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Picture Book "THE STORY TELLER" Post A Pic Tell a Story in TESV

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Part 3: Anachronism



This part contains allusions to and possible depictions of rape and enslavement. If that isn't your thing, there will be a "TL;DR" this one time at the bottom of the part in a separate spoiler.

Furthermore, this part depicts scenes of an explicit sexual nature and are therefore Not Safe For Work (NSFW)




Zirelus Sadraro. The man who had ruined Sevara’s life and set her on her current path of darkness. Once a respected Alteration mage in the College of Winterhold. He was cast out from their ranks when they found him doing horrible experiments on the homeless and even his fellow mages.




In the past decade he’d also moved into slavery, capturing young women and warping their minds and bodies, selling them off to the highest bidder. Those that didn't sell became his playthings and the subjects of his experiments.


Sevara was one of his subjects. She would still have nightmares of the days when he would simply throw open his robe and demand she service him. When she didn't, she was beaten and experimented on. When she did, she was just experimented on.




Zirelus was never a family man, so he focused his sexual assault on his subjects’ mouths and anuses. However, he had a soft spot for Sevara and, though his ...indulgences as he called them, were frequent, she never once conceived. He blamed her easily malleable body, that something from his experiments had possibly made her sterile. And he beat her for it.

Over the years, he coated her body in glowing red markings, showing any onlookers how much he owned her. That she was not a person, but an object. After her escape, she worked relentlessly to cleanse her body of as many of the marks as she could. To this day she was still not clean of his brands.




Over her decade of service, she was forced to do very vulgar and perverse things with her “Master”, things a girl of her age at the time had no business doing. It wasn’t until a fellow slave, a Bosmer woman by the name of Cirwen, gave her life distracting Zirelus, that Sevara and a few others could dare make their escape.

None but Sevara made it out alive. And even to this day, the nightmares persist.




What would have happened if she hadn’t escaped that night? Would she have eventually broken and served him willingly? Would one of his experiments have eventually killed her?

These thoughts, plus the hallucinations of her past corrupting her dreams, made many a night restless for the Vampire lady.




About...Time you learned...to just give in...” The memory of Zirelus said as he thrusted into Sevara’s past. “If you’re a good slut, maybe I won’t beat you tonight.


Mmm, yes...Master~. I’ll do ...Aaah~...Whatever you want, if you keep fucking my naughty pussy~” Sevara of the past spoke the words that her present self had forgotten. The day she’d lost all hope, the day she’d given in.




The day before Cirwen’s rebellion, Sevara had given up. She didn’t want to hurt anymore. She had willingly submitted to Zirelus’ desires if he’d lighten up his beatings. If the pain would go away, she was willing to give up her very identity as a sentient being.

If Cirwen hadn’t liberated her mind that night, she would have become Zirelus’ fuck toy by now. Maybe even his perverse bride.




All of the willpower Sevara had could not dispel the memory, the betrayal she felt from herself. “I was so focused on vengeance that I’d forgotten how far I’d fallen. I can never, never, let myself fall that low again. I’ll set myself aflame before I do.




He will not have his way again.



TL;DR: Sevara has nightmares about the day before a Bosmer named Cirwen sacrificed her life to help free Zirelus' slaves, of which Sevara was the only one to make it all the way out. Sevara was enslaved, and experimented on, by Zirelus for 10 years and the glowing tattoos that linger on her body are the remnants of her enslavement. She was able to get rid of some, but others were more persistent.



Edit: Also, thank you to ao2thend for their feedback and reminding me to learn what the "fov" command does. Most of these shots were only possible with it.

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Part 3: Anachronism



Edit: Also, thank you to ao2thend for their feedback and reminding me to learn what the "fov" command does. Most of these shots were only possible with it.



And the shots do indeed look better.  


Glad to have helped.  

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continuation from The Two Mugs


Took a little longer than planned but finally got the free time and energy to finish it :P


The Legend of Miss Two-Mug - The Trip






Jofrid: You see, I was sent on a mission to clear out a local vampire nest alone for the first time. Keeper Carcette, which was the leader, thought I was ready for it. The fact is that she wasn't wrong, I got armed and took out all the vampires there, but I had a feeling something was wrong.
I made sure it wasn't a single breathing organism left there before I left, then I headed back to the HQ. Only to find it on fire, with a lot of dead vampires and Vigilants all over the place. I couldn't find anything worth saving either, so I’m basically trying to track down the vampire clan who did it.
Erin: Wow that sucks, but at least you weren't there when it happened.
I actually wish I was, then they would have paid for it.

Sure, you would…

What’s that? You don’t think I can handle myself?



I’m sure you handle yourself well, but I've heard vampires are extremely powerful.


You’re right, but with the right tools you show them whose boss.


I suppose so… By the way, are you heading in towards Solitude?




I don’t really have a clue to go after yet, so it’s highly possible. Why do you ask?


I was wondering if I could tag along, it’s safer that way.




I guess I could take a trip to Solitude, maybe I’ll get the info I seek there.




“Jofrid and Erin headed towards Solitude after Erin packed her things. The road seemed calm, except for the occasional feral wolf. Erin kept singing all the way”




"A vigilant of Stendarr and a bottle of mead
Please let me tell you about her great deed
Killing vampires and making bad guys bleed
Jofrid Two-Mug, she’s all that you need”
*thinking* By the Nine Divines, no one deserves this…

“They approached Solitude the next morning, they could fell the law, order and despair in the air. Something wasn't right, something foul happened. Jofrid approached a citizen asking for the blacksmiths location. She needed to sharpen her axe, to prepare for the battles ahead.”
“After arriving at the forge area where the blacksmith was located, neither Jofrid nor Erin could believe their eyes. This forge area was small and only operated by a couple of blacksmiths, and not at least ten, which they were expecting.”
Hey, is there anybody who can sharpen my axe?
Ember: I can, lest you were about to ask me to work with ebony. I tend to leave that kind of labor to Dushnamub of Narzulbur.


It’s a steel axe, hope you don’t mind blood.




Don’t worry, a little blood will only help heating up the forge! Now, let me have a look at that weapon of yours.


Those are some interesting markings on it... Come by this afternoon and I’ll have it ready for you, sharper than an Altmer's tongue!




“Jofrid and Erin walked down to the market area, talking about what was happening next.”




So I guess this is it, huh.


I guess so, you make sure to practice that lute now. You’ll need it.




Heh, you sure you’re not going to miss me clinking away on the thing behind you?


I’m positive; however it was nice having the company when traveling.




Hmm…you know what? I think that this is not over yet. I’ll offer you a deal.


A deal?




To be continued...


Thanks to Cyphernaut and Emberhart for their shots and characters.

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continuation from The Two Mugs


Took a little longer than planned but finally got the free time and energy to finish it :P


The Legend of Miss Two-Mug - The Trip






Jofrid: You see, I was sent on a mission to clear out a local vampire nest alone for the first time. Keeper Carcette, which was the leader, thought I was ready for it. The fact is that she wasn't wrong, I got armed and took out all the vampires there, but I had a feeling something was wrong.
I made sure it wasn't a single breathing organism left there before I left, then I headed back to the HQ. Only to find it on fire, with a lot of dead vampires and Vigilants all over the place. I couldn't find anything worth saving either, so I’m basically trying to track down the vampire clan who did it.
Erin: Wow that sucks, but at least you weren't there when it happened.
I actually wish I was, then they would have paid for it.

Sure, you would…

What’s that? You don’t think I can handle myself?



I’m sure you handle yourself well, but I've heard vampires are extremely powerful.


You’re right, but with the right tools you show them whose boss.


I suppose so… By the way, are you heading in towards Solitude?




I don’t really have a clue to go after yet, so it’s highly possible. Why do you ask?


I was wondering if I could tag along, it’s safer that way.




I guess I could take a trip to Solitude, maybe I’ll get the info I seek there.




“Jofrid and Erin headed towards Solitude after Erin packed her things. The road seemed calm, except for the occasional feral wolf. Erin kept singing all the way”




"A vigilant of Stendarr and a bottle of mead
Please let me tell you about her great deed
Killing vampires and making bad guys bleed
Jofrid Two-Mug, she’s all that you need”
*thinking* By the Nine Divines, no one deserves this…

“They approached Solitude the next morning, they could fell the law, order and despair in the air. Something wasn't right, something foul happened. Jofrid approached a citizen asking for the blacksmiths location. She needed to sharpen her axe, to prepare for the battles ahead.”
“After arriving at the forge area where the blacksmith was located, neither Jofrid nor Erin could believe their eyes. This forge area was small and only operated by a couple of blacksmiths, and not at least ten, which they were expecting.”
Hey, is there anybody who can sharpen my axe?
Ember: I can, lest you were about to ask me to work with ebony. I tend to leave that kind of labor to Dushnamub of Narzulbur.


It’s a steel axe, hope you don’t mind blood.




Don’t worry, a little blood will only help heating up the forge! Now, let me have a look at that weapon of yours.


Those are some interesting markings on it... Come by this afternoon and I’ll have it ready for you, sharper than an Altmer's tongue!




“Jofrid and Erin walked down to the market area, talking about what was happening next.”




So I guess this is it, huh.


I guess so, you make sure to practice that lute now. You’ll need it.




Heh, you sure you’re not going to miss me clinking away on the thing behind you?


I’m positive; however it was nice having the company when traveling.




Hmm…you know what? I think that this is not over yet. I’ll offer you a deal.


A deal?




