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[WIP] Relationships Of Skyrim Enhanced [Alive Relationships of Skyrim]


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Hello LL.


After quite a bit of brainstorming in that thread I thoroughly analyzed the feedback I have received and made a few decisions.

( I know I said I'll wait until 1st September, but excitement took advantage of me and well it just happened :P )


Firstly, it's more then worthy investing time to try to bring immersive relationships into Skyrim. To be honest I didn't expect such newbie like me would get so much positive attention. I can't promise that I will release this framework, because there may be a lot of obstacles especially as I'm new to modding, but I can promise you that I will do my best to make it happen.


Now, what is the purpose of Relationships Of Skyrim Enhanced [ROSE]? Well, you all know that relationships in Skyrim just suck. You know it, I know it. While I'd love to just make a mod, which would completely overhaul the relationships just how I want, I decided to take an different approach and as Ms Leeches suggested I'm going to create a framework instead. There are few reasons behind this decision:

  1. There already are some mods about flirting, dating, friendship etc. not to mention that there are such mods in WIP state at the very moment. I believe that there are already hundreds if not thousands of hours of work invested into making them and if I'd do the same on my own it'd be just reinvent of wheel and waste of time.
  2. I may not have direct influence on what will mods based on ROSE look like and relationships in Skyrim may still not feel exactly as I want in the final outcome, but there for sure will be more content than I'd be able to make on my own and it may also fit more people.

So, ROSE is going to be a framework, that will let mods build on top of it, but what exactly is it going to do?

Firstly and what's most important it's going to unify all PC <----> NPCs relationship mods under one system, so as it was said we'd be able to avoid odd situations and reduce chances of conflicts between such mods. About the mentioned system, my dream is to release it as set of modules, where each module would basically be a single script. Those modules could be further expanded by sub-modules, which also could be expanded etc.  That idea could be represented by following diagram:




Obviously it doesn't exactly reflect the way in which system will be built, so I'd rather regard it as an visual draft of my conception.


I have thought a lot about where in forums would I put my WIP thread and finally decided to stay under SexLab category.

Why? Well, though it isn't dependent on SexLab framework and it will work without SexLab it's going to be limited without it. As I stated before I'll put a lot of effort into cooperating of my framework with Ashal's piece of art, which actually inspired me to create something on my own.


I hope that's enough to keep my WIP thread in here, but if it's not I'll obviously honor moderator's decision.


At the moment it looks like it's going to be Lovers Lab exclusive, but who knows, who knows.


This WIP thread is still WIP ( :P) and it may change a lot. Oh, and sorry for mistakes in English, it isn't my native language and I still make lots of mistakes.





Q:  What does RP stand for?

A:  RP means Relationship Points, which will indicate rank of relationship between PC and NPC. RP will not be visible for Player, but Player will be able to check what kind of relationship does he have with an NPC.


Q:  What does TP stand for?

A:  TP means Trust Points, which will indicate how much an NPC trust PC, which basically means that if PC keeps loosing TP because of wrong decisions an NPC will for example refuse to date you [ "Nah, I don't think so", lol ] even if you have unlocked dating possibility with enough RP. PC won't have knowledge about TP, so you'll have to guess how much an NPC does trust you.








       NEXT VERSION: 0.1



First release of ROSE will be something like very limited edition of what I aim to appear in final version. People will be able to make their own mods basing on my framework, though I can't guarantee that future versions will provide backward compatibility or that there won't happen any radical changes that will completely mess saves up. As in case of all complicated mods it's important to stay careful.


+ customization/debugging options provided with MCM menu [ though that's obvious in my opinion ]

+ relationships made possible by RP/TP factions that would get applied in case of starting relationship through proper dialogs [ dialogs must be provided by a mod based on ROSE ]

+ basic set of functions that will let mods basing on ROSE manage relationships [ like setting RP/TP of "selected" NPC, managing relationship quests etc. ]

+ basic gifting mechanism as a way to increase RP

+ integration with SexLab and selected SexLab based mods like Lover's Comfort provided by separate plugin file which will expand ROSE to sex [ ROSE won't bring into Skyrim any sexual content on its very own. ]






These are my future plans that I gathered from my brain and awesome LL community. Everything that's listed in here may get removed/modified, also new things may be added in most unexpected moment. If your idea from brainstorm thread isn't here and you are sure it's good idea then it may happen I accidentally missed it and I'd be honored if you'd post it again in this thread. Thanks a lot for all your support and trust, you guys are just awesome.


