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Body texture gone wrong (Gloss?)


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For the hands, if you're using the vanilla models, it's probably because the hands aren't pointing to a specular map (Bethesda missed it somehow).  This is only true with the 3rd person hands though.  You can probably find a fix online.


For the butt, that could be a number of things.  Does the seam only appear while it's sunny outside?  Is it only a problem with this texture pack?

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Oh looks like I am using a ADEC body with CBBE textures....... That still doesn't fix the hands tho

And is there a way to convert CBBE textures to ADEC? I hope its not complicated as I have have no knowledge of modding


you can only use textures that are available for your body!

if you use textures of another body, arise graphic error at 100%. the transformation of textures of CBBE to ADEC is also not easy, because each body has its own net. very good modder can convert something.


german \ deutsch !


du kannst nur texturen verwenden die für deinen körper vorhanden sind !

wenn du texturen eines anderen körpers benutzt , dann entstehen zu 100% graphikfehler . die umwandlung von texturen von CBBE zu ADEC ist auch nicht ganz einfach , denn jeder körper hat sein eigenes netz . nur sehr gute modder können sowas umwandeln .

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