and immediately pulled away, leaving Trace both stunned and longing for more.


Vex: Why did I ever leave you?


Trace: Because my love is pure and knows no limits?


Vex laughed and then sighed.


Vex: You must have talked to Mjoll… Heh, you’re so right.


Trace stepped back and looked Vex up and down. She knew Vex was a delight to look at, but in this new attire she was literally making Trace’s mouth water and she had to wipe the drool that had run down her chin.


Trace: I almost forgot how gorgeous you were Vex…


Vex: Heh, you’re such an old man Trace…


Trace: I’m serious! You look awesome! What’s with that armor though? Is it a new thing with the senior members? Does Bryn have one? Does Delvin? Oh my gosh! I’d kill to see Delvin in a skimpy little number like—


Vex: No… This… I’m… Trace, from now on I think it’d be best if you tried to have a normal relationship with me like you have with other Guild members.


Trace: Why’s that? It’s never bothered you before!


Vex: Things… things have changed alright!


Trace stomped her foot in protest.


Trace: No, it’s not alright! You haven’t changed! Heck, if you have you’re a bit nicer than before! Why would that change how—


Vex: Brynjolf, Karliah, and I are Nightingales.


Trace: Nightingales? Aren’t those just a myth the Guild tells rookies so they’ll behave?


Vex shook her head.


Vex: Nightingales, Nightingale Hall, Nocturnal, they are all very real. I wouldn’t be wearing this stupid armor otherwise. There’s… another thing. I’m… when this matter with Mercer is over, I’m going to be named the Guild Leader.


Trace: Whoa… no way…


Vex: Yeah, so you see what this means right?


Trace nodded her head knowingly.


Trace: I’m going to be dating the most powerful thief in all of Skyrim, and one day possibly Tamriel!


Vex: Yes that’s—NO! Trace! Be serious!! I’m going to be Guild Leader. I can’t be dating someone associated with the Guild!


Trace: Why not? Fucking Brynjolf and Tonilia were an item for a time!


Vex: Brynjolf wasn’t the damn leader of the Guild! I’m serious about this Trace!



Part 6

Trace: So am I. Just because I can’t currently decide who I’d like to be with, doesn’t mean that my feelings for my first love aren’t still burning brightly.


Vex: …You’re not charming for shit.


Trace: Heehee, I never claimed to be.


Vex turned away from Trace.


Vex: Just shut up and get ready, the gear you left here is over in that chest over there.


Trace disrobed and turned back to Vex.


Trace: No need to act like you haven’t seen more of me, Vex. I mean we used to sleep together under the stars… in the nude.


Vex: As tempting as that may be, as the future Guild Leader I’m going to have to decline.


Trace: Your loss.


Trace bent over to look into the chest containing her gear, and looked back at Vex with an alluring look in her eyes.


Trace: But don’t you go regretting anything, because I will not beg you to ravage me.


Vex: Heh, you’re not charming, tactful, or that enticing


Trace: Suit yourself!


Trace: Oh wow! I’ve got this? Heh, I might try this out later for myself… Oh! I’ve never gotten a chance to use this! Hehehee, yeah now this might really get a certain someone going. But naw, I don’t want the grumpy Guild Leader’s affections anyway. But this


Vex: (What is this girl doing now…)


Vex opened her left eye and began to peek in Trace’s direction.


But was too late. Trace spread her arms out and smiled at Vex.


Trace: Tah dah! How do I look? It screams me right?


Vex: …


Trace: Speechless right? Heh, I knew it!


Vex: …It’s fits your form… and your arms are out…


Trace: And?


Vex: And…


Vex shook any lewd thoughts from her head and facepalmed.


Vex: And it’s too fucking showy. You’re lucky we’re going into a ruin, otherwise I’d tell you to strip and put on your old gear immediately. Gods, woman. Why don’t you ever think when it comes to these things.


Trace: When I’m with you, that’s all I’m thinking about. Anyway, let’s get going! I can’t wait to see Bryn again, and the there’s Karliah… If she’s as beautiful as the stories I’ve heard—


Vex: I’ll throw you off a mountain if you dare try to flirt with her.


Trace smiled.


Trace: (Atta girl…) Anyway, we can chat and catch up along the way. Maybe stop by Kynesgrove and grab a bit?


Vex: Haaaa… We’re not going on a date, Trace.  Gods! You were only in jail, not locked up in some Daedric Circle.


Trace: What did you tell me when we first started going out? ‘Every day you don’t see me is going to feel like being in Oblivion’ or something?


