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MOD idea - humiliation and service

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Soo I was having a look through the current converted mods list in search of some humiliation type mods and there are a couple that sort of work but I got thinking about something that is a personal fantasy of mine. I'm also way too blonde to be able to mod things myself, literally no idea how you amazing people do it!


So idea:


The innkeeper or shop owner is struggling cos its a competitive market for booze and sweetrolls, Skyrim has it's vices! So how do you make your business stand out...you need to reach the masses, get your product out there. How? I hear you ask...well it just so happens that the slave market might be able to help you out here, good ol' human slavery to the rescue again, those guys, seriously have hearts of gold, looking after the local economy the way they do and helping out the little guy!


Off they pop to Riften (simple slavery?) where lo an behold the PC is being shuffled out and tied to the selling post...what are the chances right? Just when times are tough, you get lucky with the Dovakin on the podium...it's like its been written in the stars! Or..or your follower loans you to the shop owner cos they really really want some venison stew and you're a little short or just needs a bit of a break or wants some extra cash. Anywho...PC gets brought by an innkeeper...or shop owner to help sell their wares.


Ok sounds dull so far, just your basic run of the mill slavery right? Well...it just so happens that the innkeeper or shop owner has a nifty new notion...that..wait for it...sex sells..Sooo after buying, it turns out they have a bit of kinky streak...dun dun dun! Putting our beloved Dovakin in a nice open straight jacket, cos need to keep those bewbs on display, no point owning the most famous norks in the whole of Tamerial and not show em off right! Also...best keep those other parts nice and aired too, cos they should be as fresh as the sweetrolls on offer! Next, gag, cos need a gag, everyone needs a gag, gags just work right...and finally a tray to carry stuff on.



My vision of it




To sell the shop keepers stuff the PC has to walk around all bound up and get orders from the local population, trying their very bestest to advertise the products to meet the quota...boss has got to make their septims back, is just good business sense. I envisage lots of molesting...and sex only really happening the potential customer is not quite sure if they wanna buy...it should be like the last resort to get that bottle of Nord Ale sold.


To sum up:


1. Get sold

2. Get trussed up in bondage gear (cos yush!)

3. Work to pay off the fee and meet a quota

4. Get harassed and molested

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Wartimes Daughter is not the easiest mod to get going. It's a bit finicky and there's a fair bit of prereqs and whatnot. It also has a fairly specific flavour which may or may not appeal. All that said it DOES have a recurring event where the PC is serving guests at a party. Sounds right up your alley.


I agree that the outfit in your picture is pretty sweet and could be lots of fun. Maybe see if you can convince someone to model it and have the fine folks in DD include it in their mod. Once it's there, maybe someone will build some mods or events for it.


It also sounds like a good idea to drop in this thread about expanding Devious Followers Continued.

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