To be continued...


Thanks to Cyphernaut and Emberhart for their shots and characters.


Looking great, I love how it worked out combining those screenies. :D



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Guest smellbo

continuation from The Two Mugs


Took a little longer than planned but finally got the free time and energy to finish it :P


The Legend of Miss Two-Mug - The Trip






Jofrid: You see, I was sent on a mission to clear out a local vampire nest alone for the first time. Keeper Carcette, which was the leader, thought I was ready for it. The fact is that she wasn't wrong, I got armed and took out all the vampires there, but I had a feeling something was wrong.
I made sure it wasn't a single breathing organism left there before I left, then I headed back to the HQ. Only to find it on fire, with a lot of dead vampires and Vigilants all over the place. I couldn't find anything worth saving either, so I’m basically trying to track down the vampire clan who did it.
Erin: Wow that sucks, but at least you weren't there when it happened.
I actually wish I was, then they would have paid for it.

Sure, you would…

What’s that? You don’t think I can handle myself?



I’m sure you handle yourself well, but I've heard vampires are extremely powerful.


You’re right, but with the right tools you show them whose boss.


I suppose so… By the way, are you heading in towards Solitude?




I don’t really have a clue to go after yet, so it’s highly possible. Why do you ask?


I was wondering if I could tag along, it’s safer that way.




I guess I could take a trip to Solitude, maybe I’ll get the info I seek there.




“Jofrid and Erin headed towards Solitude after Erin packed her things. The road seemed calm, except for the occasional feral wolf. Erin kept singing all the way”




"A vigilant of Stendarr and a bottle of mead
Please let me tell you about her great deed
Killing vampires and making bad guys bleed
Jofrid Two-Mug, she’s all that you need”
*thinking* By the Nine Divines, no one deserves this…

“They approached Solitude the next morning, they could fell the law, order and despair in the air. Something wasn't right, something foul happened. Jofrid approached a citizen asking for the blacksmiths location. She needed to sharpen her axe, to prepare for the battles ahead.”
“After arriving at the forge area where the blacksmith was located, neither Jofrid nor Erin could believe their eyes. This forge area was small and only operated by a couple of blacksmiths, and not at least ten, which they were expecting.”
Hey, is there anybody who can sharpen my axe?
Ember: I can, lest you were about to ask me to work with ebony. I tend to leave that kind of labor to Dushnamub of Narzulbur.


It’s a steel axe, hope you don’t mind blood.




Don’t worry, a little blood will only help heating up the forge! Now, let me have a look at that weapon of yours.


Those are some interesting markings on it... Come by this afternoon and I’ll have it ready for you, sharper than an Altmer's tongue!




“Jofrid and Erin walked down to the market area, talking about what was happening next.”




So I guess this is it, huh.


I guess so, you make sure to practice that lute now. You’ll need it.




Heh, you sure you’re not going to miss me clinking away on the thing behind you?


I’m positive; however it was nice having the company when traveling.




Hmm…you know what? I think that this is not over yet. I’ll offer you a deal.


A deal?




To be continued...


Thanks to Cyphernaut and Emberhart for their shots and characters.


I really enjoy all of your stories, and I'm hyped for more!  :D

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Author's Note:

About a year ago I underwent a psychological evaluation and learned I have an inferiority complex. While I don't want to sound like a special snowflake, this means that basically if I get no praise for something I thought I did well, I unconsciously think I did poorly. This is why "The Book of Darkness" has a rather...erratic upload schedule.





Part 4: Light and Dark


CONTENT WARNING: This part contains sexually explicit imagery and is NSFW.



No matter how much I try and forget, how much I fuel my soul with rage, the nightmares...never stop.


Sevara continued her single-minded search for Zirelus' location, but the nightmares became more twisted and unsettling as she progressed. She began forgetting to feed as the dark, warped images haunted her sleep.




She eventually found herself in the southeast of Skyrim, the Rift, and though she'd gotten into the odd conflict or two, she was unable to find a victim from which she could feed.


However, when she did try to feed from an unconscious guardswoman, Sevara hadn't the spare energy left in her body to keep going amidst the bright sunlight and found herself ready to collapse. When she came-to, the local stable master had his way with her. ...Or was it another nightmare?




Afterword, Sevara lost consciousness. She was pushing her body to the limits of what it could do without feeding. What would happen when she ran out of time? Would she go feral, draining dry the first person she ran into? Or...would she simply expire, turn to dust?


When she was able to force herself to open her eyes, she found herself securely jailed.




She could not stay here and last out however long her sentence may be. If she didn't go find some source of sustenance soon, she would surely suffer dire consequences.


But, as she stretched, thinking of how to escape, she noticed a strange symbol on her cell wall...




Upon further examination of the area, Sevara was able to find that the symbol marked a false piece of wall in her cell that she was able to escape through into a secluded passage out of the prison.


Unfortunately, she was unable to reacquire her seized belongings, but she was able to pilfer some new gear from a supply chest she found in the tunnels. Along the way, she decided it was best to cut her hair. Make it less maintenance and give it a lighter, stealthier look.




The lack of fresh blood in her system had aged Sevara's face several years in as many days, and it wouldn't be very long before the guards noticed her disappearance. She was wanted.




Taking up a blade she'd found with her new clothes, Sevara fled from Riften in the black of night, patrolling guards pursuing her into the lake outside the city where she was finally able to lose them.


She took an arrow to the arm in her escape, but was otherwise all right.




As if fending off the Riften guards wasn't enough, she soon ran into a troupe of lesser, low-class Vampires harassing some tribal Orcs.








In the name of the Clan, and in the name of damned decency, Sevara downed each and every one of them -- as well as a rampaging troll. The Orcs of the besieged Stronghold were more than grateful for Sevara's assistance and she soon found herself receiving a rather...friendly, informal sort of "honorary kinship" with the Orc Tribes.




After a long night of fucking and being fucked by a hermaphrodite Orc, Sevara finally collapsed on the road from lack of feeding. As she looked up into the blisteringly sunny sky, a hooded figure stood over her, and a sense of bizarre tranquility washed over her sore, drained body.


"Praan hin hadrim."


Everything faded into a peaceful, abyssal blackness.




"Alok, paaz Bron. Diil aar se vulom." The voice that had spoken in that unfamiliar language shook Sevara out of her dark, near-deathlike sleep.


"Who...Who are you? How long have I--?" As Sevara idly reached for a weapon, the stranger sitting across from her calmly raised a hand.


"Drem. Sizaan sil, vul kulaas. Los nid los krief het." The figure, a redguard woman by the look of it, spoke in a strange, unfamiliar tongue, but an air of peace carried with her words.


"What language do you speak?" Sevara sat up, looking over the woman who was either her captor or her rescuer. The most clear thing about her was her blindfolded eyes.




"Zu'u tinvaak ol dov dreh," the woman cleared her throat before clarifying, "I speak as Dragons do. Dovahzul, Dragon tongue, is my primary language. Though I can speak Common, to a degree."


"My name is Sevara, thank you for helping me."


"Drem yol lok. Greetings, Sevara. Diil Kulaas, Undead Princess. I am Enja, but speakers of the Dragon tongue would call me Brit Zii Yol. I am but a bonaar wunduniik, a humble traveller. Hin dilon Drog, your Dead Lord wouldn't want you indisposed and uncared for, would he? I simply donated some of my sos, my blood."


Sevara twitched with curiosity before Enja raised her hand, "Diin miin los dilon. Mine eyes are dead. Diil aar se vulom. My world is darkness. Nuz, dii zii miin los pah. My spirit eye is all-seeing. Lost loanne? Drem, ko tiid. You have questions? Patience, in time."


Little did Sevara know just how much time she would be spending with her mysterious new ally...





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DarthOmix, I totally love your story! But would you mind to turn some of your pictures brighter? Sometimes it's really hard to see what is happening :/


I'm gonna start using Facelight or something more. A lot of it is "she's a sp00ky vampire" kinda stuff up to this point but with the addition of Enja, things should brighten up soon enough.


Edit: Though the "fight shots" I couldn't really do anything about because they weren't staged. I literally ran into vampires and a troll fleeing Riften.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay it's been about 10 days without anything happening so I might as well say that I have been making progress at least gameplay wise, however I honestly am not certain I have enough screenshots taken to justify everything that's changed.


So, after fiddling with ideas for the past day or two I've decided that I'm probably just going to have a time lapse or something to better facilitate the passage of time while I figure out just what plot threads to work on first.




Furthermore, I've made some progress into the Skyrim Civil WarSkyrim Main, Dawnguard DLC, and Dragonborn DLC questlines but am undecided which to pursue first in terms of content to get screenshots out of for The Book of Darkness. Along that line, there's also Dark BrotherhoodThieves Guild, and The College of Winterhold stuff to do that could tie into the general path I'm thinking of making everything take.


I'd like some input from anyone who's read The Book of Darkness up to this point to see what kind of stuff they would like to see next. Note that if Sevara does journey to Solstheim, lots of things may change, and not necessarily for the better. After all, she would be dealing with the Daedric Prince of Fate and Knowledge, Hermaeus Mora.


To give people an idea of what they'd be "picking" the following spoiler will have 'ideas' for what each suggestion could lead to. Also it is of note that things in The Book of Darkness will not follow what actually happens in the game, just using what happens as a jumping-off point for The Book of Darkness.