Vex laughed rather loudly causing those in the Cistern to turn towards the two Imperials.


Vex: HA! You got me there!


Trace smiled brightly and closed her eyes.


Trace: (Maybe something positive will come out of all of this… Maybe everything’s not as bad as it seems…)


Trace and Vex embraced once more before heading out to where Brynjolf and Karliah—to where their final confrontation with Mercer awaited them.


To Be Continued. . .



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Chapter Eleven: Trust


Part 1

As the two Imperials exited the Braidwood Inn, Trace rushed in front of Vex and stretched exaggeratedly while letting out a pleased sigh.


Trace: Aaaaaah… What’d I tell you Vexy? Does Kynesgrove have the best Beef Stew or what?


Vex: …I’ll admit, it’s better than what’s served in Riften.


Vex: And what’s with these nicknames? Little Vex? Vexy? I’m more mature than you and Brynjolf put together, so I’d like it if you both stopped refering to me as if I were a child.


Trace gave her a mischievous smirk.


Trace: So says the girl that rushed off to certain doom, then worked herself to the bone—for no reason mid you—when a certain someone was imprisoned.


Vex sighed and averted eye contact.


Vex: …You’re never going to let me live that down are you?


Trace: Ehehehee, nope!


Vex shook her head and sighed once more.


Trace: (It’s nice to tease Vex, but now’s the time for serious business.) Anyway, Vex… Can you, possibly, just wait up a moment and let me do something real quick? I won’t take but a moment.


Vex: This isn’t a playdate! How many times do I have to keep telling you this?


Trace: I know it isn’t, it’s just… sure the meal wasn’t necessary but this absolutely is! I  promise it won’t take more than five minutes, tops!!


Vex: Brynjolf and Karliah, especially Karliah, are going to continue without us if we don’t hurry! You don’t know what kind of power Mercer’s unlocked now that he’s in possession of the Skeleton Key.


Trace: Which is exactly why we should stop talking and you should let me handle my business here. I promise nothing bad is going to go down. Trust me.


Trace turned and closed her eyes. The darkness that lay beyond her eyelids felt warm, inviting, and now that she could sense the living beings around her it felt more complete than ever. She turned partially towards Vex and without opening her eyes could see the nasty snarl the Imperial was sporting.


Trace: Besides, the only time I act irrational seems to be when the love of my life goes off and acts recklessly.


Vex: I-I, you know what… ARGH!!


Vex leaned against the wall behind her and let out a defeated breath.


Vex: Fine, you win. I’ll trust you. But make sure you’re quick about it! We need to hurry.


Trace: Ehehehee, yes moooooom.


Trace flashed Vex a big smile and felt her heart flutter when Vex turned away as her cheek flushed.


Trace: Anyway stay here. I’ll be back!


Vex: Yeah, whatever.


Trace nodded then jumped down the steps and headed off towards the rear of the inn.



Part 2

When she got there Trace fell to her knees and let the images in her head play out before her.


(Vex: Trace, from now on I think it’d be best if you tried to have a normal relationship with me like you have with other Guild members.)


Trace: But you’re the one my heart beats for! We could make it work out somehow!!


(Vex: Trace! Be serious!! I’m going to be Guild Leader. I can’t be dating someone associated with the Guild!)


Trace: Then I can just disassociate myself from the Guild! I don’t know… why is it that every time I try to get close to you it just… doesn’t work…


She slammed her fists into the ground and hung her head. She didn’t like this, didn’t want any of this. Both before and after she was imprisoned Vex told her that the two of them could never be, and yet Trace still believed it was possible. Believed that if it was them, they could overcome everything and that Vex could be Trace’s one.


Trace: (But Vex doesn’t even want to try…)


Trace stood up and wiped her eyes. She had told Vex this wouldn’t take too long and this little outburst cost her dearly. Although her and Vex were likely done as lovers, Trace wasn’t about to lose Vex as a friend or confidant over something stupid. She then put two fingers in her mouth and whistled in an awkwardly flat tone as loud as she could.


Trace whistled for about thirty-five seconds straight before she heard some footsteps creep up behind her.


???: So, if it isn’t the thief slash assassin that’s been rotting away in jail for the past couple of months… How’s life been treating you?


Trace: (…Gods I don’t have time for this…) Rinje… how… are you?


Rinje: Great! Wonderful in fact! Ever since Geserd threw out his back and Lilly went off to the Imperial City for vacation, yours truly has become the number one courier in throughout all the Holds! Amazing right?


