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[WIP] Relationships Of Skyrim Enhanced [Alive Relationships of Skyrim]


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Not sure if you'd want this to be a module or part of the API, but rather than have racial sensitivity, why not have kinks and turn offs that will affect the relationship? With this sort of system, NPCs would be predisposed to relationships but could be influenced to change them based on how your relationship goes. for example, lets use Ysolda in whiterun (because I feel its one of the easiest ones to persuade into marriage). By default she might have


Kinks: Khajiit, Wealthy, Home-owning, Nords, Travelled

Dislikes: Criminals, high-Elves, and Vampires


After a Khajiit player gets a tusk for her they easily get far enough to start dating. After building up some trust, the player goes vampire and breaks a couple laws, the initial dislikes kick in and it will depend if the player has built up enough RP to overcome the dislikes portion or if the relationship slides back. If it does, there can be certain events that either wipe out a dislike or adds a kink. Something like feeding off her every night for example might wipe off that hate for vampires.


The reason I would say this should be put into the main API are the base kinks/turn-offs and the hook in would be found there, but then other contributing modules like the dating and sexlab stuff, might add in their own kinks like big chests, slutty, pure, experienced daters, etc. If modders wished to expand on this as well, it would be easier to look for the kink/turn-off and add specific dialog for that as well, rather than having to add it to each character.


Hope this leads to inspire some new ideas, hope to see more on what you have in store!

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Not sure if you'd want this to be a module or part of the API, but rather than have racial sensitivity, why not have kinks and turn offs that will affect the relationship? With this sort of system, NPCs would be predisposed to relationships but could be influenced to change them based on how your relationship goes. for example, lets use Ysolda in whiterun (because I feel its one of the easiest ones to persuade into marriage). By default she might have


Kinks: Khajiit, Wealthy, Home-owning, Nords, Travelled

Dislikes: Criminals, high-Elves, and Vampires


After a Khajiit player gets a tusk for her they easily get far enough to start dating. After building up some trust, the player goes vampire and breaks a couple laws, the initial dislikes kick in and it will depend if the player has built up enough RP to overcome the dislikes portion or if the relationship slides back. If it does, there can be certain events that either wipe out a dislike or adds a kink. Something like feeding off her every night for example might wipe off that hate for vampires.


The reason I would say this should be put into the main API are the base kinks/turn-offs and the hook in would be found there, but then other contributing modules like the dating and sexlab stuff, might add in their own kinks like big chests, slutty, pure, experienced daters, etc. If modders wished to expand on this as well, it would be easier to look for the kink/turn-off and add specific dialog for that as well, rather than having to add it to each character.


Hope this leads to inspire some new ideas, hope to see more on what you have in store!


Physical attributes and kinks might be harder to define automatically unlike quest status and wearing particular sets of clothing. It might be beneficial to allow a list of traits for the player to select from that describe certain aspects of their character incase the system needs help making an objective assessment.


I think less tangible aspects like strength, intelligence, and resourcefulness could(And should) be directly attributable to health, magica, and agility respectively, although specific skill trees might allow a character to pass off as having a different stat. Speechcraft, for instance, can be used to convince someone the character is intelligent but would hardly make them come off as bookish and introverted. Smithing, on the other hand, is an art, and it takes quite a bit of patience, skill, and thought to craft just one beautifully forged piece of armor, enchanting falls into both categories as well. Conversely, prowess in restoration and destruction can be considered strength, and an agile martial artist can best a musclebound foe with relative ease. Finally, Illusion certainly falls into the resourceful wheelhouse, while an appreciation for light weapons or even defense could indicate sheer skill over brawn.

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Physical attributes and kinks might be harder to define automatically unlike quest status and wearing particular sets of clothing. It might be beneficial to allow a list of traits for the player to select from that describe certain aspects of their character incase the system needs help making an objective assessment.


