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(ALPHA) Sexlab Aroused NG

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I'm trying to get my lesser spell to get the arousal of the caster (player) but it's returning 0. Is there something I'm doing wrong?


slaframeworkscr Property sla Auto 

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	SexLabFramework SexLab = SexLabUtil.GetAPI()
	Int arousal = sla.GetActorArousal(akTarget)
	String Tags

	If (arousal < 25)
		Debug.Notification(akTarget.GetActorBase().GetName() + " doesn't feel like masturbating now.")

	If (SexLab.GetGender(akTarget) == 1)
		Tags = "F,Masturbation"
		Tags = "M,Masturbation"

	SexLab.QuickStart(Actor1 = akCaster, AnimationTags = Tags)



Edited by Mr.Duck145
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On 7/31/2023 at 12:00 PM, sidfu1 said:

question how do you deal with the feedback loop that he older ones have that npc  arousal gets to point it never goes down.


Arousal should decay automatically when you re-encounter NPCs but that's something I'm tinkering with right now.


20 hours ago, kano_syuuya233 said:

seems don't work with SLEN,slen didn't track arousal in this mod


I'll take a look but I can't make any promises given SLEN's age and lack of maintenance.


11 minutes ago, Mr.Duck145 said:

I'm trying to get my lesser spell to get the arousal of the caster (player). Is there something I'm doing wrong?


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slaframeworkscr Property sla Auto 

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	SexLabFramework SexLab = SexLabUtil.GetAPI()
	Int arousal = sla.GetActorArousal(akTarget)
	String Tags

	If (arousal < 25)
		Debug.Notification(akTarget.GetActorBase().GetName() + " doesn't feel like masturbating now.")

	If (SexLab.GetGender(akTarget) == 1)
		Tags = "F,Masturbation"
		Tags = "M,Masturbation"

	SexLab.QuickStart(Actor1 = akCaster, AnimationTags = Tags)




This looks like it should work. What's going wrong?

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slaframeworkscr Property sla Auto 

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	SexLabFramework SexLab = SexLabUtil.GetAPI()
	Int arousal = sla.GetActorArousal(akTarget)
	String Tags

	If (arousal < 25)
		;Debug.Notification(akTarget.GetActorBase().GetName() + " doesn't feel like masturbating now.")
		Debug.Notification(akTarget.GetActorBase().GetName() + ": " + arousal)
	If (SexLab.GetGender(akTarget) == 1)
		Tags = "F,Masturbation"
		Tags = "M,Masturbation"

	SexLab.QuickStart(Actor1 = akCaster, AnimationTags = Tags)


I modified the code a bit to show what's happening, essentially it's returning 0. sla_Aroused faction has value, and player doesn't seem to be Arousal_locked.

Here's what i get in game when I cast the lesser power:





Update: I saw that dll has a skse log so I took a look, log shows that the arousal value is being passed. Is the value being lost in my script somewhere?

Update 2: Solved it, but had to use slaInternalModules.GetArousal(Actor who). Are there any downsides to directly getting data from these functions?

Update 3: I'm a ding-dong, the solution was to select the slaFrameworkscr in the papyrus properties. Sorry 'bout that, I'm kinda new to papyrus and ck.

Edited by TehEpicDuck
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hello again.found some errors in my papyrus...im a noob at papyrus,but what's

[08/04/2023 - 01:36:19AM] ERROR: Property slaFrustration on script slaframeworkscr attached to sla_Framework (0A04290F) cannot be bound because SLA_ArmorPartTop (0A08FEA0) is not the right type
[08/04/2023 - 01:36:19AM] ERROR: Property slaFatigue on script slaframeworkscr attached to sla_Framework (0A04290F) cannot be bound because SLA_HasLeggings (0A08FE9F) is not the right type
[08/04/2023 - 01:36:19AM] ERROR: Property slaTrauma on script slaframeworkscr attached to sla_Framework (0A04290F) cannot be bound because SLA_ArmorPartBottom (0A08FEA1) is not the right type


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On 8/1/2023 at 1:40 PM, TehEpicDuck said:
  Reveal hidden contents
slaframeworkscr Property sla Auto 

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	SexLabFramework SexLab = SexLabUtil.GetAPI()
	Int arousal = sla.GetActorArousal(akTarget)
	String Tags

	If (arousal < 25)
		;Debug.Notification(akTarget.GetActorBase().GetName() + " doesn't feel like masturbating now.")
		Debug.Notification(akTarget.GetActorBase().GetName() + ": " + arousal)
	If (SexLab.GetGender(akTarget) == 1)
		Tags = "F,Masturbation"
		Tags = "M,Masturbation"

	SexLab.QuickStart(Actor1 = akCaster, AnimationTags = Tags)


I modified the code a bit to show what's happening, essentially it's returning 0. sla_Aroused faction has value, and player doesn't seem to be Arousal_locked.

Here's what i get in game when I cast the lesser power:

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Update: I saw that dll has a skse log so I took a look, log shows that the arousal value is being passed. Is the value being lost in my script somewhere?

Update 2: Solved it, but had to use slaInternalModules.GetArousal(Actor who). Are there any downsides to directly getting data from these functions?

Update 3: I'm a ding-dong, the solution was to select the slaFrameworkscr in the papyrus properties. Sorry 'bout that, I'm kinda new to papyrus and ck.


Glad it worked out. LMK if you run into anything else.


