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Have You Ever/Do You Reverse(d) Gender In Games?


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i do it all the time in 3rd person rpg games mostly because i prefer a female chars backside to a males but its also because lets face it. theres alot more female directed mods than male skimpy or not. as for other games that are a first person view mostly. im usually going with whatever has the best voice work. because if the female voices suit said chars appearence but your locked in first person, but the males dont suit them at all ill go with the better voice acting its all personal preference though. like in MMO's i play a female char mostly because i HATE big bulky armor, which is mostly what the male chars get other than casters and hunters [usually] on a side note, this preference may also relate to the fact as a younger person. i played a TON of tomb raider on my ancient 3DO [expensive ass game console at the time] which still works somehow.

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At first, it was always male.  Then when you had to choice to choose, I play both because sometimes (Mass Effect/Fallout 3/NV and Elder Scrolls) both sexes had different dialog options to advance differently from the opposite sex.  My male character usually is the hack and slash, get in your face and bash it in type and my females tend to be range, mage and assassin/stealthy types as women have flexible bodies and can use their bodies to lure men to their deaths in real life and would fit this role good vs men having more raw strength and such.

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I do all the time. 


I love women so much, I want to be one.  And one who experiences all sorts of submissive sexual acts as well.  So playing a roleplaying game as a female is the best way for me to experience these fantasies. 


Plus echoing what a lot of other people say, it's much nicer too watching a sexy female video game character than the generic male character on my computer screen.




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I had the same thoughts as you. At first (when I was younger), I would always chose to play in a male role if given the choice. Later, after finishing my first play though of Skyrim, and I started to download mods, I started to select females for a different experience. And now I always play in a female roll when I can in any game.

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As a terrible fanfiction writer and as someone who is unsure about my own sexual identity I feel very comfortable playing and roleplaying as a female character despite being born male. I have long admired strong female characters. I find this a very interesting topic all around and feel that it has a very bad rep in general. Narrow minded thinking has lead to alot of harmful stereotyping and even bullying of those who admit to playing outside of their real life gender. I personally feel that men in general would benefit in society from experiencing the pressures of female expectations and the weight of the stereotypes aswell as women would benefit from experiencing and realizing the constant 'testing' of each mans masculinity. Each day as a man you are limited in society in how you talk, dress, move, and act because you must stay within your gender role and not appear as 'weak'. Gaming might very well be a helpful tool for letting people experience the pressure of gender roles.

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I'm going to quote Nonsense667's post since I agree with it 100%... and because I might be lazy... Sorry!



Generally the last thing that crosses my mind when I'm making a character is "What sort of ass do I want to ogle." It's usually something along the lines of "What sort of story am I going to play this time? Who am I going to be? Who are they? What's their story? What do they look like?" And yes, side objectives like "What sort of 'fun' am I in the mood for right now?" when it comes to adult games and oblivion.


I dunno. I know I shouldn't, people have the right to do what they want, for what reasons they want, but I guess the roleplayer in me always just gets pissed off whenever people say "I play as a girl because that's what ass I want to stare at, lol." I get the phrase, but fuck, it is not applicable at all. What game do you stare at the character's ass as you are playing? Hell, in a lot of games now days, with the over the shoulder cam, the view is only from the waist up. But I get it, "Who's shoulders do you think I want to stare at?" doesn't really have the same ring to it. 


I also don't pick female characters because "I enjoy the female aesthetic." Both genders look fine to me, regardless of my orientation. Do I make a character that I like to look at? Sure. But do other males really have that hard of a time enjoying looking at a male character? Especially one that could simply be a representation/incarnation of their own self? Of course, I never get the whole "Ew I saw another mans face in the porn, that completely ruined it for me" complaint either. 


Long story short, I play as both. Gender is just one part of the characters that I play. As for the reasons? Plenty. A part of me wants to be female. Games can be a way to exercise it. And also... why not? I play as a male. I play as a female. I'm not a mage, a warrior, and assassin, a spy, a general, a rectangle, I am not many things, yet I still play as them. Why is playing as a different gender any different? It's not really, at least not for me. 


Like always, if you are different, and hold views opposing to mine, that is your right that I can always, completely respect.


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Guest endgameaddiction

I just prefer playing a female character. I rather look at them. I know it's not just about staring at the body. I always found the male animations disturbing. Like a lack of effort in some ways.


I've been playing and modding female characters since 2005.  I admit I enjoy certain skimpy outfits and armors. One thing I do not like creating is bimbo looking chicks. That's a broad statement, yes I know, but it jots down to my perspective of what I think looks bimbo. So I guess the correct way of saying it is, to my appealing. I try to make them as realistic as possible which ever direction I take depending the face tweak and textures used. If I don't create it myself, I re-modify it to my liking. I've taken this very personal thanks to Bethesda and the lack of creativity with Fallout female NPCs and presets. It nearly took me 2 years to get my main main character to the way I finally like her face. And I'm certain that it won't stop there. It's a never ending process.


