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Good mods for a 2023 playthrough (SFW/NSFW)

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Hello there, i'm going back to skyrim (after a big 3/4 years break) now that i have good internet speed and i would like pointers on mods that are must haves (SFW and NSFW).

Patreon content is OK.

I already got the fighting done.
Texture and overhaul for CIties are done.
Texture for the landscapes and the misc stuff is done.

Now i'm looking for a Body mod, I usedd BHUNP before, but i'm looking for the best body for use with SL stuff, and if possible a nice realistic HDT preset.
I remember that BHUNP can have "private part" collision but i never managed to make it look right.

I'm also looking for armors, both male and female of high quality if possible, can be
lewd/skimpy armors and the more classic style of armors. HDT is a nice option.

Same for weapons, i got a pretty big list of mods from nexus for that part, but if there's outside stuff like patreon, i will take a look at it.

And of course the
SL stuff, if you guys have propositions on anything BUT the Guro stuff, i'll take it.

I'm leaving the ENB with it's light/Weather combot for last, i've got pretty much a idea of what i'm gonna pick, but you can post some preset, might change my mind.

And that's pretty much it, i'm gonna go back to my mods search and check on this post later to check what you guys posted.

Have a nice day.

Edited by mathys27
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I use Touched by Dibella body, 

Have of course made conversions for it, TBD Tera Armors is available here.

I prefer using Tera armors quite a bit because it has a lot of smp cloth physics and also is depending on outfit skimpy.


Combat mods,

I'm using the latest combat overhaul, I think its called AMCO...? Been at least 3 weeks since I fired up Skyrim, playing Fo4 atm.


Since you last played, there are a ton of amazing combat overhauls that revolutionize....Or rather modernize the third person combat for Skyrim SE, effectively making the game play much more like games such as EldenRing as far as animations go anyway.   

There are a horde of animations to pick from,

It has gotten to the point that you can pick up Race Specific animations and with the appropriate animation handler such as DAR or this new OAR system plus a Combat overhaul mod that uses Nemesis, well you can literally have every race and sex using its own animation sets and even combo moves.

There is also at least a couple of 1st person combat animation overhauls, have not use them yet myself.


If your willing to spend some money on magic casting overhauls, well

Inquisitor Magic Behavior Overhaul is amazing as all get out, gives magic third person a very flashy combo move experience that is very modern.  Makes SMP cloth fly all over and if your PC can handle it is simply stupifying.


I would say, your best bet for making interesting characters should start with Ordinator, and go ahead pick up all of that guys overhauls...all of them.  Very worth playing a full character with those mods.


My last play through, I just used SLEN and Amorous Adventures for sex mods, at which point well I realized just how much more stuff there was too both of those mods than I had ever seen in any previous playthrough possibly because other sex adventure mods would derail gameplay entirely....like devious devices.


Speaking of which, I have not gotten Devious Devices armbinders to work properly in my current LO alongside my Nemesis mods, no idea why, wont be looking at that anytime soon since playing Fo4 right now.


Here is a video of some combat mods


The currently available combat overhauls such as MCO and Inquisitor Magic Behavior overhaul, refresh the whole combat experience of Skyrim by such a large degree that combat becomes actually a lot of fun and although these might clash with some of the sex mods on LL.....Gotta bear in mind that some of the sex mods on LL are going to so overwhelmingly derail the game of Skyrim itself to such a degree that your basically just playing a sex simulator rather than playing a medival fantasy character in an adventure setting....


So its well worth figuring out your mod focus because there are a lot of really good mods out right now.


You can literally give Skyrim, real true seasons and not just weather seasons but literally changing out all the meshes and textures needed without user input simply install the mods correctly and once its summer the ice has all melted away, and stuff like that right now all possible.  Even the grasses change.

You saw that lake over there last summer well this winter its frozen over!

The color on the damn leaves change.

I played on my last character about 2 in game years, was really something else....Considering I was playing a vampire!  Saw most of this stuff at night and it was that big an impact on how things looked.

Edited by Gameplayer
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10 hours ago, Gameplayer said:



I use Touched by Dibella body, 

Have of course made conversions for it, TBD Tera Armors is available here.

I prefer using Tera armors quite a bit because it has a lot of smp cloth physics and also is depending on outfit skimpy.


Combat mods,

I'm using the latest combat overhaul, I think its called AMCO...? Been at least 3 weeks since I fired up Skyrim, playing Fo4 atm.


Since you last played, there are a ton of amazing combat overhauls that revolutionize....Or rather modernize the third person combat for Skyrim SE, effectively making the game play much more like games such as EldenRing as far as animations go anyway.   

There are a horde of animations to pick from,

It has gotten to the point that you can pick up Race Specific animations and with the appropriate animation handler such as DAR or this new OAR system plus a Combat overhaul mod that uses Nemesis, well you can literally have every race and sex using its own animation sets and even combo moves.

There is also at least a couple of 1st person combat animation overhauls, have not use them yet myself.


If your willing to spend some money on magic casting overhauls, well

Inquisitor Magic Behavior Overhaul is amazing as all get out, gives magic third person a very flashy combo move experience that is very modern.  Makes SMP cloth fly all over and if your PC can handle it is simply stupifying.


I would say, your best bet for making interesting characters should start with Ordinator, and go ahead pick up all of that guys overhauls...all of them.  Very worth playing a full character with those mods.


My last play through, I just used SLEN and Amorous Adventures for sex mods, at which point well I realized just how much more stuff there was too both of those mods than I had ever seen in any previous playthrough possibly because other sex adventure mods would derail gameplay entirely....like devious devices.