Trace: Yeah… great…


Rinje used to be a member of the Dark Brotherhood. She herself didn’t go and kill anyone, but she’d go out and retrieve most of the contracts and give them to Nazir to pass out. She was great at finding anyone no matter where they might be hiding so when the SCA, Skyrim Courier Association, got wind of her abilities Rinje hopped aboard and never looked back. The girl wasn’t a terrible person, but something about her just annoyed Trace to no end.


Trace: Anyway, what did I tell you about wearing headgear in my presence?


Rinje: Uh… not to do it?


Trace rolled her eyes.


Trace: Well?


It took Rinje a moment to understand what was going on, but as soon as she did she blushed and removed her hood.


Rinje: M-my bad Boss. I forget that you always liked to check the faces of everyone you met, just in case they become a contract one day. So what do you need today, Boss?


Trace’s blind eye began to twitch. She had forgotten that this girl had an amazing memory and was adamant about sticking to her ways. Rinje used to call Trace “Boss” when she was in the Brotherhood and no matter how many times she told her to stop, the stubborn girl would just apologize and continue to call her it.


Trace: What’s the word around Skyrim?


Rinje: Hmmm, well, both the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood have both been on the rise in terms of notoriety.  In fact, I’ve heard that the Thieves Guild has reclaimed its hold on both Whiterun and Markarth, whereas a member of the Dark Brotherhood murdered the Emperor’s first cousin, Vittoria Vici, at her wedding!! Those Brotherhood people are quite cold… no offense.


Trace: Hmmm… That it?


Rinje: Well… there’s been some murders in Windhelm, a revolt in Markarth, nightmares are plaguing Dawnstar, vampires have been on the—


Trace: Screw it, here!


She reached inside her right bracer and retrieved a piece of parchment and held it out in front of her.


Trace: Give this to Bolfrida Brandy-Mug. Tell her, ‘The deed is done’, and take whatever payment she gives you.


Rinje took the paper and gave Trace a confused look.


Rinje: So… abstract… there wasn’t an agreed upon amount?


Trace: I haven’t contacted her in three months after carrying out the assignment! Just do the damn job and stop asking questions!


Rinje sighed and held her arms up.


Rinje: Alright, alright. Anything else, Boss?


Trace: I just told you to stop—you know what? Nothing, never mind. Just hurry up and go already.


The courier bowed and the tone in her voice went from being bubbly to a more serious one.


Rinje: Well then, thank you for using Skyrim’s Inter-Hold Courier Services. We hope to go above and beyond your expectations.


Trace: Just get out of here!


Rinje laughed and did a little salute before running off. Trace didn’t know what her workload was looking like so she didn’t know whether or not the little Nord was heading out to Bolfrida immediately or not, but with that speed the woman would get the note in no time at all.


Trace: (If nothing else, those couriers sure can run faster than any steed…)



Part 3

When Rinje was no longer in her field of view, Trace relaxed and then facepalmed.


Trace: That was aggravating to no end! She just up and left the Brotherhood and gets to roam free. Whereas, I do a job that no one else could do and I’m being punished? Where’s the justice in that?


Trace: Oh, and you can come out Vex. You hid pretty well, but there’s no sneaking up on a trained assassin.


On cue, Vex walked from behind a large rock with downcast eyes.


Vex: How long did you know I was there for?


???: You knew she didn’t trust you…


Trace: The beginning.


Vex: How!? I was even using an invisibility potion and breathing technique that would mask my presence!


???: She even tried to be sneaky about it! She denies your feelings, but dares to have her own for you? The hypocrite…


Trace: Like I said, you can’t sneak up on a trained assassin. This isn’t some backwards place where that kind of thing happens.


Trace: But really Vex? I ask one thing of you and you can’t even do that?


Vex: But I thought… I thought you might have had to take on the Dark Brotherhood—


???: She’s lying! She thought you were going to put the Brotherhood over the Guild. That you were going to pick Astrid over her again…


Trace put her hands on her hips and let her anger take over.


Trace: And so what!!! Until they send assassin on my level, the usual small fry aren’t worth you or anyone else’s concern. I asked one thing of you Vex! One thing! Just trust me!


Vex: I do trust you! But Trace—


Trace walked past Vex bumping her shoulder hard.


Trace: I can’t do this. After we get Mercer… you and I? We’re done! As I said before, I’ll disassociate myself from the Guild and you can go and be the best little Guild Leader you can be. I don’t need this…


Vex: W-wait! Trace! TRACE!!


As the two of them continued to head toward Irkngthand, Trace ran at a breakneck speed and no matter what Vex did to catch up she couldn’t get within twenty paces of her. Considering the pace they were at, it didn’t take them all that long to get to the old ruins. When Vex made it to the outer entrance she slowed and drew her weapon.