+ race sensitivity

+ advanced dating system

+ make ROSE work with ALL NPCs not just vanilla

+ buffs/debuffs due to relationship events

+ interests and likings of NPCs based on their stats and factions

+ SexLab Aroused and Lover's Comfort integration [?]

+ simple funeral system that could be extended by ROSE based mod [?]

+ marriage overhaul with proper marriage ceremony and multiple spouses support [?]

+ physical attractiveness of NPCs and PC [?]





I know it's quite early to look for conflicts, but I doubt this mod will conflict with anything itself in its early stages of life. Later when more elements will get implemented situation may change, but for now it should be fine.


In future, for example after first release to avoid conflicts with similar mods I'll hunt authors of these to discuss possibility of a patch, so our mods could co-exist together or maybe even taking their babies under wings of my framework if they would agree.


I'm also honored and most grateful to Mouse1 that he decided to be first modder that would cooperate with me.


Obviously I'll be most careful to limit unpleasant situations where one would have to choose between the mod he/she likes and my framework, but I can't promise that it won't happen.


As always I'm also open for community comments.





Would you like to help me developing this framework and you simply don't have time/abilities for it? No problem at all! Here I'll list the tasks that most of mod users should be able to help me with by spending few minutes maximally, though with each task I'll tell you which particular groups I'd like to hear feedback from. Of course I won't forbid anybody to speak his mind, so if it happens that you don't have knowledge about particular matter and still would like to say something about it then it's totally fine too.


+ Your expectations of ROSE API [ is there anything in particular that you'd like it to contain? ] ( Modders/Advanced Users )

+ Your ideas that you think would be useful and fun to get implemented into ROSE ( All Users )


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 relationships made possible by one huge quest that gets applied to each vanilla NPC with whom relationship starts or by chain of Radiant[?] quests [ still under research what is the best way ]


Mind you, I don't know a whole lot about skyrim modding, probably little more than the layman, but I think the best way to do this is to have a system set up to detect the faction affiliations to determine which NPCs are eligible, and have a quest script added that must first be initiated by the player before applying a new faction you've created that adds the quest scripts to any NPC that enters that faction.

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 relationships made possible by one huge quest that gets applied to each vanilla NPC with whom relationship starts or by chain of Radiant[?] quests [ still under research what is the best way ]


Mind you, I don't know a whole lot about skyrim modding, probably little more than the layman, but I think the best way to do this is to have a system set up to detect the faction affiliations to determine which NPCs are eligible, and have a quest script added that must first be initiated by the player before applying a new faction you've created that adds the quest scripts to any NPC that enters that faction.



Yeah, that's one good idea, though NPCs verification if they are allowed to join the relationships faction will be very simple on framework's side. I mean just the essential things like, if NPC isn't already in this faction if it isn't a child or a ghost or an animal etc. I'd rather let mods depending on this framework handle dialogs and more sophisticated conditions.


Maybe I'll write more functions verifying NPCs ability to join relationship faction in future if there will be demand for that, but now I'd rather keep things basic.


Well, in last few days I experimented a lot, studied CK and other mods a lot, and in consequence I learned a lot. I already have basic draft of MCM menu set up and some of the relationship system basics.


At the very moment I'm testing if it makes sense to include support for non-unique NPCs. I'm certainly a newbie when we are talking about Skyrim modding and learning CK is not easiest thing ever, but I'm not going to give up as it usually happens when newbies like me approach complex ideas like this.


Only thing I'd like from community is to keep feedback going, because I'm doing this rather for you guys then for me and I'd like to make something that will meet your expectations. Obviously I won't be able to achieve this with first versions, but when ROSE meets final version I want it to be useful for you.

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If possible, you should make it so that some races automatically have a lower or higher RP or TP on you depending on your race. For example, if you were a high elf, another high elf should automatically like you/trust you more than if you were a Nord.


It should be that some of the races are less racist then others, if you know what I mean. Meh, I don't know much about modding, I'm just a mod user. :/


Another idea is for character personalities.