I think less tangible aspects like strength, intelligence, and resourcefulness could(And should) be directly attributable to health, magica, and agility respectively, although specific skill trees might allow a character to pass off as having a different stat. Speechcraft, for instance, can be used to convince someone the character is intelligent but would hardly make them come off as bookish and introverted. Smithing, on the other hand, is an art, and it takes quite a bit of patience, skill, and thought to craft just one beautifully forged piece of armor, enchanting falls into both categories as well. Conversely, prowess in restoration and destruction can be considered strength, and an agile martial artist can best a musclebound foe with relative ease. Finally, Illusion certainly falls into the resourceful wheelhouse, while an appreciation for light weapons or even defense could indicate sheer skill over brawn.



There are a couple ways I could see it implemented. define the kinks and fist and flag a character to have them, or have the subprocesses that are called when talking to the person calculate them. The issue I have with doing flags is there needs to be checks to add or remove them. calculating them every time you talk to someone might be too much processing, rather than just looking for the flag. How you get there would be up to the designer though. if someone likes "strong" people might look at if they use 2 handed weapons, smithing, or other strength related skills. other flags like "tall" or  "big chested" would be defined at the start of the game, though could be modified with other add-ons that change the body shape through pregnancy.


bringing up illusion magic brings up an interesting idea of using specific spells to trigger different kinks or turn-offs, but need to get past the first hurdle of planning and implementation.

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Yup, I'm just a little busy since few days and simply didn't have time yet to properly reply to heroofnone's and herpman's posts.

I spend every non-occupied minute of my time to develop this mod, so don't worry, it's getting done.

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Yup, I'm just a little busy since few days and simply didn't have time yet to properly reply to heroofnone's and herpman's posts.

I spend every non-occupied minute of my time to develop this mod, so don't worry, it's getting done.

Thanks for the update! Really looking forward to a alpha release of sort! but please take all the time you need :)


Also out of curiousity, wouldn't it be good to post the mod on Nexus when it's ready? That way you would be able to reach to a much larger audience. I believe rose has a lot of potential if done right! Skyrim's relationship system is simply too lacking

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Yup, I'm just a little busy since few days and simply didn't have time yet to properly reply to heroofnone's and herpman's posts.

I spend every non-occupied minute of my time to develop this mod, so don't worry, it's getting done.

Thanks for the update! Really looking forward to a alpha release of sort! but please take all the time you need :)


Also out of curiousity, wouldn't it be good to post the mod on Nexus when it's ready? That way you would be able to reach to a much larger audience. I believe rose has a lot of potential if done right! Skyrim's relationship system is simply too lacking



^This guy.


That sounds like a good idea.  If the initial framework isn't going to rely on sexlab being present it could lighten the work load for plugins and add-ons to the framework since it could split up between the nexus for the more SFW parts and LoversLab for the Sexlab related parts.  Actually, that idea might mean you'd need to redo the framework and whatnot, since I can't imagine the nexus would appreciate certain parts, like rape, if they've already been factored in.  But if they haven't yet, then I'm just rambling and it could speed development along a bit.  Who knows?

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At this moment if talking about vanilla content I'm only considering linking the relationship events on side of ROSE to vanilla relationships between NPCs ( as mentioned before, a husband may not particularly enjoy you dating his wife ), faction conflicts/allies and some other simpler factors like your race, stats and perks ( though I'll need to deeply test it considering there are perk overhauls like SkyRe or Requiem ), maybe your level etc.


Now, tagging the NPCs with likes and dislikes would be actually quiet easy and it sounds like extremely cool idea that would add a lot to immersion and it would basically allow me and other modders to make truly unique characters in Skyrim, though on the other hand it's a lot of work to tag all of the NPCs properly, not to mention the need for compatibility patches for Interesting NPCs or Inconsequential NPCs. Defining flags such as Ysolda enjoying the company of Khajits on runtime would eat a lot of resources, especially if these would need to be determined every time there is an action linked to that NPC, so that's why I think it's better to pre-define some of the flags and some of them depending on stats for example could get computed on runtime. Basically I like the idea, but for now I'd like to get the strong, stable foundations to eventually implement heavy stuff.


About using vanilla quests to advance in relationships. I think that it could be possible to easily get it done with simply increasing some amount of RP and TP for the NPC that gave you the quest, though I'm not sure if it would work properly with them all. So it also may turn out that I'd have to handle all of the quests manually - that would be pain in ass. On the other hand there is an filter for quests called Favors, so I may eventually use that too.