Vex: I don’t like the looks of this Trace…


Vex’s eyes darted to and fro not seeing any sight of their companions.


Vex: Brynjolf and Karliah said they’d meet us here, but neither they nor anyone else is here… We should be careful. This could be an ambus—


???: Who does she think she is? She’s not your superior or you leader. In fact you’re doing HER a favor!


Trace: (I’m done with being led around! By Trace, and by Astrid…)


Vex: Trace! Wait!!


But it was too late. Trace ran ahead and triggered an alarm alerting whoever was here to their presence.


???: Good… now it’s time to go wild…


And so the two Imperials had to fight their way through the brigands that had made this ruin their base. Vex tried to use precise and fatal strikes to fell her enemies as quick as possible…


But Trace was making a spectacle of things. She was making sure that the ground would be bathed in the blood of her enemies by the end of this.


???: Good… let out your frustraitions… kill them ALL!!!


When they dispatched the first wave of enemies Trace gave Vex a threatening glare.


Trace: Stay out of my way Vex.


But Vex wasn’t about back down. She flicked some of the blood from her blade and scoffed at Trace.


Vex: As long as you don’t show me a pitiful sight, sure.


And so as the second wave of bandits came to greet them, the two Imperials they continued to wipe them out…





Part 4

As their numbers got thinner the two of them began to compete of each other’s kills which was more frustrating to Trace to anything.


She even went as far as nudging Vex out of the way so she could land the final blow on one of the brigands.


Vex: Having fun?


Trace: Shut up!


Vex: And I’m the immature one? Whatever, there should only be a few left. Can we at least team up properly to take them out?


Trace twisted her blade in and out of the bandit’s skull a few times before finally being satisfied with this kill.


Trace: Sure, whatever… Just don’t piss me off.


The two of them proceeded up the stairs and were immediately set upon by a Redguard and an Orc. The brutes were strong, but slow, and it wasn’t long before the two Imperials had them reeling.


It didn’t take long for Trace to get consumed with toying with the Orc. Orc’s weren’t like other races. They had a higher threshold for pain, and it took more blood to let out before they were killed. Perfect for someone who took pleasure in the length, distinction, and quality of all their kills like her.


However, just because she was focused on the Orc, that didn’t mean that her senses were dulled. As she was going in for another slash across the Orc’s broad chest, she heard the nocki and release of an arrow. Judging from the distance she had heard it from, she knew it was aimed for her and immediately took to the air to avoid it.


Meanwhile, the Redguard seemed to turn his sights on Trace at that very moment only to be fall into Vex’s clutches.


Vex: You shouldn’t worry about her…


Vex: When it’s you who’s getting sent off to meet your Maker!


The two thieves then circled around the Orc giving him various cuts here and there and ultimately leaving him off balance.


Finally feeling bored with him, Trace gave the Orc a deep gash across his chest causing him to stumble backwards into Vex.


Vex: Say your prayers!


...Was the last thing the Orc heard before he met the same fate as his allies.


???: Kill that archer! Kill all who stand before you!!!


Trace immediately set off to find that cowardly marksman that tried to snipe her, and when she did she set herself upon him before he had time to draw the dagger from his boot.



Part 5

Trace: Haa… Haaaa….


Trace heard footsteps behind her an with a ferocious shout turned and was about to tear whoever it was into pieces…


But she turned and found Vex who was looking at her like she was a monster.


Vex: Are… are you alright? Are… we okay?


???: No! You’re not okay!!! Gut her! Kill that bitch that’s broken your heart not once, but thrice!!!


Trace took a deep breath and sheathed her weapon.


Trace: Y-yeah, we’re good.


Vex followed suit.


Vex: You were pretty wild out there. I didn’t know you were such a… berserker. It was like seeing a Sabre Cat in the form of a woman. Kinda of… scary.


Trace grit her teeth and turned from Vex.


Trace: That’s… that’s just what I become! You don’t like it? Fine. Not like you’ll have to deal with it for much longer anyways…


Vex: Trace! That’s not what I meant!


Trace: Yeah, whatever! I’m heading up. I’ve got people to save elsewhere and this is just eating up my time now.


Trace then stormed up towards the entrance to the ruins withot letting Vex explain herself, all the while Vex’s eyes followed her.


Vex: (Jalena… how did we come to this…)


After entering Irkngthand Trace and Vex immediately sighted their comrades and for a moment, Trace’s heart began to thaw once again.



