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I have run into an error where as weather sneaking or During combat I do not get an "Activation Bar"  I would also like to inform you that my load order is correct and I am not sure my problem.  I have also already used BOSS and GenerateFNIS.


Here is a spoiler to prove my load orders are correct.



Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
unofficial hearthfire patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
alternate start - live another life.esp



Here is Plugin load order.



Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
unofficial hearthfire patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp



Here is also a list of mods I am using that MAY NOT be listed above.



CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly Mod - CHSBHC-Body-Physics-ModV2-4-1
SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim - SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim Models and textures
Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS Animation
Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS - FNIS Idle Spells V3_5 -- ADD-ON for the spells Models and textures
Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE- Models and textures
Better Females by Bella - Better Females by Bella Version 3 Races, classes and birthsigns
RaceMenu - RaceMenu v2-0-4
D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly - D13 Faster Get up Stand up animation front and back fixed
Realistic Needs and Diseases Miscellaneous
ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_5_Full Hair and face models
Realistic Female Face Clean UNP CBBE Models and textures
Victorias High Heel walk Animation plus BBP - VHH walk v1-3b LX - NMM installer Animation
Unofficial Skyrim Patch - Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch - Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Unofficial High Resolution Patch - Unofficial High Resolution Patch
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch - Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch - Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
Skyrim NPC Editor 0_75_1
Procreation v1.1a



If by any chance someone would not mind helping me I would very much appreciate this.  :(

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You'll need to explain where you "read" that from and what the options are that you were supposed to get.

Here is the link...



And allow me to quote...


"It treat the rape of the player and his followers during combat as well as the ability for the player and his followers to rape npcs during combat and, for the player, when sneaking."



  • Sneak assault:

The player is able to assault any NPC under some conditions:


You need to be in sneak position, have a dagger, a sword or your fists to be able to "Activate" your target.

When you "Activate" an npc, a message box will appear with the option "Assault"


If you click on it, you will have these options:


Rape, you will knock down your victim then rape her, you can rape NPCs during their sleep with this too.

Knock down, the target will be stuned for a configurable amount of time, from there you can rape or kill your victim.

Kill(Fists only), You will instant kill the target, you can also kill essential npcs, so be carefull.

The only limitation is the target lvl, if the target is too strong for you she will resist, however, if the target is in bleedout state there will be no resist at all. (Knock out is not a bleedout state and the target will still be able to resist when stuned)


Do nothing.


Note: You can assault your target only by surprise, the target will resist and send the assault alarm if she sees you when you attempt an assault

  • Combat assault:

In combat, the player is able to assault his target under some conditions:


You need to be standing and have any weapons types but ranged and magic to be able to "Activate" your target.


When you activate your target in combat, a message box will appear with these options:


- Attempt Rape, If successful (MCM settings) you will knock down your victim then rape her, else the target will resist.

Attempt knock down, If successful (MCM settings) the target will be stuned for a configurable amount of time, from there you can rape or kill your victim, else the target will resist.


Do nothing.

  • Misc:

- Victims of rape will have a debuff and will flee for a configurable time. (Can be desactivated.) 

- Victims will hate you after rape. (Can be desactivated)


I have a feeling somethings was not installed right.

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I am sorry if I am not clear enough, I have actually and literally spent the last 3 days trying to get this work and just this FINALLY got my game not CTD before even seeing the load screen and now this happens...  Again, I am sorry hopefully this will be fixed soon and I can mark this as solved so I am not a nuisance anymore.

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There is no activation bar. What the SexLab Defeat text means is that you need to use the 'activate' hotkey to trigger those actions, meaning the same hotkey you use for opening doors and chests. 'E' is the default, I think.

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There is no activation bar. What the SexLab Defeat text means is that you need to use the 'activate' hotkey to trigger those actions, meaning the same hotkey you use for opening doors and chests. 'E' is the default, I think.

ohhh. alright. Well, I will try that.  Needed to reinstall the game anyway.

