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SexLabFramework.v115 animation problem

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till version v114 all good for me , but the v115 just put my char at oblivion for death (for example im at citie, comes a screen like loading one, that throw me and my partner of sex in middle air and we die because of height when hit floor), look at pic to get a sample/idea what im talking about.


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ok fixed the throw to oblivion/empy space, but now when i choose a place to start the act, soon chars goes nude, that goes far away from original place and my sex partner just turn invisible.

Obs: already made reinstall with 115b version, used fnis, made a clean save without sexlab, reactived sexlab at modmanager, fnis, same error, so tried : reload old save, made a rebuild with sexlab option, saved, quit game, fnis again , tried and go same weird far away/invisible partner animation

Obs2: at attach where i tried start the sex act (pic1), where the act got done with invisible partner(pic2)

*the sex partner turn visible again after the sex act done.

*Edited* Retested again outside builds and that still doing a think like "loading screen" and after that send char and sex partner to oblivion/high skies and death.

Sorry asking that, did you still have the 114 version to me test? that goes all good for me, just to get idea if its a mod or its new version im getting that bug.



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make sure you've done a proper clean save. And post a debug log from a time where you started sex and the partner disappeared or you teleported to the air.

k, ill send in a few time

works now , what  i made:

1- deactivated sexlab and working girl from mod manager, load a vanilla save (i alwalys keep 1 or 2 just for safe)

2- entered game saved in a new slot and quit

3- reload sexlab + working girl at modmanager

4- w8 till skyui said sexlab got at menu, saved, quit

5- entered game again loaded saved (the one vanilla like), tested all good

7- tried with a previous save, same errors from before, so i quit, deactived sexlab+working girl, enter game loaded a previous save (same ones with old scripts i guess) saved without sexlab+working girl

8- enter modmanager reloaded sexlab + working girl, enter game reload one save with the problem , tested all good, just lost all my saved progress from working girl, and i need do that with ea saved game.

so im doing that right now: deactived sexlab+working girl, enter game save all previous save without sexlab+working girl, quit, reactived sexlab+working girl, fnis, loaded a save, w8 till skyui said sexlab got at menu, save, load same save, test, if all good just save, and go to next save doing all again, i guess its bit problematic that way, because lost all working girl history, but can do again np at all, at least now its working.


*Obs: in ea step used fnis, i just dnt posted a debug log because i dnt know how do that.


My Problem got Solved, just dnt mark because ppl still getting problems and im letting that topic opened because that so ppl can post, better of opening alot new ones. Thanks again Ashal


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im having animation issues a now some animations have my charecter turning the complete oposite way  during the animations away from  the npc example is the standing bj animation instead of  giving a bj she is blowing my charecters ass and its happening with most of the animations now and using controls or hitting the animation reset key  arent fixing it started  after i installed  new fnis 4.0 for creatures i have since disabled   creatures mod  did a clean save and still having the problem now i have tried disabling more n more mods trying to track the issue down so far no luck .


update hopfully found problem. according to fnis  since im running dragonborn dlc and have the male /female dragon mods  one or other installed it causes  animation problems . have since  removed the dragon mods. will see if it works after  i get home from work. i think it might have something to do with his  gender specific animation portion.


update  didnt fix it still having same issue

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im having animation issues a now some animations have my charecter turning the complete oposite way  during the animations away from  the npc example is the standing bj animation instead of  giving a bj she is blowing my charecters ass and its happening with most of the animations now and using controls or hitting the animation reset key  arent fixing it started  after i installed  new fnis 4.0 for creatures i have since disabled   creatures mod  did a clean save and still having the problem now i have tried disabling more n more mods trying to track the issue down so far no luck .


update hopfully found problem. according to fnis  since im running dragonborn dlc and have the male /female dragon mods  one or other installed it causes  animation problems . have since  removed the dragon mods. will see if it works after  i get home from work. i think it might have something to do with his  gender specific animation portion

I'm having the exact same problem and I too installed the new FNIS beta. I've since reverted back to the FNIS 3.5 but am still having the same problem. Just before the animation is due to start my (male) PC does a 180 degree turn and most of the animations are screwed up because of it. Maybe when I uninstalled the new FNIS beta it left something behind or maybe it was saved in my save game ?

    Does anyone else have this problem or an idea on how we can fix it ? Any help is appreciated !

   Oh - I'd better mention too that I'm still using the 1.14 version of sexlab - not the newest version

Edit : I just tried an old save game and everything works perfectly again !! That save is weeks old though so hopefully there is some other way of fixing this ?

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im having animation issues a now some animations have my charecter turning the complete oposite way  during the animations away from  the npc example is the standing bj animation instead of  giving a bj she is blowing my charecters ass and its happening with most of the animations now and using controls or hitting the animation reset key  arent fixing it started  after i installed  new fnis 4.0 for creatures i have since disabled   creatures mod  did a clean save and still having the problem now i have tried disabling more n more mods trying to track the issue down so far no luck .


update hopfully found problem. according to fnis  since im running dragonborn dlc and have the male /female dragon mods  one or other installed it causes  animation problems . have since  removed the dragon mods. will see if it works after  i get home from work. i think it might have something to do with his  gender specific animation portion

I'm having the exact same problem and I too installed the new FNIS beta. I've since reverted back to the FNIS 3.5 but am still having the same problem. Just before the animation is due to start my (male) PC does a 180 degree turn and most of the animations are screwed up because of it. Maybe when I uninstalled the new FNIS beta it left something behind or maybe it was saved in my save game ?

    Does anyone else have this problem or an idea on how we can fix it ? Any help is appreciated !

   Oh - I'd better mention too that I'm still using the 1.14 version of sexlab - not the newest version

Edit : I just tried an old save game and everything works perfectly again !! That save is weeks old though so hopefully there is some other way of fixing this ?


guess i have to start over   then  and hope its fixed been playing and not using sexlabs for a while and didnt notice bug till after  i finished both dlc's and half of main skyrim missions

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@deltadeath93 , w8, do a backup of you save first and try that:

1- open mod manager and remove sexlab and any other sex animation mod

2- run fnis

3- open the problematic save, save at a new slot (dnt save over same old file) and quit game after

4- open mod manager and reactive the sexlab and others sex animations, fnis after

5- try opening a vanilla save and test, if all good with sex with the vanilla save dnt close game, open you saved file (the one from step 3 if forgot that) and test, if all good its done, you just will lost the sex history so do sex like  maniac again.

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