I respect what ever anyone chooses to play. It's their preference. Just don't step out of line and tell me "why just females?" It's just the way I am. I don't create them for sex ragdolls or slaves. I don't create them out of the thought of perversion. It's just a hobby I enjoy doing. Now, I'm sexist when it comes to playing the males,. But like I said, I respect other people's choices, decisions and ideas. Sure I think the Pony race is a bit silly, but I said the same when Moonshadow race was out for Fallout NV and here I am creating presets for them. We are all and will always be judge mental. Whether it's to ourselves in our mind or out loud so others can see or hear it. All that matters is your perspective point of view.


I've been discriminated playing a female character for 8 years on a MMO. I just never let it get to me. And at the same time I don't blame most players for being like that. A lot of male players choose to create a female character to play and use male players for expensive stuff pretending to be real life females. It's sickening and just flat out stupid. I made sure everyone knew I was a male player playing a female character. Only thing that really bothered me was getting hit on by other guys. Even if I put male player in my comment when examining me, some were too stupid to read it.


Anyways, have fun what ever race and sex you choose to play. It's meant to be enjoyed how you want because it's your own game. Make the best of it to your liking. 8D

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It depends on the game and my own retarded view I have when it comes to "classes"




if I wanna play a 2H warrior, I play 9/10 as a male.

If I want to play as a thief/assassin, I go mostly for a female.


It's not like it could be vice versa, but I just think it fits better in a way.




Not much of a choice really. If you wanna play as a healer, you must go with Maya.

If you wanna be extremely good with snipers, you must go with Zero.

Thats just how the game is, and I have no issues with it.

Even thou, it would be nice to be able to choose the sex and still be able to play the class you want.


Saint Row 2 & 3 (never played the 1st and will not play the 4th either)

Always been playing as a female. It's just this voice that I can't get enough of.

When you pick the voice for your character, can't remember which one, but you can hear for yourself here:





I was just sold. Been sticking to it ever since. My god, my character is such a bad mother .....


Mass Effect:


Always been playing as a FemShep. Jennifer Hale and her voice is just much better than the male ones.


So, as I said, it depends on the game. and how powerful the voices are.

If there is a game with no voices for your PC, I go mostly as an Female.

Male animations often sees clumsy and they look in general really retarded.


When I used to play MMO's I played as a Female as well. Just because, you are prolly gonna spend a long time with this character, and it doesn't hurt if it's a female.

Something to look at and fap like a maniac between raids!

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Forgot what I said in this thread, actually. But as I said it started in Guild Wars as a joke (before then all my characters had been male) and now it's not so much "I don't want to stare at a guys ass" but more "I try to separate myself as much as possible from the game world". I don't want to be associated as someone who plays games as a form of escapism (I don't) but more as someone who plays them as something to do and to have fun (it's why I don't like playing games on the hardest difficulty and why I'm not that much f an achievement whore.)

Mass Effect:


Always been playing as a FemShep. Jennifer Hale and her voice is just much better than the male ones.


So, as I said, it depends on the game. and how powerful the voices are.

If there is a game with no voices for your PC, I go mostly as an Female.

Male animations often sees clumsy and they look in general really retarded.


When I used to play MMO's I played as a Female as well. Just because, you are prolly gonna spend a long time with this character, and it doesn't hurt if it's a female.

Something to look at and fap like a maniac between raids!

for Mass Effect, that's the same reason as me :P. as for MMOs I usually have at least one male character (in both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 I have two male characters and multiple female characters.)


Also if I'll be playing as a "beast race" (Argonians, orcs, kahjiit in Oblivion and the Charr in GW2) I will always pick male, I feel like picking a female character for that is just wrong.

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Mass Effect:


Always been playing as a FemShep. Jennifer Hale and her voice is just much better than the male ones.



Absolutely. I tried MaleShep once, and then I heard the voice... there was no emotion at all, it was completely artificial. It felt like being hit be a brick wall all the time, and the accent didn't help.


Hale's in comparison actually gave life to FemShep, it felt *real*, visceral.



When I heard MaleShep for the first time, something inside me just broke. I lost faith in life and just wanted to sit in my corner in the shower, eating cookies and cry.  Maybe cut myself a little as well. As last resort, I went back to create a lady. And wow, my faith was restored in a heartbeat.

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Forgot what I said in this thread, actually. But as I said it started in Guild Wars as a joke (before then all my characters had been male) and now it's not so much "I don't want to stare at a guys ass" but more "I try to separate myself as much as possible from the game world". I don't want to be associated as someone who plays games as a form of escapism (I don't) but more as someone who plays them as something to do and to have fun (it's why I don't like playing games on the hardest difficulty and why I'm not that much f an achievement whore.)

Mass Effect:


Always been playing as a FemShep. Jennifer Hale and her voice is just much better than the male ones.


So, as I said, it depends on the game. and how powerful the voices are.

If there is a game with no voices for your PC, I go mostly as an Female.

Male animations often sees clumsy and they look in general really retarded.


When I used to play MMO's I played as a Female as well. Just because, you are prolly gonna spend a long time with this character, and it doesn't hurt if it's a female.

