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On 5/22/2024 at 1:09 AM, Caco Demon said:

This. Need x-ray creampies. Could even go so far as to have fertilization visuals for pregnancy mods.

Hmmm dunno how that would work or even if its possible, I'll have a think on it once I finished the dialogue part of the main mod.


On 5/22/2024 at 3:36 AM, PNclarity001 said:

Could updating the mod mid save break the visuals? had a new game, ran fine, updated and now nothing appears

think I borked it?

I think someone else managed to get it to work by using a save cleaner, there's a post in this thread somewhere about doing that.

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23 minutes ago, audhol said:

Hmmm dunno how that would work or even if its possible, I'll have a think on it once I finished the dialogue part of the main mod.


I think someone else managed to get it to work by using a save cleaner, there's a post in this thread somewhere about doing that.

thanks boss, you the best. Ill take a peek

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, audhol said:

Hmmm dunno how that would work or even if its possible, I'll have a think on it once I finished the dialogue part of the main mod.


Could be achieved the same way you've done with Cum Dreaming. There are plenty of vids/anims out there that would suit: I've attached a couple of basic examples, and I don't mind assisting in acquiring more, if it helps!

Another idea could be to have the character fantasize about sex in a similar fashion based on their arousal or libido or whatever (depending on the arousal mod).




Edited by Caco Demon
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14 hours ago, Caco Demon said:

Could be achieved the same way you've done with Cum Dreaming. There are plenty of vids/anims out there that would suit: I've attached a couple of basic examples, and I don't mind assisting in acquiring more, if it helps!

Another idea could be to have the character fantasize about sex in a similar fashion based on their arousal or libido or whatever (depending on the arousal mod).

Yeah but how would it get triggered? On the start of a vaginal SL scene? 


Thoughts based on arousal is definately in my plans to do, be nice to hook into SLSF values to find out what the PC has done affecting what she dreams about.



12 hours ago, Definitelynothereforkinks said:

any reason why this might crash as soon as the effects should be active?
Is there a hard requirement I might be missing or something?

Hmmm no it shouldnt need anything other than SLS or CSN 

Basic questions, did you get the right version for your modlist?

Are you on LE or SE?

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3 hours ago, PNclarity001 said:

Tried the save cleaner method to no avail

Tried a new save and it's still not working, gonna try the sls version and see if it changes any.

Did you  do it correctly? because i  used a cleaned save and works fine for me.


Here is how i did it :

Load your saved game with the mod installed and active-deactivate mod thru MCM and save-quit game-deactivate mod in your mod manager-load save ( while loading , you will get a warning about missing plugin) , once loaded, save it again and quit game-Use save cleaner on the last save ( clean instances and undefined elements) make a new save-update ( if it´s the case ) Cum Dreaming mod and enable the plugin-load the new save and play for a time till you get Pekish or hungry status..sometimes the images are not inmediate..try to talk to a male in any of the previous states to check if you hear " thoughts"..

I hope it helps :)


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19 hours ago, pifesh said:

Did you  do it correctly? because i  used a cleaned save and works fine for me.


Here is how i did it :

Load your saved game with the mod installed and active-deactivate mod thru MCM and save-quit game-deactivate mod in your mod manager-load save ( while loading , you will get a warning about missing plugin) , once loaded, save it again and quit game-Use save cleaner on the last save ( clean instances and undefined elements) make a new save-update ( if it´s the case ) Cum Dreaming mod and enable the plugin-load the new save and play for a time till you get Pekish or hungry status..sometimes the images are not inmediate..try to talk to a male in any of the previous states to check if you hear " thoughts"..

I hope it helps :)


I followed that essentially to the letter but also had too reset needs/dreamer/sls as well which finally got it working

thank you for the help though!

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On 5/24/2024 at 12:31 PM, audhol said:

Yeah but how would it get triggered? On the start of a vaginal SL scene?


Sexlab has an OnOrgasm event. You could track the player and when the partner in the player SL scene ejaculates you could trigger the effect.

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On 5/24/2024 at 5:01 PM, audhol said:

Yeah but how would it get triggered? On the start of a vaginal SL scene? 


Thoughts based on arousal is definately in my plans to do, be nice to hook into SLSF values to find out what the PC has done affecting what she dreams about.

Could maybe hook into mods like Fill Her Up, and/or use the orgasm stage in a vaginal SL anim to trigger?

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On 5/24/2024 at 9:01 AM, audhol said:

Yeah but how would it get triggered? On the start of a vaginal SL scene? 


Thoughts based on arousal is definately in my plans to do, be nice to hook into SLSF values to find out what the PC has done affecting what she dreams about.



Hmmm no it shouldnt need anything other than SLS or CSN 

Basic questions, did you get the right version for your modlist?

Are you on LE or SE?

I'm on LE, and the right modversion was installed, yes

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/29/2024 at 9:22 PM, Definitelynothereforkinks said:

I'm on LE, and the right modversion was installed, yes

Can't help you sorry, I dont have a copy of LE.




2 hours ago, GeJorge said:

What should I do to make this mod work on existing save-game?

Someone else managed to use a save cleaner to update the mod mid game. If you install it without having a previous version it should work. If you are updating from a previous version it might require some work to get it to show up.

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1 hour ago, audhol said:

Someone else managed to use a save cleaner to update the mod mid game. If you install it without having a previous version it should work. If you are updating from a previous version it might require some work to get it to show up.

I'm installing it for the first time, but only upon starting a new game it works, otherwise effects don't show up.

Edited by GeJorge
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