So basically, when asking someone else on a date, depending on the actions you do during the date, your RP or TP would lower or increase. The amount which it would increase or decrease would depend on their personality.


For example, a romantic person would enjoy seeing you do certain actions such as taking a flower and giving it to them more than you killing a deer or rabbit whereas a more confident, adventurous person would enjoy seeing you hunt animals or showing off your skill in battle.

Another example is if the person you are dating is an archer, they would be impressed and like you more if you showed them how good you were at archery more than if you were to gift them gold or use magic, whereas it would be the exact opposite for a materialistic person or someone who liked magic.


Some races would naturally have certain personalities such as High Elves and Bretons enjoy seeing magic, Nords enjoy mead and fighting and Khajits like shiny things. :P

Most NPCs in Skyrim would have personalities matching their race with a select few being different. For example, Belethor from Whiterun would be greedy, even though he's a Breton.


Again, these are just ideas and are probably very hard to implement. :P

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Wow, that's a lot.


I think that you'd be able to date NPCs even if you didn't do any quests for them if you managed to get enough RP to achieve friendship/affection [ depending on actor properties like confidence/mood/aggression maybe ] with gifts, proper choices in dialogs, maybe some short Radiant quests. Problem with dialogs is that it's hard to achieve them interesting and immersive when you only have vanilla voices. It's good idea though that NPCs RP would increase if you'd do a quest for him. However I'm not sure how would I make it work properly. Imagine two different situations for example, where you delivered a sword from Adrianne and second situation where you have rescued Serana for first time [ no spoilers, lol ]. Also I don't think it makes sense that you'd reach love with quests/gifts. One of my ideas is that when NPC has enough RP and TP at random time he/she would talk to PC, but anyway, this is not the job of framework itself.


I agree on that relationships should be race-dependent. I think that it also could be amplified/decreased depending on NPCs particular factions. For example when an NPC would have ThalmorFaction assigned and if you'd be anything else then elf it'd be extremely hard for you to even befriend such NPC, but that's rather long-term plan.


Players actions, hmm, interesting, I haven't really thought out yet how dating would work, but this certainly is interesting idea. Unfortunately there isn't an attribute for how much romantic an NPC is [ I ain't surprised as there isn't any romance in vanilla Skyrim ], but I could for example use morality and aggression fields.


About that one NPC may like different things then the other NPC, I think I could just use stats and factions, though I think that such thing as particular race likings would have to be hard-coded.


About the sex thing, I think it would make things interesting if I'd be able to integrate my framework with SexLab Aroused and LC, so only if you managed to put your loved one into excitement [ Nord mead with viagra :D ] you'd get the cake. :lol:


Well, I agree with your ideas, they sound immersive and interesting, but I need to analyze them a bit more, before I'll add them to WIP post.


Thanks for much useful feedback, I appreciate it.


Oh, but next time, please edit your post instead of adding new ones or moderators will eat us alive :P

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Love the idea of relationship points and trust points  (Sexy Maids of Skyrim did something similar with the Kasia NPC and it worked well). Maybe you could add a third strand: infatuation points. These could be used to advance relationships with NPCs who are infatuated with player character against their better judgment (enemies, criminals captured for a bounty etc.). Such NPCs might not trust the player, nor be trusted by him or her, and might have hostile dialogue--but still consent to rough sex (not the same as rape). Rape mods have for too long had a monopoly over sexlab's aggressive animations. You could do something more imaginative and immersive. Good luck!

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Love the idea of relationship points and trust points  (Sexy Maids of Skyrim did something similar with the Kasia NPC and it worked well). Maybe you could add a third strand: infatuation points. These could be used to advance relationships with NPCs who are infatuated with player character against their better judgment (enemies, criminals captured for a bounty etc.). Such NPCs might not trust the player, nor be trusted by him or her, and might have hostile dialogue--but still consent to rough sex (not the same as rape). Rape mods have for too long had a monopoly over sexlab's aggressive animations. You could do something more imaginative and immersive. Good luck!


Interesting idea, but it's rather long-term goal after the stable release rolls out or it's also possible that I'd let other modder handle this thing in his mod depending on the framework. We'll see, but it's good idea.

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  • 1 month later...