The main choices are as follows:

  • Skyrim Main Questline - Sevara and Enja help the Court Wizard of Whiterun find some old Dragonstone in a crypt and soon after, a thunderous roar fills the air as the dragon Mirmulnir attacks the Western Watchtower. This would lead to the overall return of Dragons to Skyrim and Sevara seeming to have a strange power related to them... (Note: As I have already completed Dragon Rising, the return of Dragons has already happened in my game and is unavoidable. Choosing to further the Main Questline would focus on figuring out the why and keep on with the whole "What power does Sevara really have?"
  • Dawnguard DLC Questline - Sevara returns to her duties with the Volkihar Vampire Clan to garner favor with them to see if they can explain things to her. This choice, while similar to the SMQ choice above, focuses more on the Vampirism than any connection to Dragons.
  • Dragonborn DLC Questline - After an attack by some strange Cultists, Sevara sets out to investigate the Island of Solstheim, however, even though people know of it, after the cultist attack, it seems to be difficult to get to the island. This would lead to Sevara having to find a way to Solstheim and figure out just what's going on. (Note: This could also tie into the whole Dragons thing with the SMQ.)
  • Skyrim Civil War Questline - To avenge her father, Skyg, Sevara joins the Stormcloak Rebellion and wages war against the Empire. This would play out rather similar to the vanilla Civil War in terms of what actually happens, but with some story stuff woven in. This will be done before Season Unending so as to prevent any glitches or bugs related to that quest.
  • Dark Brotherhood Questline - [something about trying to get to Zirelus who's basically allied himself with the Empire and made it difficult to reach him. Connected to the Civil War.]
  • Thieves Guild Questline - [something related to Sevara's mother's past. Relatively underdeveloped idea.]
  • The College of Winterhold Questline - [something about exploring Zirelus' past with the College and playing around with the College Days: Winterhold - SexLab Edition mod.

If I don't get a definitive "This is what we would like to see next you twat so do this" in the next few days I'll probably just do the Skyrim Civil War, followed by The College of Winterhold and/or the Skyrim Main Questline - to a point - before either doing some Dark Brotherhood or Dawnguard and/or Dragonborn stuff.


It's surprisingly complicated to think of what quests to use events from to make everything nice and fancy. I've also just realized there's the Dragon Priests to go after too...720262_170x100.png?v=1417744062.58


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Hello, so here's the story I've crafted so far. I'll be posting the rest here.



Indret's story begins in a prison cell not so far from Windhelm. A year before, Indret had gotten in an argument with a Nord citizen of Windhelm and ended up maiming the woman when things got heated. She was arrested and handed a 10-year sentence for her crimes.


To her, it was fair. She hadn't meant for things to go that far, and certainly didn't mean to hurt that poor woman, but the fact remained that she had, in a gross lapse of judgement, ruined a life. As a Wood Elf, it would have been all too easy for her to pick the lock of her cell and sneak out, but she intended to pay for her crime by living out every day of her punishment.


All that changed when the river flooded its banks and the water began leaking in, the guard panicked and left, promising to reurn for the prisoners.


They never did.


As the other prisoners perished, Indret could do nothing but listen to their cries, wondering what they had done to deserve their fate. Finally, after weeks of silence, she decided that she had had enough. She was hungry and cold, and had no intention of dying in prison, so she did what she had promised herself not to do; she picked the lock and broke out of the cell.






She regretted it almost immediately as she was set upon by the angry spirits of the other prisoners and fallen guards. With nothing to defend herself but a dull axe, she desperately fought them off one by one.






Even after taking a proper weapon from one of her assailents, she knew it was a lost cause. The tireless spirits would eventually overcome her already weakened mortal body, so she took the only option available to her and fled into the prison's sewer system.






Luckilly, her gamble paid off and she managed to locate a way out, even finding a bow and some arrows — the weapons of her people — in the process.






She found herself beneath an old bridge on the river and took the opportunity to take a much-needed rest. As she gazed out into the water, she contemplated all that had happened.


She didn't deserve what had happened to her. She deserved to be punished, sure, but left to die?


And what of the other prisoners? Some of them had only committed crimes as minor as stealing bread. What kind of person would put them to death like that?


The more she thought, the more she hated the people of Windhelm for their brutality. The more she thought, the more she wanted revenge.


But how?






The answer suddently came to her in a tale from her childhood.


The story of an unnamed Bosmer huntress who was said to be legendary in her skill, able to fall even the mightiest beasts, best the greatest warriors, and use the Bosmer's normally temporary ability to control animals to tame even the most ferocious for indefinite amounts of time.


One day, her tribe found out that her power came not from skill, but by laying with beasts and they banished her for such an abominable act. Years later, she returned with an army of wolves and exterminated her tormenters.


It was only a story, but to Indret, the possibilities were too good to pass up. She cast her clothing into the river and declaired she would follow in the huntress' footsteps to gain her revenge. She would become a Beastess or die trying!





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Deversari, let me give you a few pointers.


1. The Command Console is your friend. Press the ~ key to bring it up and put it away.

2. tfc and tfc 1. "Toggle Free Cam". It's how you get those interesting angles. "tfc 1" will also freeze everything - except certain sound effects.

3. tm. "Toggle Menus". It's how you hide your hud for screenshots. You will have to ~ close the console after using it or most likely the screenshot doesn't always take. Just press ~ again as well as "tm" to bring your menus back.

4. fov and fov ##. "Field of View". It's basically like zoming without the weird "moving perspective-based zoom" that tfc alone does. It also lets you net those great closeups or sweeping panoramas. Enter "fov ##" where the ## is the "range" for the field of view for the game to be at. I personally use 20 for face-based closeups, 30 for waist-and-up shots, and 40 for around full-figure shots. I also would refrain from going above 90 cause things get...weird. Simply put "fov" into the console without a number to reset the fov.


I think that's the gist of command-console pointers. Everything else with screenshots comes down to your mods, your taste, and practice.

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Flame-Child: Part Two

Chapter Ten: Conflict

Is forever inevitable...

Links to Past Chapters:








“Hu’la bing me ’nother bottle.”


The innkeeper sighed as she poured the Breton another drink. “Carciel dear, I think you should slow down. You’ve been in here for a full day, drinking nonstop. Maybe you—”


Carciel slammed the mug down and glared at Hulda. “Ale. Now!”


Hulda threw her hands into the air, gave the Breton her poison and went off to deal with her other patrons.


As Carciel gulped down what mush have been her third drink in the last hour she was amazed that she hadn’t died or passed out yet. It had been twenty six hours since the kiss that sent electricity through her veins and made her feel more alive than she ever had, and each hour since she had had two bottles of ale. It wasn’t to wash down the taste, because even now she could feel Niyleen’s lips against hers, she could still hear herself taking the Halfling’s breath away, still smell, still taste, still crave the Redguard to the point that it was all that filled her mind. That was what the drinks were for.


“Hun’ng blu swill, fawking weak sheet…” But the drinks weren’t working, and if she went back to that den and met Niyleen… “GAAAAAAWDS!” She bawled, making everyone turn to face her. “I shunt dun dat, I shunt kissser… Why… Hu’la, why I dint it?”


Hulda smiled nervously and approached Carciel slowly. “I-I think you’ve had enough dear,” she said as she grabbed the bottle from her. “How about you—”


“NO!” Carciel jumped from her seat and wrenched back to punch the Nord before she suddenly found herself well acquainted with the wooden floor. Twenty six hours and fifty three drinks later, her equilibrium was gone. (Can’t I just blackout already?)












Everything would be so much easier if she could. She could face Niyleen, tell her everything she truly felt, not feel ashamed or embarrassed about it, and she wouldn’t even remember doing it! But unlike her equilibrium, her consciousness was still with her and Carciel couldn’t help but feel embarrassed at her actions, even more so because no one had laughed about it. It they had, she could pass it off as a drunken incident, but now it’s as if she had a problem. A problem not even Carciel knew how to fix. How was she supposed to get over the first person besides her sister that she had ever loved?


As she was struggling to get up, Sinmir walked over and said while extending his hand, “Drunken fool, need a hand up?”


Carciel spat and swatted it away. “Taak ta me like dat? Youuuusless N’rd trash. Leaf da fawking inn ‘fore ya jug me!”




Rage flashed on Sinmir’s face. “No good belligerent wench! You’ll pay for—”




Suddenly Sinmir was flung across the inn and silence followed, except from Carciel who was busy shouting unintelligible words and rolling about on the floor. When she finally got her bearings and the ringing in her ears lessened, Carciel—like everyone else in attendance—stood wide eyed at the source of that deafening shout.












(Dragonborn…) “Soreeeerica?” Carciel hiccupped. “I’ve gaahta *hic* be drunk… Slayer’san Imperial?”




At once everyone began gossiping among themselves and in the commotion Carciel was swept off her feet and out of the inn.


The cool air sobered Carciel up a bit and her thoughts were torn between Niyleen and this sudden development. “I can’t believe… Sorerica is… Dragonborn… gods be praised…”


“So it’s not only me…” An unfamiliar voice said to her right.


“Fine, whatever. Now all of Skyrim’s gonna know,” a familiar voice said with a sigh. “Just don’t go around and start treating me different. Okay?”


“Never, Thane Sorerica. I shall still treat you as I’ve always done.”`








“…me down…”




“Put me down! I’m gonna… I’M GONNA—!”


Quickly the Nord put Carciel down and after taking a few steps, those drinks finally caught up to and came out of her. After what seemed like forever, she finally finished and staggered back to the duo and looked at them with glazed eyes. Sorerica, the short haired Nord with the warpaint was the same one she’d met in Markarth when Niyleen had gone missing. There were a few questions she wanted to ask, but talking seemed to be a bit mush at this point.






