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Tremendous potential for NSFW Defeat and slavery scenarios

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I'm imagining a scenario where you follow a quest giver on Mars in Cydonia out to a remote shack in the middle of nowhere. He tells you the air tanks on the shack need to be replaced, but carrying them out there is a two person job and there are no nearby landing spots to make the trip easier. That said he is willing to pay you a fair bit for going so far out of your way.


However once you arrive in the airlock and the door is sealed he cuts your suits oxygen line with a knife. Before also cutting his own.


Upon confronting him you learn that he is a slaver and regularly lures people out to this shack. He wasn't lying about the air tanks and they quickly need to be installed, but with the scarce amount of air in them the two of you likely only have a day at max. He tells you that the only way out of this predicament is for you to let him bind you and then secure you into something like a large suitcase.


If you do that then he sends an all clear to his buddies that they can come and pick you both up.


So your only options are to obey and do as he says or persuade/intimidate him into sending the all clear early before ambushing all of the slavers that come for the pick up and stealing one of their suits.


From there who knows? That's about as far as I've gotten in terms of a scenario. And to really make it fun it would rely on mods that we don't even know are feasible yet. Maybe you get sent to some sort of space station brothel for lonely sailors?


Though I will say if I designed all of it you'd likely be bound into some sort of tight fitting latex suit. Because I think that is a piece of clothing that will almost certainly exist as some point in the game.

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Terrormorphs have potential as they can mindcontrol people so you could have a senario where the player and companion ends up been turned into breeders and help spread the plague of terrormorphs and considering that young terrormorphs are heatslugs as they are called in the game well there are lot of senarios you can have with them.

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2 hours ago, Damicles said:

Terrormorphs have potential as they can mindcontrol people so you could have a senario where the player and companion ends up been turned into breeders and help spread the plague of terrormorphs and considering that young terrormorphs are heatslugs as they are called in the game well there are lot of senarios you can have with them.

That sounds like a great way to spend the game, pushing the Terrormorph Threat! Hope a mod is made of that!

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i found a huge va'ruun ship that actually had a small brig in it. just a single small room in a corner of a larger room with 2 glass walls and a door that can only be opened via terminal. if ships are able to fly when the player is on board but not piloting then that kind of thing could absolutely be used for death alternative mods. just need npcs to be able to disable and board the player's ship, then capture the player and take them to the brig on their ship. also, due to the modular nature of starfield ships modders should have a relatively easy time making custom slaver/prison ships and making new or existing factions use them, and those same kinds of ships could be taken over, built, or bought by the player for their own nefarious purposes ;)

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The ship that your dad (if you use kid stuff trait) wins at his poker game and gifts you also has a small prison cell that can only be opened from the outside terminal. Seems there are assets for prison cell habs for ship building. Bethesda must have been studying the modding scene and decided, well, to hell with it and give the masses what they want..

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A remote colony or a slavery ship where females are bred for milk and babies (or, by some kind of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, they found a way to breed inorganic resources like soul gems).


You might find a suspicious mission lead that allows you to volunteer for one. ("Hypodermic farm job, no requirements, women only") You must produce a minimum quota (X litres of milk, X births or sort) before you are finally freed with some credsticks in your pocket. If you are sold as a slave, tough luck.


If you're caught with some contraband on your person then the guard can suggest a bargain where you, er, contribute to faction populations instead of having bounty on your head. Maybe there is a ring of corrupt guards all over the Settled Systems that exploits this for their goods and pleasures.

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I agree with all of that!


It would be great if one of the thousand random planets was Gor.


Random spoilers for side missions follow...


You could do an alternate version of the Constant (colony ship) where they require new DNA. Maybe they capture you, maybe they want to buy slaves from you. Or you could sell all of them into slavery.


Also, I was disappointed when I met Genghis Khan and he wasn't the least bit dominant or sexist. What a waste. He shouldn't even talk to female characters until you're naked and on all fours.


There's another corporate mission with Walter and his company where you're trying to convince this guy to help you, and everyone you talk to before meeting him talks about what a womanizer the guy is, so I went in prepared for him to do the full court press. But then you meet him and he's totally normal. Womp womp.


A seduction/sexual version of Persuade would be excellent. There are times when it's actually weird and distracting that you cannot sexy your way through interactions. Like, clearly no one who works on Starfield has ever flashed their tits to go backstage and meet the band. lol


I can't wait for the "sexist guards" mod for Starfield. That one made Skyrim so much more fun.

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Knock out guns, already existing enemy staggered states, terrormorph mind control as a power, duplication to literally fuck yourself, being an aurora whore and getting abused/taken advantage of by the guards, outposts for your slave labor, ship prisons


The mods for this are gonna be insane, I really hope this gets better treatment than fallout 4. I doubt it would ever eclipse skyrim, but at the very least the horny and slavery-oriented mods are gonna be fantastic.

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One thing that I do hope gets added in a future slavery mod is the ability to persuade npcs to "willingly" be your slaves. There has to be plenty of masochists in the galaxy that you could convince (or threaten) to be your slave. Maybe doing so would require points in either Diplomacy or Intimidation (or both) and would be difficult to persuade (unless the npc is a masochist).


It is a shame that (as far as I can tell) there is not any mod that does this for Skyrim or Fallout.

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On 9/8/2023 at 3:54 PM, dlombu said:

The ship that your dad (if you use kid stuff trait) wins at his poker game and gifts you also has a small prison cell that can only be opened from the outside terminal. Seems there are assets for prison cell habs for ship building. Bethesda must have been studying the modding scene and decided, well, to hell with it and give the masses what they want..

Several of the habs I have added included a prison cell. The brig comes to mind naturally, but also the Taiyo Armory has a prison cell in it.