I like this idea and look forward to the completed product.  I hope you have the energy for it! the prospect is exciting.  Dragon Age had some fairly good ideas for a relationship framework.  IE - Gifts and special gifts.   


Jealousy can play an important aspect giving both positive and negative characteristics.

Sexual Orientation should be a consideration.  Some people want some combinations while others do not even want to run into them at all.  I'd rather have the ability to flag certain dialogues off completely than to have them pop up and simply ignore them.


I am not sure if the framework would need to incorporate the model personalities for relationships or if they should be included into the mods themselves.

For example.. a Tsundere style personality would need the ability to be both negative and positive at the same time.  Not sure how that would work out. But it should be a consideration.  It's a very popular theme.


Anyway  great idea!


EDIT:  Also... to extend the idea.  You should consider unlocks.


Certain relationship levels could unlock buffs and skills as illustrated in dragon age.

Intimate positions should have to be unlocked progressively giving more depth to a relationship.  Just because you gain access to something does not always mean you have access to EVERYTHING!  ya know? hehe

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How are things with this Rainbow? This topic deserves more recognition especially if its still being worked on!


Few things like basic MCM menu, factions setup, plugin for connection between SexLab and ROSE and some basic code for scripts purpose that will still need to get expanded and refactored are done.


So far I couldn't spend a lot of time for modding as I had to study for RL exams [ last one is on October 27th ] and I also have RL job, so it was just like few hours per week so far and also I'm fairly new to modding thing, so basically that's why I decided to give myself time to the end of the year to release the first version.

After the exams I should have a whole lot more of time that will allow to do the modding properly at last.


Short answer is yes, I'm constantly working on it :P



I like this idea and look forward to the completed product.  I hope you have the energy for it! the prospect is exciting.  Dragon Age had some fairly good ideas for a relationship framework.  IE - Gifts and special gifts.   


Jealousy can play an important aspect giving both positive and negative characteristics.

Sexual Orientation should be a consideration.  Some people want some combinations while others do not even want to run into them at all.  I'd rather have the ability to flag certain dialogues off completely than to have them pop up and simply ignore them.


I am not sure if the framework would need to incorporate the model personalities for relationships or if they should be included into the mods themselves.

For example.. a Tsundere style personality would need the ability to be both negative and positive at the same time.  Not sure how that would work out. But it should be a consideration.  It's a very popular theme.


Anyway  great idea!


EDIT:  Also... to extend the idea.  You should consider unlocks.


Certain relationship levels could unlock buffs and skills as illustrated in dragon age.

Intimate positions should have to be unlocked progressively giving more depth to a relationship.  Just because you gain access to something does not always mean you have access to EVERYTHING!  ya know? hehe


I played first Dragon Age a lot and I certainly like the idea of unlocks ( there was a proposition similar to that in a previous thread ), though not sure about skills/buffs. I mean I don't want to make something game breaking for any kind of players. There are hardcore Requiem + SoT + DD + [ name your hardcore mod in here ] players and also there are less hardcore players, so these buffs shouldn't give much advantage to keep things balanced ( otherwise I or somebody would need to release balance patches ) and skills should focus only on relationship things.


I like the gifting idea ( I want to have it done in 0.1 ) and yeah, my concept is very similar to the one from DA.


Personalities would rather be computed basing on the vanilla actor's attributes like confidence/aggression/morality etc.


I still think that it's better idea to let other mods basing on this framework handle dialogs, so it'd rather be the task of modder, but maybe if it wouldn't take too much effort I could make a checkboxes like for example:

        - Disable homosexual relationships

        - Disable heterosexual relationships


which would in consequence disable relevant content.

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Hi rainbowdash, I wish to congratulate you on this fantastic idea and your ambition ! I hope more people will follow in your path and use your framework in the future. Taking up such a task while being new to modding is indeed praiseworthy. :)


Now, just an idea (which will probably never happen) but I thought it would be cool to actually add relationship with some of the animals. For example even just dogs, dogs are already available as followers so adding a more intimate relationship system to them should be somewhat easier, just adding interactions that increase loyalty and make the canine companion more powerful. 


I'm not saying or asking you to do this yourself if you are not interested in such things but simply adding the possibility for future mods to rely on this framework is more than enough. Who knows, I might even do that myself. Most animations are already there, even if some of them are slightly aggressive and not-so-romantic. ;)Yes, I'm talking about romantic bestiality/zoophilia.