So Sorerica took the lead. “One too many huh?”


Just thinking about how many drinks she had had almost made Carciel throw up again.


Seeing Carciel’s reaction Jordis gave Sorerica a fierce look. “My Thane!”


Sorerica shrugged. “Happens to the best of us. Anyway, how’d we get here? I mean, to this.”


Carciel knew what she was really asking. What happened to get you in such a state? Feeling her legs give out, Carciel took a seat. “…Niyleen,” she was finally able to say after a prolonged silence.


“Niyleen?” Sorerica said, raising her voice. “Ah that Redguar-er, I mean, Halfling chick you were looking for on Markarth?” Carciel nodded. “Well I’ll be… you found her. That’s wonderful news!”


And just like that Carciel began crying. (And I just as easily lost her. How can I face her after that? What am I supposed to say? How am I supposed to act? There’s no way we can go back to being just friends… I don’t want to burden her with doing things… acting differently because of how I may react. This isn’t fair. THIS ISN’T FAIR!)


“W-whoa! W-what’s wrong? Did I—”


Jordis stepped in and shook her head. “Sometimes, my Thane, it is best for a maiden to just cleanse herself of her burdens else she be shackled by them.”


“But I—”


Jordis looked at her sternly. “This is a matter of the heart. Please don’t make this more difficult for her.”


Sorerica looked like she was about to protest, but let it go and the duo let Carciel cry until she had had her fill. When she finally stopped she felt refreshed and her mind felt clear.  “I’m sorry,” were the first words to part her lips. She wasn’t exactly saying it to the two Nords, but rather to herself and everyone she had offended over the last day.


“Apology accepted,” Sorerica said with a grin.


Carciel gave her one in return. “So what are you guys doing here in Whiterun?”


Sorerica shrugged. “Official Imperial business.”


Carciel blinked, and remembered the garb her friend was wearing. “Since… since when?”


Sorerica was about to respond, but was stopped by Jordis. “Ever since my Thane made her intentions clear to the people of Solitude over a month ago to be at the forefront of this war and single handedly be the instrument that ends it.”


Carciel smirked at Sorerica who rolled her eyes. “An… instrument to end the war?”


“I’m sick of my home being wrapped up in a madman’s war. A freelance Slayer can only do so much, whereas an honor bound Hero can do much more.”


Carciel nodded. She may not have been a part of the war, but she could clearly see its effects on the land as a whole. Families divided, torn apart, children being orphaned. It was enough to make one sick. Getting to her feet, the Breton was still off tilt, but decided it was better than letting her legs fall asleep. “And I guess a… Dragonborn… can actually put your words into action.”


Sorerica narrowed her eyes. “Hi dahmaan?  So you actually remember that? That I’m Dovahkiin? Dragonborn?”


“Aye, I do.”


Silence engulfed the two and again Carciel was able to gather her thoughts. (The Daedric Princes want Niyleen and the Dragonborn. Sorerica is the Dragonborn! But if that’s the case…) A lingering thought about Niyleen ruined the Breton’s concentration and blew her thoughts away. (…She tasted so sweet… like a crostata…)


“So where are you lodging,” Sorerica said making Carciel refocus her thoughts. “Is it back at the Bannered Mare?”


Carciel shook her head, a bit too fast, and had to swallow hard to prevent herself from vomiting on the Nords. “Out… town,” she said trying to hold it down.


“My Thane, we should escort her there,” Jordis said. “It would be the right thing to do for anyone in her predicament.”


Sorerica nodded. “Well then—”


“Eeek!” Carciel yelped as she was suddenly swooped off of her feet.


“Now no fussing,” Sorerica said with a warm nurturing tone that didn’t exactly fit her. “Let me do the walking while you do the talking. Deal?”


Carciel struggled a bit to free herself from the Nord’s grasp, but when it proved ineffective, she bore down and allowed herself to be carried off like a damsel as she shared what she knew with the two Nords.













“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry,” Nyleine wept alone in the den. “Please Big Sis… come back… I don’t want to be alone…” she said reaching for the den’s entrance.








She drew her hand back terrified. Nyleine, after all she had went through with her father as a child, had never seen herself as a submissive person although she had once followed all of her father’s instructions to the letter. But those two words, that one command shattered all the independence, dominance, and confidence that Nyleine had once prided herself in. It wasn’t the command itself but rather what it entailed when it was spoken. Stay here or else I’ll do worse to you than shove you to the ground. It was a threat, a warning, a promise that if Niyleen didn’t comply there’s no telling what may befall her.


I’m going out on an assignment.


A lie. Nyleine knew it from the moment it was spoken, but it was confirmed by her absence still. All of Niyleen’s assignments had only been roughly six hours each the longest taking half a day, yet over a day has gone by and here she was, still alone. She knew where her sister went off to. To play the good sister and try to make things right with Carciel, but it shouldn’t take this long. Not unless…


I think it’s best if the three of us cool our heads for the time being.


(What if Big Sis didn’t choose either of us…) It was a thought that Nyleine didn’t want to entertain, but what if things went wrong when Niyleen went to make amends with Carciel and now Carciel hated both the sisters equally? “I don’t want that…” she said softer than a whisper, but it echoed louder than a lion. “I only want my sister… I’m not dumb… I see… I know what her dreams foretold… I just—” The words got caught in her throat and she couldn’t let them or any other escape. (I could have protected you, no, I would have protected you from Men and Daedric Princes alike. Why couldn’t you see that? Why couldn’t you see that we are all that we need?)


The entrance of the den flew open and almost made Nyleine jump out of her skin with its suddenness. Turning, she saw a figure clad in black and smiled. “Niylee—!!”


Suddenly she was pushed to the ground and was face to face with her assailant. A blonde, fair skinned, green haired assassin stared back at her, her lower mouth cover but Nyleine could make out the malice and venom her eyes were shooting out toward her. Using her normally sharp mind, Nyleine quickly sifted through all information the current predicament yielded and was left with blanks.


“Dirty necromancer,” the woman seethed. “You’ve used your vile powers for the last time!”


Nyleine noticed something about her—her ears—that made everything instant piece together. “You’re Sorene…”


The Altmer assassin blinked in confusion, but then narrowed her gaze. “How do you know that name?”


Nyleine smirked. “Telind, my precious thrall told me all about you and how you were to be wed. That is, before I killed him.”


The Halfling had never been thrown before, and she hoped that she never would. Her body screamed in pain after she landed from her flight. Before she could get to her feet, the Altmer lifted her off the ground by the collar and said, “That name belonged to a simple Altmer girl with high hopes and big dreams. The woman you see before you has had her eyes opened by the Lady of Infinite Energies. You, more than any other living necromancer or lich are a blight upon Nirn. You have done me wrong, you have done my fiancé wrong, you have done countless others wrong, but most of all, you have spat in the face of all creation. And for that…”




The Altmer wrapped herself in darkness and Nyleine could feel herself being suffocated by it. (I… I need to get out…)


“You will die!” The next thing Nyleine knew she was in a fight.


Through the blows she was taking, Nyleine noticed that like Telind before her, this Altmer had been given a Daedric Prince’s boon. Unlike Telind however, she wasn’t stiff, she wasn’t arrogant, and she was completely bloodthirsty. Nyleine couldn’t get a blow in edgewise and didn’t have enough time to even cast the simplest of spells. After tossing her about the den like a ragdoll, the assassin drug her out of the den and into the fresh air.


It was a cool afternoon, one where Nyleine would normally enjoy collecting ingredients that would be brewed into one of many different potions and poisons that would aid her sister. She could not, would not enjoy this day. Nyleine could only take the beating that was she was due, the one she knew was coming to her for years now. As a necromancer she knew that there would be a day where she would have to do battle with either Vigilants, Vampires, or servants of Meridia that would ultimately overpower her to the point where there was nothing she could do. She just didn’t think it would be so soon, and so fierce.














(If only I could get thirty seconds… If… only…) But time was not on her side. Beaten, battered, and dominated, Nyleine could barely stand and with one final blow the world swayed and went dark for the Halfling. As she went down, she could have sworn she hear a familiar voice, but everything turned into nothingness once her head met the ground.










Carciel (part 2)



Carciel had finally managed to break free from the Dragonborn’s grasp by the time they passed the stables and she had also managed to sober herself up a bit via healing magic so she was walking beside the two Nords as they headed to the Halflings’ den, but her vision was still blurry and her equilibrium was still off. When they got off the main road Carciel heard a scream and the terror showed on her face. (Is that Nyleine? O-or is it Niyleen? Damn the gods for them sounding the same!)




The trio picked up their pace and were soon met with the sight of a creature clad in metal standing over a dark skinned woman with dark hair clad in black. Before Carciel could piece together a coherent thought, Jordis charged forth and yelled, “DIE YOU MONSTER!” The housecarl got to the monster and attacked with a flurry of blows.










The ‘monster’ didn’t flinch, didn’t even acknowledge the Nord’s presence, and continued to glower at its victim. It was only when Jordis put herself between them that ‘the monster’ noticed her. With a deafening roar, the ‘monster’ went at Jordis with claws that seemingly jutted out of its metallic shell.












As Carciel tried to comprehend what was happening, she could hear Sorerica muttering to her side, “That style… it can’t be…”


“Y-you know this beast?” Carciel turning to face her friend. “W-why don’t you stop them?”


