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Problems with a girl


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People change, people mature, people realize what they truly want and desire and need.


You can't make yourself into something that she might want by writing poetry or stories that she might like to win her favor. Any time you change yourself you look fake. Women don't like fakes. Be true to yourself. Understand your feelings and deal with them. If an opportunity truly presents itself don't be afraid of opening yourself up to it. Sure you might get hurt but I can guarantee that you will regret not attempting it based on your admission of feelings.


She was young and didn't handle the situation very well, you didn't either. Now both of you are more mature and experienced. Perhaps now can be the true and proper time for a relationship. As far as her being involved with another that is up to the three of you to decide if it is worth exploring. Don't dismiss it without even discussing it, that is if a relationship even comes up. She might just be contacting you to be a good friend to her without any intent of relationship.


If you still have thoughts about her you need to address them. If it is telling her that you had the biggest crush on her in HS. (don't be embarrassed likely she knows it already) Feel free to let her know that you still have some feelings for her even now. She might if your lucky clarify her thoughts about you. They might not be 100% truthful but at least then you have answers and with answers you can start to move forward. If not with her with someone else. It is OK to have feelings for someone that doesn't have feelings for you. It is not OK to get stuck on them in such a way that you cannot move on.


I had the opposite situation. A ex friends wife informed me several years ago that she really like me. Had since she has first set eyes on me. She even stated that she wishes she saw me before she got involved with my ex-friend. This is covering 3 years of their relationship and contact more than 6 years later continuing to this day. (1991 through to today)  If was difficult for her not getting the feelings returned in the way that she wanted. In the end she was able to accept that I wasn't interested in her that way and wasn't going to be. She has moved on and has a child with another and is happy and content. I still keep in regular contact with her and will continue to. Her husband knows her feelings and understands and accepts that she does care for me but also cares for him and ultimately he is the one she is and will be with.



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Oh and she has a boyfriend working in a bar (well she said so), but guess what, I don't mind. I bet he's skinny with 0 muscles. :cool:

Because that's what matters. Yeah, don't worry. I'm sure if he posses any threat to your conquest, you can simply destroy him with your superior masculine strength, securing your victory of the woman you desire. Just grab her and carry her back to your cave. Barbarian.

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Oh and she has a boyfriend working in a bar (well she said so), but guess what, I don't mind. I bet he's skinny with 0 muscles. :cool:

Because that's what matters. Yeah, don't worry. I'm sure if he posses any threat to your conquest, you can simply destroy him with your superior masculine strength, securing your victory of the woman you desire. Just grab her and carry her back to your cave. Barbarian.

Jesus, get some sense of humor. Even if it's not like mine but please, stop taking everything seriously for a sec.

And no need to be rude, you don't even know me.

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