Something to look at and fap like a maniac between raids!

for Mass Effect, that's the same reason as me :P. as for MMOs I usually have at least one male character (in both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 I have two male characters and multiple female characters.)


Also if I'll be playing as a "beast race" (Argonians, orcs, kahjiit in Oblivion and the Charr in GW2) I will always pick male, I feel like picking a female character for that is just wrong.


I haven't played a beast race yet :blush: Not really into that stuff. But I can however imagine it to be very strange. I mean, a kitten with boobs and slutty armor? No thank you. Doesn't seem like a good fap material :lol:


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  • 1 month later...

If given a choice I will play a Female in my games, I love to look, dress and feel sexy as I thrash the evil doers. I guess part of it is my feminine side wanting to come out and my male side wanting her to be sexy. Role playing lets you be someone else, so why be a man when I can now be woman and still kick some ass.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Before puperty I always played male characters in videogames... When I discovered Morrowind and it's nude mods, I started playing as a female and since that point I definately prefere playing as a female, cause I

1. see more due to her not being as bulky as a man

2. i can dress her sexy

3. if rape is possible in game it feels wrong to me being in the active role. (i only enjoy that though if it's not as horrible as in reality though.)

4. staring at a hot womans back is just nicer than staring at a man's back. it adds a sex factor to the game.

5. catfight (i love to see sexy women fight in video games, scripted videos or competetive wrestling)


I often asked myself the same question about it being "gay" to play as a woman. It's not, cause it's simply driven by hornyness to see a perfect woman. a gay person wouldn't do that and rather play a naked barbarian man with translucent latex pants and a cocksword. x-D

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  • 2 months later...

I'm male, but I've been playing female characters in games where I have the choice pretty consistently now for about 5 years.  Previous to that, there was a 6 year period where I would switch back and forth for various reasons but usually preferred female (I would play male if I played with friends and didn't want to have to explain it, but then I'd lose interest).  So I guess I know what it's like to be "in-the-closet" about this sort of thing.  Eventually I learned that people don't really care that much, as long as you're not leading them on and doing stupid things like propositioning them pretending to be female.  Just be honest, most people will be fine with it, and if they aren't, they're either just jerks or trolls.  My friends don't care, in fact my best friend also likes to play female characters.  


I'm extremely straight, and I generally do have quite a bit of sexual interest in my female characters, to the point I that I like to put them in "interesting" situations for fun.  I think it stems from a time when I was a kid and my mom casually mentioned that if I had been born a girl my name would have been April, and I became fascinated with the idea of a female version of myself.  It stuck with me and now April, my female alter-ego, has become almost a seperate identity that I like to assume in games.  Sometimes I create and play other female characters, but they all tend to represent different aspects of myself, or her.  As a result, I've also become rather autosexual, though I'm not actually sure if that term really applies since the sexual fascination is directed at my female alter-ego, not myself.  It's a bit strange, but it's fun, and I like to think the power of gaming allows me to experience some aspect of what it might have been like if I had been born a girl.  It gets even more interesting when other women (actual women) get involved.  One thing that did surprise me is when I realized that my female alter-ego is also straight.  At first, I expected her to be a lesbian, and so I would explore lesbian fantasies as if I was a girl, but realized I had more interest in seeing/experiencing her being fucked by a male (usually multiple).  It made me question my own sexuality, actually.  But I realized that even though I was fascinated by the idea of being fucked by a male, it was only interesting to me if I was experiencing it as a woman, although I also prefer to be watching from another point of view rather than from her point of view.  I think that's mainly just because I like to watch her boobs bounce around.


In any case, it's been an interesting exploration of my sexuality and through it I've learned to appreciate women in ways I never thought I would.  I've always been curious about what it would be like to be pregnant, have breasts (and have to deal with finding and wearing bras), and to be able to produce milk.  I know I'll never experience those things (and I do not want a sex change), but I have a great deal of respect for the challenges women deal with now.  I will admit, these explorations and interests remain powered by sexual interests, but I like to think it's also opened my eyes a bit.  I know this is at least partially responsible for my adoption of equal opportunity as part of my gaming clan's mission statement.  I like to think we can make a difference in gamer culture, a culture that has traditionally been male-dominated and usually quite anti-female.  I think female gamers are just as relevant and skilled as male gamers, and I know if I had been born a girl, I would be one.  Plus, one of my best friends is a female gamer and she is part of the clan's leadership as well.


Despite my fascination with this alternate life that I might have had, I am very comfortable with my sex and I do like being male.  Having a penis is nice.  I wouldn't want to lose it.  In fact, I think if I had been born female, I would be fascinated with what it would have been like if I had been born male.  So maybe in the end, it doesn't really matter.  It's only a physical difference.  There's no meaningful difference between me and April.  Granted, April's got the big boobs that all the women in my family seem to have and a much nicer body (from my point of view), but that's about it.


So, to any other men out there who may have these same curiosities or tendencies, I encourage you to explore them.  It would be wonderful if more men had a better perspective on how their lives would be different if they had been born with a different chromosome.  Also, sorry for necroing, but I just found this thread and had to post my 2 cents, since this is something that's a big part of who I am these days.

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