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[mod] Unified UI Carnalitas (Unified UI Compatibility Patch)

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Unified UI Carnalitas (Unified UI Compatibility Patch)

UI compatibility patch for using carnalitas (and if requested other LL CK3 mods) with Unified UI.


Load it AFTER unified UI... and unified UI should be pretty much at end of load order as it changes A_LOT.

Any submod should be added AFTER both UniUI and related mod.


Currently fixes:

In spoiler area are widgets used for these mods... if you do not use given mod just remove that widget file and other stuff should work

- Carnalitas:






  • Character UI:
    • lactation and fetishes icons

- Carnalitas Slavery Expansion




  • Character UI:
    • Slaves tab


Fixes with submods:

Carnalitas Arousal Framework (support with UniUiCarn + CAF)

  • HUD
    • Arousal indicator

- Regula Magistri (support with UniUICarn + RM)

  • Councils UI
    • Tab for Regula Magistri Council


It just works (no submod needed):

Medieval Arts (MA changed way ruins UI is shown and thus no longer submod is needed)


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Edited by moonimpish
copy paste from file description :o
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In Windows C:\Users\\[your username]\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod\ there is no such folder.
I made the folder manually, put the mod there, the game doesn’t see anything .
What could be the reason?

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28 minutes ago, mi24mu said:

In Windows C:\Users\\[your username]\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod\ there is no such folder.
I made the folder manually, put the mod there, the game doesn’t see anything .
What could be the reason?

If you had no folder then you are either not having other mods installed(carnalitas, unified ui) or CK decided to use another folder for whatever reason (which is sad)...

easiest way to check where mods stuff goes is to open pdx launcher and in playsets/all installed mods view choose "show in folder":


that should open folder with installed mods in explorer.


Please keep in mind that you need to register mods with launcher for you active playset before starting CK3... otherwise CK3 do not see mods at all.

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On 1/5/2024 at 10:58 AM, krollbotid said:

icon of ruins from Medieval Arts mod overlaps a bit, due to arousal bar


It is fixed with new version... just remember to install only submod for MA but not submod for CAF. CAF widget will not be visible by default anymore (unless CAF submod is installed too). Submods yeah...

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On 1/9/2024 at 2:04 AM, moonimpish said:

No... THE UNIFIED UI: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2768734977
Make it look like that:



This fixed the errors I was talking about but it seem to have broken the barbershop. 

everything is zoomed in and I can't "save" the barbershop because the buttons are on the bottom. 


also the green and red modifiers doesn't say what they're supposed to be doing. 

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On 1/13/2024 at 9:32 AM, LueRV said:

This fixed the errors I was talking about but it seem to have broken the barbershop. 

everything is zoomed in and I can't "save" the barbershop because the buttons are on the bottom. 


also the green and red modifiers doesn't say what they're supposed to be doing. 

Yeah I had the same problem, its Physical Attributes causing it. Doesn't seem like this was designed for PA which is a shame. I was hoping it would work because I hate the way PA makes the character window too big without rescaling the relations view below, so you cant see all the people related to you without scrolling.

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Well I do not touch barbershop (neither in mod nor in game play (so it did not bothered me anyway)...) so I am not really sure how it is suppose to look :D Tell me with which mod it does work as intended and maybe I can find some solution to fix it :)

Edited by moonimpish
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10 hours ago, panda37 said:

Carnalitas should be loaded before or after Unified UI?

It does not really matter as long as you put uniuicarn (this mod) after both. But as a rule of thumb UniUI should be after everything else as it tries to combine various mods UI changes. 

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On 2024/1/18 at PM2点41分, moonimpish said:

好吧,我不碰理发店(无论是在模组中还是在游戏中(所以它并没有打扰我)...)所以我不太确定它应该是什么样子告诉:D 我它与哪个模组一起按预期工作并且也许我可以找到一些解决方案来解决它:)

it seems to be the Unified UI mod itself cause the bug of the barbershop,

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  • 3 weeks later...

Could you please create a patch to make this work with this?



It seems the character screen GUI is OK, but there is also a matter of the Council tab screen. As RM has a second council display for the Religion's own council - currently not yet fully formed.


Thanking you in advance


- sj

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On 2/12/2024 at 2:27 PM, Andarus said:

What Mod is changing the Holdings UI in the 2nd screenshot? I have building-slots outside of the UI I can't use.

That is all this mod. if it is loaded after all other ui changing mods you should have what is on screenshot.


14 hours ago, Slickjack said:

Council tab screen

I will look into that :)

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1 hour ago, moonimpish said:

That is all this mod. if it is loaded after all other ui changing mods you should have what is on screenshot.


Not for me. I have Unified UI, Carn Uni and Carn Uni MA as last 3 in my Loadorder and it changes nothing.


Also isn't "window_county_view.gui" changing that Window? I don't have that file in any of these Mods.

Edited by Andarus
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Regula Magistri 2 recent update made it partially incompatible. Ban10 suggested a way to fix but if you make it compatible, it would be great.

Also with Unified UI you can't see tons of wives and concubines, which you can have with RM


RM has tabs for spouses and concubines like children and siblings

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