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Vor 25 Minuten sagte sfdrake:

Ich möchte irgendwie wissen, ob Lovers Lab diesen einen Starfield-Mod hosten würde, der das Pronomen-Ding entfernt hat, weil Nexus-Mods nicht dazu führen, dass dadurch Inklusivität und Diversität entfernt werden, und sie das nicht wollen ... oder zumindest die Mods dort nicht.



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5 hours ago, kamoewarrior said:

Are you not able to download from nexus without an account anymore? I didn't have an account the first time I used nexusmods 10 years ago. Or is your IP banned?

I believe you can, but you can't access adult mods without logging in. If I were the OP I'd try a VPN. Not sure how you manage to get banned on nexus.

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6 hours ago, sfdrake said:

I kinda wanna know if lovers lab would host that one starfield mod that removed the pronoun thing cause Nexus mods wont cause it removes inclusivity and diversity  and they do not want that.. or atleast the mods there do not.


I would think, if the creator decided to post it here, it should be allowed... but, as I understand it, the moderators would probably want to lock down comments so no discussion would be permitted.

So, offer the mod to those who want it, and avoid any drama from people arguing about whether or not people should be allowed to use it.

Edited by emes
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A Pronoun removal mod might also get taken down here too. there was a discussion talking about them and it was quickly locked by mods because of the trouble they tend to stir up.


only word of advice I can give is to just deal with it. they aren't hurting you and theres really no need to remove them other than to help you secure your political values in a singleplayer game.


I honestly do no care about the pronouns being in the game, or mods removing them. I just advise not making and uploading any mod that removes pronouns as they always cause a bunch of trouble.

only issue I had with it was when I spent an hour making a character for them to have the wrong pronouns and had to restart. I did not know I could change them after selecting the name.

Edited by AManNamedNorvile
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Well, if you really don't want to register an account on nexus, there are some forums/websites that don't follow the rules in China and Russia. They reupload content without any permission.


I'm not entirely certain if anyone would prefer downloading this way though, as the Chinese firewall not only slows down downloads from inside but also from the outside.

Edited by Baka9
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Moral busybodies shouldn't be able to dictate what mods people can have in their games just by throwing a fit about it, or else that will just become the method of censoring anything and everything. I'm sure it won't stop with pronouns.


If the discourse around such a thing is the problem, just lock the comments. Let modders make and share what they want, and don't allow for censorship via heckler's veto.

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6 hours ago, Decèdere said:

I believe you can, but you can't access adult mods without logging in. If I were the OP I'd try a VPN. Not sure how you manage to get banned on nexus.


The only way to get banned from the nexus is by trying to evade an existing ban, having an inappropriate name/uploading similar mods against rules, or just being a complete asshat(or equivalent) on mod comments and flaming people left and right. You really have to *try* to get banned, honestly.

Edited by MonVert
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9 hours ago, emes said:

Moral busybodies shouldn't be able to dictate what mods people can have in their games just by throwing a fit about it, or else that will just become the method of censoring anything and everything. I'm sure it won't stop with pronouns.


The trouble with your argument here is that you're using the word "censorship" when what you mean is "moderation".


Nexus, like LoversLab has the right to moderate the content on their site. You don't get to come onto my private property, be it my house, or my server and start with whatever invective you feel like expressing. At least, not without consequences. In meatspace: I would moderate your content by running you out of my house...onto the pavement. In cyberspace: I'd moderate your content, which can scale up to and including a ban. That's how consequences work. It's how moderation works.


You're then free to take your views, whatever they are elsewhere. Nobody's stopping you from expressing them elsewhere, and you have absolutely no inherent right to have people listen to you because you want them to.


While nobody has officially said so, Nexus' position seems fairly clear: they're not going to allow people to use their platform for bigotry of any stripe. If they allow pronoun removal mods, they would have to allow others of that stripe. What's more, this stance is not even new. The mod author who was releasing mods that removed black and other minority NPC's from Fallout 4 was banned IIRC, and the mods removed. 


