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Chapter 2: Indret, The Beastess of Windhelm


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Name: Indret, the Beastess of Windhelm

Sex: Female

Race: Bosmer

Start: Escape the cell.

Class: Archer

Profession: Beastess

Personality:  Zoophile







Welcome all, so here we have our new heroine, Indret, the Beastess of Skyrim. Our last character, Badala, didn't fare so well, so how will this one do?



Indret's story begins in a prison cell not so far from Windhelm. A year before, Indret had gotten in an argument with a Nord citizen of Windhelm and ended up maiming the woman when things got heated. She was arrested and handed a 10-year sentence for her crimes.


To her, it was fair. She hadn't meant for things to go that far, and certainly didn't mean to hurt that poor woman, but the fact remained that she had, in a gross lapse of judgement, ruined a life. As a Wood Elf, it would have been all too easy for her to pick the lock of her cell and sneak out, but she intended to pay for her crime by living out every day of her punishment.


All that changed when the river flooded its banks and the water began leaking in, the guard panicked and left, promising to reurn for the prisoners.


They never did.


As the other prisoners perished, Indret could do nothing but listen to their cries, wondering what they had done to deserve their fate. Finally, after weeks of silence, she decided that she had had enough. She was hungry and cold, and had no intention of dying in prison, so she did what she had promised herself not to do; she picked the lock and broke out of the cell.






She regretted it almost immediately as she was set upon by the angry spirits of the other prisoners and fallen guards. With nothing to defend herself but a dull axe, she desperately fought them off one by one.






Even after taking a proper weapon from one of her assailents, she knew it was a lost cause. The tireless spirits would eventually overcome her already weakened mortal body, so she took the only option available to her and fled into the prison's sewer system.






Luckilly, her gamble paid off and she managed to locate a way out, even finding a bow and some arrows — the weapons of her people — in the process.






She found herself beneath an old bridge on the river and took the opportunity to take a much-needed rest. As she gazed out into the water, she contemplated all that had happened.


She didn't deserve what had happened to her. She deserved to be punished, sure, but left to die?


And what of the other prisoners? Some of them had only committed crimes as minor as stealing bread. What kind of person would put them to death like that?


The more she thought, the more she hated the people of Windhelm for their brutality. The more she thought, the more she wanted revenge.


But how?






The answer suddently came to her in a tale from her childhood.


The story of an unnamed Bosmer huntress who was said to be legendary in her skill, able to fall even the mightiest beasts, best the greatest warriors, and use the Bosmer's normally temporary ability to control animals to tame even the most ferocious for indefinite amounts of time.


One day, her tribe found out that her power came not from skill, but by laying with beasts and they banished her for such an abominable act. Years later, she returned with an army of wolves and exterminated her tormenters.


It was only a story, but to Indret, the possibilities were too good to pass up. She cast her clothing into the river and declaired she would follow in the huntress' footsteps to gain her revenge. She would become a Beastess or die trying!





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