Sorerica sighed and continued to gaze upon the fight. “If that’s who I think it is, then that woman must be the one she was talking about when we last spoke. The one who was torturing her fiancé.” She frowned as she saw how hard a time her housecarl was having. “At least recognize who in Oblivion you’re fighting…” She took a deep breath and then yelled, “SORENE!”




(Sorene!?! Her friend from Markarth??) Carciel looked from the beast to Sorerica, the confusion evident in her eyes.


The creature knocked Jordis to the ground and looked toward the Dragonborn. It removed its… helmet(?) and revealed a Altmer with a familiar haircut who was staring daggers through her.  “What are you doing here Sorerica?”


“I was hoping to find you to be honest,” Sorerica said stepping forward. She motioned for Jordis to back down and stood face to face with the Altmer. “It’s good to see you.”


“Indeed,” Sorene nodded. “But why are you here? Why do you… prevent me from ridding the world of this menace?”


Sorerica sighed. “You can’t go around killing people when it tickles your fancy. Do you want to become a murderer?”


“There’s only one person I wish to kill and it’s that thing over there.”


It was then that Carciel rushed toward the fallen woman and felt her stomach turn when she saw that it was the younger sister. (How did this happen? Where is Niyleen? Why didn’t she protect her? How—)


“Get away from her!” Sorene roared. Sorerica stood between them and Sorene spat. “So you are here to stop me from killing her. WHY DO YOU TAKE HER SIDE!!?”


“You’re not going to kill anyone today,” Carciel said. Her voice was shaky and a bit slurred, but she could tell that they knew how serious she was.




“A drunken Breton is supposed to stop me?” Sorene said with a laugh. “Why does the Lady of Infinite Energies test me so?”


(Lady of Energies?) Carciel could not remember anyone that went by that moniker. (Is that code for—)


“You worship Meridia?” Sorerica asked.


(!!! Another worshipper of a Daedric Prince! Damn it Niyleen. Where are you?)


“I’ve always hated the undead and could relate to her wish to eradicate them from the world.”


“Nyleine’s not even a necromancer anymore,” Carciel said standing to meet Sorene’s eyes. “What do you have against—”


“Not a necromancer?”  Sorene couldn’t contain the anger boiling within her. “Just this week that bitch had a thrall under her command. And you tell me she’s still not a necromancer? She’ll defile someone else’s body in due time. Her kind can’t help but practice their craft.”




Carciel looked from Nyleine to Sorene. She wanted to say something, anything, to prove the Altmer wrong, but nothing was coming to mind. Instead she wielded her blade and could have sworn she heard Sorerica laugh, but ignored it. “No matter what you or I might feel towards her, I can’t have you killing Niyleen’s sister. How could I ever face her if I let you—”




“You think I give a damn about how you would feel?” Sorene glared at Carciel and pushed Sorerica aside. “I’ll kill you if it means I can kill that filth. You may have meant something to me in Markath but now you’re noting but a hindrance.” She put on her helmet and looked at Sorerica. “When I’m done with her, if you interfere, gifted by the Gods or not, I’ll take you down as well.”


Sorerica shrugged and motioned Jordis to her. “No worries. I won’t interfere regardless of the outcome. But Sorene,” she gave the Altmer a warm look. “Please don’t be controlled by your power.”




Sorene scoffed and immediately attacked Carciel…







Having changed from her mercenary armor into something she had retrieved off of a bandit that had crossed her path Niyleen felt less conspicuous and more at home as she traveled in search of Lucari. In order to complete her disguise, she even went as far as putting a blindfold over her left eye again. She even went and did something, but not much, to her hair.  As she came upon three belligerent bandits a small smile crept on her face. (Looks like the ‘Raging Inferno of the Reach’ is back.)


She wanted to simply kill the three of them but thought better of it when one of them began talking about a subject that piqued her interests.


“So how long you been working for your sick boss?” one of them asked.


The one being asked laughed. “That bitch ain’t sick. Hell, she’s in the best health I’ve ever seen someone be in in a long time.”




“Then what’s the deal with her?” the third one asked. “She’s so pale and I never have seen her go outside of that fucking cave once.”


The second bandit rolled his eyes. “That’s because she’s a vampire you fucking morons. Shor’s bones. Piece shit together for yourselves for a change.”


“A vampire!?” The two bandits said simultaneously.






“Yeah,” the second bandit said. “And like a month ago she brought in this hot, but unruly broad that was thrashing about in a tattered shirt that left little to the imagination. By the gods was she my kind of woman. That blonde hair and that fair skin was something to die for. But the bitch was a bloodsucker too. Seems like the boss was trying to break her in. Last I saw, the blonde had become completely docile and this is after the boss did all sorts of… things to—”


Niyleen had heard enough. Without giving the bandits a chance to retaliate she slaughtered them, hesitation and remorse was lost upon her. Looking down at her work, her anger boiled over and she continued to slash at the bandit’s corpses. (If she’s hurt… If that bitch did anything to her… I’ll kill her… I’ll kill all those damn bloodsuckers!) She continued slashing them up until her arms gave out, but her anger was not abated. She kicked their corpses a couple of times until she could feel herself cooling off and was about to start off again when she heard laughter from behind her. Turning with her blade drawn she shouted, “Who’s there?”




















































“You’ve never managed to disappoint, softgut.”


For a moment Niyleen was borderline incensed, but when she took a good look at the person before her she couldn’t stop the smile that formed on her face. “A skeleton from my past… you old crone! What’s going on, Malacath’s Chosen?”


A nickname that belonged to the best outlaw that Niyleen had ever had the pleasure of double-crossing. Duraza gra-Morbak. An outlaw so well renowned for her stealth and precision that not only had she been actively sought out by the Thieves Guild, but she had also been contracted by them on various occasions. Before they had met, Niyleen could never imagine an Orc being a thief, never mind being better at it than her, but she had learned so much from Duraza that she owed much of her success and infamy to Duraza.


Duraza returned Niyleen’s smile. “Still haven’t learned any manners have you?”


Niyleen grinned like a fool. “Nope!”




The Orc rolled her eyes. “You still have that baby faced way about you. Still going on with that ‘Raging Inferno of the Reach’ nonsense?”


Niyleen blanched. “Y-you heard about that?”


Duraza bellowed a laugh so loud that it reminded Niyleen why she thought Orcs would make piss poor thieves. They were louder than stampeding mammoths. “Heard about it? I saw it. By Malacath, all of the Reach and even those as far as Solitude saw it. I even knew a guy that said he was in Rorikstead when that nonsense happened. Shame what happened to him.”


Niyleen arched her eyebrows. “What did happen to him?”


“I slit his throat for cheating me out of three bags of coin,” Duraza said nonchalantly. “I mean, I told the bastard that he’d regret ever cheating me, but he had to test me.” Duraza rolled her eyes. “Honestly, why can’t bandits be more like you and me eh? Be upfront about double crossing people. The whole ‘no honor among thieves’ thing doesn’t have to be implemented in practice does it?”


And that’s why Duraza was so respected throughout Skyrim’s criminal community. She never double crossed anyone without them being able to see it coming and being able to do something about it. When Niyleen had first heard about it, she thought it was an insane line of thought. It’s a kill or be killed kind of world for bandits after all. However, after seeing it in practice she at least respected it, which is why Niyleen gave Duraza prior warning when she was going to cross her and is also why she was still alive after doing so.


(I may have called her an old crone but… she’s still beautiful… By the standards of Men anyway…) Niyleen remembered one time when she asked if Duraza was a Halfling like herself after an male Orc scoffed at Duraza’s appearance, and she could still remember the beating—both verbal and physical—she was given. “So,” Niyleen said slowly, bringing herself back to the current situation. She was taking her time in order to take note of the Orc’s actions. “Why are you here?”


Duraza shrugged. “No clue. I was going to kill these idiots for trying to hold up one of my contract from the Guild. But you did that for me, so I guess I was just wasting time.” She narrowed her eyes and grinned. “What are you doing here?”


“I-” Niyleen contemplated lying, but there was something refraining her from doing so. Probably respect, definitely not reason. “I-I… I’m looking for someone.”


“A milkdrinker vampire, about yea high with blonde hair?”


“You’ve seen her!”


The grin on the Orc’s face widened and Niyleen knew she had fucked up. “I could take you to where she is. It’s not that far.” She said winking at Niyleen.


The Halfing tensed. There it was, Duraza’s trademark you’re fucked gesture. (Shit! Why did I give myself away…) This was a setup, it was as evident as Duraza’s green skin. Everything wasn’t within the Orc’s calculations however, the bandits were legit idiots and it’s obvious that their meeting was happenstance. However, going with Duraza was a sure path to her demise. If the Dragonborn didn’t know what was going with the Daedric Princes on this may well be Niyleen’s final cycle. Niyleen sighed. “So that’s how it’s going to be, Duraza?”


“That’s how it’s going to be.” Duraza began walking off. “Come on softgut. Let’s hurry and get this over with.” Hearing Niyleen draw her weapon the Orc stopped. “You know me better than that. Your life is still yours until I get you to your vampire lover.”




Niyleen almost dropped her weapon. “H-how much do you know?”