Regardless, I will follow this thread and your progress with anticipation. Best of luck !!!

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Personalities would rather be computed basing on the vanilla actor's attributes like confidence/aggression/morality etc.


It's not possible to access these through papyrus script though...


I find it hard to believe you can't simply retrieve those statistics each time an act is performed and weigh it against those to determine whether that NPC should 'like' that act more or less.

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From now on as I'm finally done with my exams I'm able to spend more time for modding *yay*. Actually it feels like digging through thousands of resources over the internet, reading shitload of code written by other modders and analyzing data in CK over past few months ( even though I couldn't spend as much time as I'd like to ) brought some kind of enlightenment.


I'd like to again thank you for the ideas and attention. It's extremely helpful as it's fueling my motivation to keep working even when I'm getting tired or frustrated.



Not sure about non-unique actors, but I believe that would not be a problem for unique actors like Stump for example.

However just as you said I'd rather let other modder handle such kind of relationship, though there most probably will be some universal API functions that would work with animals too.

To be honest I didn't even think about relationships with animals before your post and it's certainly interesting idea, especially as FNIS now supports animations for animals and well, SexLab got some interesting resources already. So as you said it's already there, just plug and play :P



It's totally fine in my case:

; Examples


If I remember correctly each expression returns float value corresponding to attribute's value.

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The idea sounds great.




Players actions, hmm, interesting, I haven't really thought out yet how dating would work, but this certainly is interesting idea. Unfortunately there isn't an attribute for how much romantic an NPC is [ I ain't surprised as there isn't any romance in vanilla Skyrim ], but I could for example use morality and aggression fields.


I would not manipulate the builtin actor values. It could break the NPC's. What you can do to keep track of a "user definied" actor value: Set up a faction and put the NPC in it. Then you just set the rank from -127 to +127. That should give you enough room for measurement of a romance.

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I didn't mean that I'd edit vanilla records. To clarify, so far I haven't changed a single vanilla value, though most probably I won't be able to keep it that way. I meant that I'd use them just in terms of reading these in Papyrus scripts to calculate various things like personality for example. I agree that "use" is a bit generic word, so sorry for misunderstanding and yeah, I like factions so far, so it's working similarly to the way you described it.



I decided to change the name of this framework as acronym made of previous name was rather meaningless [ARoS] and so from now on it's called Relationships Of Skyrim Enhanced or just ROSE, which in my opinion actually expresses what this work is about.

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I like ROSE much better.  ARoS sounds like some kind of armor mod or gameplay overhaul for some reason. 


I see a lot of potential for this framework.  All of my thoughts are speculation at this point, depending on how you set up the structure.  But it might be possible to create a universally compatible plugin for custom followers by creating dialogue around the existence of an item.  Something like a friendship ring given to any npc could be checked for and given dialogue enablers.  


Although not ideal because it would not create personality variations.. you could potentially create rings of different personalities depending on how much time you have on your hands.

Custom voiced NPC's would provide a more difficult challenge, but given an authors consent could be worked into additional plugins using existing lines.


Another concept to consider (although it would probably be time consuming initially) would be to throw in random relationship factors that must be considered by the player.  For example.. moods.   Moods are a massive factor in every relationship and a person in a bad mood could still respond negatively in even a  perfect situation. Be careful with this concept though as it could put a significant delay in your production schedule. There are a lot of variables that this would effect.


It would be better to have some form of limiter as to how many relationship points you can receive in a day.  OR perhaps you can play around with another concept.  Short term relationship points and long term relationship points.   Short term points could be gained quickly but would also decay quickly as well... long term relationship points would be limited on a daily basis, but take far longer to decay over time.


Just some random thoughts to throw at the idea.  

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At the moment my dream would be to have a bunch of modules, where few of them like Prime Module, Config Module are essential and there are others like Testing Module, Gifting Module etc. which could be turned on and off from MCM menu. I'm still not sure if this can be done in the way I want to, but I think it's just the matter of stopping/starting the corresponding quests, because all scripts, dialogues and aliases are consequently connected to these.