As I mentioned I'm going to use the stats and perks. However I expect to encounter compatibility issues with the second one, because of Skyrim overhauls like the mentioned SkyRe and Requiem, which are actually quiet popular and it would be a shame to force users to use either my mod or the other mod or use different mod profiles. Actually I strive to avoid any incompatibilities at least with those popular mods.




As I stated before I'm not sure about releasing ROSE at Nexus. At least not until administration of theirs stands to accept the fact of existence of SexLab, because as a creator I think that if I'd decide to distribute ROSE without the SexLab for Nexus it would simply lose its flavour. On the other hand, besides of the few essential ones modules are independent from each other, so definitely we could all benefit from getting more people. At the moment I can't tell you what's my decision as there are both cons and pros.



Well, users will be able to customize many of the aspects through the MCM menu and modders are going to have absolute freedom with obvious exceptions like depending on existing architecture and API. I think I didn't exactly understand what you were asking about though, so if you could expand your question I'd be more then happy to answer it properly.



Oh yes, I found inspiration for few of the ideas in the Maids II - Deception mod. Actually the storyline the guys have developed there so far is simply amazing and so different then the vanilla experience.



Besides of that I sadly have to postpone the release of the first version until March 2014 at least. Explanation is very simple - time. Thing is I that at the moment I'm student of IT at the University + I'm working at my own game + I have a girlfriend with which I'd love to spend a little more time at last ( at least for the Christmas time ) and well, sometimes I also contribute my programming skills to Firefox. I thought I could find time for everything, but it turns out that I have less and less of time for the important things. Basically that's why I need a bit more of the time, but don't worry, I'm far from giving up when I have already spent hundreds of hours for the sake of modding.


Also I'd like to thank you all for so much attention I got so far. I never actually thought that I'd get so much views of this thread. Thank you all for all your ideas, for all your likes and for following this topic. You guys and gals are greatest motivation I ever had, so once again thank you very much.

I hope I'll never have to postpone the release date anymore and I'm sorry if that postpone disappointed you.

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I say release it on Nexus, you'll benefit from more people playing it and testing it. But you should also release it here, so if stuff goes downhill there, people will know where to find the mod.


And good luck finishing this!


And if it's a problem of the nexus just not wanting to acknowledge sexlab, maybe just...  Not mention its sexlab origins and keep it sort of covert.  After all, people who just want to play the mod will have access to it, and there'll probably be a natural progression from playing a simple relationship themed mod to looking for something that adds a bit more adult content to it.  People who want to find that stuff will find their way here one way or another (I vote working hidden codewords into the mod description or readme), and the rest can just get it all from the place they're familiar with.


Releasing on nexus definitely has its perks. You get to have a whole lot more of testers and bug reports. A larger source of modders to take up your framework etc. What i'm confused about is how would releasing on the nexus affect its compatibility with sexlab?


I'm not a modder myself, but if I had to guess at compatibility issues with nexus, it would be that their modders that want to add to the framework wouldn't be looking to make their parts sexlab friendly.  Maybe what a person wants to do with a nexus addon might accidentally conflict with or break a sexlab addon.  I went to look at scripting myself a little while ago, and while I learned a few things about it, the most important one was that scripts are tricky.  I can't imagine it would take much to cause a conflict.



If the framework goes to the nexus, those who get it and their addons from there will likely have no problems, but here, where there would be more addons that implement various more 18+ type effects (which I'm guessing would be more complicated scripts, and therefore greater area for something to conflict) in addition to whatever crops up on the nexus, there would need to be some compatibility tests.  Modders modding for the nexus community will likely not be looking to see if something in their mod will conflict with one designed for a site they may not approve of.  I still think getting the nexus in on this is a good way of speeding development along, but it might take a few compatibility patches before everything plays nice.  Of course, this thing's looking pretty serious.  If it makes as many waves as it looks like it will, patches are probably going to be a must.