Duraza laughed. “Seven years ago you honorably double crossed me, and quite successfully I may say. Five years ago you were captured, raped, found your first love, and set the Karth ablaze. Four years and eight months ago that Breton girl began tracking you. A few months ago you met that Nord and began catching feelings for her. You met your sister over a month ago. Yesterday that Breton kissed you and left you wanting more.” She turned and saw Niyleen’s terrified face. “I’ve been following you since the day you left greenhorn, and just like the Breton you had no idea until it was too late. Unlike that other amateur I didn’t blow my top and have a scuffle with you because you wronged me, like it’d be much of a fight anyway. So shut up, put those weapons away, and follow me.” Duraza began walking off again.


Say something. SAY SOMETHING DAMMIT! Don’t let her punk you like this!


Niyleen sheathed her weapon and lowered her eyes.


No. No! NOOOO! Just leave! Find the Nord your own way! Don’t—


“Hurry up,” Duraza called not slowing her pace. “You know what happens when you make me wait.”


Suddenly Niyleen was eleven again and the fledgling bandit that she was, the one that hung on every word Duraza said implored her to immediately set off after Duraza, and she did; ready to accept whatever fate lay at the end of their journey.






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Author's Note: This part is a wee bit disorganized but things should start to go well after this.




Part 5: Successor



A strange darkness clouds Sevara’s dreams and fills her head with words of hate and distrust. A commanding, vile presence, clawing at the back of her psyche. With each passing day, it becomes harder to remember just what she’s doing with herself.




Time passed and, eventually, the darkness receded and the pair began adventuring once more. They descended into Bleak Falls Barrow, only to find a strange power that filled Sevara with a strange, ancient aura alongside awakening a rather powerful draugr.




However, on their return to Whiterun, the darkness returned, briefly causing Sevara to black out and act strangely, she heard later that she pulsated with a vile aura.




For suspicion of trying to curse the Jarl or his court, Sevara was arrested with Enja as an accessory to the potential assassination. Or, whatever it was that the dark, pulsing aura could have been.




On the upside, Sevara and Enja were incarcerated in the same cell and were able to...Destress.




A word from the Author (Which will just be spoilers from this point):

It was around this point I started taking screenshots less reliably, as well as switching bodies to Sevenbase not long after this, so events will get a bit less connected for a while.


The morning she was released, Sevara awoke alone. There was no sign of Enja and, as a roar shook the very stones of Dragonsreach, Sevara took up arms to help defend the city from a terrifying Dragon, Mirmulnir.




After slaying the beast, a similar aura from Bleak Falls coursed into Sevara, with strange knowledge teeming in her brain. When applying the energy from the dragon to the seemingly insensible knowledge, she found a word: “Fus.” The soldiers called her Dragonborn but, nonetheless, a fire stronger than the dragon’s breath stirred in her loins and, as thanks for helping defend the city, she was rather well rewarded.





Side Tale: Sucks-Many-Cocks Introduction



Meanwhile, a rather lusty Argonian was trying her best to become a maid. However, her past would not escape her, nor would her insatiable hunger for semen.




Sucks-Many-Cocks was a slave, not to any Master, but to cock. Oh, certainly she had spent years as a sex slave, but one day she just gave in and relished in the feeling of a good, fat cock. And so, she shed her old name and became “Sucks”.




As a rather easy whore, Sucks-Many-Cocks didn’t charge her partners, so long as they didn’t pull out of whatever hole they were pumping full of their thick baby batter. She practically lived off of the stuff she was so addicted, it was like her perverted equivalent of Skooma.




Going back to her slavery, it did have a positive outcome for Sucks in the end, she learned how to please and be pleased, as well as growing her own plump cock to play with. She only wished it was big enough that she could suck herself off. Ah well.




When she was between jobs Sucks could be found doing one of two things: Fucking or being fucked. If she wasn’t having sex, she would go into withdrawal and get the shivers until she got a nice thick load of cum in her system. None of her fellow Argonians could tell just how she managed to contract such a strange addiction.




As for her future, who knows what’s in store for Sucks-Many-Cocks? Will she find a way to cure her addiction to semen? No of course not, that’d be no fun. However, could she get a master to treat her all the right ways? That could be a whole other story...





End Sucks’ Sidestory




Upon her return to Whiterun, the earth shook and a voice rung out through the sky, “Dov-ah-kiin.


Sevara, now named Thane, was told by the Jarl that the order of the Greybeards up on High Hrothgar were summoning the Dovahkiin, the Dragonborn, to the mountain for...some reason. So, with her new housecarl Lydia, Sevara headed up the mountain to meet the strange, isolated monks.




After learning another “Word of Power” from Master Arngeir as well as an explanation as to just what a “Shout” is, Sevara headed back down the mountain, reminiscing of her father and his booming voice. She wondered if he was Dragonborn, or at least had studied this Way of the Voice. Before she could dwell too much on it, she found herself walking to Windhelm, reminded of her father’s service, wanting to take up the sword in his stead to liberate her home.




While heading out to prove herself to the Stormcloaks, Sevara stopped by the College of Winterhold, however they seemed a bit...busy going to some ruin. She made a note of it and would come back at a later date.




Lydia, my Housecarl, I thank you for your trust and your loyalty.” She said, taking a knee in the snowstorm.


My Thane, I am sworn to protect you with my life. You really shouldn’t bow to me.” Lydia replied, taken aback.


What? I’m not, oooh. I was just getting some snow out of my boot. You read too much into things, Housecarl.” Sevara winked and Lydia blushed faintly.




As they journeyed out into the ice floes of the Sea of Ghosts, they took out a few brigands that made a rather poor effort to waylay them.








After taking them out, they borrowed their camp to rest for a while.



I totally didn’t waste 20mins real time just to get an ass shot. .3.





Not long after their break, they found the Serpent Stone in the depths of the Sea of Ghosts where they had been sent to kill an Ice Wraith. And they killed the bastard.





I’m debating saving the ENB for “drama shots”, panoramas, and/or headers so I can take combat shots easier. I’d love some input.



After returning to Windhelm, Sevara and Lydia were welcomed into the Stormcloaks. And with that came a new set of equipment as well as an assignment, to join up with some fellow kinsmen and help take the Jagged Crown, an item that, in the possession of the Rebellion, would solidify Jarl Ulfric’s claim to the High King.




Even if her father had died while she spent her teens and early twenties as a sex slave, she did learn something from her father when she was young. Daddy’s little princess knew how to surprise, and crack necks, but surprising is good too.



This is what I meant about the dropping the ENB thing, because I only got an ENB shot for like 2 frames of this killcam.





She found some bandits tolling innocents - and taking slaves - from some old structure and ...dealt with them. Harshly.




She might not be as good in a fistfight as her father was, but she certainly inherited her mother’s eyesight for picking off a Bandit at several hundred yards.




However, the darkness from earlier in the year clouded Sevara’s mind and, instead of releasing their last slave right away, she had the poor bound girl suck her cock first. Once satisfied, she did at least let the poor thing go.



Yes I know this shot is dark. Bite me. :c





As she neared her destination, Sevara found an old structure, a sleeping Dragon perched on top of it. She recognized it, one of those “Word Walls” like the one in Bleak Falls Barrow. However, would she be able to face this Dragon without the help she had with Mirmulnir?




However, as she thought, she found her mind drifting, about herself sitting on the throne in Windhelm, ruling a land covered in darkness where creatures of the night such as herself no longer needed to live in fear of ...


The Tyranny of the Sun




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This is what I meant about the dropping the ENB thing, because I only got an ENB shot for like 2 frames of this killcam.




I wouldn't drop using an ENB for certain shots because that would look off.  I would however say that there are ENB's that can give you a dark, cinematic feel without being as dark as Bleak ENB is.  If your not looking to change ENB's, then you could look into changing some lighting settings for Bleak ENB to make it brighter at night and/or interiors.  


Changing out the ENB would be easier, but either option is indeed possible.  

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This is what I meant about the dropping the ENB thing, because I only got an ENB shot for like 2 frames of this killcam.




I wouldn't drop using an ENB for certain shots because that would look off.  I would however say that there are ENB's that can give you a dark, cinematic feel without being as dark as Bleak ENB is.  If your not looking to change ENB's, then you could look into changing some lighting settings for Bleak ENB to make it brighter at night and/or interiors.  


Changing out the ENB would be easier, but either option is indeed possible.  



I guess I could fiddle with settings. Though I've been thinking of looking for an ENB that doesn't take such a massive performance hit. That, or trying out that "I Can't Believe It's Not ENB" mod.

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This is what I meant about the dropping the ENB thing, because I only got an ENB shot for like 2 frames of this killcam.




I wouldn't drop using an ENB for certain shots because that would look off.  I would however say that there are ENB's that can give you a dark, cinematic feel without being as dark as Bleak ENB is.  If your not looking to change ENB's, then you could look into changing some lighting settings for Bleak ENB to make it brighter at night and/or interiors.  


Changing out the ENB would be easier, but either option is indeed possible.  



I guess I could fiddle with settings. Though I've been thinking of looking for an ENB that doesn't take such a massive performance hit. That, or trying out that "I Can't Believe It's Not ENB" mod.



Well if Bleak ENB is giving you grief, then that narrows the ENB playing field down a bit because when I compared Bleak ENB awhile ago, It was one of the more performance friendly ENB's out there.  That doesn't mean you can't find a less taxing ENB, it just means it will be a bit more difficult.  

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Well, the tale of Sevara has had to come to a rather abrupt close it seems, as her save seems to have become corrupt and I have no idea how far back the damage has been wrought.