To be honest, I'm not really worried about compatibility with custom NPCs ( I already did tests with Interesting NPCs and it works just fine ), but I'm rather worried about followers mods and NPCs with custom follower scripts. I didn't test them yet, but I have a feeling that there could be some incompatibilities with future Dating Module.


So far I think the best idea would be to store NPCs personalities in a faction as it gives me a lot of room for various personalities. Faction rank would be calculated with some formula ( I still haven't figured out a good one yet ) when you meet the NPC for the first time via some dialogue option or by scanning the cell when PC enters it. I think I'd rather like the first solution as it's lighter and would just cost less of performance. Also I think that for example a "Hi" dialogue isn't very immersive breaking ( or is it? :P ).


About custom voiced NPCs. As far as I know they also need to have these elementary responses recorded, though I may be wrong and in that case I'll have to figure out the compatibility for at least the most popular ones. In the end there always is Fuz Ro D-oh :D


I think that moods idea is just awesome. I think that I could just calculate it before the dialogues/events depending/working with mood and store it in the vanilla field, though that would bring some limitations as for example I couldn't know when was the last time the mood has changed, so it's definitely a great idea, but I'll need to spend some time on figuring out how it is exactly going to work.


Limit of RP/TP gain per day is something that I already wanted to get done with having a possibility to customize it in MCM menu, but I also like your idea of short term/long term points. I have a thought that I'd may connect these two ideas, so spending time with NPC would mean that increase rate of RP/TP would gradually descend and let's say that it would have a cooldown of 2 game hours ( again, customizable in MCM menu ). He/she has his/her life too, right? Obviously there will be other factors that will influence the increase rate like maybe fame of PC, skills of PC ( especially the speech skill ), faction connections ( for example if NPC is in faction that's enemy to PC's faction then the NPC may not like the PC just because of that ) etc.


I'm also trying to get the most of vanilla system. For example dating Sigrid would be extremely difficult as she's already married to Alvor. Even if you would succeed I believe poor Alvor wouldn't really like you screwing his wife, so chances are you would accidentally fall of the cliff :P but that's rather a long term goal. Right now I'm focusing on getting solid, stable and easily expendable fundamentals.

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At this point I'd like to share some information with you guys and gals.


In this post I'll describe the structure and some generic foundations of modding with ROSE.


Let's start with the structure. To describe it in few words, ROSE is built with modules ( which under the hood are just quests ), where each module is as independent as only possible from the others. However there is an API module, which contains all of the generic ROSE properties and functions and other modules call these functions as they need.

Now, there are essential modules and optional modules. Essential modules simply speaking are essential for the ROSE to work properly. So far there are three essential modules that is Config Module, ROSE API and Prime Module.


+ Config Module is responsible for MCM menu, which allows player to customize the gameplay as he likes, to turn particular modules on/off and also to debug the mod. In future it will also maintain all the updates and will strive for compatibility with similar mods if they are present.

+ ROSE API as I stated several lines up is basically set of generic functions and properties for sake of other ROSE modules. It doesn't do anything on its own.

Prime Module is providing the gameplay basics like elementary dialogs, basic calls to API etc. In future it will most probably override some parts of the vanilla system, but I'm not going to touch it yet, because I don't want to make any game-breaking changes.


Number of essential modules most probably won't increase as it is the required minimum for the framework to exist and work properly.


Optional modules as their name suggests are going to be optional and player will be able to turn off any of them at [almost] any point in game without breaking it. These modules will provide additional possibilities within the framework and I think that they may also serve as examples of using the framework for other modders.



Optional modules names are just examples and do not represent what will appear in the framework and yeah, I'm not sure if I want Config Module to depend on API, though I also don't want to repeat the same definition in two places.


Now, about the modding with ROSE, I'm planning to actually allow two different approaches that I called external and internal:


+ External is the one that people should be familiar with and it means that a modder would make his own mod that would depend on ROSE and its API.

+ Internal approach is an experiment and I'm not sure if it will work, but I'd like to try anyway. Basically I'd allow other modders to make modules that I'd incorporate into the ROSE.


Besides of that, recently I started to think about some kind of documentation of API, but I'm quite far from developing it at the moment.


Well, that's about it of what I had in mind. If you guys and gals have any questions you'd like to ask then I'll be more then happy to answer them here or in new post.


[sorry for double posting]

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  • 2 weeks later...


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