You can cry censorship of course, it's what a lesser mind without an understanding of vocabulary and meaning does. If you don't like the moderation a website provides you have options: start your own website, which espouses your values, or go to a place where your views are welcomed. Censorship does not afford you those alternatives.

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2 hours ago, WandererZero said:


The trouble with your argument here is that you're using the word "censorship" when what you mean is "moderation".


Nexus, like LoversLab has the right to moderate the content on their site. You don't get to come onto my private property, be it my house, or my server and start with whatever invective you feel like expressing. At least, not without consequences. In meatspace: I would moderate your content by running you out of my house...onto the pavement. In cyberspace: I'd moderate your content, which can scale up to and including a ban. That's how consequences work. It's how moderation works.


You're then free to take your views, whatever they are elsewhere. Nobody's stopping you from expressing them elsewhere, and you have absolutely no inherent right to have people listen to you because you want them to.


While nobody has officially said so, Nexus' position seems fairly clear: they're not going to allow people to use their platform for bigotry of any stripe. If they allow pronoun removal mods, they would have to allow others of that stripe. What's more, this stance is not even new. The mod author who was releasing mods that removed black and other minority NPC's from Fallout 4 was banned IIRC, and the mods removed. 


You can cry censorship of course, it's what a lesser mind without an understanding of vocabulary and meaning does. If you don't like the moderation a website provides you have options: start your own website, which espouses your values, or go to a place where your views are welcomed. Censorship does not afford you those alternatives.


No, I don't believe I used the wrong term. 


Okay, let me check the rules here and walk through this...



LoversLab is first and foremost a gaming community. As such, we wish to be welcoming and friendly to all genders, orientations, nationalities, religions, and beliefs.


Okay, so welcoming and friendly to people regardless of their beliefs. Check.




The biggest and most important thing of this community, is that the modders come first. They are the ones who make this community worth coming to, they are the ones enabling you to even play these mods.  Meaning if you don't like the way a mod is going, don't be a jerk about it, they can take the mod in whatever direction they want. Don't like it? Then make your own release and put the work in yourself. Find a bug or issue that needs to be fixed? Don't be a jerk about it and raise your concerns and feedback in a constructive manner.



Modders come first...and if you don't like a mod, "don't be a jerk about it, they can take the mod in whatever direction they want." Okay, sounds good.



In an effort to keep the site & community inviting and friendly we do not allow several categories of conversation. This is not intended as censorship or endorsement of any particular view, but rather a move to keep this site neutral and open. The categories of conversation that are not welcome include those discussing politics and religion. Too often these discussions descend into pointless bickering and lead to offending one party or the other (if not both). This sends the wrong message of what this site is all about. There are plenty of forums, blogs and other online outlets available for these types of conversations, this site is not one of them.


No conversations about politics or religion. Check.



We may be an adult oriented community, but don't be stupid, don't post anything blatantly illegal. Meaning no discussion or assistance with illegal content such as piracy, game cracks, models or textures taken from the assets of other games, or any depictions of underage persons with exposed nudity or in a sexual context.



As we are typically associated as being an adult pornographic community, we will not allow any sort of nudity or sexual content involving characters that could be seen as depicting somebody as underage. This includes any character that could be seen as loli, shota, child, or underage teen, regardless of it's position as a virtual character or the intent to be passed off as a mystical race who only looks young; the only thing that matters in this respect is what the character appears to be at a glance.


So, illegal content and depiction of nudity and sexual content involving minors is, as far as I can tell, the only content expressly prohibited. Check.


With that established, I would say preventing the posting of mod that is neither illegal, nor depicts minors in sexualized settings, is not against the community rules, in which case, it would not be moderation.


Doing a quick search online, I came across a quote that says it better that I can: "Moderation aims to protect the online community and its members by removing content that violates community guidelines or legal requirements. Censorship, on the other hand, aims to control information and restrict access to certain types of content for political or ideological reasons."


