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On 12/7/2023 at 7:29 AM, Dorian Bates said:

but seriously if anybody has some kinks they want represented feel free to mention, a lot of these characters are super basic and don't have any obvious direction to take them in


bear in mind it has to be something that can be represented visually somehow


potential options off the top for my own future reference:

body paint, body suits, latex, bondage gear, bunny girl, petplay, brat, maid, tentacle parasite, curse marks

furry opens a lot of doors but getting the 3d models to reflect it feels like a highly unlikely prospect


Hi. Really cool work.


I'm planning to do a similar mod to Xtardew Valley for Coral Island once the modding tools are released (If those allow to do custom events). It would be cool if you can do standard nude images for all the bachelorettes to use those for the adult events.

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9 hours ago, Pseudodiegoh said:


Hi. Really cool work.


I'm planning to do a similar mod to Xtardew Valley for Coral Island once the modding tools are released (If those allow to do custom events). It would be cool if you can do standard nude images for all the bachelorettes to use those for the adult events.


I mean I'm going into this with the full intent to make them all kinky one way or another, something something oil spill magic loosening their inhibitions something, cuz I'm a ninth tier degen and unseasoned nudes just don't do much for me without at least a conceptual kicker. However I also want to make the sprites modular for more dynamic pose options, so we'll see what options I end up with once I get to that point

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3 hours ago, Dorian Bates said:


I mean I'm going into this with the full intent to make them all kinky one way or another, something something oil spill magic loosening their inhibitions something, cuz I'm a ninth tier degen and unseasoned nudes just don't do much for me without at least a conceptual kicker. However I also want to make the sprites modular for more dynamic pose options, so we'll see what options I end up with once I get to that point

Given the rather 'progressive' nature of the game, you could start with something simple like a nudist island and make the naga topless. The art would be in creating something for autumn and winter that is showy but with enough clothing to keep you from being cold on their behalf (e.g. scarf, just a sweater).


Also, this would create a need for new 3D models which, if I look on the nexus, are already being done. I'm sure when the modding tools arrive our options might get larger but for now that seems like a project.


Edited by Smollett13
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I suppose the most sensible stop gap measure would just be an overall sluttification of their current outfits, you could probably get away with not worrying too much about the 3d models in that case. That's fun enough in its own way for me to consider.


though I'd probably still be making the nude bases for that too, so, eh. Modding tools are probably at least a few months out anyway, so it's not like there isn't time to figure stuff out

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4 hours ago, blondell said:

Your comment is extremely rude. Don't be rude to others


aight look brother, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume there's a language barrier here or something, but you gotta realize I'm doing this for fun, for free, in my spare time. If you wanna make a request or a suggestion, I'm all for it. I reserve the right to ignore it, but I'll at least hear it out. But when you come in here and tell me to do something, that's what we call rude in this business. So relax, dude, we're all out here just trying to get our rocks off.

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ehhhh the more I think about it, I might as well do the plain nudes. Someone's gonna do it at some point, might as well have it measure to my standards. I can still use them as a base for the better stuff later. 


Nina, totally unadorned and undecorated. Also, her sluttified bathing suit



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I was looking at the PC character and noted that underneath is what appears to be just textures of underwear. That maybe easier to work with than modeling and rigging clothes but I'm not familiar with how easy it is to just swap textures. Skyrim modding is a distant memory for me and I imagine it's not the same process.


I think the nudes are a good idea. They give you a base as you noted and they go well with the general aesthetic of the game.


I have to ask, are these hand drawn or are you using some form of AI to help change the outfits?

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It wasn't meant as an accusation =).

I have been working with AI for a bit (prompting and post-processing) and it struck me that my weakness in modding was always the texture and drawing bits so I wondered how hard it would be to use it to create various portraits quickly and easily. Particularly for those without skill (like me).


I've been working on some Bob Ross a-like drawings using the AI to fill in details while I handle the some of the other drawing.



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