Speaking of which, I have not gotten Devious Devices armbinders to work properly in my current LO alongside my Nemesis mods, no idea why, wont be looking at that anytime soon since playing Fo4 right now.


Here is a video of some combat mods


The currently available combat overhauls such as MCO and Inquisitor Magic Behavior overhaul, refresh the whole combat experience of Skyrim by such a large degree that combat becomes actually a lot of fun and although these might clash with some of the sex mods on LL.....Gotta bear in mind that some of the sex mods on LL are going to so overwhelmingly derail the game of Skyrim itself to such a degree that your basically just playing a sex simulator rather than playing a medival fantasy character in an adventure setting....


So its well worth figuring out your mod focus because there are a lot of really good mods out right now.


You can literally give Skyrim, real true seasons and not just weather seasons but literally changing out all the meshes and textures needed without user input simply install the mods correctly and once its summer the ice has all melted away, and stuff like that right now all possible.  Even the grasses change.

You saw that lake over there last summer well this winter its frozen over!

The color on the damn leaves change.

I played on my last character about 2 in game years, was really something else....Considering I was playing a vampire!  Saw most of this stuff at night and it was that big an impact on how things looked.

TBD huh ? Never used it, might give it a look.

I'm gonna check the other mods from the Ordinator guy, might be interresting.

Real seasons you say ? i'm gonna try to find this one because it's sound like a nice weather mod.


Edited by mathys27
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2 hours ago, mathys27 said:

TBD huh ? Never used it, might give it a look.

I'm gonna check the other mods from the Ordinator guy, might be interresting.

Real seasons you say ? i'm gonna try to find this one because it's sound like a nice weather mod.



Seasons of Skyrim SE

https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62861#:~:text=Seasons of Skyrim is a,based on your load order*.


There it is, very much worth a game, compatible with Frostfall with a mod it can also have temperature that changes to appropriate levels based on time of year besides the usual region temps.


This is Enaisiaion's profile page,



His vampire and werewolf overhaul, magic overhaul, religion, magic items, etc....Really about a couple dozen mods that are well worth using together for a serious adventure game that gives you a lot more options about how a character is built than the default game does.


For Touched by Dibella, well I am only using about 3 outfit mods,

Tera Armor's that I worked on its here on LL.

Amazing World of Bikini Armor, also on LL

Then there is Milkdrinkers Touched by Dibella, which he also has an vanilla outfits mod too.


With the Tera armor all having a lot of cloth physics and using a third person combat overhaul well all that SMP cloth really moves and looks amazing.

Already posted a video earlier that should give you a good starting point on how to get the basics of Modern Combat Overhaul installed on the game.

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  • 2 months later...
On 6/7/2023 at 7:20 PM, Gameplayer said:


Seasons of Skyrim SE

https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62861#:~:text=Seasons of Skyrim is a,based on your load order*.


There it is, very much worth a game, compatible with Frostfall with a mod it can also have temperature that changes to appropriate levels based on time of year besides the usual region temps.


This is Enaisiaion's profile page,



His vampire and werewolf overhaul, magic overhaul, religion, magic items, etc....Really about a couple dozen mods that are well worth using together for a serious adventure game that gives you a lot more options about how a character is built than the default game does.


For Touched by Dibella, well I am only using about 3 outfit mods,

Tera Armor's that I worked on its here on LL.

Amazing World of Bikini Armor, also on LL

Then there is Milkdrinkers Touched by Dibella, which he also has an vanilla outfits mod too.


With the Tera armor all having a lot of cloth physics and using a third person combat overhaul well all that SMP cloth really moves and looks amazing.

Already posted a video earlier that should give you a good starting point on how to get the basics of Modern Combat Overhaul installed on the game.

Thank you, I appreciate you. I will check it.

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I really like my own mod! ?


Probably going to do an update in the future so armor auto unequips and re-equips when swimming.

I am currently working on a mod so I can sell all the bandits as slaves to the nearest holds. Considering how many things burned down by the dragons I can imagine they are need of cheap labor forces.

Other mods is a little hard. I have 430 what do you want me to say?

Edited by DarkBlade13
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On 6/7/2023 at 12:16 PM, mathys27 said:

Thx for the Season mod, I checked a bit of the TBD stuff, and i decided to go back to BHUNP.

Far as combat goes i'm set, the stuff i'm looking for is mainly the orange lines in my First Post.

If you are still interested in tweaking your mod list a bit, you could try Bootleg BHUNP, a version of BHUNP with extra sliders from 3BA and TBD as well as more advanced body physics.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I really don't know where to put that questions but i found out that this is 'RECENT' topic so i assumed all the info and data provided here will be fresh, and not outdated.

I am total newbie in terms of mods. I just use Skyrim's Main Menu to click on mods and just instal them. So yea, i don't have basic 'modding' knowledge.

I tried with some mods like SexLab, SLEN, FlowerGirls OSA/OSEx etc... but i have some issues with animations (they don't start and console tells me that they can't deploy character and animation doesn't work.
I am thinking on reinstalling again all my mods. First intal those via Skyrim's main menu and only then use Vortex. But... I need a help. A guide. A mentor. Someone who tells me the best sequence of instaling mods step by step (something like FIRST you install XP32 Maximum Skeleton tehn you install FNIS then Sky UI etc).

Would any good soul help me?
(my discord Gienkoslav#1042 )

And another question is


NOTE: FlowerGirls SE - BDSM has at least one identical -AV defined in both 's' and '+' line

This pops when i uptade FNIS Behaviour. And don't know how to check/fix it so it will not appeara again (so everything is working good)
Any ideas for a player who is newbie in terms of unofficial mods?

Thank you all in advance!

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