As I said, if the only issue with hosting mods that some people disagree with is the discussion that may come up involving them (which may veer into politics or religion), locking the comments on the file would prevent that, and would be representative of "moderation." Removing the file itself, would not.


Denying it for ideological reasons that aren't explicitly against the community rules/guidelines, would be censorship. The community is free to change their rules, if it's decided that they want to uphold a particular ideology, but censoring content that doesn't violate any rules unfairly, is censorship.


Again, as I stated, I feel "the heckler's veto" is a bad standard to uphold. There are plenty of people who find the content on LoversLab to be misogynistic, and containing views and depictions that are harmful to women, and I imagine most people here would not appreciate those mods being removed just because a group of people happened to complain loudly about it. If rules are being enforced fairly, the same standards should be applied to everything.


As for the rest of the post, I'm going to assume you were using "you" in the context of 'people who's content you disagree,' rather than me, personally. I imagine you didn't mean intend the "a lesser mind without an understanding of vocabulary and meaning does" remark as an attack on me as a person.

Edited by emes
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I can easily settle this debate. (If people could come to reason, and put aside their political beliefs, which noone will)


Don't make pronoun removal mods. a simple way to make a mod so you eyes never have to see a pronoun is to make mods that automatically assign your character a pronoun based on what body type their using and just hide the he/him, she/her, they/them pronoun label on the top right corner and make pronouns only appear while changing your character's them. that way you remove pronouns, without removing pronouns, and those who want pronouns, and still get pronouns. this way everyone wins despite their political beliefs. and just lock the comment section for those truly looking to argue just to argue can starting another stupid debate like this one we're having right now.


and before anyone says anything stupid or tries to argue with this comment, I personally don't agree with the idea of these pronoun removal mods, simply because it doesn't add/change anything to the game, or remove universally disliked mechanics. not because of political beliefs. However people are entitled to make their mods, even if you don't agree with them (unless their just obviously hateful, which pronoun removal mods aren't, they're just political). shit like this is exactly why I do not get involved in politics.


End of debate.

Edited by AManNamedNorvile
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To be clear: I know the pronoun-removal mod is what prompted the discussion, but I'm not specifically talking about that, but rather LL's policy on mod removal in general (which, as the rules state, only apply to illegal or underage content) .


As "Shaggy" says, if the discussion is going to be toxic, just lock the discussion, don't remove the mod.


Sadly, I'm old enough that I've gone through enough grief with censorship from moral busybody types who believe they have the right to dictate which forms of expression should or shouldn't be allowed: "No art should depict violence, even against inanimate objects; rape should never be depicted in fiction; wizards and magic are harmful because they can result in "real" demonic possession," etc. ?


...so I dislike censorship from any side, regardless of the good intentions. How does the quote go? "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"?


And short-sighted people tend to forget: When it comes to creating rules to silence people you dislike, one must always remember that those same rules may end up being applied to you as well, so it's important that they be fair to all.

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3 minutes ago, Decèdere said:

If there's no "censorship" then I think the "community" would be garbage. A complete cesspool. When politics and religion are off-topic then people can, you know, get along.


See the post above on the difference between moderation and political/ideological censorship. Completely agree on not allowing the discussion of politics and religion...especially on a site dedicated to porn and fetishes. ?

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On 9/14/2023 at 12:31 PM, Baka9 said:

Well, if you really don't want to register an account on nexus, there are some forums/websites that don't follow the rules in China and Russia. They reupload content without any permission.


I'm not entirely certain if anyone would prefer downloading this way though, as the Chinese firewall not only slows down downloads from inside but also from the outside.



I'm not sure about russian sites. I remember having read talk about copyright and permissions in one of them. 

If a site enforces copyrights, be sure it will enforce western politics as well. 

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5 hours ago, MonVert said:

You literally just answered your own question.... ? That's exactly why nexus removes those mods.


Yeah, I plonked him right into the killfile and muted him.


Some people are barely worth explaining things to once, let alone twice. Life's short, time is a valuable thing. Don't waste it. ;)

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