Part 6

Trace: Bryn! It’s so good to see you!


Brynjolf: It’s good to see you too, lass. I take it you made your escape clean?


Trace: Clean as an assassin-for-hire can be.


Brynjolf: Heh, figures.


Karliah: Excuse me, but we don’t have time for this. Mercer could already have gotten the Eyes and be halfway across Cyrodiil with the time we wasted waiting for you both!


Karliah: For starters, we didn’t even need this extra Imperial. She’s not blessed by Nocturnal. She’s not with the Guild. She’s… she’s even recently murdered an innocent. Have her along will only make Lady Luck—


Vex: Fuck that! I trust her, Brynjolf trusts her, and you need to get with the program! You said Mercer’s as strong as three Nightingales because of the Skeleton Key? Well is he as strong as three Nightingales and an assassin? Heck, Trace can even sense exactly where invisible people are! That’s more than any of us can do.


???: She TRUSTS you? HA!!


Karliah: I don’t care if she could shoot fire out her ass. Mercer knows we’re here. The larger the group, the easier it’ll be for whatever traps he has set up to get us! Plus, Mercer’s basically a demi-god with that key! If numbers were all that we needed, I wouldn’t have asked for you all to become Nightingales. We could have just overwhelmed him with the full force of the Guild! Why can’t you people see this?


It made sense to Trace. As big as this whole kill Mercer thing was, they didn’t need her here. In fact, now that Karliah had laid it out, it seemed like she was going to more of a burden than anything.


Trace: Umm… I can just go. I kinda don’t want to be here anyway, and if I’m just going to be a bother—


Vex: No Trace, you’re coming! I may not be the Guild Leader right now or the best of the Nightingales, but I do know this. If Trace is out, I’m out. Fuck Mercer and that key! Besides, if Nocturnal really didn’t think that Trace could possibly be of help, she wouldn’t have allowed Trace to return when she did.


Karliah: Stop acting foolish! The three of us need to—


Brynjolf: No Karliah, she’s right. We need all three and I know how adamant Vex can be when she gets like this. We’re going to have to take Trace, whether it’s a smart move or not.


Karliah shook her head with disbelief.


Karliah: You know what, fine. This little spat is costing us too much time as it is, and with how much time we’ve already wasted we need to make the most of the rest we’ve got left.


Karliah: But know this, the three of us are protected by Nocturnal. We won’t be taking on Mercer’s unbridled power, but she will. If you all are okay with that, then let’s move! We’ve got no more time to waste.


Karliah and Brynjolf took off into Irkngthand’s depths while Vex stayed behind with Trace.


Vex: Are you worried about her words? Don’t be. I’ll protect you if it comes down to it! Trust me.


Trace: Y-yeah… right…


Trace gripped her midsection as an uneasiness washed over her.


???: Trust? HAHAHAhahahaAHaaaa!!! Don’t worry, I’ll be there when she lets you down again…


Trace closed her eyes and tried to steel herself for what was to come, but her thoughts lingered elsewhere.


Trace: (I’ll make it back to you Mjoll… if it’s the last thing I do…)


To Be Continued. . .



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Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Twenty One: For Power 2 (Niyleen)


She must overcome her boundaries...
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Part One


As soon as she closed her eyes she heard the floor creak and then snapped back open. “What are you doing following me? Didn’t I say I wanted nothing to do with a corrupt pompous ass such as yourself?”


(Dammit Nega! What have you gotten me into…) Niyleen rose slowly as she believed a sword to be pointed at her back. “Listen, I mean no harm—”


 “Just looking at you is a blight on my life.” Niyleen could hear the anger in the woman’s voice, but there was still a twinge of sultriness in it that relieved the tension that had been slowly building. “Leave now Halfling, or I’ll have your head.”


“Whoa whoa whoa,” Niyleen said wiping around and creating distance between her and the elf. Looking at her from this distance, Niyleen was almost floored by her beauty. (Did the two of you—)


No you fool! And get to the point!


 (Right, right.) “Um, Altmer—Trineiya—look, I’m sorry I was pursuing you, but I need—”


“I don’t give a damn what you need, scum of Dagon!” She jumped over the bed and held her blade against Niyleen’s neck. “And another thing… wait a minute, why do you look like my words are foreign? Like you weren’t expecting this?”


“Because I wasn’t to be honest.”


“By the Eight,” Trineiya said lowering her sword. “You’re Niyleen, I mean, the Niyleen of this Cycle.” She sheathed her sword and suddenly had an embarrassed look on her face. “Sorry about that. Me and… you came to an agreement last we met.”