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There is no activation bar. What the SexLab Defeat text means is that you need to use the 'activate' hotkey to trigger those actions, meaning the same hotkey you use for opening doors and chests. 'E' is the default, I think.

Ok well, I got the game running finally. I had mods not working properly.  Also, it is still working the sex even though THEY ARE in bleed out. Idk what is going on. I am beginning to think Male players cant have sex and the females are ONLY to be raped :/

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Who is bleeding out? And what were you doing? As (I think) no-one here is watching your screen over your shoulder when you're playing, could you please give a wee bit more detailed account? I for one don't know what is going on at all. Are you saying that Defeat fails to trigger sex animations and characters stay in the bleedout animation, or that Defeat successfully triggers sex animations when characters are bleeding out, which it shouldn't do? Next, do you mean that in your game a male PC can't rape or be raped, whereas a female PC can be raped but can't rape?

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Who is bleeding out? And what were you doing? As (I think) no-one here is watching your screen over your shoulder when you're playing, could you please give a wee bit more detailed account? I for one don't know what is going on at all. Are you saying that Defeat fails to trigger sex animations and characters stay in the bleedout animation, or that Defeat successfully triggers sex animations when characters are bleeding out, which it shouldn't do? Next, do you mean that in your game a male PC can't rape or be raped, whereas a female PC can be raped but can't rape?

A female NPC?  Standing in front of her? Yea pal nobody is over my shoulder, and I am doing my best to give information? Yes, fully aware you don't know what is going on.  And yea, defeat is triggering shit, is it suppose to activate when an NPC goes into bleedout animation, or not? An yes my Male cant do anything and I have not played a female yet...

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Defeat does allow for the PC (and their companions)  to be automatically raped when their health is below a certain percentage that you can configure, but it does not allow for the PC to rape NPCs automatically, even when they play the bleedout animation.


To be able to rape NPCs with Defeat 3.0 and 3.1,, you have to enable the "player as aggressor" option in the mod's configuration menu. Then, when you press the "Action Key" in combat (G is the default, you can change that in MCM too) while having an NPC under your crosshair in melee range, you can try and knock them down. If you succeed, you have to activate them again just like earlier. Only then will a menu pop up asking what you want to do. Depending on whether or not your weapon is out and on the kind of weapon that you have out, you will have different choices, rape being one of them.


To sum things up:

  • make sure that the options in MCM allow your PC to rape NPCs
  • "activate" an NPC using the "action key" when you're in melee range
  • if you succeed, activate them again
  • choose what you want to do in the menu that appears
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Defeat does allow for the PC (and their companions)  to be automatically raped when their health is below a certain percentage that you can configure, but it does not allow for the PC to rape NPCs automatically, even when they play the bleedout animation.


To be able to rape NPCs with Defeat 3.0 and 3.1,, you have to enable the "player as aggressor" option in the mod's configuration menu. Then, when you press the "Action Key" in combat (G is the default, you can change that in MCM too) while having an NPC under your crosshair in melee range, you can try and knock them down. If you succeed, you have to activate them again just like earlier. Only then will a menu pop up asking what you want to do. Depending on whether or not your weapon is out and on the kind of weapon that you have out, you will have different choices, rape being one of them.


To sum things up:

  • make sure that the options in MCM allow your PC to rape NPCs
  • "activate" an NPC using the "action key" when you're in melee range
  • if you succeed, activate them again
  • choose what you want to do in the menu that appears


Ahhhhh shit...  Ok, I will try that. Forgive me for I am new and my ignorance is high when it comes to this...

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I finally got the game to ACTUALLY work... But... My problem still remains... When I talk to females nothing says "Hey Beautiful" but when I approach a male I see "Hey Stud".... Lol?! wtf?

However, so far. I cannot rape or be raped...  I am 100% its installed right or I would see MCM...

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