If I can fix it, life shall go on, if not, The Book of Darkness might be a fair bit inconsistent for a while. :c


Edit: I FIXED IT. The two saves I tried were borked, but the one earlier than that was fine. It turns out that disabling a mod without disabling it properly and then reinstalling the mod later can and will cause some issues. Who would have known? :x


In other news, I found a teeny weeny downside to using the Revealing SOS Armor, it seems to apply the "Revealing" flag to both gendered versions of the armor so our lovely ladies will show their bidnuss regardless of clipping. Hmm. :x

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Meeting People 2: A no-gun FPS adventure
This is possibly the longest set of screens I've done, not sure though. Has a rebranded Elsa and that other character I did a month ago or so. (no gifs this time, videos kept clipping. Also: no idea why Elsa has Rosso's tats, I assume its a MYC/Racemenu bug.)
This really is a FUCKING LONG READ  @.@






My name is Brunius. For all intents and purposes, my life story is not necessarily relevant. But I do have a tale to tell.  


I have.. very specific wishes to fulfill. Fetishes, you could say. Okay, you can definitely say that. I am, however, it the very literal mercy of another's participation. This is my 'friend', Elsa. Truth be told, we are friends, its just that we keep socializing and 'other' activity separate.


This was just a social call, you understand. 


'Brunius, I hope you don't mind if we wait for someone else to join us?'


'Sure thing, who are we expecting?'


'My hm.. 'dear' sister. Very rarely are we in the same place anymore, but she always makes it a point to catch up, and other sentimental things. I hope you don't mind..'


'No trouble, could be interesting to meet her.'






She'd brought another person along, although I never asked her name... I assume they were romantically involved, although knowing Elsa, her idea of romance is a set of behavioral rules and a harsh beating.


'Speak, dear, whats the problem?' 


The elf barely got a word out, or perhaps the din of the Skeever made it all the harder to hear. 


'Oh, not again. I realise it must be a bit difficult being in such a loud place, but we'll keep it short, I promise.'




It felt rude to interject.


'Are you sure? Brunius has some medical experience, perhaps he can help..'


'Help with what? Is she okay?


'Mm, she just gets a bit peeky from time to time. Must be all these foul odours or something.. why did we even agree to meet in the Skeever.. euch.'





I remember checking my hands for dirt, bit of a habit. Can't perform an exam without clean hands, very disgusting. Of course, where in the Skeever would I find such a place to the clean them, is a question I don't think anyone could answer, but that's irrelevant now. 


'Let me have a look, might be just stress.'




I moved to take a look, although knowing how protective Elsa could be, it would be a look and nothing else. She joined me in observation.


'See, sometimes a particular sense becomes overwhelmed, I've noticed. She is... very sensitive..'


'Hard to see how that would induce actual illness.. to me, she seems to be having a mild bought of anxiety.. and possibly fatigue. You aren't... pushing her too hard, are you?'





'Please, I'd never be so careless.'


Elsa was always one to be easily offended. Hated having her methods questioned. 


'All I'm saying is, she needs some rest, at the very least. I'm sure you could 'keep going' the extra mile but if she's 'sensitive' as you put it..'


'Ugh, fine. Darling, lets see if they have any of those herb teas from the market. Fancy some elderflower myself.'


That was her way of following advice. Perhaps its not my place to say what I think of her insatiable greed for innocent-looking younger women. 




They had a small talk between them, I seem to recall. Wasn't paying attention that well. Kept thinking of perpetually dirty hands.






'Fiiiinally. How do you consistently hold the ability to make me wait? Every. Single. Meeting, we set a time and place and you STILL manage to mess either of them up.'


'Oh, yeah, I'm doing great, how about you, Elsa?' 


Ahh, sisters playfighting. More adorable than embarrassing. They quickly made their hellos. Indeed, its almost as if Elsa had changed personality mid conversation and seemed almost overwhelmed with an all-smiles emotive chit-chat. 




'Sis, who's the elf chick..?'


'Shes... mm-hmm.' 


Elsa tried to be subtle about her romantic involvement.


'Oooohhh, another one, hm?'


'What do you mean 'another one'? There's only the one.. '


'You and your semantics. She is rather cute though.. '


'Cute barely begins to describe... ' 


Elsa seemed to drift off into another place when she turned to the elf. 


'Anyway, anyway..'




I recall she took an ample amount of time analyzing Elsa's companion, although without airing her thoughts to us, probably for the best. She was almost like a tailor sizing up some exquisite dress or a critic and some painting. 


'Okay, I noticed something: Red hair, short, dem hips and dat butt. Sound awfully familiar to you..?' 


A few hand gestures indicated that she meant herself. I must admit, the surface similarities were there. I'm not sure what that says about Elsa, and I don't think I'd tell her if I had an answer. 


'Pfft, don't be ridiculous. Besides, don't talk about her like she's invisible.. '


'I'm.. going to my room..'


'Alright, dear.'




And then, she turns to me. 


'Oh hey, Elsa didn't say someone else would be coming..'


'Well, I, that.. sounds unlike her. I'm Brunius.'


'Hm, Brunius.. bruuuu, brew, brewwwnius? Sorry, just, somewhat humourous given where we are.'


Her humour was.. quaint. And somehow conversing was much smoother than with her older sister.


'I'm Rosso, by the way.'


'Mm, fairly uncommon name.'


'Iunno, its just a thing.. really.. uh..'




It seemed that Elsa had to leave, my guess is she saw sense after all and escorted her companion back to their place. So much for a social call. I was content to converse with Rosso still. I can't deny.. there was some level of attraction towards her: personality removed, quite the body. Although, now that I look back on it, it might not have been a wholly natural infatuation, but that's for later, reader.





'Yeah, well, I gathered that you're more than just her friend.. a client, I'd say. Friendly client? I know the type, to be a bit presumptuous. I guess that now she's left, you wont be... having show and tell?'


It was hard to not laugh: bad innuendo seemed to come naturally to her. 


'To be fair, this was actually just a social call, Rosso. Catch up, if you will. Although, I suspect you're about to lead on to something...'




And perhaps at this point I should've just gone home like any boring person, but when your strangely attractive friends strangely attractive sister is about to solicit you for strange sex, as I guessed would happen, the scenario seems like a once in a very rare blue moon bunch of fun. 


She was delighted, of course. I knew Elsa was very adamant of her specific sexual preference. Rosso, on the other hand, seemed like the village slut by comparison, if I may be so crass. 


She led me to her room upstairs.




I found it hard to not fidget. Maybe it was nerves or maybe some hitherto undeveloped pre-cognitive  mind power, although I firmly believe the former. 






The walk did allow me a peak at her general behind. 


I suppose I've no need to complain about that.





She took a while to open the door. I remember that strongly for some reason, as if she was entirely new to the concept of opening doors. However, I also think she might have just been nervous as well. 





'Alright, so I'm guessing that the only reason you'd ever be able to get to sex up my uppity nonsense sister is that you have a very particular fetish that I think could be veeery fun..'


'Well, ya, I mean, I've been doing this for years with her, its nothing you need to be gingerly air-quoting around.' 


'Right.. well then, Mr Backchattyman, get nekkid, and I'll be back in a second.'


A wink and a nod later, she went to get changed.




The bed was pretty spacious, thank the divines. Often times, these kinds of inns are frightfully under prepared for such goings on. Perhaps the more weighted part of this tale has yet to show itself, but I feel the details matter. Everything seemed to fall into place, as if guided by something, someone. I could not posit any further ideas. 




I remember checking my faculties. What self-conscious man wouldn't in this case? Although, rationality would say 'it was all fine 10 minutes ago, why wouldn't it be now'. Nerves. All nerves.


Forgot where I put my clothes in all this. Some part of me thinks they were stolen but I rarely listen to that part of my anyway. 




There were... bottles, on the table. They played a key role. The room smelt strangely sweet, and I think the fragrance was akin to what emanated from the bottles. If so, it only speaks volumes of how things went next.




And, rather abruptly, she was ready.


I appraised what I saw: She seemed particularly proud of wearing such a contraption. For Elsa, it was no big deal but her sister seemed full of zeal for the prospect. Maybe she wasn't in this place of power that often. Or maybe she was. It was hard to discern.


'Now, don't be toooo scared by my monstrous rod of deathly sexyness.. '


'Jeez... '


I grinned. I definitely grinned. It was just so.. not serious. 




'To make this less awkward, ignore me being Elsa's sister. I imagine if it were anyone else I'd be talking to, they'd gossip like an entire nunnery, heh..' 


'You do.. what you do. You're in charge here.. '


'Hm, thats true...' 





If there's one thing I'll remember in fondness, it'll be the foreplay.


She still wore those gloves. They felt smooth as she treated me like a king.  











I think somewhere during there, a dominant personality took over. Or perhaps I was reading her wrong and she had been stringing me along all the time. 


In any case, she grabbed the back of my head, forcing me to look at the ridiculous thing between her legs. 


'See this? You wont in a second, when its buried right inside you.. '


I'd like to say it was more of her cheesy humour and yet.. her grip was hard, more than I could resist, her tone of voice, threatening and purposeful.. yet she remained deceptively chirpy. In fact, she was almost too much like her sister. 




She placed a hand on my thigh, well.. smacked her hand, is more accurate. Like some underfed snake, she slithered it up to my behind. Firm squeeze. To say I felt emasculated is an understatement. 


I'm given one of the bottles. 