“Don’t worry, it doesn’t seem like Nega has too many friends.”


“That is less than an understatement.” Trineiya leaned against the wall and looked Niyleen up and down. “Why are you here then? Are you trying to join the Imperials same as Sorerica? Because if you are, I can’t guarantee any shortcuts.”


“Not at all! Those elven bootlic—sorry. No offense.”


“None taken,” Trineiya said with a smile. “If you would have begun to say that two Cycles ago, I would have killed you on the spot. Luckily I’ve changed… we’ve all changed. So what is it then?”


Niyleen took a seat on the bed. “This Cycle is about to come to an end.”


Trineiya shook her head. “Already? Dang. That was a lot faster than I’d hope. What’s the damage?” Seeing Niyleen’s puzzled face almost made her laugh. “I mean, what Champion is troubling you? Boethiah? Namira? Jyggalag? Nasty lot right th—”


“Does the name Alishondra Canthus mean anything to you?”


Trineiya closed her eyes, and Niyleen could see her struggling not to fume over with anger. “Yes, I know that Dark Elf.” She was visibly shaking now. “So it’s Sheogorath? The end is nigh indeed. What about Molag Bal? Have you fought him?”


“No… not really.”


“Not really!?! What do you mean not really? Don’t touch him, don’t go near him! Messing with him is a sure-fire way to reset all of this!”


Finally. Someone with brains in their head.


(S-shut up!) “You see… I’ve kind of got an approximate date set…”


Trineiya tried to contain it, but she couldn’t help but burst out in laughter. As much as she hated the fact that the Altmer was downplaying everything she said, Niyleen couldn’t come to dislike her in the least bit. (Is this some kind of Calm spell?)


When the laughter had died down, Trineiya said, “L-look. Another reset bothers me little. Considering I retain most of what happens each time, I can cope with everything even if I won’t like it. But you… Your personality is being split every time the cycle restarts. If she’s anything like she’s ever been, you’ll have figured out that the last three versions of you were nothing alike and that you’re more or less the literal glue holding you,” she waved her hands at all of Niyleen, “Together.”


(What’s she talking about?)



“Anyway, Ruby… right,” Trineiya gave Niyleen a gentle smile. She probably told you I was the authority on killing Little Ali. Makes sense, I did kill her twice already... Even if I was only credited with one of them.”


This bragging bitch… I HAVE A NAME!


“So can you help me out? Carciel and my sister are off gaining ‘power ups’ and if Nega is to be trusted, killing Ruby can help me unlock mine.”


Trineiya sighed. “I hate doing her any favors. But I can’t let an innocent babe die because of her mother’s guilt. Fine I’ll help.” She nodded for added effect.  “So, when’s the fight? I assume Alishondra made a date as well considering you’re not dead yet.”


Niyleen nodded. “Two weeks.”


Trineiya frowned. “And like that my hate for that Dunmer increases yet again… Okay come with me, we’ve got work to do,” she said as she exited the room.


“H-hey! Wait!!” (I was just about to go to sleeeeeeeeeep!)


* * *

When Trineiya finally stopped Niyleen shook her head in disbelief. “You can’t be serious…”


“This is a pretty decent place for to train you to fight Alishondra.” Trineiya walked into the shack and began rummaging for something. “It belongs to Algrem, he’s a good Nord who likes to hunt with his dog, Meeko,” she yelled from within. “I’ve used it before when he was out. He doesn’t mind much. As long as we don’t leave it in disarray.”


(Out? The man’s dead for crying out loud…)


After retrieving something came back out with a mischievous smile on her face.  “Alright Niyleen, Let’s see how good you are.” She drew her sword and fell into a stance.


(She can’t be serious… It’s raining, I was just here AND I was about to sleep.) After a deep sigh, Niyleen drew her sword. “So, how do you want to do this? A light spar? A heavy one? A straight up duel?”


“Read me.”


(I hate people like you…)



Part Two


Niyleen sighed again and went on the attack. At first it was a light duel with the two of them simply crossing blades, testing each other’s sword arm. Slowly but surely the pace increased and soon Niyleen found herself struggling to keep up with Trineiya’s frantic pace.
















This is the kind of ability you need to even think of fighting Alisha.


(Shut up!)


Niyleen’s anger got the better of her causing the Halfling to attack wildly, missing Trineiya altogether. Taking advantage of Niyleen’s awkward position, Trineiya caught her with a blow so hard all the air exited her lungs. Niyleen caught herself from falling flat on her face, but the hit had left her legs weak and Niyleen was forced to her knees.