Really cool that these are built into the game even though they have no use whatsoever in vanilla....

The possibilities for these are quite high indeed...

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Just to add to the prison cell list:

  • The UC vigilance has an extensive prison complex. Two levels with something like 20 large cells with glass walls. Each has its own single bed and even a toilet. There is also an interrogation room.
  • MAST sublevel 7 (I think it's called) has an entire prison apartment, again with glass wall and even more amenities. It also has a security lock at the entrance to make escape harder. This could be very interesting to work with.
  • The Star Eagle comes by default with I think two brig modules. These are probably the same as the ones others have talked about, two small cells per brig with a bunk bed each.
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  • 1 month later...
On 9/11/2023 at 2:23 AM, celestekwasman said:

I agree with all of that!


It would be great if one of the thousand random planets was Gor.


Random spoilers for side missions follow...


You could do an alternate version of the Constant (colony ship) where they require new DNA. Maybe they capture you, maybe they want to buy slaves from you. Or you could sell all of them into slavery.


Also, I was disappointed when I met Genghis Khan and he wasn't the least bit dominant or sexist. What a waste. He shouldn't even talk to female characters until you're naked and on all fours.


There's another corporate mission with Walter and his company where you're trying to convince this guy to help you, and everyone you talk to before meeting him talks about what a womanizer the guy is, so I went in prepared for him to do the full court press. But then you meet him and he's totally normal. Womp womp.


A seduction/sexual version of Persuade would be excellent. There are times when it's actually weird and distracting that you cannot sexy your way through interactions. Like, clearly no one who works on Starfield has ever flashed their tits to go backstage and meet the band. lol


I can't wait for the "sexist guards" mod for Starfield. That one made Skyrim so much more fun.

Planet Gor would be so flipping awesome.

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On 9/15/2023 at 3:21 AM, sila said:

Several of the habs I have added included a prison cell. The brig comes to mind naturally, but also the Taiyo Armory has a prison cell in it.


Really cool that these are built into the game even though they have no use whatsoever in vanilla....

The possibilities for these are quite high indeed...


Has anyone mentioned the TMD HQ on Mars? All those big glass prisons designed to hold Terrormorphs.


Come to think of it, Londinion (Toliman II more precisely) would be an awesome planet to build a slave compound. bitterly inhospitable conditions, and you'd have to run kilometers through terrormorph infested landscape to reach any sort of friendly reception.

Edited by DocClox
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Also possibly of interest:


Trap enemies in class habs in outposts


Swiftly Order Squad - multiple follower framework.


So: some semi-random thoughts on a prison ships and outposts: We have most of the bits we need from the above to either give the bounty hunting loop a bit of a LL spin, or to set up outposts with prison cells or display cases for enemies.


For Functional Brigs, I'd add a panel that let you change the occupants inventory, mainly so we could strip them. We could use Swiftly Order Squad (and is that acronym going to get confusing!) to march them naked to the law enforcement offices to cash in any bounty. (The existing mod gives you a hand device to do it while leaving the prisoner in the brig, but where's the fun in that?


Also, since it seems that NPCs trapped in a hab will remain there, there's scope for a custom hab for prisoner display. I'm thinking maybe a square glass booth, maybe a quarter the size of a solid storage unit, lit internally of course. Use (ahem) SOS to order them to activate a cell, and they get moved in and the AI constraints removed.


For ships, it might be nice to make a custom prisoner display hab for long term storage, I'm also quite keen on one that disaplys the prisoner in glass bubbles on the hull, so passers by can come and gawk at the prisoners.


Couple of questions, if anyone knows the answers:  what happens to a prisoner in the brig if you change home ships to a model that doesn't have enough brigs to hold your prisoners? Do you enter your ship to find half a dozen very irate Va'ruun Zealots in the Frontier's all-in-one crew hab?


Also, I don't suppose anyone's spotted a set of cuffs or a hands bound animation? Or any other useful idles that we could maybe force into service.




Also, not strictly relevant, but Space Stations For Outposts. We can make stations to go with our outposts. Seems to count against the ship limit and I'm not sure how the hab limit is calculated, but I can imagine some fun custom modules for a station.

Edited by DocClox
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  • 2 weeks later...

This looks useful. It's just a set of hotkeys that apply animations to the player, so not directly applicable. However, one of the lines in the macro file that comes with the mod


HandsBehind=if player.haskeyword 6b508 >= 1; player.removekeyword 6b508; player.caf AnimFlavorHandsBehind; elseif player.haskeyword 6b508 <= 0; player.caf AnimFlavorHandsBehind; endif


So, there's a "hands behind" animation flavor. Looking at the mods screenshots, it just shows someone standing, hands clasped behind their back, but if it works as an offset anim, it might pass as a bound hands idle, maybe with some cuffs to reinforce the notion.


AnimFlavors seem to have come in with Fallout 4. although I never used them for some reason, so I'm a little vague on the fine detail.  Still, if we could have an item that when worn, imposed this flavor on an NPC, we'd be pretty much there. No sign of the Fallout 4 hands bound animation though.


There don't seem to be many items of armor that have scripts attached, but the ensign uniform you put on in The Best There Is has one (CF05_Clothes_SY920_EnsignUniformArmor01 00217127]), presumably to set your faction so that the soldiers don't see you as an intruder.


So if it'll still take OnEquip events we can use that to apply animations.  Might be possible to just set a keyword on the garment, of course. I never did quite get my head around that side of things in Fo4.

Edited by DocClox
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Just been decompiling some game scripts and having a read. I found the one that deals with Boarding Events when you go to rescue a hostage on a hostile ship.


I reckon it's one line of code to make it so that the bad guys strip their captive before they tie them up. Can't test it until I get home tonight though.

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