Very insistent. This is the key part, where I knew things would get strange, though I wouldn't know how. I could not accurately describe the flavour of the potion. Fruity, flowery, smelt like blossoms. Yet it had a strange thickness and aftertaste that made it feel like medicine, curdling the stomach. It wasn't a narcotic, thinking about it now. It made everything feel relaxed. Even my limbs and lungs. 


Any right-minded person would think they were in danger. 




She then gestured me to the bed. I figured to go along normally as I do with Elsa, just.. let it happen. Give her what she wants as much as shes giving you. 


When I turned to face the bed, she pushed me onto it. Not in a.. harsh way, but perhaps she felt she needed to be 'aggressive' in her position. I couldn't say. All I remember is that I turned over and she was upon me.




'Oh look mines bigger... '


The strange potion affected my jaw. I found it harder to respond.. probably the point. I hate to admit it, but my face flushed when she taunted me. It was... incrementally bigger, but that wasn't the reason. She was above me. Beyond me. As with Elsa, I had found what I desired. 





She was unapologetic about it. 









...Alright, I enjoyed that part as well.



What happened next, is what I was not prepared for. 





She made sure I was.. finished. But something seemed wrong. She claimed fatigue, feeling faint. 

Maybe it was like Elsa's girlfriend.. or whatever Elsa refers her to her as. At the time, it was conjecture..


She haphazardly crawled off of the bed, I think she lost sense of her surroundings. 




Like some intoxicated so and so, I watched her slowly moving towards the table, another potion stood open.




But she didn't make it, and fell to her knees. 


This part is still fresh in my head. A palpable aura filled the room, barely tangible in physicality but it perturbed me greatly in my soul. 




And then the insane happened. Black shadows swarmed around her, and I swear I still have no clue if it was real or some brain addling along the way. They consumed her form, and I could only panic.. and yet, the potion had left me near-paralysed. What could I do, but scramble to the top of the bed. 




And I see a larger being take her place. The sound of bones crunching, wings flapping, enough to unnerve anyone, I'd imagine. It unnerved me, for certain. 




Whatever ...'it'... was, it was fast. Unnaturally so. I couldn't look away, roiling blackness tends to be a large distraction. Even more so, when you see the face of your recent lover changed in such a way.. to have it growl and stare like some predator. 





She..? stood over me. I needed to scream. Not want, but need. Unable to, panic took over. 


I remember.. beginning to black out..





I don't really remember what happened next.




Although there was a massive pain in my spine.




And now I'm here, reciting this story back, in some hope that I can make sense of what happened. I am.. groggy. Everything feels numb, but when I move, everything aches. Head hurts. Back hurts. Somehow, all of my skin.. 


I think I need to simply get out of here. Ignore it all. Where did my clothes go again... 




Huh... Rosso is... still here?


Should I run...?



(woo, mysterious, 2spoopy4me)





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Meeting People 2: A no-gun FPS adventure


This is possibly the longest set of screens I've done, not sure though. Has a rebranded Elsa and that other character I did a month ago or so. (no gifs this time, videos kept clipping. Also: no idea why Elsa has Rosso's tats, I assume its a MYC/Racemenu bug.)



This really is a FUCKING LONG READ  @.@




Awesome story Jbloggz, one thing though. The dark purple makes it hard too read. Maybe you could try a lighter color for your next story.

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This is the first chapter of a new collab story I'm working with Robton. It's about my main character, Valeera.


Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.



Shadow Hide You

Chapter 1: Light and Shadow



Another sunny day in Whiterun…




Guard: “Give me back my sweetroll, you little thief!”




She runs away, laughing at him. He was fooled by her, again.


Valeera: “Catch me if you can, ugly man!”




Guard 2: “She stole another one from you? How can you be fooled twice by her?”




Guard: “She did it again. Talking to me being all lovey-dovey and all that crap. I don’t know why, but I believed it. And I can’t run after her anymore. My knee hurts…”




Guard 2: “I have to agree that she is good. Even with your helmet on she noticed how ugly you are.”






In that night, when she was sure that no one would come after her, she camped outside Whiterun’s walls.


Valeera: “Oh no, I’m running out of wood…”




Valeera: “My axe is broken and I don’t have anything to chop wood with. Camping is harder than I thought. Don’t have any mead left. And I only drank four bottles…”




She heard a deafening sound coming from above. A thunder? Or maybe a roar?  She looked at the sky…


Valeera: “Wow, that’s a big fucking dragon…




Valeera: “Wait…WHAT?!”




Valeera couldn’t believe her eyes. Dragons were gone for a long time. Now they were beings that only lived in tales like those told by the other kids in Riften’s orphanage, where she had lived.


She caught her breath and looked at it again. She saw nothing but the stars on the nightsky.




Valeera: “That is just great. Four bottles of mead and I’m having hallucinations. And I thought that I wasn’t THAT drunk.”






And in the next morning she was there all over again.


Valeera: “I can’t believe that I’ll steal Balgruuf’s Axe Of Whiterun right beneath his nose! I guess that’s the perfect plan. Oh I’m so brilliant…”




Valeera: “So this is the Jarl’s armory, huh? Now, where is the axe? There’s a bunch of stuff in here, but it must be easy to find…”




Valeera: “There it is!”




Valeera: “Come on baby, come to mama…”




Eline: “HEY! What do you think you are doing?”




Valeera: “What in the…who are you?”




Eline: “Get your hands off that axe. It’s mine…”




Valeera: “No, it’s not. I’m stealing it.”




Eline: “No, I’m stealing it.”




Valeera: “No, you don’t. This thing means a month of mead and rabbit stew for me. And besides, I saw it first. But I can sell it to you, if you want it. For a hundred thousand septims.”




Eline: “Give the axe to me NOW, or I will-“




A wild Guard appears!


Guard: “What is happening in here?!”




Valeera: “She’s a thief!”




Guard: “You two had committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?”




Eline: “She was the one trying to steal from the Jarl’s armory. I wasn’t doing anything.”




Valeera: “That’s a lie, Mr. Guard! I was trying to stop her!”




Guard: “I had enough of you two! To the cells! Now!”




To be continued…


Credits and notes (read after story)



-Big thanks to my bud Robton for providing Eline's screens (awesome character, btw).
-The shots in the armory turned out to be a bit dark, but it kinda fits with the story theme, so I ended up liking it.
--Engilsh is not my native language, so you may find a mistake or two.
-You can also find the story on my blog.



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Guest smellbo

This is the first chapter of a new collab story I'm working with Robton. It's about my main character, Valeera.


Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it.



Shadow Hide You

Chapter 1: Light and Shadow



Another sunny day in Whiterun…




Guard: “Give me back my sweetroll, you little thief!”




She runs away, laughing at him. He was fooled by her, again.


Valeera: “Catch me if you can, ugly man!”




Guard 2: “She stole another one from you? How can you be fooled twice by her?”




Guard: “She did it again. Talking to me being all lovey-dovey and all that crap. I don’t know why, but I believed it. And I can’t run after her anymore. My knee hurts…”




Guard 2: “I have to agree that she is good. Even with your helmet on she noticed how ugly you are.”






In that night, when she was sure that no one would come after her, she camped outside Whiterun’s walls.


Valeera: “Oh no, I’m running out of wood…”




Valeera: “My axe is broken and I don’t have anything to chop wood with. Camping is harder than I thought. Don’t have any mead left. And I only drank four bottles…”




She heard a deafening sound coming from above. A thunder? Or maybe a roar?  She looked at the sky…


Valeera: “Wow, that’s a big fucking dragon…




Valeera: “Wait…WHAT?!”




Valeera couldn’t believe her eyes. Dragons were gone for a long time. Now they were beings that only lived in tales like those told by the other kids in Riften’s orphanage, where she had lived.


She caught her breath and looked at it again. She saw nothing but the stars on the nightsky.




Valeera: “That is just great. Four bottles of mead and I’m having hallucinations. And I thought that I wasn’t THAT drunk.”






And in the next morning she was there all over again.


Valeera: “I can’t believe that I’ll steal Balgruuf’s Axe Of Whiterun right beneath his nose! I guess that’s the perfect plan. Oh I’m so brilliant…”




Valeera: “So this is the Jarl’s armory, huh? Now, where is the axe? There’s a bunch of stuff in here, but it must be easy to find…”




Valeera: “There it is!”




Valeera: “Come on baby, come to mama…”




Eline: “HEY! What do you think you are doing?”




Valeera: “What in the…who are you?”




Eline: “Get your hands off that axe. It’s mine…”




Valeera: “No, it’s not. I’m stealing it.”




Eline: “No, I’m stealing it.”




Valeera: “No, you don’t. This thing means a month of mead and rabbit stew for me. And besides, I saw it first. But I can sell it to you, if you want it. For a hundred thousand septims.”




Eline: “Give the axe to me NOW, or I will-“




A wild Guard appears!


Guard: “What is happening in here?!”




Valeera: “She’s a thief!”




Guard: “You two had committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?”




Eline: “She was the one trying to steal from the Jarl’s armory. I wasn’t doing anything.”




Valeera: “That’s a lie, Mr. Guard! I was trying to stop her!”




Guard: “I had enough of you two! To the cells! Now!”




To be continued…


Credits and notes (read after story)



-Big thanks to my bud Robton for providing Eline's screens (awesome character, btw).
-The shots in the armory turned out to be a bit dark, but it kinda fits with the story theme, so I ended up liking it.
--Engilsh is not my native language, so you may find a mistake or two.
-You can also find the story on my blog.




I really like the look of both characters, especially Eline.

Good work. :heart:

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