(What in Oblivion was that power?)


“Night night.”


Before Niyleen could make a move to defend herself she felt a heavy blow to the back of her head and everything went dark.









Part Three


“Wakey wakey.”


“Ugh…” Niyleen moaned as she began to stir but try as she might, she couldn’t get any strength in her body.


“Hmmm… well, this’ll have to do. Here take this.”


Niyleen felt something get shoved into her mouth and when it exited she swallowed to get the paste-like taste out of her mouth. Then she felt herself getting lifted up and that was the last thing she could fully remember. In and out of consciousness she went. (Did… she drug… me?) Every time Niyleen made strides in being able to sit up, she was given more of that paste like stuff and she felt drowsy all over again.


“Fuuuuuuuh…” Niyleen garbled out once the paste drug’s effect started to lessen. She didn’t know what time it was or even if it was the same day, but she couldn’t stay drugged up like this for too much longer

not with time being of the essence. She felt the thing—a finger?—going back into her mouth and she spat the paste out. “Staaaaaph… pleeeessss…”

“So, you’re ready to be coherent now?” Niyleen heard laughter, but it sounded so warped that she couldn’t believe that it was from the Altmer. Niyleen nodded and there was more laughter. “You don’t get to choose,” even Trineiya’s normal voice had changed. You’re not ready, you’re never going to be!


Niyleen could feel her throat tighten and her breathing became harder. Just looking at you is a blight on my life. (Is this real? Is she one of them?) Didn’t matter if it was or not, all Niyleen knew was that her vision was getting darker and there was nothing she could do to stop it.


She felt heavy, like felt like she was falling further and further away from the light. Just before everything went black, Niyleen could vaguely see someone looking at her with a smile on her face. “Come on now Niyle, wake up.”




Niyleen sat up suddenly and struggled to catch her breath. (What… what was that? Huh!?) She touched her face and for some reason tears were falling down her cheeks. “I’m… crying?”


“I will say, you did better than I’ve seen in a long time.” Niyleen swiftly got up and made some distance from the Altmer. “Well done. Well done!”


“You drugged me, you bitch! You drugged me and choked me out!!” Niyleen’s heart was racing. She felt betrayed and yet it wasn’t her anger that was rising but something else…


“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Trineiya said waving her words off. “Listen, if you can’t take that, then Alishondra will tear you to shreds.” Niyleen glared at her and Trineiya glared right back. “If you don’t understand that, if you can’t wrap your head around how I’m trying to help you then get your ass back on that boat and never seek me out again!”




(Boat?) Niyleen looked around her and immediately realized she wasn’t in Skyrim anymore. “Where… where am I?”


“Will you let me train you as I wish, or are you going to only keep complaining and distrusting me?”


“You fucking drugged—”


Niyleen locked up for a moment and then began to emit a dark aura. “Skooma laced with something else? I always forget that you’re an alchemist at heart, Inquisitor”


“You!” Trineiya reached for her sword and stopped. “Why are you trying to goad me?”


“The name’s Nega, and I’m not goading anyone.” Nega said rolling her eyes. “Niyleen will train under you, I guarantee it.” She noticed that Trineiya hadn’t eased up her stance and sighed. “I also won’t appear before you again. This occurrence was just to help facilitate the process.” And then as quickly as she came, Nega was gone.




Trineiya straightened herself and glared at Niyleen. “So that’s the amount of control you have on her?”


“I let her out,” Niyleen said defiantly. “If I didn’t, I would have probably said some things I would have regretted.”


Trineiya’s nose wrinkled. “Be that as it may, bring her back out and I won’t hesitate to kill you both.”


“Whatever.” (You can fucking try.)


Trineiya rolled her eyes, “I’ll ignore that. Anyway,” Trineiya finally relaxed and looked at Niyleen with warm eyes, “Listen Niyleen… you’re not ready. If this was simply a battle of power, you’d win hands down. You’re also just as agile as her. But, against Alisha your mind has to be absolutely clear. Any doubt, any indecision, and she’ll beat you like that,” Trineiya said as she snapped her fingers.


Niyleen frowned. “So is that what you did? You took advantage of my indecisions?”


Trineiya shrugged. “To an extent. I simply took advantage of a gap of concentration. Alishondra will find a break, a fracture, a weak point in your memeories and destroy you through it. I’ve even seen more than my fair share of people gripped with fear while trying to fight her.”


“Y-yeah, I can imagine.” Niyleen said with downcast eyes. “Any idea how I can avoid that?”