1 hour ago, kano_syuuya233 said:

hello again.found some errors in my papyrus...im a noob at papyrus,but what's

[08/04/2023 - 01:36:19AM] ERROR: Property slaFrustration on script slaframeworkscr attached to sla_Framework (0A04290F) cannot be bound because SLA_ArmorPartTop (0A08FEA0) is not the right type
[08/04/2023 - 01:36:19AM] ERROR: Property slaFatigue on script slaframeworkscr attached to sla_Framework (0A04290F) cannot be bound because SLA_HasLeggings (0A08FE9F) is not the right type
[08/04/2023 - 01:36:19AM] ERROR: Property slaTrauma on script slaframeworkscr attached to sla_Framework (0A04290F) cannot be bound because SLA_ArmorPartBottom (0A08FEA1) is not the right type



Tough to tell without a full log, but I'll see if I can replicate this. I doubt this is causing the SLEN issues.

Edited by ponzipyramid
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So I've installed this and I'm liking it so far (the MCM makes more sense to me, for one).


A question - I realized that I have an out of date SL Separate Orgasm in my list. When installing the most recent one 2023-01-16 it gives the option of installing a patch for SL Aroused (Redux). Should that patch be installed or not when using NG? Or does it not matter because NG will overwrite the relevant bits of SLSO anyways?

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13 hours ago, Anunya said:

So I've installed this and I'm liking it so far (the MCM makes more sense to me, for one).


A question - I realized that I have an out of date SL Separate Orgasm in my list. When installing the most recent one 2023-01-16 it gives the option of installing a patch for SL Aroused (Redux). Should that patch be installed or not when using NG? Or does it not matter because NG will overwrite the relevant bits of SLSO anyways?


As long as SLANG overwrites I think its fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
15 minutes ago, mavbru67 said:

I am unable to edit any of the values under the status or puppeteer page. Any ideas on what the issue might be? Tried dropping down to a minimal mod list with just the essentials and I still am having the problem.

I don't think those are editable in this version, had the same issue

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  • 2 months later...

@ponzipyramid - the puppet master feature in the MCM doesn't seem to work. In earlier versions of SLAX I could use the puppet master feature to change various parameters for the PC. It's super useful for setting up all the different arousal based effects from different mods, for example.


It doesn't seem to work - clicking on the parameters does not bring up a slider as in earlier versions. Is this by design, an oversight, or an indication that something's wrong with my setup (maybe something being overwritten somewhere?)


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22 hours ago, Anunya said:

@ponzipyramid - the puppet master feature in the MCM doesn't seem to work. In earlier versions of SLAX I could use the puppet master feature to change various parameters for the PC. It's super useful for setting up all the different arousal based effects from different mods, for example.


It doesn't seem to work - clicking on the parameters does not bring up a slider as in earlier versions. Is this by design, an oversight, or an indication that something's wrong with my setup (maybe something being overwritten somewhere?)



Known issue. I've been sort of neglecting this mod. After DFR is finally released, I'll work on an update for this including:

  • SLEN Patch
  • Fixing some functions for @crajjjj
  • Fixing Puppet Master
  • YPS Immersive Fashion soft integration. I think it'd be cool if SLANG increased NPC arousal when the player has makeup on in order to incentivize purchasing some when on the prowl in Radiant Prostitution.
Edited by ponzipyramid
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Seems like a good mod but I'm missing the option to set the arousal of an NPC. That's useful for Radiant Prostitution and other situations where they are expected to be at least somewhat aroused, but still has very low arousal. That could be achieved by letting us set the exposure like before. I see no reason to remove this functionality.

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Thanks for all the work you are putting in to improve and update with the NG projects - it's much appreciated


A quick bug report for Aroused NG if I may:


In Version 0.2 the properties







are empty on slaUtilScr and slaInternalScr and also are filled with incorrect values on slaframeworkscr

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On 11/11/2023 at 7:21 AM, Bane Master said:

Thanks for all the work you are putting in to improve and update with the NG projects - it's much appreciated


A quick bug report for Aroused NG if I may:


In Version 0.2 the properties







are empty on slaUtilScr and slaInternalScr and also are filled with incorrect values on slaframeworkscr


Thanks for the heads up, fixed in v0.2.1. It doesn't look like some of these props are directly used anywhere in the scripts. Did you encounter any issues that led to this discovery?

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Although I like the mod description, I'm still a bit afraid to replace my current SLSO + OSLAroused setup with it and potentially go back to NPCs being impotent and having hard time reaching even 1 orgasm (at least when they agree to have sex or force PC). To fix it, I use 2 settings: 1) minimum starting arousal and 2) arousal reduction only after the scene ends. This way SL scenes are never boring, but might become unrealistically intense with ahegao, IVDT and some other mods (I don't see it as a big problem tho :lol:). Also OSLAroused have some settings to boost PC's arousal (e.g. wearing DD). So I'm just wondering if NG either has similar settings or alternative approach to this problem, because when it takes forever to get PC & NPCs aroused, it's just not fun.

Also some random thoughts you can ignore: maybe it's just me, but I don't see much point in complex arousal calculations for NPCs. Why does it matter if they are 20% or 80% aroused. If they start a sex scene, they should be horny. If you solicit an NPC, then he shouldn't take hours to reach 100% enjoyment because he is not aroused (only PC's experience might or might not be important). The only thing that matters is a cooldown aka "refractory period". It can vary from minutes to hours depending on stuff like age, mood, physique, etc. Of course, it's a different story for a female PC, because there are mods that punish arousal and having too many orgasms, but I don't know mods where the intended mechanic is to get NPCs 69% aroused first and then making sure you have enough stamina to spam mouse buttons in SLSO to make them orgasm (sounds like a torture, but again, maybe it's just me^^).

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16 minutes ago, Bane Master said:

Yes - SLSO (I think) was throwing  multiple Unable to call GetFactionRank on a None Faction errors  in my log - so I was looking to see why and came across this. Fixing the properties resolved the errors


Okay, that made me double check and I realised I didn't put up the latest ESM...so that's 0.2.2

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