Rainbowdash's decision, in the end, but my vote's on trying the nexus as well.  If it works, awesome.  If it doesn't take off there, it'll at least still get plenty of attention here.  Also, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I think it'd be pretty cool if a mod that started on sexlab of all places became big on the nexus.

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At this moment if talking about vanilla content I'm only considering linking the relationship events on side of ROSE to vanilla relationships between NPCs ( as mentioned before, a husband may not particularly enjoy you dating his wife ), faction conflicts/allies and some other simpler factors like your race, stats and perks ( though I'll need to deeply test it considering there are perk overhauls like SkyRe or Requiem ), maybe your level etc.


Now, tagging the NPCs with likes and dislikes would be actually quiet easy and it sounds like extremely cool idea that would add a lot to immersion and it would basically allow me and other modders to make truly unique characters in Skyrim, though on the other hand it's a lot of work to tag all of the NPCs properly, not to mention the need for compatibility patches for Interesting NPCs or Inconsequential NPCs. Defining flags such as Ysolda enjoying the company of Khajits on runtime would eat a lot of resources, especially if these would need to be determined every time there is an action linked to that NPC, so that's why I think it's better to pre-define some of the flags and some of them depending on stats for example could get computed on runtime. Basically I like the idea, but for now I'd like to get the strong, stable foundations to eventually implement heavy stuff.


About using vanilla quests to advance in relationships. I think that it could be possible to easily get it done with simply increasing some amount of RP and TP for the NPC that gave you the quest, though I'm not sure if it would work properly with them all. So it also may turn out that I'd have to handle all of the quests manually - that would be pain in ass. On the other hand there is an filter for quests called Favors, so I may eventually use that too.


As I mentioned I'm going to use the stats and perks. However I expect to encounter compatibility issues with the second one, because of Skyrim overhauls like the mentioned SkyRe and Requiem, which are actually quiet popular and it would be a shame to force users to use either my mod or the other mod or use different mod profiles. Actually I strive to avoid any incompatibilities at least with those popular mods.


I sort of envisioned there being random kinks given to NPCs that don't have them defined, either on the mod's load or through some NPC check command that would check for the NPCs that existed in the world and assigned them a variety of kinks for that run through. So NPCs that have their kinks defined are easy enough to guess what they like, while others might have a thing for orcs one game and then a thing for black smiths the next.


as for favors, would it hurt you as well if you failed it or let it sit too long? seems you don't have many ways to raise the relationship, but there should be ways to ruin it as well right?

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  • 1 month later...

hi mod is it interested me greatly add to the immersion of role play I see I last post 14 December mod is still under construction? if so why not add a symbol system of relationship with this child is to react differently depending on your presence your share (play, give them things .....) according to your way of scolding ..... Finally, it is an idea ^ ^ soon to see if mod out

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  • 3 weeks later...

In case, release date is set for next month, so before making universal statement, take care to at last see how thing are standing.

Might be of some use as to everyday.
(Other than that, as the discussion over the mod is not heavy, there is no reason for him to post news/make support (even if, progress report are always a good idea).

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I was planning to do something similar by myself, however i am getting bored too fast when messing with CK.


I have couple of questions:


How do you plan to determine if NPC finds you suitable for relations? What exactly you will check?


Do your TP/RP are used on attempt and they recover over time? Or they just measure availibility of choices?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's time to post little update for you that I don't really want to post.


It's been half of a year since I started ROSE development. I have certainly learned a lot through that time about CK, Papyrus, modding in general and Skyrim itself, but a problem is that 5 (sometimes less) hours of development per week is far too little for such complex thing. I didn't want to trim my vision down to something smaller, because that wouldn't be the same.


As I have mentioned in December the main problem is lack of time - I'm working as a programmer, I'm studying at a university, I'm contributing code to Firefox and besides I also have to sleep sometimes.


Is this mod abandoned? Certainly not, but if there is somebody that could devote more time to this project and would be able to deliver quality ( I care a lot about quality and proper performance ) content then I'd love to let that person take the ROSE over.

In meantime I'll continue to work on it in my free time, but I can't really say anything about release date right now.

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