Trineiya crouched in front of Niyleen, her face lit up. “Simple! You just have to know yourself and to be completely okay with everything that’s happened in your life.”


 “K-know myself?” Niyleen asked. “And that second part, is that even possible?”


 “Yup! Once you know yourself, even if you have any breaks in concentration, you can use them to bait Alisha in.”


Niyleen cocked an eyebrow. “And how exactly am I supposed to do any of that?”




She can’t be serious… (She can’t be serious…)





Next Chapter:

Chapter Twenty One: Coming Soon....TM

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Chapter 1 : Sera's Journey into Skyrim





{So this is Skyrim then, wow it so freaking cold here. I should have brought a more warm clothes from home. But i should be ok till i reach Whiterun}


Imperial Guard 

Welcome to Skyrim citizen, I hope you had a save journey here.



Oh my journey was just fine thank you.



Imperial Guard : Good so welcome to Skyrim again miss.


Sera : Thank you and have a nice day Mr Imperial Guard.




Sera Mind {Skyrim seems like a nice place i can not wait for all the adventures im going to have and....crap i forgot to ask him how to get to Whiterun}




Imperial Guard : Are you lost citizen?


Sera : No im fine it just i kinda forgot how to get to Whiterun.


Imperial Guard : Well my dear you are in luck. I have business in the Whiterun and i need to head there as soon as possible. So maybe we could travel together then.





Well i guess i could use some company. I hated walking on my own all the way here so yeah i would like you to come with me.


Imperial Guard 

Very good miss now if you'll follow me i know a short cut to Whiterun.



Thanks so much.





 Lead the way then Mr Imperial Guard


Imperial Douchebag

 (Such a nice lass shame i have to lead her into a trap)




Imperial Guard

We should be very careful on our journey miss.I have heard some nasty rumors about a someone clearing Vampire nests, they leave a horrible mess and lots of empty mead bottles.


Sera : Maybe it was this just some Vampire hunters or maybe it was this Dragonborn i keep hearing about.


Imperial Guard : Maybe it was miss. We may never know.




Imperial Guard (She's got a great ass maybe ill i can keep her my slave after my master is done with her)

Sera : I think i can see something up ahead.




Vampire #1 : This ambush should help us capture this creature killing off the other Vampire clans.


Female Vampire #2 : I hope we get to teach it a lesson before our Master kills it, i haven tasted blood since that thing killed off all our thralls.




Female Vampire #1 : Look sister our friend has brought us some fresh meat, get the others ready we will

have blood for the Lords feast.




Impostor Guard

(Looks like she feel for the trap now to get out of here before she works out that im not a real Imperial Guard)



Oh crap it looks like Vampires, what do we do?

Maybe we should run for it.




Sera : Hey wait for me.

Female Vampire #2 : Get that Elf i wan to feast on her beautiful body.




Sera : Why do i get the feeling this was a trap and that guys not a real imperial guard.

Female Vampire #1 : Watch out for her arrows.




Not A Real Imperial Guard : Good the trap is set now to get my reward.




Sera : Why cant i hit anything with these arrows. I knew i should have trained before i left home.


Female Vampire #2 : Fear not she cant aim for shit.




Female Vampire #2 : Feel my sword bitch.


Sera : Ahh fuck that hurt.

Ow im bleeding....if i could just reach my sword




Vampire #3 : You wont be needing that anymore.
Sera : Hey i just got that.




Vampire #3 : (She's got some nice titties. Maybe Master will let us fuck her after he done breaking her) 

Vampire #2 : Look sisters this little skeever far away from home , ant you little skeever.


Sera : Please no more.




Imperial Guard : Good they captured her. I knew she had no fight in her.




Imperial Guard : Now to collect my pay.




Vampire #1 : Looks like he wants he reward and ill give it to him. Sisters bring me the elf.


Vampire #2: Of course sisters bring me...wait whats that over there, its coming towards us.




Imperial Commander : Surrender Vampire filth and release the elf your surrounded.




Vampire #3 : Quick kill them all, we will have a feast with all this blood.




Imperial Soldiers : For the glory of the Empire.



Sera : I've got to get to my gear and get out of here.




Sera : My sword is just over there and so is my chest plate. Ok Sera you can do this.




Sera : Ok i need to get out of here before the vampires come back.




Sera : Ok here we go...ow crap this hurts.




Vampire #2: Oh really i don't think your going anywhere.




Sera : Just hurry up and kill me your stupid creature.




Vampire #2: Kill you. Oh no we cant do that, see out lord has plans for you so your coming with us little elf.




Next Chapter Chapter 2 : Athena's Mission

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